Submarine groundwater discharge - a source of carbon, nutrients, pharmaceuticals and heavy metals to the ocean?
Detta är ett förslag på examensarbete för kandidat- eller masternivå vid Institutionen för marina vetenskaper. Examensarbeten vid Institutionen för marina vetenskaper görs självständigt och bedöms individuellt.
Subject: Marine Chemistry
Level: BSc and MSc
Contact: Prof. Isaac Santos
Project background
Groundwater flows to the ocean occur on time scales of decades, are essentially invisible, and difficult to quantify. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is the least understood water pathway, but can play a major role driving water quality in the coastal ocean.
Most European countries have many sites with long-term groundwater pollution and experience recurrent coastal water quality issues that may be a result of SGD..

Project description
In this project, the student will join Prof. Isaac Santos’s research group to address research questions related to submarine groundwater discharge. The student will quantify pollutant transport via SGD into coastal waters in Western Sweden or elsewhere using a combination of geochemical tracer approaches.
The specific location and pollutant of interest will be discussed, so that the supervisor and student interests converge.
Projects may involve collaboration with different colleagues in the department and PhD students in Prof. Isaac Santos’s group
Project outcomes
The outcomes of this project will support the creation of effective water quality management solutions in waterways experiencing persistent, unresolved water quality issues.
Prof. Isaac Santos