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- Kajsa Hansen Yang
Kajsa Hansen Yang
Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogikOm Kajsa Hansen Yang
Forskningsintressen Mitt främsta forskningsintresse är skolans likvärdighet och resultatskillnad. En av de frågor som jag försöker besvara är varför det finns stora skillnader mellan skolors resultat i vissa länder medan de är små i andra. Elevers sociala bakgrund betyder också olika mycket för deras studieresultat i olika länder. Det svenska skolsystemet och samhälle har, liksom de i många andra länder, genomgått betydande förändringar. Frågan om hur dessa förändringar påverkar likvärdigheten i skolan har blivit en oundviklig utvidgning i min forskning under de senaste åren.
För att besvara sådana frågor har jag utnyttjat datamaterial från stora internationella och nationella undersökningar, till exempel PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA och UGU. De storskaliga datamaterialen kräver särskilda analytiska ansatser, t.ex. flernivåanalys och latent variabelmodellering. Metodutveckling inom detta område har blivit ett annat av mina huvudintressen.
Undervisningsintressen Metoder inom pedagogisk mätning och grundläggande och avancerad statistik är ett viktigt område i min undervisning. Det utbildningssociologiska området är också intressant, särskilt frågor om sociala och utbildningsmässiga ojämlikheter i ett internationellt perspektiv.
Nyckelord likvärdighet, komparativ pedagogik, utbildningssociologi, effekter av social bakgrund, pedagogiska mätningar, flernivåanalys, latenta variabler, strukturell ekvationsmodellering
Forskningsmiljöer och projekt
Forskning om Utbildningsresultat (FUR)
Quantitative Research Methods in Education (QRM)
Changes in educational policy for Swedish upper secondary school during two decades: Consequences for distribution of school resources, recruitment and outcomes (CHANCE)
CESS: Causes and Effects of School Segregation in Swedish Schools
Organizational Differentiation and Educational Inequality in Different School Systems.
SOLO - Sambandet mellan social bakgrund och läsprestation i olika länder
A decade of PISA: student perceived instructional quality and mathematics achievement across European
Xin Liu, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Martin Valcke, Jan De Neve
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education - 2024 -
The importance of mathematics self-concept and self-efficacy for mathematics achievement: A comparison between public and independent schools in
Yi Ding, Alli Klapp, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Educational Psychology - 2024 -
Examining trends in school segregation in compulsory and upper secondary education in Sweden: the showcase of an urban school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
Examining the Role of Teaching Quality and Assessment Practice in Reducing Socioeconomic and Ethnic Inequities in Mathematics
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Victoria Rolfe, Nani Teig
Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education: A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups of Students, Eds. Nani Teig, Trude Nilsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen - 2024 -
Theoretical Framework of Teacher
Nani Teig, Trude Nilsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Teig, N., Nilsen, T., Yang Hansen, K. (eds) Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education. IEA Research for Education, vol 14. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49580-9_2 - 2024 -
Do teachers’ beliefs about the nature and learning of mathematics affect students’ motivation and enjoyment of mathematics? Examining differences between boys and girls across six
Jelena Radišić, Nils Buchholtz, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Xin Liu, Hege Kaarstein
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2024 -
A modeling approach to identify academically resilient students: evidence from PIRLS
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen, C. Thorsen
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2024 -
Teacher versus student perspectives on instructional quality in mathematics education across
X. Liu, Kajsa Yang Hansen, J. De Neve, M. Valcke
Instructional Science - 2024 -
Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education
A Nordic Perspective Across Time and Groups of
Nani Teig, Trude Nilsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen
2024 -
When competence and confidence are at odds: a cross-country examination of the Dunning–Kruger
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Cecilia Thorsen, Jelena Radišić, Francisco Peixoto, Anu Laine, Xin Liu
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2024 -
The Importance of Mathematics Self-concept and Self-efficacy on Mathematics Achievement: Comparison between the Public and Independent Schools in
Yi Ding, Alli Klapp, Kajsa Yang Hansen
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow - 2023 -
The relationship between academic resilience and psychological well-being – Analysis of Swedish PISA 2018
Deborah Elin Siebecke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Maria Jarl
Frontier Research in Educational Measurement (FREMO) - 2023 -
Development and validation of experienced work-integrated learning instrument (E-WIL) using a sample of newly graduated registered nurses – A confirmatory factor
Anna Andersson, Eva Brink, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Maria Skyvell Nilsson
Nurse Education Today - 2023 -
Institutional characteristics moderating the relationship between classroom socioeconomic composition and teacher qualifications: Evidence from 46 education systems in TALIS
Leah Natasha Glassow, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Emilie Franck
International Journal of Educational Research - 2023 -
Does socioeconomic sorting of teacher qualifications exacerbate mathematics achievement inequity? Panel data estimates from 20 years of
Leah Natasha Glassow, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2023 -
Does Social Well-Being Predict Academic Resilience? An Analysis of Swedish PISA 2018
Deborah Elin Siebecke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Maria Jarl
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) - 2023 -
The Paradoxical Relations between Students’ Self-concept, Self-efficacy and Achievement in
Yi Ding, Alli Klapp, Kajsa Yang Hansen
American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023, Chicago - 2023 -
Linking scores from two written receptive English academic vocabulary tests—The VLT-Ac and the
Marcus Warnby, Hans Malmström, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Language Testing - 2023 -
Testing measurement invariance of mathematics self-concept and self-efficacy in PISA using MGCFA and the alignment
Yi Ding, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Alli Klapp
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2023 -
Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School
Francisco Peixoto , Jelena Radissic, ksenijia Krstic, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Anu Laine, Alexandar Baucal, Maarja Sörmus, Lourdes Mata
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment - 2023 -
School failure and school choice: an examination of the reproduction of social and academic segregation between compulsory education and upper secondary education in a regional school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, March 15-17, 2023, Oslomet - 2023 -
Contextual effects on students’ achievement and academic self-concept in the Nordic and Chinese educational
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jeléna Radišić, Yi Ding, Xin Liu
Large-scale Assessments in Education - 2022 -
Does School-Level Instructional Quality Matter for School Mathematics Performance? Comparing Teacher Data across Seven
X. Liu, M. Valcke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, J. De Neve
Sustainability - 2022 -
Examining the Role of Students’ Mathematics Self-concept and Self-efficacy in Mathematics Achievement in Sweden over Time: A Multigroup Multilevel
Yi Ding, Alli Klapp, Kajsa Yang Hansen
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 2022, Yerevan (online) - 2022 -
Integrating educational quality and educational equality into a model of mathematics
Victoria Rolfe, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Rolf Strietholt
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2022 -
Exploiting the linked teaching and learning international survey and programme for international student assessment data in examining school effects: A case study of
X. Liu, M. Valcke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, J. De Neve
Frontiers in Education - 2022 -
Does inequality in opportunity perpetuate inequality in outcomes? International evidence from four TIMSS
Victoria Rolfe, Rolf Strietholt, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2021 -
Assessing the comparability of teacher-related constructs in TIMSS 2015 across 46 education systems: an alignment optimization
Leah Natasha Glassow, Victoria Rolfe, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - 2021 -
Measurement Invariance in Comparing Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept across 40 Countries and Economies in PISA 2003 and
Yi Ding, Alli Klapp, Kajsa Yang Hansen
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Geneva (online) - 2021 -
Construct Validity and Measurement Invariance of Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept in Swedish PISA 2003 and
Yi Ding, Alli Klapp, Kajsa Yang Hansen
World Education Research Association (WERA) Virtual Focal Meeting - 2021 -
The well-being of academically resilient students - Factors behind the high achievement of socioeconomically disadvantaged
Deborah Elin Siebecke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Maria Jarl
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) - 2021 -
Exploring Diversity in the Relationships Between Teacher Quality and Job Satisfaction in the Nordic Countries—Insights from TALIS 2013 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jelena Radišić, Xin Liu, Leah Natasha Glassow
Equity, equality and diversity in the Nordic model of education / Tove Stjern Frønes, Andreas Pettersen, Jelena Radišić, Nils Buchholtz. - 2021 -
Does Learning English Require Grit? Examining the Differential Effects on Grades in Core
Cecilia Thorsen, Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning - 2021 -
The mechanisms of interest and perseverance in predicting achievement among academically resilient and non-resilient students: Evidence from Swedish longitudinal
C. Thorsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
British Journal of Educational Psychology - 2021 -
Student assessment in the landscape of international large-scale
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
Monitoring Student Achievement in the 21st Century. Harju-Luukkainen H., McElvany N., Stang J. (eds) - 2020 -
School choice and implications for equity: the
new political geography of the Swedish upper
secondary school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Dennis Beach
Educational review - 2019 -
Are Mathematics Curricula Harmonizing Globally Over Time?
Evidence from TIMSS National Research Coordinator
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education - 2019 -
Identifying the key source of deteriorating educational equity in Sweden between 1998 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Journal of Educational Research - 2019 -
Exploring preschool teachers’ professional profiles in Swedish preschool: a latent class
Panagiota Nasiopoulou, Pia Williams, Sonja Sheridan, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Early Child Development and Care - 2019 -
Examining the changing relationship between socioeconomic status, opportunity to learn and achievement in mathematics and
Victoria Rolfe, Rolf Strietholt, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at ECER 2019 Hamburg, Germany - 2019 -
The Impact of Education Policies on Socioeconomic Inequality in Student Achievement: A Review of Comparative
Rolf Strietholt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Nina Hogrebe, Victoria Rolfe, Monica Rosén, Isa Steinmann, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Education Policy & Social Inequality, vol 4. - 2019 -
Are academically resilient students grittier than non-resilient
Cecilia Thorsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
ECER 3-6 September, 2019, Hamburg - 2019 -
Does schooling actually perpetuate educational inequality in mathematics performance? A validity question on the measures of opportunity to learn in
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Rolf Strietholt
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education - 2018 -
Changes in the Impact of Family Education on Student Educational Achievement in Sweden
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2018 -
School characteristics moderating the relation between student socio-economic status and mathematics achievement in grade 8. Evidence from 50 countries in TIMSS
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Nielsen Trude, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2018 -
Tackling Unobserved Heterogeneity in Socioeconomic Status and Opportunity to Learn, and their Effects on Academic
Victoria Rolfe, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Rolf Streitholt
Paper presented at ECER 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark - 2017 -
Does schooling actually perpetuate educational inequality in mathematics performance? A question of
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Rolf Streitholt
at the 7th IEA International Research Conference, 28-30, June, 2017, Prague - 2017 -
Curricula Harmonization? A Study Using Data From National Research
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
7th IEA International Research Conference - 2017 -
Monica Rosén, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Ulrika Wolff
Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes. A Festschrift in Honour of Jan-Eric Gustafsson - 2017 -
Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes. A Festschrift in Honour of Jan-Eric
Monica Rosén, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Ulrika Wolff
2017 -
Causes of educational segregation in Sweden – school choice or residential
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2016 -
Determinants of country differences in effects of parental education on children’s academic
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Large-scale Assessments in Education - 2016 -
Consequences of School Choice? - Changes in Social and Ethnic Composition of Upper Secondary School Markets in Sweden between 1998 and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at ECER conference 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, Aug 24-26 - 2016 -
Are s chool characteristics related to equity? The answer may depend on a country’s developmental
T. Nielsen, S. Blömeke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA Policy Brief - 2016 -
Trend in Educational Inequality in the Nordic countries between 2000 and 2009: Evidence from OECD PISA
Kajsa Yang Hansen
The ECER Conference 2015 in Budapest, Hungary, September 8-11. - 2015 -
Determinants of Country Differences in Effects of Parental Education on Children’s Academic
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
the 6th IEA International Research Conference 24–26 June 2015, Cape Town, South Africa - 2015 -
Exploring determinants of performance differences in TIMSS and PIRLS in Sweden, Norway and
Kajsa Yang Hansen
The EARLI Conference 2015 in Limassol, Cyprus, August 25-29. - 2015 -
Changes in Upper Secondary School Market Geography in Sweden between 1994 and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5. - 2014 -
Estimating Peer Effects on Achievement Inequality in
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5. - 2014 -
School Performance Differences and Policy Variations in Finland, Norway and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Northern Lights on TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 - 2014 -
Changes in Educational Inequality in Sweden and Norway: Evidence from IEA PIRLS studies between 2001 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Yang Hansen, K., & Gustafsson, J-E. (2013). Changes in Educational Inequality in Sweden andthe European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2013. - 2013 -
Path analyses is early influences from home on grade 4 achievement in PIRLS and TIMSS 2011: A Nordic
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
The European Conference on Educational Research - 2013 -
Effects of Home Background on Student Achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and Science at the Fourth
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén
M. O. Martin and I. V. S. Mullis (Eds) TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships Among Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement at the Fourth Grade—Implications for Early Learning - 2013 -
Hjemmebakgrunn og
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Helmer. Aslaksen, Inger Christin Borge, Liv Sissel Grønmo
Opptur og Nedtur. Analyser av TIMSS-data for Norge og Sverige - 2013 -
Influences of early home factors on later achievement in reading, math and science: An analysis of the Swedish data from PIRLS and TIMSS
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
5th IEA International Research Conference - 2013 -
Exploring the Measurement Profiles of Socioeconomic Background Indicators and their differences in Reading Achievement: A Two-level Latent Class
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Ingrid Munck
IERI Monograph Series: Issues and Methodologies in Large-Scale Assessments - 2012 -
Causes of Educational Segregation in Sweden – School Choice or Residential
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Cadiz, Spain, September, 2012 - 2012 -
Changes in the Multi-Level Effects of Socio-Economic Status on Reading Achievement in Sweden in 1991 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2011 -
Förändringar i kommunskillnader i grundskoleresultat mellan 1998 och
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige - 2011 -
Development of Municipal Differences of Academic Result Heterogeneity in Swedish Compulsory
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
ECER 2011, Berlin - 2011 -
Changes in the variances of school marks and SES and ethnic background effect between schools and individuals – a multi-level multi-group
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (25-27, August, 2010), Helsinki, Finland - 2010 -
Gender Difference in the SweSAT Test
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Caroline Berggren, Stefan Johansson
ISA, 2010-07-12, Göteborg - 2010 -
Exploring the Measurement Profiles of Socioeconomic Background Indicators and their differences in Reading Achievement: A Two-level Latent Class
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Ingrid Munck
Paper presented at the 4th International Research Conference of IEA (June, 2010), Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2010 -
Changes in the structure and variances in grades at individual and school levels over
Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vienna, Austria, September, 2009 - 2009 -
Resultatförändringar i svensk
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Vad påverkar resultaten i svensk grundskola? Kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika faktorer - 2009 -
Non-linear structural Equation Modeling: an analysis of Reading Literacy Data in
Fan Yang Wallentin, Kajsa Yang Hansen
T. Teo & M. S. Khine (Eds), Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research: Concepts and Applications. - 2009 -
What happened to Educational
Kajsa Yang Hansen
Resultatdislog 2009: forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap - 2009 -
Development of Segregation in Swedish Compulsory Schools: Growth Curve Models of Educational Achievement, SES and
Kajsa Yang Hansen
the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2009), Vienna, Austria. - 2009 -
Effects of Organizational Differentiation on Academic Achievement: Differences-in-Differences Evidence across
Kajsa Yang Hansen
the 13th Biennial Conference of Earli (European Association for research on Learning and Instruction), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. - 2009 -
Methodology for Conducting Country-Level Longitudinal Analyses: A Review and Comparison of Procedures. Paper presented at the 3rd International Research Conference of IEA, Taipei,
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the 3rd International Research Conference of IEA, Taipei, Taiwan. - 2008 -
Ten-year Trend in SES Effects on Reading Achievement at School and Individual Levels: A Cross-country
Kajsa Yang Hansen
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2008 -
Measures of self-reported reading resources, attitudes and activities based on latent variable
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Journal of Research and Method in Education - 2006 -
Does Money Matter? A Theory-Driven Growth Mixture Model to Explain Travel-Mode Choice with Experimental
Eldad Davidov, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Peter Schmidt, Sebastian Bamberg
Methodology - 2006 -
Changes in Reading Variations and Their Relationship with Socioeconomic Status at School and Individual Levels in Trend
Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at the 2nd International Research Conference of IEA, Nov. 9-11, 2006, Washington DC, USA - 2006 -
Measures of self-reported reading resources, attitudes and activities based on latent variable
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA, The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. The 1 st IEA International Research Conference. Lefkosia, Cyprus - 2004 -
Measuring Socioeconomic Status at Individual and Collective
Yang Yang, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2004 -
Effects of Socio-economic Status on Reading Achievement at Collective and Individual levels in 1991 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA, The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. The 1 st IEA International Research Conference. Lefkosia, Cyprus - 2004 -
A cross-country Comparison on the Effects of Socio-economic Status at Individual and Collective
Kajsa Yang Hansen
In L. M. Herrera & G. Francia (Eds.), Educational Policies: Implications for Equity, Equality and Equivalence. - 2003 -
Measuring Socioeconomic Status and its Effects at Individual and Collective Levels: A Cross-Country
Yang Yang
2003 -
Dimensions of Socioeconomic Status and the Relationship to Mathematics and Science Achievement at Individual and Collective
Yang Yang
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2003 -
Variance differences in reading achievement at classroom and individual level in 24
Yang Yang
Journal of of Nordic Educational Research - 1998