Göteborgs universitet

Faktablad om Sveriges EU-ordförandeskap 2023

Det svenska ordförandeskapet i Europeiska unionens råd under perioden 1 januari till 30 juni 2023.

Faktablad 1: Honest Brokers?

Fact Sheet 1 (PDF)

Faktablad 2: Sverige tar över ordförandeskapet i EU:s råd

Fact Sheet 2 (PDF)

Faktablad 3: The Swedish Presidency -- Security

Fact Sheet 3 (PDF)

Faktablad 4: The Swedish Presidency -- Competitiveness

Fact Sheet 4 (PDF)

Faktablad 5: The Swedish Presidency -- Green and Energy Transitions

Faktablad 5: The Swedish Presidency -- Green and Energy Transitions (PDF)

Faktablad 6: The Swedish Presidency -- Democratic Values and Rule of Law

Fact Sheet 6 (PDF)

Om författarna

Emma Heck was born and raised in Belgium. Before moving to Sweden she did her bachelor’s in International Marketing and Management. Currently she is studying a master’s in European Studies on the humanities track. Aside from that she works as an editor and graphic designer for the student magazine Utblick. Emma is a CERGU intern during the spring term.

Albin Sundberg is originally from Sweden and is currently studying towards his master’s degree in European Studies at the University of Gothenburg. He previously studied Global Studies, and received his bachelor’s degree in 2022. Albin is a CERGU intern during the spring term.

Emma och Albin