Göteborgs universitet
Illustration of Time Geography
The principle of the prism. Upper part left: the movement possibilities for an individual with no restrictions regarding future location; right shows a prism, the future space of opportunities for a person being at home and who has to be back home at a given point in time in the future. Lower part left: the prism shrinks as the now transforms future into past (from Now 1 to Now 2). Right: the shape of the prism changes if the person starts moving from home at Now 1. Source: Thinking Time Geography. Concepts, Methods and Applications, by Kajsa Ellegård.

Examples of time-geography publications by research fields

On this page you find examples of time-geography publications by research fields.

Time-Geographic concepts and methods

Hägerstrand, T. 1970. What About People In Regional Science?. Regional Science Association Papers24, 7-24.

Hägerstrand, T. 1982. Diorama, path and project. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie73(6), 323-339.

Ellegård, K. 2019. Thinking time geography: Concepts, methods and applications. Routledge.

Ellegård, K, https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780199874002/obo-9780199874002-0161.xml In: Oxford Bibliographies in Geography Ed Warf, B: www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/geography.

Kwan, M-P, GIS methods in time-geographic research: geocomputation and geovisualization of human activity patterns, Geografiska Annaler · 86 B (2004)

Lenntorp, B. 1976. Paths in Space-Time Environments. A Time-Geographic Study of Movement Possibilities of Individuals. Meddelanden från Lunds universitets Geografiska institutioner. Diss. LXXVII.

Urban and Regional Planning

Okamoto, K., & Arai, Y. 2019. Time-geography in Japan – its application to urban life. In Time-Geography in the Global Context. K. Ellegård (ed.). Abingdon and New York, NY: Routledge.


Ellegård, K., & Svedin, U. (2012). Torsten Hägerstrand’s time-geography as the cradle of the activity approach in transport geography. Journal of Transport Geography23, 17-25.

Farber, S., Neutens, T., Miller, H. J., & Li, X. (2013). The social interaction potential of metropolitan regions: A time-geographic measurement approach using joint accessibility. Annals of the Association of American Geographers103(3), 483-504.

Miller, H. J. (1991). Modelling accessibility using space-time prism concepts within geographical information systems. International Journal of Geographical Information System5(3), 287-301.

Miller, H. J. (2005). A measurement theory for time geography. Geographical analysis37(1), 17-45.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs), digital technologies

Schwanen, T., & Kwan, M. P. (2008). The Internet, mobile phone and space-time constraints. Geoforum39(3), 1362-1377.

Schwanen, T. I. M., Dijst, M., & Kwan, M. P. (2008). ICTs and the decoupling of everyday activities, space and time: Introduction. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie99(5), 519-527.

Thulin, E., Vilhelmson, B., & Schwanen, T. (2020). Absent friends? Smartphones, mediated presence, and the recoupling of online social contact in everyday life. Annals of the American Association of Geographers110(1), 166-183.

Tourism (also related to transportation and ICTs)

Grinberger, A. Y., Shoval, N., & McKercher, B. (2014). Typologies of tourists’ time–space consumption: a new approach using GPS data and GIS tools. Tourism Geographies16(1), 105-123.

Resource use, environmental problems, ecological concerns

Ellegård, K., & Palm, J. (2011). Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for making everyday life more sustainable. Applied Energy88(5), 1920-1926.

Rehabilitation and health care

Andersson, G., Ellegård, K., Bülow, P., Denhov, A., Vrotsou, K., Stefansson, C. G., & Topor, A. (2019). A longitudinal study of men and women diagnosed with psychosis: trajectories revealing interventions in a time-geographic framework. GeoJournal, 1-18.

Orban, K. 2013. The Process of Change in Patterns of Daily Occupations among Parents of Children with Obesity - Time use, family characteristics and factors related to change

Sunnqvist, C., Rämgård, M., & Örmon, K. (2020). Time geography, a method in psychiatric nursing care. Issues in Mental Health Nursing41(11), 1004-1010.

Production and logistics

Ellegård, K. (1997). The Development of a Reflective Production System Layout at Volvo’s Uddevalla Car Assembly Plant. In: Shimokawa, K., Jürgens, U., Fujimoto, T. (eds) Transforming Automobile Assembly. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-60374-7_15

Ellegård, K. (1984) Strengthening ties in production systems. Two approaches exemplified by the Volvo case. GeoJournal, vol 9, no 2

Ellegård, Kajsa & Bo Lenntorp (1980) Teknisk förändring och produktionsstruktur. Svensk Geografisk årsbok 1980. Sydsvenska Geografiska Sällskapet. Lund.


(This page is edited by Chunjiang Li and Kajsa Ellegård)