Göteborgs universitet

Keynote Panel 4 October, 15.30-17.00

Location: Auditorium, University Main Building (Universitetsplatsen 1).

What should Political Science focus on? Overlooked Research Areas and High Quality Research

It is crucial that Political Science research is relevant and in line with societal developments. Therefore, we are proud to present this keynote seminar where we will highlight and explore two central themes: overlooked research areas and high quality research.

During this session, the panelists will reflect on societal issues that Political Science research may have overlooked. We will discuss how to identify and fill these knowledge gaps, as well as how to continuously adapt our research to the current needs of society. We will also discuss what characterizes high quality research that is not only scientifically robust, but also innovative and socially relevant. In the keynote panel, we will dive deep into the discussion of how best to balance these important aspects within Political Science research.


  • Li Bennich-Björkman, Skyttean Professor of Eloquence and Government, Uppsala University.
  • Torsten Persson, Professor of Economics, Stockholm University & Centennial Professor, London School of Economics.
  • Leif Pagrotsky, Chair of the Board, Göteborg & Co; previously Minister in the Swedish government and Member of the Swedish Parliament, and Consul General of Sweden in New York City.

Moderator: Mikael Persson, Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg.