Access to the Proteomics Research Support
For optimal results, we would like to give advise and help with the study design already before you start a new project.
Submitting samples for proteomics analyses
Please contact the Proteomics Core Facility regarding your project already during study planning. The results are depending on the study design as well as on the submitted sample quality in terms of amount, purity, or experimental conditions applied ahead.
Before submitting samples, please fill in the sample submission form (Firefox is not recommended). This enables us to register the project and treat your sample in the best possible way without lacking information.
Standard Analysis
The standard analysis provided by the Proteomics Core Facility include sample preparation, MS analysis and compiling a list of identified or quantified proteins. Furthermore, we will assist you to write a method section for your manuscript and will deposit the raw data of your proteomics study to a common database upon request. The users are responsible for sample information, planning and performing the cell culturing, experiment, immunoprecipitation as well as interpretation of the results.
Additional Research Support
The Proteomics Core Facility can also be involved beyond our standard support if requested. The contribution may include study design, advising how to perform a study as well as assist the user in the interpretation of the results, and may then be considered as a substantial scientific and experimental contribution to a publication.
Acknowledging the Input of the Proteomics Core Facility
For all publications which include data generated by the Proteomics Core Facility it is kindly requested that you acknowledge our support.
The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) has published a guideline to use when considering to include the Core Facility member in the acknowledgement section or as a co-author in a publication.
The existence of the Proteomics Core Facility depends in part on proper acknowledgment in publications. A publication record is essential to ensure a high-quality facility and for the professional development of our staff. We ask our customers to consider this guide when publishing data generated by the Proteomics Core Facility and to consider the scientific input by the facility members to publications.
Proteomics Core Facility's overall aim is to improve the quality of the studies as well as the quality of the proteomic data and its interpretation. But also to decrease the time between generating and publishing data as well as to improve the number of customer projects that results in manuscripts.