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- Stefan Johansson
Stefan Johansson
Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogikOm Stefan Johansson
Ett av mina forskningsintressen handlar om hur lärarkompetens kan mätas och hur lärares kompetens (t.ex. utbildning och erfarenhet) påverkar elevers skolprestationer. Jag leder för närvarande det VR-finansierade forskningsprojektet "Effekter av lärarkompetens" där jag tillsammans med kollegor undersöker lärarkompetens och dess effekter ur ett longitudinellt perspektiv med hjälp av registerdata (lärarregister och elevregister). Tidigare har jag studerat effekter av lärarkompetens med hjälp av data från internationella undersökningar som TIMSS och PIRLS. Mina forskningsintressen innefattar ofta jämförelser mellan länder och sedan 2020 medverkar jag i den internationella expertgrupp som tar fram ramverket och frågeformulären till lärarundersökningen TALIS 2024 (The Teaching and Learning International Survey).
Jag leder också ett forskningsprojekt finansierat av Riksbankens Jubileumsfond där jag tillsammans med Linda Borger (GU) och Rolf Strietholt (TU Dortmund) undersöker relationen mellan elevresultat i PISA och elevernas betyg i svenska, matematik och naturveternskapliga ämnen. Vidare analyserar vi också 2018 års PISA-urval och dess representativitet i relation till totalpopulationen.
Jag undervisar gärna i kurser inom fältet pedagogisk bedömning och vetenskaplig metod med inriktning mot analyser av kvantitativa data.
Lärarkompetens, Validitet, Lärarbedömning, Strukturell Ekvationsmodellering, PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA
Big-Fish–Little-Pond Effects on Ninth-Grade Students’ Mathematics and Language Self-Concepts: The Moderating Role of Cognitive
Thea Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Stefan Johansson
Journal of Educational Psychology - 2025 -
Sambandet mellan läsförståelseresultat i PISA och nationella prov: En fråga om motivation i prov där konsekvenserna är små respektive
Stefan Johansson, Linda Borger, Rolf Strietholt
Nordic Journal of Literacy Research - 2024 -
Teachers’ formal qualifications and instruction in grade 4: Effects on student achievement in grade
4 and
Mari Lindström, Stefan Johansson, Linda Borger
The European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2024, European Educational Research Association, EERA - 2024 -
How representative is the Swedish PISA sample? A comparison of PISA and register
Linda Borger, Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
Does formal teacher competence matter for students’ mathematics achievement? Results from Swedish TIMSS
Mari Lindström, Stefan Johansson, Linda Borger
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2024 -
A modeling approach to identify academically resilient students: evidence from PIRLS
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen, C. Thorsen
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2024 -
Estimating effects of teacher characteristics on student achievement in reading and mathematics: evidence from Swedish census
Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Åse Hansson, Tarja Alatalo
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
Teachers' academic achievement: evidence from Swedish longitudinal register
T. Alatalo, Åse Hansson, Stefan Johansson
European Journal of Teacher Education - 2024 -
Self-Concept and Tracking in Compulsory School: Consequences for Income in
Thea Klapp, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) - 2024 -
Teacher recruitment in Sweden over the last two decades: How has entering teachers' GPA changed over
Stefan Johansson
Effective Teaching Around the World: Theoretical, Empirical, Methodological and Practical Insights, Eds. Ridwan Maulana, Michelle Helms-Lorenz & Robert M. Klassen - 2023 -
Challenges for the design of international assessments: sampling, measurement, and
Rolf Strietholt, Stefan Johansson
On Education. Journal for Research and Debate - 2023 -
Tracking in English and Mathematics: Consequences for Compulsory School Students’
Thea Klapp, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2023 -
Understanding the Links Between Teacher Characteristics, Sense of Workload, Discipline and Job
Mari Lindström, Stefan Johansson, Linda Borger
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), The European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2023 - 2023 -
English speaking practice with conversational AI: Lower secondary students' educational experiences over
Elin Ericsson, Stefan Johansson
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence - 2023 -
Are Students Underachieving in PISA? The Issue of Test Motivation in Low-Stakes and High-Stakes
Linda Borger, Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
ECER 2023 Glasgow The European Conference on Educational Research - 2023 -
Teachers' Formal Competence and Their Reading Instruction in Grade 4: Effects on Grade 6
Stefan Johansson, Mari Lindström, Linda Borger
10th IEA International Research Conference - 2023 -
Teacher Job Satisfaction and Student Mathematics Achievement: Relations to Working Conditions and Teacher
Mari Lindström, Stefan Johansson, Linda Borger
10th IEA International Research Conference - 2023 -
Elin Ericsson, Stefan Johansson
INTED2023 Proceedings - 2023 -
The role of job demands and resources for teacher job satisfaction: insights from five European
J Casely-Hayford, Stefan Johansson, K. G. Dutt, L Kwak, A Toropova
International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth edition) - 2023 -
School bullying: Prevalence and variation in and between school systems in TIMSS
Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg, Anna Toropova
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2022 -
University Credits as a Measure of Teachers’ Pre-service and In-Service Training: A Longitudinal Approach Using Swedish
Stefan Johansson, Åse Hansson, T. Alatalo
Frontiers in Psychology - 2022 -
Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effects on Language and Math Self-Concept: Moderating Effects of Cognitive
Thea Klapp, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2022 -
Does Teachers' Subject-specific Specialization Matter for Students' Mathematics Achievement and Student Assessed Instructional Quality? Results from Swedish TIMSS
Mari Lindström, Stefan Johansson, Linda Borger
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), The European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2022 -
How Robust Are Swedish PISA Scores: the Relationship to National Measures of Student
Linda Borger, Rolf Strietholt, Stefan Johansson
ECER 2022; The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 1–10 Sep. 2022 - 2022 -
Cyberbullying and its relationship with physical, verbal, and relational bullying: a structural equation modelling
Stefan Johansson, Göran Englund
Educational Psychology - 2021 -
Measures of long-term trends in mathematics: linking large-scale assessments over 50
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability - 2021 -
Examining Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effects on Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement: Moderating Effects of Students' Cognitive Ability
Thea Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Stefan Johansson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2021 -
Does Learning English Require Grit? Examining the Differential Effects on Grades in Core
Cecilia Thorsen, Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning - 2021 -
The mechanisms of interest and perseverance in predicting achievement among academically resilient and non-resilient students: Evidence from Swedish longitudinal
C. Thorsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
British Journal of Educational Psychology - 2021 -
Teacher job satisfaction: the importance of school working conditions and teacher
Anna Toropova, Eva Myrberg, Stefan Johansson
Educational Review - 2021 -
Secondary School Biology Students’ Attitudes towards Modern Biotechnology Characterised using Structural Equation
Ola Nordqvist, Stefan Johansson
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education - 2020 -
Student assessment in the landscape of international large-scale
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
Monitoring Student Achievement in the 21st Century. Harju-Luukkainen H., McElvany N., Stang J. (eds) - 2020 -
Analysing the (Mis)Use and Consequences of International Large-Scale
Stefan Johansson
Globalisation, Ideology and Education Reforms. Emerging Paradigms. Zajda, Joseph (Ed.) - 2020 -
The role of teacher characteristics for student achievement in mathematics and student perceptions of instructional
Anna Toropova, Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg
Education Inquiry - 2019 -
Globalised student achievement? A longitudinal and cross-country analysis of convergence in mathematics
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
Comparative Education - 2019 -
The Relation between Teacher Specialization and Student Reading
Eva Myrberg, Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2019 -
Teacher specialization and student perceived instructional quality: what are the relationships to student reading
Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - 2019 -
Are Mathematics Curricula Harmonizing Globally Over Time?
Evidence from TIMSS National Research Coordinator
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education - 2019 -
Aiming for measures of long-term trends in Grade 8 mathematics: Bridges from SIMS to TIMSS
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 2–6 September 2019, Hamburg, Germany - 2019 -
Aiming for measures of long-term trends in Grade 8 mathematics: Bridges from SIMS to TIMSS
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
8th IEA International Research Conference, 26–28 June 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2019 -
Läsförståelse i PISA 2018. Om relationen mellan läsförståelseuppgifterna i PISA och den svenska
Stefan Johansson, Alli Klapp, Monica Rosén
2019 -
Are academically resilient students grittier than non-resilient
Cecilia Thorsen, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Stefan Johansson
ECER 3-6 September, 2019, Hamburg - 2019 -
Characteristics of teacher competence: Trends over time and between student groups in Swedish compulsory
Åse Hansson, Stefan Johansson, Tarja Alatalo, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at ECER 2018, September 4-7, Bolzano - 2018 -
Converging Patterns of Knowledge and Skills in Mathematics? Evidence from TIMSS
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
Paper presented at 2018 AERA Annual Meeting, 13-17 April, New York - 2018 -
Investigating the effects of occupational stressors on teacher job satisfaction and student
Anna Toropova, Eva Myrberg, Stefan Johansson
Paper presented at ECER 2018, September 4-7, Bolzano - 2018 -
Do students’ high scores on international assessments translate to low levels of
Stefan Johansson
Phi Delta Kappan - 2018 -
The role of collective teacher efficacy and the disciplinary school climate in student mathematics
Anna Toropova, Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg, Monica Rosén
Paper presented at ECER 2017, 22-25 August, 2017, Copenhagen - 2017 -
Stefan Johansson
Keynote speech at the annual conference of our research program Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education – Validation and Methodological Innovations (KoKoHs), October 5th, Kiel, Germany - 2017 -
Formal Teacher Education and Student Ratings:
Valid Measures of Teacher
Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg
ECER 2017, 22-25 August 2017, Copenhagen, Danmark. - 2017 -
Curricula Harmonization? A Study Using Data From National Research
Stefan Johansson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
7th IEA International Research Conference - 2017 -
Relations between collective teacher efficacy, disciplinary school climate and student achievement in TIMSS
Anna Toropova, Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg, Monica Rosén
IEA 7th International Research Conference, 28-30th June, Czech Republic - 2017 -
Konvergieren Leistungsprofile in Mathematik? Evidenz aus fünf IEA
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
Jahrbuch der Schulentwicklung. Band 19 - Daten, Beispiele und Perspektiven - 2016 -
Dimensions of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Their Relations to Student Achievement in TIMSS
Anna Toropova, Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg, Monica Rosén
ECER 2016 Emerging Researchers' Conference, August 22-23, Dublin, Ireland. - 2016 -
International large-scale assessments: what uses, what
Stefan Johansson
Educational Research - 2016 -
Validitet och lärares
Stefan Johansson
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2015 -
Formal Teacher Competence and its Effect on Pupil Reading
Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg, Monica Rosén
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2015 -
Changes in effects of teacher competence on 4th graders’ reading achievement levels between 2001 and 2011 in
Eva Myrberg, Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
Paper presented at the ECER 2015 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, September 2015. - 2015 -
Converging Patterns of Achievement in Mathematics? Evidence from 50 Years of IEA
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
6th IEA International Research Conference, June 24-26, Cape Town, South Africa. - 2015 -
Is there a trend towards convergence in countries mathematics
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt
Comparative and International Education Society | 59th Annual Conference “Ubuntu! Imagining a Humanist Education Globally” March 8 –13, 2015, Washington, D.C. - 2015 -
Valid inferences of teachers’ judgements of pupils’ reading literacy: does formal teacher competence
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt, Monica Rosén, Eva Myrberg
School Effectiveness and School Improvement: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice - 2014 -
Relations between teachers’ educational level and fourth grade students’ reading achievement between 2001 and 2011 in
Eva Myrberg, Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
ECER (the European Conference on Educational Research) 2-5 Sep. 2014, Porto, Portugal - 2014 -
Evaluating Degrees of Similarity Across 7 IEA Mathematics Studies: A Feasibility Study for a Linking Study That Covers 47
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt, Monica Rosén
ECER (the European Conference on Educational Research) 2-5 Sep. 2014, Porto, Portugal - 2014 -
Lärarbedömningars styrkor och
Stefan Johansson
Skola & Samhälle [S.O.S] - 2013 -
The relationship between students’ self-assessed reading skills and other measures of
Stefan Johansson
Large-scale Assessments in Education - 2013 -
On the Validity of Reading Assessments: Relationships Between Teacher Judgements, External Tests and Pupil
Stefan Johansson
2013 -
Teachers and tests: assessing pupils’ reading achievement in primary
Stefan Johansson, Eva Myrberg, Monica Rosén
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2012 -
The Influence of Students’ Motivation and SES on the Equality of Teacher
Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), August 25-27, Helsinki, Finland. - 2010 -
Gender Difference in the SweSAT Test
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Caroline Berggren, Stefan Johansson
ISA, 2010-07-12, Göteborg - 2010 -
On the Validity of Negatively Worded
Stefan Johansson, Rolf Strietholt, Monica Rosén, Wilfried Bos
ECER Symposium 28-30 september 2009 - 2009 -
Teacher Assessments of Student Reading Proficiency: Factors Influencing Teachers’ Assessment in PIRLS
Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
EARLI conference - 2009 -
Teacher assessments of student reading proficiency: Examining aspects influencing teachers’ assessments in PIRLS
Stefan Johansson
Paper presented at the 1:st conference of assessment in collaboration between research and education”. October 14th - 16th 2008, Stockholm. - 2008 -
Teacher assessment of student reading skills as a function of student reading achievement and
Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
IEA International Research Conference, 18-20 September 2008, Taipei, Taiwan - 2008 -
Equally assessed? Influence of home background and gender on teacher assessment of student reading proficiency in relation to level of achievement in PIRLS
Stefan Johansson, Monica Rosén
ECER Pre-conference 8-10 september 2008 - 2008