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- Isabelle Hansson
Isabelle Hansson
Psykologiska institutionenOm Isabelle Hansson
Fil.dr. i psykologi, Göteborgs universitet, 2019
Forskare i Lifespan Development Lab (Lifelab) och Centrum för åldrande och hälsa (AgeCap). Gästforskare vid Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute 2021-2022.
- HEARTS: Hälsa, arbete och pensionering i Sverige (Forte: Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd)
- HEAT: Värmestress i utomhusmiljöer – Stadsplanering för en åldrande befolkning i ett varmare klimat (Formas: Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande)
- UGU-LIFE: Inlärning senare i livet – Från beskrivning och prediktion till prevention och intervention (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond)
Older adults’ preferences and behaviour during warm weather and heatwaves in the urban environment: A case study in southwestern
Jessika Lönn, Sandra Lujic, Fredrik Lindberg, Isabelle Hansson, Pär Bjälkebring, Susanne Gustafsson, Marie Kivi, Sofia Thorsson
Sustainable Cities and Society - 2025 -
The longitudinal relations between mental state talk and theory of
Isac Sehlstedt, Isabelle Hansson, Erland Hjelmquist
BMC Psychology - 2024 -
Heat wave resilience in aging populations: insights from a Swedish interdisciplinary
Isabelle Hansson, Pär Bjälkebring, Susanne Gustafsson, Marie Kivi, Jessika Lönn, Fredrik Lindberg
Nordic Congress of Gerontology (27NKG), Stockholm, Sweden, June 12–14, 2024 - 2024 -
Between- and within-person longitudinal associations between personality traits and social support across relationships during older
Patrick L Hill, Gabrielle N Pfund, Mathias Allemand, Marie Kivi, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Isabelle Hansson
European Journal of Personality - 2024 -
Depressive symptoms across the retirement transition in men and women: associations with emotion regulation, adjustment difficulties and work
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Margda Waern
Motivational Drivers of Temporal Dynamics in Post-Retirement
Isabelle Hansson, Kène Henkens, Hanna van Solinge
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences - 2023 -
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Well-Being of Older Adults in Sweden: Longitudinal Trajectories from 2015 to
Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Pär Bjälkebring
British Society of Gerontology 52nd Annual Conference, Norwich, United Kingdom, July 5-7, 2023 - 2023 -
Working after Retirement and Life Satisfaction: Differential Effects related to the Motives for Continuing
Isabelle Hansson, Hanna van Solinge, Kène Henkens
British Society of Gerontology 52nd Annual Conference, Norwich, United Kingdom, July 5-7, 2023 - 2023 -
Gabrielle Pfund, Patrick Hill, Mathias Allemand, Marie Kivi, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Isabelle Hansson
The Gerontological Society of America's 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, United States, November 2-6, 2022 - 2022 -
Future time perspective and personality trait change during the retirement transition: Insights from a six-wave longitudinal study in
Patrick L. Hill, Marie Kivi, Isabelle Hansson, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Mathias Allemand
Psychology and Aging - 2022 -
Effects of Work Demand and Changes in Leisure Activity on Postretirement
Linn Elena Zulka, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing
GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry - 2022 -
Motivational Drivers of Temporal Dynamics in Post-Retirement
Isabelle Hansson, Henkens Kène, Hanna van Solinge
Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 16, 2022 - 2022 -
Who benefits from a prolonged working life? Findings in the HEalth, Aging and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS)
Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson
Nordic Congress of Gerontology (26NKG), Odense, Denmark, June 8–10, 2022 - 2022 -
Motives for and temporal dynamics of post-retirement work in
Isabelle Hansson, Kène Henkens, Hanna van Solinge
Nordic Congress of Gerontology (26NKG), Odense, Denmark, June 8–10, 2022 - 2022 -
Personality and reasoning ability during retirement age: Report from a Swedish population-based longitudinal
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Valgeir Thorvaldsson
Journal of Research in Personality - 2021 -
Helping Out or Helping Yourself? Volunteering and Life Satisfaction Across the Retirement
Pär Bjälkebring, Georg Henning, Daniel Västfjäll, Stephan Dickert, Yvonne Brehmer, Sandra Buratti, Isabelle Hansson, Boo Johansson
Psychology and Aging - 2021 -
Do neuroticism and conscientiousness interact with health conditions in predicting 4-year changes in self-rated health among Swedish older
Georg Henning, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Anja Cengia, Isabelle Hansson, Svenja M. Spuling, Markus Wettstein
Psychology and Aging - 2021 -
Up and About: Older Adults’ Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Swedish Longitudinal
Marie Kivi, Isabelle Hansson, Pär Bjälkebring
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences - 2021 -
Gender differences in resources related to depressive symptoms during the early years of retirement: A Swedish population-based
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Margda Waern
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2020 -
Disentangling the Mechanisms of Retirement Adjustment: Determinants and Consequences of Subjective
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2020 -
Cognitive Changes When Retiring – Findings from a Swedish Population-based Longitudinal
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Linda Hassing
GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Online Meeting - 2020 -
Pensioneringsprocessen – ett psykologiskt
Isabelle Hansson
Socialförsäkringsrapport 2020:5, Förlängt arbetsliv – förutsättningar, utmaningar och konsekvenser. Rapport från forskarseminariet i Umeå 15–16 januari 2020 - 2020 -
Att arbeta vidare efter 65 – vem gör det och
Isabelle Hansson, Linn Elena Zulka, Marie Kivi, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
2020 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Longitudinal Evidence for the Effects on Life
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Journal of personality - 2020 -
Disentangling the Mechanisms of Retirement Adjustment: Determinants and Consequences of Subjective
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019 - 2019 -
Impact of Retirement on Cognitive Function -
A Literature
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing
GeroPsych - The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry - 2019 -
Beyond health and economy: resource interactions in retirement
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Aging and Mental Health - 2019 -
Preretirement Work Motivation and Subsequent Retirement Adjustment: A Self-Determination Theory
Georg Henning, Andreas Stenling, Susanne Tafvelin, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2019 -
Retirement and Life Satisfaction: A Resource-Based Dynamic
Isabelle Hansson
SWEAH Conference, Lund, Sweden, October 22-24 - 2019 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Longitudinal Effects on Life
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA, November 13-17, 2019 - 2019 -
Retirement and Life Satisfaction: A Resource-Based Dynamic
Isabelle Hansson
2019 -
Predictors of Non-Traditional Pathways to Retirement in US and Swedish
Nathan Lewis, Pär Bjälkebring, Isabelle Hansson, Scott Hofer
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019 - 2019 -
Review on the Complex Relation between Retirement and Cognition – Unraveling the Mixed
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019 - 2019 -
Direct and Indirect Associations between Personality and Life Satisfaction in the Retirement
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019 - 2019 -
Can personality predict longitudinal study attrition? Evidence from a population-based sample of older
Isabelle Hansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson
Journal of Research in Personality - 2018 -
Longitudinal Associations between Individual Resources and Life Satisfaction in the Retirement
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Nordic Congress of Gerontology (24 NKG), Oslo, Norway, May 2–4, 2018 - 2018 -
Changes in Life Satisfaction in the Retirement Transition: Interaction Effects of Transition Type and Individual
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2018 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem, Autonomy, and Social
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 14-18, 2018 - 2018 -
Disentangling the Mechanisms of Retirement Adjustment: Determinants and Consequences of Subjective
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 14-18, 2018 - 2018 -
Pensioneringens betydelse för den psykiska
Isabelle Hansson
Äldre i Centrum - 2018 -
Experts’ and novices’ perception of ignorance and knowledge in different research disciplines and its relation to belief in certainty of
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Carl Martin Allwood
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
Psychological health in the retirement transition: Rationale and first findings in the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS)
Magnus Lindwall, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Pär Bjälkebring, Sandra Buratti, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Georg Henning, Marie Kivi, Stefanie König, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
The role of personality for subjective well-being in the retirement transition - Comparing variable- and person-oriented
Georg Henning, Isabelle Hansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Personality and Individual Differences - 2017 -
Life Satisfaction in the Retirement Transition: A Resource-Based Dynamic Perspective on Retirement
Isabelle Hansson
2017 -
The Role of Personality in the Adaptation to
Georg Henning, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson, Isabelle Hansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Fransisco, California, USA, July 23-27, 2017 - 2017 -
Life Satisfaction in the Retirement Transition: A Resource-Based Dynamic
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Boo Johansson
The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Fransisco, California, USA, July 23-27, 2017 - 2017 -
Transition to Retirement: The Importance of Psychological
Isabelle Hansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Sandra Buratti, Boo Johansson
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, November 16-20, 2016 - 2016 -
Life Satisfaction in Different Stages of the Retirement Transition: Initial Findings From the HEARTS
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Boo Johansson
International Interdisciplinary Conference: Work, Age, Health, and Employment - Evidence from Longitudinal Studies, University of Wuppertal, Germany, 19-21 September 2016 - 2016 -
Life Satisfaction in Different Stages of The Retirement Transition: Cross-Sectional Findings From The HEARTS
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Boo Johansson
The 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology (23 NKG), 19 – 22 June 2016 in Tampere, Finland. - 2016 -
De moderna
Isabelle Hansson
Äldre i Centrum - 2016 -
Transition to Retirement: The Importance of Psychological
Isabelle Hansson, Sandra Buratti, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Boo Johansson
Forte Talks, Stockholm, Sweden, March 8-9 - 2016