Exchange studies
Are you interested in doing an exchange at the University of Gothenburg and the Department of Cultural Sciences? We offer a wide variety of courses. You can apply for one semester or a full year exchange.
If you are interested in studying at the Department of Cultural Sciences as an exchange student, please contact the international office at your home university if there exists an active exchange agreement with our department. If you are fluent in Swedish and are interested in taking these courses please present proof of your language skills in your application.
Not all our subjects have courses taught in English and the selection of courses might change from year to year.
Current information about our selection of university wide courses open for exchange students
Our subjects
- Art History and Visual Studies (both undergraduate and graduate)
- Children’s and Youth Culture (graduate only)
- Cultural Studies (undergraduate only)
- Ethnology (graduate only)
- Film Studies (both undergraduate and graduate)
- Gender Studies (both undergraduate and graduate)
- Musicology (both undergraduate and graduate)
- Scandinavian Cultural and Social Studies given in collaboration with the Department of Historical Studies, and Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion
Campus teaching during the pandemic
International programmes and courses, as well as courses for incoming exchange students, are, as a general rule, given on campus even during the COVID-19 pandemic, with elements of digital components. For those international students who are unable to travel to Sweden due to travel restrictions in their home countries, digital studies will be provided.
Courses open for exchange students at the Department of Cultural Sciences
Arkiv och rörliga bilder: Konvergerande fält i praktik och teori
7,5 hp
Genusvetenskaplig metodologi
15 hp
Genusvetenskaplig teoribildning
15 hp
Konspirationsteorier, populism och audiovisuella medier
15 hp
Kritisk jämställdhets- och mångfaldsforskning
15 hp
Kroppspolitik: feministiska perspektiv
15 hp
Kulturella perspektiv på genus och familj
7,5 hp
15 hp
Perspektiv på skandinaviska kulturer
30 hp
7,5 hp
Skandinavisk design
7,5 hp
Skandinavisk film- och mediekultur
7,5 hp