Publikationer - GOLD
Publikationer som baseras på registerdata inom GOLD.
- Mellén, J. & Angervall, P. Exploring the other: Analysing programme formations, recruitment patterns, and gender in Swedish Upper Secondary School. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66(5). DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2021.1910562
- Rolfe, V. & Rosén, M. Delays and dropouts: Identifying risks of suboptimal post-compulsory educational pathways in Sweden. Studia paedagogica, 27(4), 45-77. DOI: 0.5817/SP2022-4-2
- Berggren, C. & Olofsson, A. A societal perspective on self-employment – Sweden as an example. Studies in Higher Education, 46(7), 1436-1448. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2019.1688285
- Haley, A. Geographical differentiation in access to higher education in Sweden. Learning and Teaching, 13(3), 61-81. DOI: 10.3167/latiss.2020.130305
- Haley, A. The reproduction of geographically advantaged student groups - trends in metropolitan student enrolment at Swedish university colleges. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 6(3), 167-178, DOI: 10.1080/20020317.2020.1841879
- Mellén, J. & Angervall, P. Gender and choice: differentiating options in Swedish upper secondary STEM programmes. Journal of Education Policy, 36(3), 417-435. DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2019.1709130
- Fjellman, A M., Yang Hansen, K., & Beach, D. School choice and implications for equity: the new political geography of the Swedish upper secondary school market. Educational Review. 71(4), 518-539, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1457009
- Fjellman, A M. School choice, private providers and differentiated mobilities in Swedish metropolitan school markets: Exploring through a counterfactual approach. International Journal of Education Research, 98, 171-191. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijer.2019.08.006
- 2018
- Haley, A. Returning to rural origins after higher education: gendered social space Journal of Education and Work, 31(4), 418-432, DOI: 10.1080/13639080.2018.1479839
- Haley, A. (2017). Defining geographical mobility: Perspectives from higher education. Geoforum, Vol.83, pp.50-59. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.04.013
- Fjellman, A M. Differentiering genom reglerad marknadsanpassning - Uppkomsten av en regional skolmarknad. Utbildning och Demokrati, Vol.26(1), 107-132.
- Gustafsson, J-E. & Yang Hansen, K. Changes in the Impact of Family Education on Student Educational Achievement in Sweden 1988–2014. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-18. DOI:10.1080/00313831.2017.1306799
- Mellén, J. (2017) Rörlighet och selektion på en öppen gymnasiemarknad. Utbildning och demokrati, 26 (1), 133 - 157.
- Berggren, C. (2016) Differentiation in Higher Education. Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education, pp.187-196. DOI: 10.4324/9781315772233
- Yang Hansen, K. & Gustafsson, J-E. Causes of educational segregation in Sweden – school choice or residential segregation. Routledge Educational Research and Evaluation, Vol.22(1-2), pp.23-44. DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2016.1178589
- Berggren, C. & Olofsson, A. (2015). Self-employment and field of education understood from current entrepreneurship research. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Vol.7(3), 291-302.
- Berggren, C. & Lauster, N. R. (2014). The motherhood penalty and the professional credential: inequality in career development for those with professional degrees. International Studies in Sociology of Education, Vol.24(1). 44-64. DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2014.895135
- Berggren, C. (2013). The Influence of Gender, Social Class and National Background on Education and Work Career? Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Vol.3(3), 135-144. DOI:
- Berggren, C. (2013) Tertiary Educated Students’ Geographical Mobility. Gender and Education Association Biennial Conference (GEA) London, April 23-26.
- Berggren, C. (2012). Social Selection within the Educational System and in the Transition to the Labour Market. The Gender and Education Association Interim Conference (GEA), April 11-13, Gothenburg.
- Berggren, C. (2011). The Education - Occupation Match seen from an Educational Perspecitve. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Reserach, 55(2), 105-120.
- Berggren, C. (2011). Gender Equality Policies in Swedish Higher Education. Journal of Education and Work, 24(1/2), 141-161.
- Berggren, C. (2011). Transition of Higher Education Graduates to the Labour Market. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 33(2), 91-100.
- Klapp Lekholm, A. (2011). Effects of school characteristics on grades in compulsory school. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(6), 587-608.
- Berggren, C. (2010). The Influence of Higher Education Institutions on Labour Market Outcomes. European Education: Issues and Studies 42(1), 61-75.
- Johansson, H., Höjer, I. & Hill, M. (2010). Young People from a Public Care Background and their Pathways to Education. Final report from the Swedish part of the YIPEE project. Socialt arbete, Göteborgs universitet
- Klapp Lekholm, A., & Cliffordson, C. (2009). Effects of student characteristics and gender on grades in compulsory school. Educational Research and Evaluation, 15(1), 1-23.
- Skolverket. (2009). Vad påverkar resultaten i svensk grundskola? Kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika faktorer. Stockholm: 09:1127
- Berggren, C. (2008). Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation within Higher Education - Gender and Class Perspectives. Higher Education Quarterly 62 (1/2), 20-39.
- Berggren, C. (2008). Matchande jobb för akademiker? Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv, 14(1), 65-76.
- Cliffordson, C. (2008). Differential prediction of study success across academic programs in the Swedish context: The validity of grades and tests as selection instruments for higher education. Educational Assessment, 13(1), 56-75.
- Cliffordson, C., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2008). Effects of age and schooling on intellectual performance: Estimates obtained from analysis of continuous variation in age and length of schooling. Intelligence, 36, 143-152.
- Cliffordson, C., Giota, J., Gustafsson, J.-E., & Klapp Lekholm, A. (2008). Betyg och Betygssättning: Funktioner och effekter [Grades and grade assignment: Functions and effects]. I Resultatdialog 2008 – Forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap (Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 12:2008). Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.
- Klapp Lekholm, A., & Cliffordson, C. (2008). Discrepancies between school grades and test scores at individual and school level: effects of gender and family background. Educational Research and Evaluation, 14(2), 181-199.
- Klapp Lekholm, A. (2008). Grades and grade assignment: effects of student and school characteristics. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, 269.
- Berggren, C. (2007). Arbetsmarknaden och efterfrågan på högre utbildning - ett köns- och klassperspektiv. I J. Olofsson (Red.) Utbildningsvägen - vart leder den? Om ungdomar, yrkesutbildning och försörjning,. (s 55-69). Stockholm: SNS
- Berggren, C. (2007). Broadening Recruitment to Higher Education through the Admission System - Gender and Class Perspectives. Studies in Higher Education, (32)1, 97-116.
- Cliffordson, C. (2007). The relative amount of influence of age and upper secondary education on development of different cognitive abilities. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (Earli). Budapest, Hungary, August 2007.
- Cliffordson, C., & Berndtsson, Å. (2007). Samband mellan betyg i gymnasieskolan och prestationer i högskolan. Högskoleverkets rapportserie 2007:21R. Stockholm: Högskoleverket.
- Klapp Lekholm, A. (2007). Dimensions of Grades: Achievement and Non-Achievement. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (Earli). Budapest, Hungary, August 2007.
- Svensson, A., & Berndtsson, Å. (2007). Icke godkänd i gymnasieskolan - godkänd i högskolan? Högskoleverkets rapportserie 2007:1R. Stockholm: Högskoleverket.
- Berggren, C. (2006). Labour Market Influence on Recruitment to Higher Education - Gender and Class Perspectives. Higher Education, 52(1), 121-148.
- Berggren, C. (2006). Entering Higher Education - Gender and Class Perspectives. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, 243.
- Cliffordson, C. (2006). Selection Effects on Applications and Admissions to Medical Education with Regular and Step-wise Admission Procedures. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50(4), 463-482.
- Cliffordson, C., & Askling, B. (2006). Different Grounds for Admission: Its Effects on Recruitment and Achievement in Medical Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50(1), 45-62.
- Giota, J. (2006). Självbedöma, bedöma eller döma? Om elevers motivation, kompetens och prestationer i skolan. En litteraturöversikt. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige.11(2), 94-115.
- Gustafsson, J-E. (2006). Barns utbildningssituation. Bidrag till ett kommunalt barnindex. Stockholm Rädda Barnen.
- Gustafsson, J.-E., & Carlstedt, B. (2006). Abilities and grades as predictors of achievement: The Encapsulation theory. Paper presented at the symposium "The investment theory of intelligence: New evidence, new challenges" given at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, August 10-13, 2006.
- Stage, C., Hamrén, M. & Jonsson, C. (2006). Viktning av delproven i högskoleprovet. BVM 19:2006. Umeå: Umeå universitet Institutionen för beteendevetenskapliga mätningar.
- Svensson, A. (2006). Hur skall rekryteringen till högskolans mest eftersökta utbildningar breddas? Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 11(2),116-133.
- Svensson, A. & Nielsen, B. (2006). Vilka utnyttjar högskoleprovet? En studie av tretton årskullar. (IPD-rapport nr 2006:07). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.
- Törnkvist, B. & Henriksson, W. (2006). Validity issues in repeated test-taking for the SweSAT. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement. Under utarbetande.
- Wikström, C. (2006) Profiles of educational assesment systems worldwide: Education and assesment in Sweden. Forthcoming in Assesment in Education - Principles, policy and practice
- Wikström, C. (2006) Classroom assesment and grading - validity issues in the selection process to higher education. Forthcoming Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council for Measurement in Education, San Fransisco, USA.
- Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2006). Effects of following different senior high school tracks of study on aptitude test performance. (Submitted manuscript)
- Berndtsson, Å. (2005). Den kommunala vuxenutbildningens betydelse för tillträde till högskoleutbildning. (Uppsats inom Fördjupningskurs 1 i pedagogik). Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Box 300, 405 30 Göteborg.
- Carlstedt, B., & Gustafsson, J-E. (2005). Construct Validation of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test by means of the Swedish Enlistment Battery. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 46(1), 31-42.
- Lögren, K. (2005). Validation of the Swedish University Entrance System. Selected Results from the VALUTA-project 2001-2004. (EM no 53). Umeå: Umeå University, Departement of Educational Measurement.
- Stage, C. (2005). Socialgruppsskillnader i resultat på högskoleprovet. BVM 11:2005. Umeå: , Umeå universitet, Institutionen för pedagogiska mätningar.
- Svensson, A., & Nielsen, B. (2005). Toppresultat - men ej antagen till högskolan. Studier av takeffekter hos gymnasiebetyg och högskoleprov. (IPD-rapport nr 2005:08). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.
- Wikström, C., & Wikström, M. (2005). Grade Inflation and School Competition: an empirical analysis based on the Swedish upper secondary schools. Economics of Education Review, 24, 309-322.
- Wikström, C. (2005) Grade Stability in a Criterion-Referenced Grading System: the Swedish example. Assessment in Education: principles, policy and practice 12(2), 125-144.
- Wikström, C. (2005). The Validity of the Grade Point Average - An empirical study of the effects of programme enrolment on GPA in Swedish upper secondary schools. Cadmo 13(2), 23-41.
- Wikström, C. (2005) Criterion-referenced measurement for educational evaluation and selection. (PhD dissertation).Umeå: Umeå universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskapliga mätningar.
- Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2005). Separating the quantitative and analytic dimensions of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (Swesat). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49, 359-383.
- Cliffordson, C. (2004). Effects of Practice and Intellectual Growth on Performance on the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (SweSAT). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 20(3), 192-204.
- Cliffordson, C. (2004). De målrelaterade gymnasiebetygens prognosförmåga. [The Predictive Validity of Goal-Related Grades from Upper Secondary School]. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 9(2), 129-140.
- Cliffordson, C. (2004). Betygsinflation i de målrelaterade gymnasiebetygen [Inflation in Goal-Related Grades from Upper Secondary School]. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 9(1),1-14.
- Cliffordson, C. (2004). De målrelaterade gymnasiebetygens prognosförmåga [The predictive validity of goal-related grades from upper secondary school]. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 9(2), 129-140.
- Löfgren, K., & Törnkvist, B. (2004). Jämförelser mellan studerande i olika antagningsgrupper som har registrerats på Socionomprogrammet (PM-rapport 191). Umeå: Umeå universitet, Enheten för Pedagogiska mätningar.
- Löfgren, K., & Törnkvist, B. (2004). Jämförelser mellan studerande i olika antagningsgrupper som har registrerats på ekonomprogram (PM-rapport 198). Umeå: Umeå universitet, Enheten för Pedagogiska mätningar.
- Löfgren, K. (2004). Mått på studieprestation inom högskolan (PM-rapport 200). Umeå: Umeå universitet, Enheten för Pedagogiska mätningar.
- Lögren, K. (2004). Utbyteskompletteringar bland dem som avslutade gymnasiet 1997-2001. Differenser mellan avgångsbetyg från gymnasiet och betyg som har kompletterats efter den ordinarie gymnasieskolan. (BVM nr 6). Umeå: Umeå universitet, Institutionen för Beteendevetenskapliga mätningar.
- Stage, C. (2004). Gruppskillnader i resultat på högskoleprovet. (PM nr 192). Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- Stage, C. (2004). Entrance to Higher Education in Sweden. Em 51:2004. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement. Paper presented at School of Education, University of London, October, 2003.
- Svensson, A. (2004). Antagningen till civilingenjörsutbildningarna. Hur fungerar den - hur kan den förbättras? [Admission to Civil Engineer Education] (IPD-rapport nr 2004:01). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.
- Svensson, A. (2004). Gymnasiebetyg eller högskoleprov som urvalsinstrument? Fallet civilingenjörsutbildningarna. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 9(1),15-36.
- Svensson, A., & Nielsen, B. (2004). Urvalet till juristutbildningen. Skillnader mellan dem som antas i betygs- respektive provurvalet. (IPD-rapport nr 2004:11). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.
- Svensson, A., & Nielsen, B. (2005). Vilka kommer in på juristutbildningen och hur klarar man studierna? Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 10(1),1-23.
- Törnkvist, B. & Henriksson, W. (2004). SweSAT repeat. Em No 46. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- Törnkvist, B. & Henriksson, W. (2004). Repeated test taking. Differences between social groups. Em No 47. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2004, september). Effects of following different tracks in upper secondary education on a university entrance test. Paper presenterat vid the European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2004, Kreta, Grekland.
- Löfgren, K. (2003). Enskild prövning och komplettering av gymnasiebetyg [Individual testing and supplementing upper secondary school marks]. (PM nr 182). Umeå: Umeå universitet, Enheten för pedagogiska mätningar.
- Stage, C. (2003). Classical Test Theory or Item Response Theory: The Swedish Experience (EM No 42, 2003). Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- In Spanish: Estudios Públicos No 90 p.185-217. de Estudios Públicos, Santiago, Chile
- Stage, C. (2003). En jämförelse mellan de gamla och nya gymnasiebetygen. (PM nr 181). Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- Stage, C. (2003). Normering, ekvivalering eller kalibrering av delar av högskoleprovet (Pm nr 185). Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2003, september). Reading diagrams, tables, and maps: Investigations of an entrance test to higher education. Paper presenterat vid the European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2003, Hamburg, Tyskland.
- Henriksson, W., & Törnkvist, B. (2002). The Effects of Repeated Test Taking in Relation to the Test Taker and the Rules for Selection to Higher Education in Sweden. (EM No 41, 2002). Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Educational Measurement.
- Reuterberg, S-E. (2001). Hantering av bortfall i longitudinella studier: Ett exempel. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige 6 (3), 173-194.
- Svensson, A., Gustafsson, J-G., & Reuterberg, S-E. (2001). Högskoleprovets prognosvärde [The Prognostic Value of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test]. Högskoleverkets rapportserie 2001:19R. National Agency for Higher Education, Stockholm.
- Wolming, S. (2001). Att värdera urvalsinstrument: Några reflektioner över begränsningar och möjligheter. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige 6(2), 122-130.
- Broady, D, Andersson, M B, Börjesson, M, Gustafsson, J, Hultqvist, E, Palme, M, Gustafsson, J-E, Andersson, A., & Hansen, M. (2000). Välfärd och skola. antologi: Kommittén välfärdsbokslut. (SOU200:39). Stockholm: Socialdepartementet.
- Reuterberg, S-E. (2000). The impact of group differeces in means and variability on selection to higher education. (IPD-rapport nr 2000:04). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.
- Åberg-Bengtsson, L (1999). Dimensions of performance in the interpretation of diagrams, tables, and maps: Some gender differences in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 36, 565-582.
- Åberg Bengtsson, L. (1999). En analys av dimensionalitet och könsskillnader i DTK-provet. (nr 1999:6 S, Fokus på högskoleprovet, s. 43-49). Stockholm: Högskoleverket.
- Reuterberg, S-E. (1998). Socioeconomic and gender differences on the SweSAT . (28). Umeå: Department of Educational Measurement, Umeå University.