Göteborgs universitet
A Golgi apparatus cluster in a HeLa cell prepared for serial block face-SEM, imaged using Talos L120C

Electron microscopy prices

At the CCI we offer full service for electron microscopy, from sample preparation, to imaging and image analysis. A trained user has access to the microscope, which is charged by the hour, at any time. Here you find the microscope fees and the prices for training, sample preparation and assistance.

Electron microscopes

Academia: 545 SEK/h
Industry: 1090 SEK/h

SEM Zeiss Gemini 450
Academia: 485 SEK/h
Industry: 970 SEK/h


Transmision electron microscopy image of an autophagosome
Transmision electron microscopy image of an autophagosome

Electron microscopy training

The electron microscopes currently available at the facility are ThermoFisher Talos L120C and Zeiss Gemini 450 II. The trainings on both instruments are available at 3 levels, depending on how much the microscope will be used and the complexity of the project.

Please contact the staff, preferably using cci@gu.se, for more information about prices and to schedule the training sessions.

Staff assistance

Technical support is included to a limit and we will not charge anything if you come to try something or to ask for advice. However, more extensive assistance during longer times or new/repeated training will be charged by the hour in addition to the microscope fee.

Staff time: microscope assistance
Academia: 550 SEK/h
Industry: 1100SEK/h

Sample preparation