Tracing alien foraminiferal species Nonionella sp. T1 across the Skagerrak
Detta är ett förslag på examensarbete för kandidat- eller masternivå vid Institutionen för marina vetenskaper. Examensarbeten vid Institutionen för marina vetenskaper görs självständigt och bedöms individuellt.
Main topic: Marine biology and marine geology
Level: MSc, 30 or 45 hp
Supervisors: Irina P. Asteman, Marina Panova, Per Sundberg
Project background
Foraminifer (Rhizaria) Nonionella sp. T1 was reported for the first time in the Skagerrak-Kattegat region in 2013. Since then, species spread to other locations in the area and now is documented in a number of fjords across the Swedish West coast.
Very little is known about the ecology of this newcomer and about consequences its introduction poses to the ecosystem.

Project description
In order to assess the potential of Nonionella sp T1 to become invasive one need to understand its spreading dynamics and identify its location of origin.
In this project a set of samples taken across the Skagerrak from Hirtshals in Denmark to Torungen in Norway will be analyzed for eDNA to look for Nonionella sp. T1. Selected stations are located under influence of inflowing (Jutland Current, Atlantic water) and outflowing currents (Norwegian Coastal Current) in the Skagerrak, which will provide an indication for species transport pathways.
Irina P. Asteman
Marina Panova
Per Sundberg