School of Public Administration Working Paper Series
Contributions published in SPA Working Paper Series are scientific reports produced by researchers at the School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg. Working papers, as well as finished reports, are included in the series. Papers can be published in Swedish or in English. A member of the Editorial board must approve the publication of each paper.
2023:37 Louise Holm: Exploring Supply and Demand Dynamics: Insights from a Classroom Game on the Market for Apples
2023:36 David Karlsson & Louise Skoog: Lokalisering av offentlig service som politikområde – partipolitiska åsiktskonflikter i svenska kommuner
2022:35 Emma Ek Österberg, Nanna Gillberg, Maria Norbäck, Patrik Zapata & María José Zapata Campos: Local government as employer, procurer, and entrepreneur in labour market integration
2022:34 Allison Östlund och Jonas Hallberg: And Now For Something Completely Different… Disposing of pacta sunt servanda through an obiter dictum
2018:33 Patrik Zapata & María José Zapata Campos: Waste tours. Narratives, infrastructures and gazes in interplay
2017:32 Johan Alvehus, Sanna Eklund och Gustaf Kastberg: First teachers – stratification in Swedish Schools
2016:31 David Karlsson: Kommunpartiet i Sveriges riksdag
2015:30 Petra Svensson: Strategists in the intersection of logics. A study of job advertisements in the Swedish municipal administration
2015:29 Nazem Tahvilzadeh, Stig Montin & Mikael Cullberg: The urban politics of sustaining growth: Sustainability governance in the Gothenburg metropolitan area
2014:28 Stig Montin: Municipalities, Regions and County Councils in Sweden: Actors and Institutions
2014:27 Stig Montin: Between hierarchy, market and networks. The case of public utility and care for the elderly in
2014:26 Patrik Zapata & María José Zapata Campos: Unexpected translations in urban policy mobility. The case of the Acahualinca Development Programme in Managua, Nicaragua
2014:25 Eva Álvarez de Andrés, Patrik Zapata & María José Zapata Campos: Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a new hybrid space: The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims Group
2014:24 Patrik Zapata & María José Zapata Campos: The travel of global ideas of waste management. The case of Managua and its informal settlements
2013:23 María José Zapata Campos & Patrik Zapata: Switching Managua on! Connecting informal settlements to the formal city through household solid waste collection
2013:22 Hervé Corvellec, María José Zapata Campos & Patrik Zapata: Infrastructures, Lock-in, and Sustainable Urban Development – The Case of Waste Incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan Areas
2012:21 David Karlsson & Ylva Norén Bretzer: Swedish Regional Reform and the Political Map: Party Interests at Stake
2012:20 Osvaldo Salas: Har kvasimarknaden fungerat som den skall i särskilt boende?
2011:19 David Karlsson: Gåtan Fagersta. Om partier som har större framgång i kommunalvalet än i riksdagvalet
2011:18 Evio Accinelli, Edgar J. S. Carrera & Osvaldo Salas: Labor force decision to migrate
2007:17 Johan Berlin & Erik Carlström: From Artefact to Effect - The Organising Effect of Artefacts On Teams
2007:16 Tobias Johansson & Sven Siverbo: Rational, Political and Cultural Explanations to the Utilization of Relative Performance Evaluation in Swedish Local Government
2006:15 Lena Andersson-Felé: Time to Revive Luther Gulick. On Span of Control and Organisation Quality
2006:14 Björn Brorström & Viveka Nilsson: Does Organization Matter? A Study of Physicians’ ideal organization
2006:13 Patrik Zapata Johansson: Legitimacy Lost and Back to Normality. Scandals in the Public Sector - The Swedish Case
2005:12 Staffan Johansson, Mikael Löfström & Östen Ohlsson: Separation or Integration. A Dilemma when Organizing Development Projects
2005:11 Tobias Johansson: Contractual Choice and Performance in Municipal Service Delivery. The Case of Swedish Elderly Care
2005:10 Sven Siverbo & Gustaf Kastberg: Activity based financing of health care. Experiences from Sweden
2005:9 Christian Jensen, Staffan Johansson & Mikael Löfström: The interactive project. A model for analyzing environmental uncertainty
2004:8 Henry Bäck: The complementarity of urban leadership and community involvement
2004:7 Henry Bäck: Communication, cohesion and coordination. Metropolitan regions in Sweden
2003:6 Henry Bäck: Partified City. Elite political culture in Sweden’s biggest cities.
2003:5 Sven Siverbo: Purchaser provider split in principle and practice
2002:4 Björn Brorström & Sven Siverbo: Successful Change? Explaining the Development in Five Municipalities
2002:3 Björn Brorström, Bo Hallin & Gustaf Kastberg: Significance of Control Models. Intentional and Unintentional Effects
2002:2 Henry Bäck: Fragmentation and consolidation in the big city: Neighbourhood decentralisation in six Scandinavian cities
2002:1 Björn Rombach & Rolf Solli: Learning Leadership. The Cinema as University