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Nedan finns en lista över samtliga samverkande forskningsprojekt sedan 2015. Skicka gärna ett mail till info@medborgarpanelen.gu.se om du har frågor om våra samverkansprojekt.
Activation and articulation of authoritarian attitudes – The role of the media
Mats Ekström, University of Gothenburg
Aftonbladet EU Election Compass 2024
Anchoring vignettes as a method to identify group differences in older individuals' self-rated health
Hanna Falk Erhag, University of Gothenburg
Awareness and trust in the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care
The Swedish National Board of Institutional Care
Climate policy as a welfare issue: Can social policy dampen opposition to carbon taxes?
Joakim Palme, Uppsala University
Constitutional monarchy and democracy
Andrej Kokkonen, University of Gothenburg
Co-production to reduce involuntary loneliness among elderly people
Axel Wolf, University of Gothenburg
Enhanced visibility and transparency in the financing of political parties
Government Offices of Sweden
Executives that act – mental health in the workplace
Monica Bertilsson, University of Gothenburg
Factual belief polarization
Josefine Magnusson, University of Gothenburg
Life events and energy efficient travel across generations
Lars E Olsson, Karlstad University
Meet well
Christoph Haug, University of Gothenburg
Regulating the 'polluter elite': Exploring policy measures to limit the climate footprint of the wealthy
Jayeon Lee, University of Gothenburg
The future of diverse and disadvantaged neighborhoods in the Nordic welfare states - the voices of residents
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The political rewards of dogwhistling communication
Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Varieties of Media Effects (VARME)
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
Trust in Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Understanding muslims’ participation in online environments
Göran Larsson, University of Gothenburg
Acceptance of meat tax
Emma Ejelöv, University of Gothenburg
Activation and articulation of authoritarian attitudes – The role of the media
Mats Ekström, University of Gothenburg
Anchoring vignettes as a method to identify group differences in older individuals' self-rated health
Hanna Falk Erhag, University of Gothenburg
Climate policy as a welfare issue: Can social policy dampen opposition to carbon taxes?
Joakim Palme, Uppsala University
Constructive journalism
Monica Djerf-Pierre, University of Gothenburg
Life events and energy efficient travel across generations
Lars E Olsson, Karlstad University
Managers' individual and organizational prerequisites for alcohol prevention in the workplace
Gunnel Hensing, University of Gothenburg
Measuring ocean awareness in Sweden
Kajsa Tönnesson, University of Gothenburg
Meet well
Christoph Haug, University of Gothenburg
News trust across generations: the role of news brands and journalistic values
Alyt Damstra, University of Gothenburg
Nordic perspectives on deepened international cooperation in the field of civil defence
Rikard Bengtsson, Lund University
(Mis)perceptions about immigration and crime: The role of framing and corrective information
Elina Lindgren, University of Gothenburg
Phubbing in the workplace
Sara Thomée, University of Gothenburg
Researching precariousness across the paid/unpaid work continuum
Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven
Student abilities, thinking, attitudes, and democratic Ideals in a world of fake news
Thomas Nygren, Uppsala university
The future of diverse and disadvantaged neighborhoods in the Nordic welfare states - the voices of residents
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The knowledge resistance project
Jesper Strömbäck, University of Gothenburg
The liberalizing effect of higher education
Mikael Hjerm, Umeå University
The political rewards of dogwhistling communication
Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Varieties of Media Effects (VARME)
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
Trust in Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Activation and articulation of authoritarian attitudes – The role of the media
Mats Ekström, University of Gothenburg
Aftonbladet General Election Compass 2022
Crisis Communication and Social Trust in a Multi-Public Society (KRISAMS)
Bengt Johansson and Marina Ghersetti, University of Gothenburg
How should the Police prioritize?
Caroline Mellgren, Malmö University
Improving evaluations of argument quality in an era of polarization
Henrik Friberg-Fernros, University of Gothenburg
Insurance voting in the centre: An experimental approach
Annika Fredén, Lund University
Life events and energy efficient travel across generations
Lars E Olsson, Karlstad University
Linguistic explorations of societies (LES)
Stefan Dahlberg, Mid Sweden University
(Mis)perceptions about immigration and crime: The role of framing and corrective information
Elina Lindgren, University of Gothenburg
Phubbing in the workplace
Sara Thomée, University of Gothenburg
Political messages and affective polarization
Emma Renström, Kristianstad University
Recruitment, assessment and collaboration within family home care
Judith Lind, Linköping University
Risk perception paradox in a state-oriented risk culture
Gabriella Sandstig, University of Gothenburg
Societal readiness index for shared autonomy
Sigma Dolins, Chalmers University of Technology
The Comparative Candidate Survey 2022
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Election Campaign Panel 2022
Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
The knowledge resistance project
Jesper Strömbäck, University of Gothenburg
The liberalizing effect of higher education
Mikael Hjerm, Umeå University
The political rewards of dogwhistling communication
Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Varieties of Media Effects (VARME)
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
To overcome problems with collective action in water systems
Anna Bendz, University of Gothenburg
Trust in Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Activation and articulation of authoritarian attitudes – The role of the media
Mats Ekström, University of Gothenburg
Crisis Communication and Social Trust in a Multi-Public Society (KRISAMS)
Bengt Johansson and Marina Ghersetti, University of Gothenburg
CSES pilot study of CSES VI (2021-2025)
Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
Digital urban risk communication (DURCOM)
Yulia Lakew, Jönköping University
Executives that act – Mental health in the workplace
Monica Bertilsson, University of Gothenburg
Governance of collective action: The case of antibiotic policy in Europe
Jon Pierre, University of Gothenburg
Job choice and occupational attributes
Johanna Rickne and Olle Folke, Stockholm University and Uppsala University
Minority and female politicians as role models
Kåre Vernby, Stockholm University
Polarizing party politics – The secret behind niche parties’ electoral success?
Sverker Jagers, University of Gothenburg
Pregnancy and politics - Inward and outward
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg and Dietlind Stolle, McGill University
Quality of life in the adult Swedish population and covid-19
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist-Bagge, University of Gothenburg
Self-efficacy in filling out questionnaires
Sebastian Lundmark, University of Gothenburg
Sustainable plastics and transition pathways (STEPS)
Karl Holmberg and Johannes Stripple, Lund University
Sveriges Television Election Compass 2022
Per Oleskog Tryggvason, University of Gothenburg
The care for peers project
Axel Wolf, University of Gothenburg
The effects of extreme weather on public support for climate instruments
Stefan Linde, Mid Sweden University
The Hjällbo/Bergsjön Citizen Panel
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The knowledge resistance project
Jesper Strömbäck, University of Gothenburg
The legitimacy of the Swedish welfare state
Anders Lindbom, Uppsala University
The liberalizing effect of higher education
Mikael Hjerm, Umeå University
The majority's desire to include the minority - Conditions and boundaries
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The political reward of dog whistling in policy messages
Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The sustainability of communication: Emotional and cognitive frames in aquaculture information and its link to persistence in attitude change
Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
The Varieties of Media Effects (VARME)
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
Transportation and clothing returns
Sharon Cullinane, University of Gothenburg
Travel patterns and clothing returns
Sharon Cullinane, University of Gothenburg
Trust as feedback – How policy changes and knowledge affect trust in the social insurance system
Maria Oskarson, University of Gothenburg
Trust in Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Unexpected negative effects of digital health data
Erik Wästlund, Karlstad University
Antibiotics without prescription
Christian Munthe and Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
Attitudes to leguminous plant consumption
Elin Röös and Annica de Groote, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Behavioural science initiatives to reduce the climate impact of individuals
Jakob Enlund, University of Gothenburg
Crisis Communication and Social Trust in a Multi-Public Society (KRISAMS)
Bengt Johansson and Marina Ghersetti, University of Gothenburg
Do you want to see something funny? Testing the use of satirical cartoons in science communication
Laurisa Dohm and Sverker Jagers, University of Gothenburg
Educational level and choice of education
Anders Carlander, University of Gothenburg
Efficiency of transport when returning clothes bought online
Sharon Cullinane, University of Gothenburg
Expectations and evaluations of party behaviour
Ann-Kristin Kölln, Aarhus University
Governance of collective action: The case of antibiotic policy in Europe
Jon Pierre, University of Gothenburg
Minority and female politicians as role models
Kåre Vernby, Stockholm University
Opinions on energy and climate issues
Cecilia Bergstad, University of Gothenburg
Polarizing party politics – The secret behind niche parties’ electoral success?
Sverker Jagers and Johan Martinsson, University of Gothenburg
Pregnancy and politics - Inward and outward
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg and Dietlind Stolle, McGill University
Quality of arguments and motivated reasoning
Henrik Friberg-Fernros, University of Gothenburg
Quality of life in the adult Swedish population and covid-19
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, University of Gothenburg
Paranormal Sweden
Cristoffer Tidelius, University of Gothenburg
The care for peers project
Axel Wolf, University of Gothenburg
The Cultivation Panel
Adam Shehata and Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
The dimensionality of trust in authorities: Competence, motivation and opportunity
Sverker Jagers and Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
The dog in society
Anna Bendz and Maria Oskarson, University of Gothenburg
The Hjällbo/Bergsjön Citizen Panel
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The knowledge resistance project
Jesper Strömbäck, University of Gothenburg
The liberalizing effect of higher education
Mikael Hjerm, Umeå University
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Varieties of Media Effects (VARME)
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
The workplace survey (APU-undersökningen)
University Administration, University of Gothenburg
Tolerance of hostility towards female politicians
Sandra Håkansson, Uppsala University
Trust in Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Voting for and against: Voters’ own descriptions of parties they vote and don’t vote for
Annika Freden and Sverker Sikström, Karlstad University and Lund University
What does moderate marketing for gambling mean?
Åsa Kroon, Örebro University
When does the “responsibility to protect” norm break down?
Lisa Hultman and Sophia Hatz, Uppsala University
Alcohol in working life: Experience of how alcohol and ill health are handled in workplaces
Claudia Fahlke, University of Gothenburg
Aftonbladet European Parliament Election Compass 2019
André Krouwel, Kieskompas, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Attitudes toward global and local climate action – a conjoint experiment
Sverker Jagers, University of Gothenburg
Being a parent in 2019: perceived challenges in parenting and strategies for strengthening parenting skills
Family Law and Parental Support Authority (MFoF)
Consumer attitudes and consumer decision making styles for cultured fish
John Armbrecht, University of Gothenburg
Credible crisis news? An experiment on SVT's new policy for crisis reporting
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Educational level and choice of education
Anders Carlander, University of Gothenburg
Explaining decisions on school closure
Jenny de Fine Licht, University of Gothenburg
How important is election pledge fulfilment for voters’ evaluations of government performance?
Niels Markwat, University of Gothenburg
How stereotypes of elderly as particularly exposed and vulnerable affect their notions and abilities to handle crises
Gabriella Sandstig, University of Gothenburg
Job choice and occupational attributes
Johanna Rickne, Stockholm University and Olle Folke, Uppsala University
Measuring saliency of local issues
Johan Martinsson, University of Gothenburg
Medicines in the environment
Helle Håkonsen, University of Gothenburg
Pregnancy and politics - Inward and outward
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg and Dietlind Stolle, McGill University
Quality of life in the adult Swedish population
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist-Bagge, University of Gothenburg
Private and professional norms towards antibiotics among health care professionals
Björn Rönnerstrand, University of Gothenburg
Quality of arguments and motivated reasoning
Henrik Friberg-Fernros, University of Gothenburg
Restoration of contaminated sites following nuclear accidents
Joel Rasmussen, Örebro University
Social media and political polarization
Peter Dahlgren, University of Gothenburg
Terrorism and support for counterterrorist policies
Jacob Sohlberg, University of Gothenburg
Test of media issues/media concepts in the Citizen Panel
Ulrika Andersson, University of Gothenburg
The 2019 party membership survey
Jonathan Polk, University of Gothenburg and Ann-Kristin Kölln, Aarhus University
The Ambassador Panel
Ann Towns, University of Gothenburg
The Cultivation Panel
Adam Shehata and Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
The Hjällbo/Bergsjön Citizen Panel
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The knowledge resistance project
Jesper Strömbäck, University of Gothenburg
The legitimacy of the Swedish welfare state
Anders Lindbom, Uppsala University
The Migration Panel
Anders Westholm, Uppsala University
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Swedish National Election Studies’ Methodological Panel
Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, Stefan Dahlberg and Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Varieties of Media Effects (VARME)
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
The workplace survey (APU-undersökningen)
University Administration, University of Gothenburg
Threats and hate against journalists 2019
Monica Löfgren-Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Typology of policy instruments
Andreas Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Aftonbladet General Election Compass 2018
André Krouwel, Kieskompas, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Alarming news
Marina Ghersetti, University of Gothenburg
Attitudes and use of antibiotics: differences between different socio-economic groups?
Fredrik Carlsson, CARe, University of Gothenburg
Capacity 2 Work
Gunnel Hensing, University of Gothenburg
Crisis Communication and Social Trust in a Multi-Public Society
Bengt Johansson and Marina Ghersetti, University of Gothenburg
Defining ‘Integration’: A Study of Public and Elite Sentiments about (the Failure) of Integration of Immigrants in Sweden
Elina Lindgren, University of Gothenburg
Democratic preconditions for a civil defence
Douglas Brommesson, Lund University
Determinants of the behavioural change towards sharing mobility
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, University of Gothenburg
Difference as a Resource? An Experimental Study on the Effect of Social Group Salience on Expectations of Citizen Deliberation
Zohreh Khoban, Uppsala University
Digitization of consumption culture and medialized shopping
Ulrika Holmberg, University of Gothenburg
Fires and community confidence
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
How does the sender affect the support for political proposals? The Sweden Democrats and reputational shields
Niklas Bolin and Sofie Blombäck, Mid Sweden University
Innovations for sustainable long-distance travel - instruments, business models and technological potential
Simon Matti, Luleå University of Technology
Mobility patterns of citizens
Ulrika Holmberg, University of Gothenburg
Muslim mainstream: co-producing secularity in Sweden
David Thurfjell, Södertörn University and Erika Willander, Uppsala University
Negativity Biases in News Selection
Stuart Soroka, University of Michigan and Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg
New Ways
Monica Bertilsson and Gunnel Hensing, University of Gothenburg
Pre-electoral Coalition Strategies
Thomas Gschwend, University of Mannheim and Lukas Stoetzer, University of Zurich
Pregnancy and politics - Inward and outward
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg and Dietlind Stolle, McGill University
Pro-self and pro-social motivation strategies to reduce antibiotics use
Sverker Jagers, CeCar, University of Gothenburg
Refraining from risk or actively protecting the commons? Mechanisms linking gender and corruption
Helena Stensöta and Niklas Harring, University of Gothenburg
Reaching those who benefit the most – How do people think of cancer risk communication to those with increased inherited risk?
Anna Rosén, Umeå University
Social impact when voting for the Sweden Democrats
Hanna Bäck, Lund University and Emma Bäck, University of Gothenburg
The congestion tax in Gothenburg
Johan Martinsson, University of Gothenburg
The Cultivation Panel
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
The Election Campaign Panel
Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
The Feminist initiative - make or break?
Sofie Blombäck, Mid Sweden University and Jenny de Fine Licht, University of Gothenburg
The Hjällbo/Bergsjön Citizen Panel
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The Input and Output of Electoral Systems and Democratic Satisfaction: An Experimental Study
John Högström, Mid Sweden University
The Journalist Panel
Ulrika Andersson, University of Gothenburg
The Migration Panel
Anders Westholm, Uppsala University
The Politician Panel
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The refugee crisis and the spiral of silence
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
The Swedish National Election Studies’ Methodological Panel
Stefan Dahlberg, Patrik Öhberg and Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
‘The Ties that Bind’ and the Progressive’s Dilemma
Clara Sandelind, University of Sheffield and Mikael Hjerm, University of Umeå
Vote recall
Per Oleskog Tryggvasson and Elias Markstedt, University of Gothenburg
Cannabis and attitudes towards political parties
Annika Fredén, University of Gothenburg
Citizens’ support for drinking water risk management. Exploring up-stream and down-stream collective action
Anna Bendz, University of Gothenburg and Simon Matti, Luleå University of Technology
Citizens turned customers
Johan Wejryd, University of Uppsala
Economic policy messages and attitudes towards the Sweden Democrats
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg
Effects of different fire safety information fliers
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency/Bengt Johansson and Gabriella Sandstig, University of Gothenburg
European Internet Panel Study’s joint questionnaire 2017
Sveinung Arnesen, University of Bergen
Interpretations of the concept of democracy
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg
Journalistic markers of the uncertainty
Bengt Johansson and Jacob Sohlberg, University of Gothenburg
New Ways
Monica Bertilsson and Gunnel Hensing, University of Gothenburg
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg
Pregnancy and politics - Inward and outward
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg and Dietlind Stolle, McGill University
Pretest - Item reduction and dimensionality in the Cultivation Panel
Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg
Pretest - Swedish Public Television voting advice application
Per Oleskog Tryggvasson, University of Gothenburg
Remember, remember the 14th of September – Accuracy of vote recall in the Swedish General Election and its effects on the quality of opinion polls
Per Oleskog Tryggvasson, University of Gothenburg
Scale test – Election promises
Henrik Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
Scale test – Green ideology dimension
Johan Martinsson, University of Gothenburg
Scale test – Issue ownership
Johan Martinsson, University of Gothenburg
Screening of executives and supervisors in the Citizen Panel
Monica Bertilsson, University of Gothenburg
Self-driving cars
Mitesh Kataria and Wolfgang Habla, University of Gothenburg
SOM Study 2017: Pre Tests
Henrik Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
Stockholm terror panel study
Johan Martinsson, Peter Esaiasson and Jacob Sohlberg, University of Gothenburg
Swedish journalists survey 2017
Monica Löfgren-Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Swedish politicians survey 2017
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The Media Barometer
Henrik Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
The Hjällbo/Bergsjön Citizen Panel
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
The value of money: On how childhood economic resources influences value assessments later in life
Gro Einarsdottir, University of Gothenburg
Trust in Swedish health care and causes of distrust
Isabelle Carnlöf, The Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis
Use of antibiotics and trust in health services
Björn Rönnerstrand and Felicia Robertson, CeCar, University of Gothenburg
Voter expectations on fulfillment of parties' election pledges
Niels Markwat, University of Gothenburg
Welfare support and public opinion
Anna Bendz, University of Gothenburg and Anders Lindbom, University of Uppsala
Assessing instructional risk and crisis message effectiveness in Sweden
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Asylum seekers in Sweden. What happens during the process?
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
Attitudes to antibiotics usage. An experimental study
Niklas Harring, CeCAR, University of Gothenburg
Attitudes towars beggars and begging
Karin Zelano, University of Gothenburg
Branded content
Lars Truedsson, Institute for media studies, Stockholm
Can you make it on you own? 72 hours information campaign
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Carbon dioxide tax and fairness perceptions
Sverker Jagers, Luleå university
Congestion charges acceptance and perceived consequences. A long run panel study
Andreas Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Designing information campaings for the public. The case of the 72 hours crisis
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Election pledges and accountability processes
Niels Markwat, University of Gothenburg
Equality statistics and ethnicity
Karim Jebari, Institute for future studies, Stockholm
Ethics of self-driving cars - a pretest
Wolfgang Habla, University of Augsburg
European Internet Panel Survey Reform Monitor
Annelis Blom, University of Mannheim
Exploring the mechanisms behind the association between gender and corruption
Mattias Agerberg, University of Gothenburg
Guilt and responsibility in sexual abuse scenarios
Kerstin Adolfsson, University of Gothenburg
How feelings of disgust influence policy attitudes and party support
Richard E. Matland, University of Chicago
In groups and out groups
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
Language Effects in Surveys
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg
Migration attitudes
Anders Westholm, Uppsala university
Ocean acidification and public knowledge
Simon Matti, CeCAR, University of Gothenburg
Policy acceptance and policy packages. A pilot study
Johan Martinsson, CeCAR, University of Gothenburg
Politicians and personality
Aina Gallego, Pompeu Fabra university, Barcelona
Pregnancy and politics - Inward and outward
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg
Refugee attitudes and media consumption
Tomas Odén, University of Gothenburg
Remember, remember the 14th of September – Accuracy of vote recall in the Swedish General Election and its effects on the quality of opinion polls
Per Oleskog Tryggvasson, University of Gothenburg
Response options for survey questions on respondent gender
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
Self-licensing and political behaviour
Seth Werfel, Stanford university
SFI student survey 2016
Fredrik Lundvall, Immigrant index, Härnösand
Social sciences student survey 2016
Mats Rythla, Faculty of social sciences
Swedish journalists survey 2016
Monica Löfgren-Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Swedish politicians survey 2016
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The effects of majority opinion
Henrik Friberg-Fernros, University of Gothenburg
Threats to public security and opinions regarding methods of government surveillance
Clara Segerstedt, University of Gothenburg
Trust, bureaucratic discretion and regulation of aquaculture
Janne Listhaug, University of Gothenburg
Value framing and election pledges
Christoffer Hildingsson, University of Gothenburg
Welfare state support and knowledge
Anders Lindbom, Uppsala university
Welfare under pressure
Staffan Kumlin, University of Oslo
Who gets what? Political support for governmental spending profiles
Ann-Kristin Kölln, University of Gothenburg
Wild or farmed fish? Attitudes and knowledge among the Swedish public
Niklas Harring, Swemarc, University of Gothenburg
Visuals and opinions about refugees
Delia Dumitrescu, University of East Anglia
Abortion attitudes - for what reasons? A questions wording experiment
Henrik Friberg-Fernros, University of Gothenburg
Attitudes towards asylum seekers - the Alan Kurdi effect
Jacob Sohlberg, University of Gothenburg
Autonomy-Solidarity-Competence: An improved measure of life satisfaction
Petter Gustavsson, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Battery recycling. Behavior and attitudes
Ulrika Holmberg, University of Gothenburg
Burden sharing and motivation crowding in environmental politics
Endre Tvinnereim, University of Bergen
Comparative environmental attitudes
Sverker Jagers, Luleå university
Consideration set models of party choice in Swedish elections
Henrik Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
Corruption in municipal executive boards
Monica Bauhr, University of Gothenburg
Crisis communication - the case of the forest fire in Västmanland Tomas Odén, University of Gothenburg
Do they move together? Comparing Citizen, Politician, Journalist
Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Effects of educational program on pro-environmental attitudes
Cecilia Lundholm, Stockholm university
Election promises regarding labor migration and school policies
Elina Lindgren, University of Gothenburg
Endorsement of pro-environmental proposals by different political parties
Josefin Andersson, University of Gothenburg
Environmentally hazardous substances and clothing consumption
Gregory Peters, Chalmers university, Gothenburg
Ethnicity and survey evaluations
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
Evaluation of media use questions
Jonas Ohlsson, The SOM Institute, Gothenburg
Guilt and responsibility in sexual abuse scenarios
Kerstin Adolfsson, University of Gothenburg
How does immigration influence support for redistribution?
Elias Naumann, University of Mannheim
How images affect perceived competence of political candidates
Fanny Värnbrink, University of Gothenburg
In groups and out groups
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
Increasing CO2-taxes
Sverker Jagers, Luleå University
Interest group survey
Daniel Naurin, University of Gothenburg
Language Effects in Surveys
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg
Negativity bias
Stuart Soroka, McGill University, Montreal
Negotiations and the European council of ministers
Daniel Naurin, University of Gothenburg
Party member survey 2015
Ann-Kristin Kölln, University of Gothenburg
Planning for parental leave: do popular narratives affect men's and women's expectations?
Johanna Rickne, Research institute of industrial economics, Stockholm
Political branding of xenophobic parties
Elsa Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Pregnancy and politics
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg
Pretesting new measurement instrument in the SOM surveys 2015
Henrik Oscarsson, The SOM Institute, Gothenburg
Pretesting the new CSES module on democracy and national identity
Henrik Oscarsson, University of Gothenburg
Public (mis)understanding of news about behavioral genetics: Testing multiple exposure and effect duration
Alexandre Morin-Chassé, University of Montreal
Public attitudes towards over-the-counter sales of paracetamol
Tove Hedenrud, University of Gothenburg
Refugee attitudes and media consumption
Tomas Odén, University of Gothenburg
Remember, remember the 14th of September – Accuracy of vote recall in the Swedish General Election and its effects on the quality of opinion polls
Per Oleskog Tryggvasson, University of Gothenburg
Responses to news and left-right ideology
Stuart Soroka, McGill University, Montreal
Richard Floridas grid questions about cities in a Swedish context
Henrik Oscarsson, The SOM Institute, Gothenburg
Support for foreign aid policy
Seth Werfel, Stanford university
Swedish journalists survey 2015
Monica Löfgren-Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Swedish politicians survey 2015
Patrik Öhberg, University of Gothenburg
The ethics of social science experiments
Elin Naurin, University of Gothenburg
The terror attack in Paris 2015
Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg
Topic interest and survey response
Delia Dumitrescu, University of Gothenburg
Understanding the causes and consequences of political trust: an experimental test
Aaron Martin, The university of Melbourne
Welfare under pressure
Staffan Kumlin, University of Oslo
What long run factors shape vote choice? Election panel 2012-2014
Johan Martinsson, University of Gothenburg
Willingness to change meat consumption behavior
Sara Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg