Göteborgs universitet

Contact us at Proteomics

For research support, discussing your project, sample collection and to receive more information about our support and project costs, please contact us by using the common e-mail address. Below you can find a presentation of our staff and also find a map and instructions on how to find us.

Carina Sihlbom Wallem, Ph.D. - Head of Unit
Area of expertise: proteomics project planning and study design, expert in nanoLC and Orbitrap MS, glycoproteomics, advanced and quantitative proteomics

Annika Thorsell, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: advanced and quantitative proteomics, project planning and study design, method development, interaction studies and data evaluation, supervising users and lecturing in proteomics

Britt-Marie Olsson, Lic. Med. Sc.
Area of expertise: sample preparation with long-term experience in bioanalytical chemistry, method development, project planning and MS data evaluation

Chunsheng Jin, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: expert in glycomics, molecular biology, MS data analysis

Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: advanced proteomics, expert in MS method development and data analysis, expert in glycoproteomics, project planning, training and supervision of students

Elham Rekabdar, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: project planning, study design, sample preparation, method development of automatization and high-throughput systems

Evelin Berger, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: phosphoproteomics, expert in study design, sample preparation, MS analysis and data evaluation, operation nanoLCs and Orbitrap MS, planning and supervision of users and students

Johannes Fuchs, Diplom-Ingenieur
Area of expertise: expert in mass spectrometry Orbitrap MS and timsTOF MS, targeted and global quantitative proteomics, specialist in project planning, data analysis and evaluation

Jonas Nilsson, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: advanced structural analysis of glycopeptides and other PTMs, expert in glycoproteomics, glycosaminoglycan analysis and glycobiology

Kanita Cukur, M.Sc.
Area of expertise: microsurgery, specialist sample preparation for proteomic analysis, especially tissue biopsies and FFPE biobank samples, preparation of nanoLC-columns

Kristina Thomsson Hulthe, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: project planning, sample preparation, MS analyses, MS data evaluation within the fields of glycomics and glycoproteomics

Liisa Arike, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: expert in study design, sample preparation, data analysis and evaluation.  
Specialist in nanoLC and Orbitrap MS, label-free and targeted quantitative proteomics, metaproteomics

Stina Lassesson, Ph.D.
Area of expertise: cell biology, molecular biology, project planning, sample preparation for proteomic analysis, genomic-proteomic interplay

Location and how to find us

Visiting address: Medicinaregatan 9E, 413 90 Gothenburg.

From Medicinarelängan: Enter through Lundberg Lab, ground floor, walk by the café and straight into new corridor of the pavillion, use door bell to meet us.