
Catarina Player- Koro


Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk profession
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Box 300
40530 Göteborg


IDPP Ledning
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

Om Catarina Player- Koro


My main research interest includes critical sociological studies of educational technology and educational policy studies, with a special interest in teachers work and teacher education. I am currently active in research in the policy fields in studies on policy network formations, connecting public and commercial interests and actors within IT education policy an in investigating the policy effects of the implementation of career pathways for teachers, in Swedish schools.


Current research projects:

  • Utvald eller bortvald- ett yrke i förändring. En studie av karriärstegsreformen och lärarlönelyftet (Finansierat av Institutet for arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärderingI) (Selected or discontinued profession in change. A study of the Career Services Reform and the Teacher Raise)
  • Teachers' digital work - (in)balance between demands and support? (Funded by Forte)
  • Investigation of the influence of private actors on national policymaking in Sweden.