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- Linda Hassing
Linda Hassing
Psykologiska institutionenOm Linda Hassing
Jag läste psykologi vid Universitet i Reykjavik och disputerade i ämnet från Göteborgs universitet med en avhandling som handlade om minnet hos äldre individer 90 år och äldre. Jag är professor sedan 2014.
Jag undervisar på alla nivåer i olika ämnen. Jag är kursansvarig för kandidatkursen samt undervisar om kognition och åldrande, statistik och forskningsmetodik. Jag handleder också studenter och doktorander.
Mitt forskningsintresse riktar sig mot sambandet mellan livsstil och kognitiv utveckling under vuxenliv och åldrande. Jag har undersökt betydelsen av individrelaterade faktorer (exempelvis personlighet, välbefinnande, utbildning) och livsstilsrelaterade faktorer (övervikt, fysisk inaktivitet, typ 2 diabetes, högt blodtryck och alkoholvanor) för kognitiv hälsa och utveckling senare i livet.
Pågående forskning
Jag arbetar bland annat med data från det Svenska Tvillingregistret där det finns information från 60-70 talet om bland annat individers livsstil (t.ex. vikt, fysisk aktivitet, yrke, utbildning, stress, motion, alkoholvanor och rökning). Samma individer deltog i omfattande longitudinella studier om kognitiv svikt och demens 30 år senare (Octo-Twin). Den samlade informationen om livsstil i medelåldern har använts för att belysa den långsiktiga risken för att utveckla demens i hög ålder.
Ett annat projekt som jag jobbar med är HEARTS studien, en studie som handlar om övergången från arbete till pensionering. Här undersöker vi om pensionsövergången har någon betydelse för kognitiv funktion.
Genetic and environmental influences on longitudinal frailty trajectories from adulthood into old
Jonathan K L Mak, Ralf Kuja-Halkola, Ge Bai, Linda Hassing, Nancy L Pedersen, Sara Hägg, Juulia Jylhävä, Chandra A Reynolds
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences - 2023 -
Effects of Work Demand and Changes in Leisure Activity on Postretirement
Linn Elena Zulka, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing
GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry - 2022 -
Independent and joint effects of body mass index and metabolic health in mid- and late-life on all-cause mortality: a cohort study from the Swedish Twin Registry with a mean follow-up of 13
Peggy Ler, Xia Li, Linda Hassing, Chandra A Reynolds, Deborah Finkel, Ida K Karlsson, Anna K Dahl Aslan
BMC public health - 2022 -
Type 1 diabetes, cognitive ability and incidence of cardiovascular disease and death over 60 years of follow-up time in
E. Dybjer, A. K. D. Aslan, G. Engstrom, E. D. Nilsson, K. Nagga, P. M. Nilsson, Linda Hassing
Diabetic Medicine - 2022 -
Alcohol Consumption Over the Retirement Transition in Sweden: Different Trajectories Based on
Neda Agahi, Susanne Kelfve, Linda Hassing, Magnus Lindwall
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2022 -
Personality and reasoning ability during retirement age: Report from a Swedish population-based longitudinal
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Valgeir Thorvaldsson
Journal of Research in Personality - 2021 -
Gender Differences in the Association Between Leisure Activity in Adulthood and Cognitive Function in Old Age: A Prospective Longitudinal Population-Based
Linda Hassing
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences - 2020 -
Association of anthropometry and weight change with risk of dementia and its major subtypes: a meta-analysis consisting 2.8 million adults with 57,294 cases of
Crystal Lee, Mark Woodward, David Batty, Alexa Beiser, Steven Bell, Claudine Berr, Espen Bjertness, John Chalmers, Robert Clarke, Jean- Francois Dartigues, Kendra Davis-Plourde, Stéphanie Debette, Emanuele Di Angelantonio, Catherine Feart, Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, John Gregson, Mary Haan, Linda Hassing, Kathleen Hayden, Marieke Hoevenaar-Blom, Jaakko Kaprio, Mika Kivimaki, Georgios Lappas, Eric Larson, Erin LeBlanc, Annika Rosengren
Obesity Reviews - 2020 -
Cognitive Changes When Retiring – Findings from a Swedish Population-based Longitudinal
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Linda Hassing
GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Online Meeting - 2020 -
Att arbeta vidare efter 65 – vem gör det och
Isabelle Hansson, Linn Elena Zulka, Marie Kivi, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
2020 -
Impact of Retirement on Cognitive Function -
A Literature
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing
GeroPsych - The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry - 2019 -
Review on the Complex Relation between Retirement and Cognition – Unraveling the Mixed
Linn Elena Zulka, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019 - 2019 -
Cognition and Cognitively Demanding Activities Before and After
Linn Elena Zulka, Boo Johansson, Linda Hassing
24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2 - 4 May, Oslo - 2018 -
Alcohol Consumption and Cognitive Aging – a Longitudinal Study across Twenty
Linda Hassing, Linn Elena Zulka, Valgeir Thorvaldsson
GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting, 14 - 18 November, Boston, USA - 2018 -
Light alcohol consumption does not protect cognitive function: A longitudinal prospective
Linda Hassing
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience - 2018 -
Psychological health in the retirement transition: Rationale and first findings in the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS)
Magnus Lindwall, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Pär Bjälkebring, Sandra Buratti, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Georg Henning, Marie Kivi, Stefanie König, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
I forgot when I lost my grip - Strong associations between cognition and grip strength in level of performance and change across time in relation to impending
Marcus Praetorius Björk, Boo Johansson, Linda Hassing
Neurobiology of Aging - 2016 -
Independent and Interactive Impacts of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus on Verbal Memory: A Coordinated Analysis of Longitudinal Data From England, Sweden, and the United
A. Kelly, M. Calamia, A. Koval, G. M. Terrera, A. M. Piccinin, S. Clouston, Linda Hassing, D. A. Bennett, Boo Johansson, S. M. Hofer
Psychology and Aging - 2016 -
Type 2 Diabetes as a Risk Factor for Dementia in Women Compared With Men: A Pooled Analysis of 2.3 Million People Comprising More Than 100,000 Cases of
Saion Chatterjee, Sanne Peters, Mark Woodward, Silvia Arango, David Batty, Nigel Beckett, Alexa Beiser, Amy Borenstein, Paul Crane, Mary Haan, Linda Hassing, Kathleen Hayden, Kiyohara Yutaka, Eric Larson, Chung-Yi Li, Toshiharu Ninomiya, Tomoyuki Ohara, Ruth Peters, Tom Russ, Sudha Seshadri, Bjorn Strand, Rod Walker, Weili Xu, Rachel Huxley
Diabetes Care - 2016 -
Assessment of cognitive performance online: A first report from the “Health, Aging and Retirement Transition in Sweden” – HEARTS
Georg Henning, Pär Bjälkebring, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Sandra Buratti, Linda Hassing, Marie Kivi, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Third International Conference on Aging & Cognition. Dortmund, Germany, 23-25 April. - 2015 -
First report from the Swedish National Forensic Psychiatric Register
Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Linda Hassing, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Hans Andersson, Lars Eriksson, Frances Hagelbäck Hanson, Nina Möller, Thomas Nilsson, Björn Hofvander, Henrik Anckarsäter
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - 2014 -
Gender Differences in Cognitive Performance in Old Age: Adjusting for
Marcus Praetorius, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson, Linda Hassing
GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry - 2014 -
Levels of Homocysteine and Trajectories of Cognitive Function in a Longitudinal Population-based
Linda Hassing, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson
GSA Washington DC – Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting - 2014 -
Obesity and Cognitive
Anna Dahl, Linda Hassing
Epidemiologic Reviews - 2013 -
Body mass index across midlife and cognitive change in late
Anna K. Dahl, Linda Hassing, Eleonor I. Fransson, Margaret Gatz, Chandra A. Reynolds, Nancy L. Pedersen
International Journal of Obesity - 2013 -
Substantial effects of APOE ε4 on memory decline in very old age: Longitudinal findings from a population-based
Marcus Praetorius, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
Neurobiology of Aging - 2013 -
Body Mass Index, Change in Body Mass Index, and Survival in Old and Very Old
A. K. Dahl, E. B. Fauth, M. Ernsth-Bravell, Linda Hassing, N. Ram, D. Gerstof
Journal of The American Geriatrics Society - 2013 -
Marcus Praetorius, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
Gerontologist - 2011 -
Anna Dahl, Linda Hassing, E. Fransson, M. Gatz, C. A. Reynolds, N. L. Pedersen
Gerontologist - 2011 -
Psykisk och kognitiv hälsa i ett
Linda Hassing
Psykologtidningen - 2011 -
Personality and personal control make a difference for life satisfaction in the oldest-old: findings in a longitudinal population-based study of individuals 80 and
Anne Ingeborg Berg, Linda Hassing, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson
European Journal of Ageing, - 2011 -
Personality and personal control matters for life satisfaction in the
Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
European journal of ageing - 2011 -
Overweight in midlife is related to lower cognitive function 30 years later: a prospective study with longitudinal
Linda Hassing, Anna K Dahl, Nancy L Pedersen, Boo Johansson
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders - 2010 -
Being overweight in midlife is associated with lower cognitive ability and steeper cognitive decline in late
Anna Dahl, Linda Hassing, Eleonor Fransson, Stig Berg, Margaret Gatz, Chandra A Reynolds, Nancy L Pedersen
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences - 2010 -
Agreement between self-reported and measured height, weight and body mass index in old age--a longitudinal study with 20 years of
Anna K Dahl, Linda Hassing, Eleonor I Fransson, Nancy L Pedersen
Age and ageing - 2010 -
What matters, and what matters most, for change in life satisfaction in the oldest-old? A study over 6 years among individuals
Anne Ingeborg Berg, Lesa Hoffman, Linda Hassing, Gerald E McClearn, Boo Johansson
Aging & mental health - 2009 -
"As long as I'm in good health". The relationship between medical diagnoses and life satisfaction in the
Anne Ingeborg Berg, Linda Hassing, Sven E. Nilsson, Boo Johansson
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research - 2009 -
Overweight in midlife and risk of dementia: a 40-year follow-up
Linda Hassing, Anna Dahl, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Stig Berg, Maragaret Gatz, Nancy L Pedersen, Boo Johansson
International Journal of Obesity - 2009 -
Cognitive Change as Conditional on Age Heterogeneity in onset of Mortality-Related Processes and Repeated Testing
Valgeir Thorvaldsson, S, M Hofer, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
Handbook of Cognitive Aging: Interdisciplinary Perspectives - 2008 -
Behavioral & Social Sciences : If I only had a good health”: A study of relationships between life satisfaction and medical diagnoses in the
Anne Ingeborg Berg, Linda Hassing, Sven Nilsson, G.E. McClearn, Boo Johansson
At the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting “The Era of Global Aging: Challenges and Opportunities” The Gerontologist, vol 47, Spical issue II, Oct. 2007 - 2007 -
What matters most for life satisfaction in the
A I Berg, Linda Hassing, G. E McClearn, Boo Johansson
Aging & Mental Health - 2006 -
Åldrande och
Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
Nordisk Psykologi - 2005 -
Markers or predictiors of life-satisfaction in the oldest-old? (Abstract, p.
A. I Berg, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson, G. E McClearn
At the 58th Scientific Meeting with the American Gerontological Society Published in The - 2005 -
Comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension exacerbates cognitive decline: evidence from a longitudinal
Linda Hassing, Scott M. Hofer, Sven E. Nilsson, Stig Berg, Nancy L. Pedersen, Gerald McClearn, Boo Johansson
Age and Ageing - 2004 -
Importance of functional capacity for life-satisfaction in late life: Findings in a population-based sample aged 80 and
Anne Ingeborg Berg, Linda Hassing, G.E. McClearn, Boo Johansson
Presented at 17th Nordic Congress in Gerontology (Stockholm, Sweden) - 2004 -
Measuring treatment satisfaction. A review of randomized controlled drug
A. Degl'Innocenti, Linda Hassing, A. Ingelgård, K Kulich, I. Wiklund
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs - 2004 -
Type 2 diabetes mellitus contributes to cognitive change in the oldest old: A longitudinal population-based
Linda Hassing, M. D Grant, S. M Hofer, N. L Pedersen, S. E Nilsson, S Berg, G McClearn, Boo Johansson
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society - 2004 -
State provision down, off-spring’s up: the reverse substitution of old-age care in
Lennart Johansson, Gerdt Sundström, Linda Hassing
Ageing & Society - 2003 -
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and cognitive performance in a population-based sample of the oldest-old: Impact of comorbid
Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson, Nancy Pedersen, Sven Nilsson, Stig Berg, Gerald McClearn
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition - 2003 -
Mortality-related differences and changes in episodic memory performance among the oldest old: Evidence from a population-based sample of
Linda Hassing, Brent Small, Eva von Strauss, Laura Fratiglioni, Lars Bäckman
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition - 2002 -
Terminal decline and markers of cerebrovascular and
Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson, Stig Berg, Sven Nilsson, Nancy Pedersen, Scott Hofer, Gerald McClearn
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences - 2002 -
The Shifting Balance of Long-Term Care in
Gerdt Sundström, Lennart Johansson, Linda Hassing
The gerontologist - 2002 -
Diabetes Mellitus is a Risk Factor for Vascular Dementia, but not for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Population-Based Study of the Oldest
Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson, Sven Nilsson, Stig Berg, Nancy Pedersen, Margareta Gatz, Gerald McClearn
International psychogeriatrics - 2002 -
Further evidence on the effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on episodic memory functioning: A population-based study of healthy very old
Linda Hassing, Åke Wahlin, Bengt Winblad, Lars Bäckman
Biological Psychiatry - 1999 -
Minimal influence of age, education, and gender on episodic memory functioning in very old
Linda Hassing, Åke Wahlin, Lars Bäckman
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics - 1998 -
Episodic memory functioning in population-based samples of very old adults with Alzheimer’s disease and vascular
Linda Hassing, Lars Bäckman
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders - 1997 -
A loss-sensitivity explanation of integration of prior outcome in risky
Joakim Romanus, Linda Hassing, Tommy Gärling
Acta Psychologica - 1996 -
Episodic remembering in a population-based sample of nonagenarians: Does major depression exacerbate the memory deficits seen in Alzheimer’s
Lars Bäckman, Linda Hassing, Yvonne Forsell, Matti Viitanen
Psychology and Aging - 1996