Degree Project Catalogue
Degree Project Catalogue är en katalog med förslag på examensarbeten för kandidat- eller masternivå på Institutionen för marina vetenskaper. Här finns examensprojekt inom marin biologi, marin kemi, marin geologi, oceanografi, samt tvärvetenskapliga marina projekt.
Om Degree Project Catalogue
- Projekten presenteras enligt ämne.
- Varje projekt presenteras på en webbsida.
- Varje projekt har en kontaktperson som du kan kontakta för mer information om projektet.
- Examensarbeten vid Institutionen för marina vetenskaper görs självständigt och ska skrivas och bedömas individuellt.
Kontaktperson för Degree Project Catalogue är Bastien Queste, biträdande universitetslektor i oceanografi. E-post:
Kontaktperson för annonsering och uppdatering av projekt är Annika Wall, kommunikationssamordnare. E-post:
Marin biologi
Changes in genomic signatures of anthropogenic stress on revived diatoms from natural archives
Characterization of a Swedish new green algal species - Ulva, Chlorophyta
Characterization of the varying morphologies of the Swedish Sea Lettuces
Coastal bivalves - Conservation status and Pacific oyster invasion
Describing the diversity of cirratulid polychaetes from the Gulf of Oman
Diversity of West African cirratulid polychaetes
Do male reproductive characteristics change seasonally in Littorina saxatilis?
Evolution and adaptation of sperm in marine organisms
Explore trends in biodiversity with Citizen Science and artificial intelligence
Feeding effects on reproductive output in the ögonkorall Lophelia pertusa
Genetic assessments of biodiversity in the Koster National Park
Greenhouse gas emissions from coastal marine sinks
Human impacts on sperm in the sea
Interactions between non-native and native shore crabs on the Swedish west coast
Plant response to organic nitrogen uptake in Zostera marina
Reef effects on marine biodiversity in offshore wind parks
Regulation of reproduction in the sea lettuce Ulva fenestrata
Replanting cold water corals from bycatch in the Mediterranean, effects on reproductive output
Reproduction in deep sea and cold water corals using histological analysis
Sustainability in marine ecology labs – is bioplastic an alternative?
Towards a greener future: sustainable off-shore aquaculture of Swedish Sea Lettuce
Toxicity assessment of plastic materials
Using next-generation sequencing for conservation of eelgrass
Who is taking over coral reefs?
Marin kemi
Blue Carbon sequestration in the coastal ocean
Characterization of contaminants of emerging concern in coastal waters
Development of Raman sensors for the determination of trace amounts in the ocean
Greenhouse gas emissions from aquatic environments – Let’s take a closer look
Sensor development for determination of organic compounds at concentrationlevels below µM
Can we monitor the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation using the sea surface height?
Glider projects in the FLOW Lab
Investigating the anomalously warm North Atlantic Ocean in summer 2024
Near inertial oscillations in Lake Vänern
Ocean circulation and its variability in the Southern Indian Ocean from instrumented seal
The width and thickness of the Norwegian Coastal Current
Using a rotating table to reproduce a deep western boundary current