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- Peter Naredi
Peter Naredi
Avd för kirurgiOm Peter Naredi
Är professor i kirurgi vid institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper.
Han sitter även med som orförande i styrgruppen för Centrum för katastrofmedicin vid Göteborgsuniversitet, ett kunskapscentrum på uppdrag av Socialstyrelsen med inrikning mot totalförsvar. Centrumet bedriver forskning, utveckling och utbildning inom katastrofmedicin och sjukvård i kris och krig.
Kliniskt arbetar jag som cancerkirurg med speciell inriktning mot den övre mag-tarmkanalen och levern.
Pågående forskningsprojekt Nedan presenteras några av de forskningsprojekt jag är engagerade i just nu. Jag ingår även i internationella nätverk för behandling av kolorektala levermetastaser.
1 Multidisciplinär behandling med kirurgi och cellgifter av dottersvulster i levern från tjock- och ändtarmscancer Cancer i tjock- och ändtarmen är en vanlig cancerform och nästan hälften av patienterna har eller kommer att få dottersvulster (metastaser) i levern. När spridningen är begränsad till levern kan borttagande av levermetastaserna vara botande. Därför är det viktigt att man undersöker förekomst av metastaser i levern vid upptäckten av cancer och under kontroller efter operation av tarmcancern. Syftet med vår forskning är att hitta fler patienter som kan behandlas i botande syfte för levermetastaser från tjock- och ändtarmscancer. Vi vill också förbättra cellgiftsbehandlingen genom att motverka den motståndskraft som tumörerna har eller utvecklar under behandling. Vi analyserar upptäckten av levermetastaserna, behandlingsbeslut och resultat av behandlingar. I masken C. elegans studerar vi hur man bäst kombinerar målsökande läkemedel och cellgifter. I masken undersöker vi proteinet ASNA1 för att kunna hämma dess funktion i cancerceller och därmed göra cancercellerna mer känsliga för cellgifter. Läs mer på Cancerfondens webbplats. 2 Hur faktorer hos individen och tumör påverkar överlevnaden hos patienter med hepatocellulär cancer (levercancer) Patienter som insjuknar i hepatocellulär cancer (HCC) har ofta en dålig prognos och femårsöverlevnaden är bland de sämsta bland tumörtyper, cirka 10 procent. Om patienttumören inte är för avancerad och stor är levertransplantation ett behandlingsalternativ. Vi ser idag att utvecklingen av HCC styrs av bakomliggande faktorer, vilket gör det viktigt att undersöka individspecifika egenskaper i relation till behandlingseffekter. För närvarande används urvalskriterier som kan utesluta vissa patienter som skulle ha överlevt med en levertransplantation.
Syftetet med vår forskning - Genom att utforska nya och förhoppningsvis mer förfinade och diagnosspecifika instrument hoppas vi nu utöka de kriterier som gör det möjligt att finna en botande behandling för fler individer. Men även identifiera de patienter där palliativ behandling passar bäst. 3a Bekämpar malignt melanom på två fronter Allt fler människor drabbas av cancer. Allra mest ökar hudcancerformen malignt melanom. I detta projekt undersöker vi hur sjukdomen uppstår och söker efter nya mål för läkemedel – processer eller mekanismer som kan påverkas med medicin. Vi kommer studera sjukdomen i genmodifierade möss, och i möss som bär på mänskliga tumörer. Behandlingen kommer kunna bli mer individanpassad och patienten kan få rätt behandling samtidigt som onödig medicinering undviks. Målet är nya livräddande läkemedel. Läs mer på Knut och Alice Wallenbergsstiftelsens webbplats
3b När metastaser av malignt melanom är lokaliserade till en extremitet eller till levern kan de behandlas med isolerad regional hyperterm perfusion av cellgiftet melfalan. I ett perfusionssystem kan man ge höga doser cytostatika lokalt utan att skada patienten. Hur effekterna av denna behandling påverkar de kroppsegna immunologiska mekanismer är dåligt studerat. En hypotes är att den leder till immunogen celldöd och aktivering av immunförsvaret. Om cytotoxiska lymfocyter bidrar till den kraftiga behandlingseffekt vi ser vid isolerade hyperterma perfusioner av melanommetastaser så motiverar detta att melfalan kombineras med immunstimulerande behandling och histamindihydroklorid.
Medarbetare i projekten • Gautam Kao • Eva Philipsson • Peter Scherman • Dorota Raj • Magnus Rizell • Malin Sternby Eilard • Jonas Nilsson • Anna Martner • Per Lindner • Roger Olofsson
Finansiärer av projekten • Cancerfonden • BioCare • ALF-projektmedel Västra Götaland • Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelsen (Martin Bergö huvudsökande) • Sahlgrenska akademin Huvudhandledare • Malin Sternby Eilard • Junko Johansson Intervjuer i media • Intervju Cancer World - Peter Naredi: a “can do” leader for Europe's cancer surgeons • Intervju MedScape inför 2015 års ECC-konferens med tema; “Att förstärka de multidiciplinära teamen inom cancervården" • Intervju Akademiliv 2013 -En cancerkirurg med framtidstro • eCancer: Prof Naredi talks to ecancertv at ECC 2015 about the use of surgery in synchronous oligometastatic disease. Böcker Redaktör/medförfattare Studentlitteratur; • Kirurgi, rev 2010 • Mag-tarmkanalens cancersjukdomar, 2013 Övrigt • Past President ECCO (European cancer organisation) • Past president at The European Society of Surgical Oncology ESSO 2011
Hedersmedlem • European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO). 2012 • Society of Italian Surgical Oncology (SICO). 2012 • Svensk kirurgisk förening. 2012 • Hellenic society of Surgical Oncology. 2013 • BASO – the organisation for Cancer Surgery, UK. 2015
Impact of Surgery-Induced Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells and the NOX2/ROS Axis on Postoperative Survival in Human Pancreatic
Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Ebru Aydin, Roberta Kiffin, Caroline Vilhav, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Mustafa Kaya, Sanchari Paul, Beatrice Westman, Svein-Olav Bratlie, Peter Naredi, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner
Cancer research communications - 2024 -
Risks and use of ERCP during the diagnostic workup in a national cohort of biliary
Anna Forslund, Erik Haraldsson, Erik Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Magnus Rizell
Surgical endoscopy - 2024 -
Adjunct mucin biomarkers MUC2+MUC5AC and MUC5AC+PSCA in a clinical setting identify and may improve correct selection of high-risk pancreatic lesions for
Eva Philipson, Karolina S. Jabbar, Svein-Olav Bratlie, Gunnar C. Hansson, Jan Persson, Caroline Vilhav, Johanna Wennerblom, Riadh Sadik, Peter Naredi, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Cecilia Engström
HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association - 2024 -
A proinsulin-dependent interaction between ENPL-1 and ASNA-1 in neurons is required to maintain insulin secretion in C.
Agnieszka Podraza-Farhanieh, Dorota Raj, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
Development (Cambridge, England) - 2023 -
European Groundshot-addressing Europe's cancer research challenges: a Lancet Oncology
Mark Lawler, Lynne Davies, Simon Oberst, Kathy Oliver, Alexander Eggermont, Anna Schmutz, Carlo La Vecchia, Claudia Allemani, Yolande Lievens, Peter Naredi, Tanja Cufer, Ajay Aggarwal, Matti Aapro, Kathi Apostolidis, Anne-Marie Baird, Fatima Cardoso, Andreas Charalambous, Michel P Coleman, Alberto Costa, Mirjam Crul, Csaba L Dégi, Federica Di Nicolantonio, Sema Erdem, Marius Geanta, Jan Geissler, Jacek Jassem, Beata Jagielska, Bengt Jonsson, Daniel Kelly, Olaf Kelm, Teodora Kolarova, Tezer Kutluk, Grant Lewison, Françoise Meunier, Jana Pelouchova, Thierry Philip, Richard Price, Beate Rau, Isabel T Rubio, Peter Selby, Maja Južnič Sotlar, Gilliosa Spurrier-Bernard, Jolanda C van Hoeve, Eduard Vrdoljak, Willien Westerhuis, Urszula Wojciechowska, Richard Sullivan
The Lancet. Oncology - 2023 -
Risk Factors for Postoperative Complications Following Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases and the Impact on Long-Term Survival: A Population-Based National Cohort
Peter Scherman, I. Syk, Erik Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Magnus Rizell
World Journal of Surgery - 2023 -
Treatment and survival of patients with metachronous colorectal lung
P. Hansdotter, Peter Scherman, M. Nikberg, S. H. Petersen, Erik Holmberg, Magnus Rizell, Peter Naredi, I. Syk
Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2023 -
Cisplatin toxicity is counteracted by the activation of the p38/ATF-7 signaling pathway in post-mitotic C.
Dorota Raj, Bashar Kraish, Jari Martikainen, Agnieszka Podraza-Farhanieh, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
Nature Communications - 2023 -
High resection rates of colorectal liver metastases after standardized follow-up and multimodal management: an outcome study within the COLOFOL
Peter Scherman, P. Hansdotter, Erik Holmberg, F. V. Mortensen, S. H. Petersen, Magnus Rizell, Peter Naredi, I. Syk
Hpb - 2023 -
Genetics and Therapeutic Responses to Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy of Pancreatic Cancer Patient-derived Xenograft
Caroline Vilhav, Lisa M Nilsson, Joakim Karlsson, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Daniel Giglio, Cecilia Engström, Peter Naredi, Jonas A Nilsson
HPB - 2023 -
C-reactive Protein Identifies Patients at Risk of Postpancreatectomy
Identification of C. elegans ASNA-1 domains and tissue requirements that differentially influence platinum sensitivity and growth
Dorota Raj, Agnieszka Podraza-Farhanieh, Pablo Gallego, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
PLoS genetics - 2022 -
A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis of Pre-Diagnostic Blood Plasma Biomarkers for Early Detection of Pancreatic
James Mason, Erik Lundberg, Pär Jonsson, Hanna Nyström, Oskar Franklin, Christina Lundin, Peter Naredi, Henrik Antti, Malin Sund, Daniel Öhlund
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2022 -
Innovation, value and reimbursement in radiation and complex surgical oncology: Time to
Josep M Borras, Julieta Corral, Ajay Aggarwal, Riccardo A Audisio, Josep Alfons Espinas, Josep Figueras, Peter Naredi, Dimitra Panteli, Nicolas Pourel, Joan Prades, Yolande Lievens
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2022 -
High expression of p62/SQSTM1 predicts shorter survival for patients with pancreatic
Eva Philipson, Cecilia Engström, Peter Naredi, Johan Bourghardt Fagman
BMC cancer - 2022 -
Genetics and Therapeutic Responses to Tumor-Infiltrating
Lymphocyte Therapy of Pancreatic Cancer Patient-Derived
Lisa M Nilsson, Caroline Vilhav, Joakim Karlsson, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Daniel Giglio, Cecilia Engström, Peter Naredi, Jonas A Nilsson
Gastro Hep Advances - 2022 -
Innovation, value and reimbursement in radiation and complex surgical oncology: Time to
J. M. Borras, J. Corral, A. Aggarwal, Riccardo A Audisio, J. A. Espinas, J. Figueras, Peter Naredi, D. Panteli, N. Pourel, J. Prades, Y. Lievens
Radiotherapy and Oncology - 2022 -
C-reactive protein identifies patients at risk of postpancreatectomy
Caroline Vilhav, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, E Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Cecilia Engström
Langenbeck's archives of surgery - 2022 -
Patterns and resectability of colorectal cancer recurrences: outcome study within the COLOFOL
P. Hansdotter, Peter Scherman, S. H. Petersen, M. Mikalonis, Erik Holmberg, Magnus Rizell, Peter Naredi, I. Syk
BJS open - 2021 -
Alternative redox forms of ASNA-1 separate insulin signaling from tail-anchored protein targeting and cisplatin resistance in C.
Dorota Raj, O. Billing, Agnieszka Podraza-Farhanieh, Bashar Kraish, O. Hemmingsson, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
Scientific Reports - 2021 -
Survival and prognostic factors after transplantation, resection and ablation in a national cohort of early hepatocellular
Malin Sternby Eilard, Peter Naredi, Madeleine Helmersson, Oskar Hemmingsson, Bengt Isaksson, Gert Lindell, Per Sandström, Cecilia Strömberg, Magnus Rizell
HPB - 2021 -
Pharmacokinetics of preoperative intraperitoneal 5-FU in patients with pancreatic ductal
M. Oman, Yvonne Wettergren, Elisabeth Odin, S. Westermark, Peter Naredi, O. Hemmingsson, Helena Taflin
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology - 2021 -
The European Code of Cancer
M. Lawler, K. Oliver, S. Gijssels, M. Aapro, A. Abolina, T. Albreht, S. Erdem, J. Geissler, J. Jassem, S. Karjalainen, C. La Vecchia, Y. Lievens, F. Meunier, M. Morrissey, Peter Naredi, S. Oberst, P. Poortmans, R. Price, R. Sullivan, G. Velikova, E. Vrdoljak, N. Wilking, W. Yared, P. Selby
Journal of Cancer Policy - 2021 -
Impact of patient, primary tumor and metastatic pattern including tumor location on survival in patients undergoing ablation or resection for colorectal liver metastases: A population-based national cohort
Peter Scherman, Ingvar Syk, Erik Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Magnus Rizell
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2021 -
Presence of tumor-infiltrating CD8(+) T cells and macrophages correlates to longer overall survival in patients undergoing isolated hepatic perfusion for uveal melanoma liver
Junko Johansson, Jan Siarov, Roberta Kiffin, Johan Mölne, J. Mattsson, Peter Naredi, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Anna Martner, Per Lindnér
OncoImmunology - 2020 -
ENPL-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of GRP94, promotes insulin secretion via regulation of proinsulin processing and
Agnieszka Podraza, Balasubramanian Natarajan, Dorota Raj, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
Development - 2020 -
The requirements of a specialist breast
L. Biganzoli, F. Cardoso, M. Beishon, D. Cameron, L. Cataliotti, C. E. Coles, R. C. D. Bolton, M. D. Trill, S. Erdem, M. Fjell, R. Geiss, M. Goossens, C. Kuhl, L. Marotti, Peter Naredi, S. Oberst, J. Palussiere, A. Ponti, M. R. Del Turco, I. T. Rubio, A. Sapino, E. Senkus-Konefka, A. Skelin, B. Sousa, T. Saarto, A. Costa, P. Poortmans
Breast - 2020 -
ECCO Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Prostate
M. Brausi, P. Hoskin, E. Andritsch, I. Banks, M. Beishon, H. Boyle, M. Colecchia, R. Delgado-Bolton, M. Hockel, K. Leonard, J. Lovey, P. Maroto, K. Mastris, R. Medeiros, Peter Naredi, R. Oyen, T. de Reijke, P. Selby, T. Saarto, R. Valdagni, A. Costa, P. Poortmans
Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology - 2020 -
Isolated limb perfusion with melphalan activates interferon-stimulated genes to induce tumor regression in patients with melanoma in-transit
Junko Johansson, Roberta Kiffin, Ebru Aydin, Malin S. Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Per Lindnér, Peter Naredi, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Anna Martner
Oncoimmunology - 2020 -
Influence of primary tumour and patient factors on survival in patients undergoing curative resection and treatment for liver metastases from colorectal
Peter Scherman, I. Syk, Erik Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Magnus Rizell
Bjs Open - 2020 -
Defining Major Surgery: A Delphi Consensus Among European Surgical Association (ESA)
David Martin, Styliani Mantziari, Nicolas Demartines, Martin Hübner, Henri Bismuth, Michael G. Sarr, Steven M. Strasberg, Steven D. Wexner, Mustapha Adham, Donato F. Altomare, Roland Andersson, Wolf Bechstein, Sebastiano Biondo, Maximilian Bockhorn, Luigi Bonavina, Daniel Casanova Rituerto, Pierre Alain Clavien, Nicolo De Manzini, George Decker, Cornelis Hc Dejong, Christos Dervenis, Olivier Farges, Joan Figueras, Abraham Louis Fingerhut, Helmut Friess, Olivier Glehen, Michael Gnant, Christian Gutschow, Dieter Hahnloser, Bertil Hamberger, Jacob Frans Hamming, Arnulf H. Hölscher, Jakob R. Izbicki, Sven Jonas, Aleksandar Karamarkovic, Henrik Kehlet, Ari Kalevi Leppäniemi, Jan Lerut, Pål Dag Line, J. Peter A. Lodge, Jonathan Larmonth Meakins, Marco Montorsi, Philippe Nafteux, Peter Naredi, Attila Oláh, Yves Panis, Fernando Pardo, Rowan W. Parks, Sergio Pedrazzoli, Patrick Pessaux, Hugo Pinto Marques, Gilberto Poggioli, Irinel Popescu, Pauli Antero Puolakkainen, José M. Ramia Angel, Jari Rasanen, John Vincent Reynolds, Riccardo Rosati, Hans Detlev Saeger, Stefan Schneeberger, Paul M. Schneider, Kjetil Søreide, Dirk Stippel, Christian Toso, Jean Jacques Tuech, Erkki Juhani Tukiainen, Richard Van Hillegersberg, Bas Wijnhoven, Desmond C. Winter, Giovanni Zaninotto
World Journal of Surgery - 2020 -
Moonshot or groundshot: addressing Europe's cancer challenge through a patient-focused, data-enabled
Mark Lawler, Peter Naredi, Tanja Cufer, Ian Banks, Yolande Lievens, Giles Vassal, Matti Aapro, Maja Južnič Sotlar, Thierry Philip, Jacek Jassem, Jana Pelouchova, Françoise Meunier, Richard Sullivan
The Lancet. Oncology - 2019 -
Prognostic factors for survival in stage IV rectal cancer: A Swedish nationwide case–control
K. Afshari, A. Chabok, Peter Naredi, K. Smedh, M. Nikberg
Surgical Oncology - 2019 -
EGFR, but not COX-2, protein in resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is associated with poor
Johan Bourghardt Fagman, David Ljungman, Peter Falk, Britt-Marie Iresjö, Cecilia Engström, Peter Naredi, Kent Lundholm
Oncology letters - 2019 -
Centers of excellence or excellence networks: The surgical challenge and quality issues in rare
S. Sandrucci, Peter Naredi, S. Bonvalot
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2019 -
A prospective clinical trial on sorafenib treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma before liver
Malin Sternby Eilard, Mats Andersson, Peter Naredi, Charalampos Geronymakis, Per Lindnér, Christian Cahlin, William Bennet, Magnus Rizell
BMC Cancer - 2019 -
p62/SQSTM1 accumulation is associated with poor patient survival in resected pancreatic ductal
Eva Philipson, Cecilia Engström, Peter Naredi, Johan Bourghardt Fagman
4th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting – Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Clinical features of patients with non-metastatatic lung cancer in primary care: a case control
Marcela Ewing, Peter Naredi, Chenyang Zhang, Lars Lindsköld, Jörgen Månsson
British Journal of General Practice Open - 2018 -
Isolated Limb Perfusion With Melphalan Triggers Immune Activation in Melanoma
Junko Johansson, Roberta Kiffin, Annica Andersson, Per Lindnér, Peter Naredi, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Anna Martner
Frontiers in Oncology - 2018 -
Diagnostic profile characteristics of cancer patients with frequent consultations in primary care before diagnosis: a case control
Marcela Ewing, Peter Naredi, Chenyang Zhang, Jörgen Månsson
Family Practice - 2018 -
Fractional uptake of circulating tumor cells into liver-lung compartments during curative resection of periampullary
Caroline Vilhav, Cecilia Engström, Peter Naredi, Ann Novotny, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Britt-Marie Iresjö, Annika Gustafsson Asting, Kent Lundholm
Oncology letters - 2018 -
Addition of alfa fetoprotein to traditional criteria for hepatocellular carcinoma improves selection accuracy in liver
Malin Sternby Eilard, Erik Holmberg, Peter Naredi, G. Soderdahl, Magnus Rizell
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2018 -
Toward a Consensus on Centralization in
René Vonlanthen, Peter Lodge, Jeffrey S Barkun, Olivier Farges, Xavier Rogiers, Kjetil Soreide, Henrik Kehlet, John V Reynolds, Inne Borel-Rinkes, Samuel A Käser, Peter Naredi, Sebastiano Biondo, Hugo Pinto-Marques, Michael Gnant, Philippe Nafteux, Miroslav Ryska, Wolf O Bechstein, Guillaume Martel, Justin B Dimick, Marek Krawczyk, Attila Oláh, Antonio D Pinna, Irinel Popescu, Pauli A Puolakkainen, Georgius C Sotiropoulos, Erkki J Tukiainen, Henrik Petrowsky, Pierre-Alain Clavien
Annals of surgery - 2018 -
Selektiv nivåstrukturering av svensk kirurgi
Roland Andersson, Per Hellman, Jan Johansson, Anna Martling, Peter Naredi, Magnus Nilsson, Malin Sund
Läkartidningen - 2018 -
ECCO essential requirements for quality cancer care:
Michel W. Wouters, Olivier Michielin, Esther Bastiaannet, Marc Beishon, Orlando Catalano, Veronique del Marmol, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Rémi Dendale, Maria Die Trill, Andrea Ferrari, Ana Maria Forsea, Hannelore Kreckel, József Lövey, Gre Luyten, Daniela Massi, Peter Mohr, Simon Oberst, Philippe Pereira, João Paulo Paiva Prata, Piotr Rutkowski, Tiina Saarto, Sapna Sheth, Gilly Spurrier-Bernard, Meri Sisko Vuoristo, Alberto Costa, Peter Naredi
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology - 2018 -
ECCO essential requirements for quality cancer care: Oesophageal and gastric
W. Allum, F. Lordick, M. Alsina, E. Andritsch, A. Ba-Ssalamah, M. Beishon, M. Braga, C. Caballero, F. Carneiro, F. Cassinello, J. W. Dekker, R. Delgado-Bolton, K. Haustermans, G. Henning, B. Hutter, J. Lövey, I. Netíková, R. Obermannová, S. Oberst, S. Rostoft, T. Saarto, T. Seufferlein, S. Sheth, V. Wynter-Blyth, A. Costa, Peter Naredi
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology - 2018 -
ECCO Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Colorectal Cancer. A critical
G. Beets, D. Sebag-Montefiore, E. Andritsch, D. Arnold, M. Beishon, M. Crul, J. W. Dekker, R. Delgado-Bolton, J. F. Flejou, W. Grisold, G. Henning, A. Laghi, J. Lovey, A. Negrouk, P. Pereira, P. Roca, T. Saarto, T. Seufferlein, C. Taylor, G. Ugolini, C. van de Velde, B. van Herck, W. Yared, A. Costa, Peter Naredi
Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology - 2017 -
ECCO Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Adults and Bone Sarcoma. A critical
E. Andritsch, M. Beishon, S. Bielack, S. Bonvalot, P. Casali, M. Crul, R. Delgado-Bolton, D. M. Donatih, H. Douis, R. Haas, P. Hogendoorn, O. Kozhaeva, V. Lavender, J. Lovey, A. Negrouk, P. Pereira, P. Roca, G. R. de Lempdes, T. Saarto, B. van Berck, G. Vassal, M. Wartenberg, W. Yared, A. Costa, Peter Naredi
Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology - 2017 -
Future cancer research priorities in the USA: a Lancet Oncology
E. M. Jaffee, C. V. Dang, D. B. Agus, B. M. Alexander, K. C. Anderson, A. Ashworth, A. D. Barker, R. Bastani, S. Bhatia, J. A. Bluestone, O. Brawley, A. J. Butte, D. G. Coit, N. E. Davidson, M. Davis, R. A. DePinho, R. B. Diasio, G. Draetta, A. L. Frazier, A. Futreal, S. S. Gambhir, P. A. Ganz, L. Garraway, S. Gerson, S. Gupta, J. Heath, R. I. Hoffman, C. Hudis, C. Hughes-Halbert, R. Ibrahim, H. Jadvar, B. Kavanagh, R. Kittles, Q. T. Le, S. M. Lippman, D. Mankoff, E. R. Mardis, D. K. Mayer, K. McMasters, N. J. Meropol, B. Mitchell, Peter Naredi, D. Ornish, T. M. Pawlik, J. Peppercorn, M. G. Pomper, D. Raghavan, C. Ritchie, S. W. Schwarz, R. Sullivan, R. Wahl, J. D. Wolchok, S. L. Wong, A. Yung
Lancet Oncology - 2017 -
Multidisciplinary training of cancer specialists in
K. Benstead, N. S. Turhal, N. O'Higgins, L. Wyld, M. Czarnecka-Operacz, H. Gollnick, Peter Naredi, J. G. Eriksen
European Journal of Cancer - 2017 -
Identifying critical steps towards improved access to innovation in cancer care: a European CanCer Organisation position
Matti Aapro, Alain Astier, Riccardo A Audisio, Ian Banks, Pierre Bedossa, Etienne Brain, David Cameron, Paolo Casali, Arturo Chiti, Leticia De Mattos-Arruda, Daniel Kelly, Denis Lacombe, Per J. Nilsson, Martine Piccart, Philip Poortmans, Katrine Riklund, Gunnar Saeter, Martin Schrappe, Riccardo Soffietti, Luzia Travado, Hein van Poppel, Suzanne Wait, Peter Naredi
European Journal of Cancer - 2017 -
Present and future role of surgery in metastatic gastrointestinal
Peter Naredi, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Current Opinion in Oncology - 2016 -
The European Cancer Patient's Bill of Rights, update and implementation
M. Lawler, I. Banks, K. Law, T. Albreht, J. P. Armand, M. Barbacid, M. Barzach, J. Bergh, D. Cameron, P. Conte, F. de Braud, A. de Gramont, F. de Lorenzo, V. Diehl, S. Diler, S. Erdem, J. Geissler, J. Gore-Booth, G. Henning, L. Hojgaard, D. Horgan, J. Jassem, P. Johnson, S. Kaasa, P. Kapitein, S. Karjalainen, J. Kelly, A. Kienesberger, C. La Vecchia, D. Lacombe, T. Lindahl, B. Lowenberg, L. Luzzatto, R. Malby, K. Mastris, F. Meunier, M. Murphy, Peter Naredi, P. Nurse, K. Oliver, J. Pearce, J. Pelouchov, M. Piccart, B. Pinedo, G. Spurrier-Bernard, R. Sullivan, J. Tabernero, C. Van de Velde, B. Van Herk, P. Vedsted, A. Waldmann, D. Weller, N. Wilking, R. Wilson, W. Yared, C. Zielinski, H. Z. Hausen, T. Le Chevalier, P. Johnston, P. Selby
Esmo Open - 2016 -
Identification of patients with non-metastatic colorectal cancer in primary care: a case-control
Marcela Ewing, Peter Naredi, Chenyang Zhang, Jörgen Månsson
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners - 2016 -
Increased consultation frequency in primary care, a risk marker for cancer: a case-control
Marcela Ewing, Peter Naredi, Szilard Nemes, Chenyang Zhang, Jörgen Månsson
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2016 -
Asna1/TRC40 controls beta cell function and ER homeostasis by ensuring retrograde
Stefan Norlin, Vishal S Parekh, Peter Naredi, Helena Edlund
Diabetes - 2016 -
Alterations in Tumor DNA Are Related to Short Postoperative Survival in Patients Resected for Pancreatic Carcinoma Aimed at
Annika Gustafsson Asting, David Ljungman, Helena Carén, Zilvinas Dambrauskas, Britt-Marie Iresjö, Anders Hyltander, Peter Naredi, Kent Lundholm
Pancreas - 2016 -
Improved tumour marker sensitivity in detecting colorectal liver metastases by combined type IV collagen and CEA
Hanna Nyström, Björn Tavelin, Moa Björklund, Peter Naredi, Malin Sund
Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine - 2015 -
Circulating carnosine dipeptidase 1 associates with weight loss and poor prognosis in gastrointestinal
Peter Arner, Frauke Henjes, Jochen M Schwenk, Spyros Darmanis, Ingrid Dahlman, Britt-Marie Iresjö, Peter Naredi, Thorhallur Agustsson, Kent Lundholm, Peter Nilsson, Mikael Rydén
PloS one - 2015 -
The future of trials in surgical
Peter Naredi, M. P. La Quaglia
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology - 2015 -
Trends in cutaneous malignant melanoma in Sweden 1997-2011: Thinner tumours and improved survival among
J Lyth, Henry Eriksson, J Hansson, C Ingvar, M Jansson, J Lapins, E Månsson-Brahme, Peter Naredi, Ulrika Stierner, G Ullenhag, J Carstensen, C Lindholm
The British journal of dermatology - 2015 -
Combining conventional and stroma-derived tumour markers in pancreatic ductal
Oskar Franklin, Daniel Öhlund, Christina Lundin, Mikael Öman, Peter Naredi, Wanzhong Wang, Malin Sund
Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers - 2015 -
Protection against cold in prehospital care: wet clothing removal or addition of a vapor
Otto Henriksson, Peter J Lundgren, Kalev Kuklane, Ingvar Holmér, Gordon G Giesbrecht, Peter Naredi, Ulf Bjornstig
Wilderness & environmental medicine - 2015 -
Melanoma patient-derived xenografts accurately model the disease and develop fast enough to guide treatment
Berglind Osk Einarsdottir, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Joydeep Bhadury, Henrik Jespersen, Jan Mattsson, Lisa M Nilsson, Katarina Truvé, Marcela Davila Lopez, Peter Naredi, Ola Nilsson, Ulrika Stierner, Lars Ny, Jonas A Nilsson
Oncotarget - 2014 -
Modulation of autophagy and lysosomal function – a possible pathway for treatment of pancreatic
Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Peter Naredi
3rd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden - 2014 -
Expression of major histocompatibility complex class I-related chain A/B (MICA/B) in pancreatic
Zilvinas Dambrauskas, Helena Svensson, Meghnad Joshi, Anders Hyltander, Peter Naredi, Britt-Marie Iresjö
International Journal of Oncology - 2014 -
Interaction between the anticancer drug cisplatin and the copper chaperone Atox1 in human melanoma
M. E. Palm-Espling, C. Lundin, E. Björn, Peter Naredi, P. Wittung-Stafshede
Protein Peptide Letters - 2014 -
Experts reviews of the multidisciplinary consensus conference colon and rectal cancer 2012: Science, opinions and experiences from the experts of
C J H Van de Velde, P G Boelens, P J Tanis, E Espin, P Mroczkowski, Peter Naredi, L Pahlman, H Ortiz, H J Rutten, A J Breugom, J J Smith, A Wibe, T Wiggers, V Valentini
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2014 -
Validity and reliability of the Cold Discomfort Scale: a subjective judgement scale for the assessment of patient thermal state in a cold
Peter Lundgren, Otto Henriksson, Kalev Kuklane, Ingvar Holmér, Peter Naredi, Ulf Björnstig
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing - 2014 -
Later stage at diagnosis and worse survival in cutaneous malignant melanoma among men living alone: a nationwide population-based study from
Hanna Eriksson, Johan Lyth, Eva Månsson-Brahme, Margareta Frohm-Nilsson, Christian Ingvar, Christer Lindholm, Peter Naredi, Ulrika Stierner, John Carstensen, Johan Hansson
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology - 2014 -
EURECCA colorectal: Multidisciplinary management: European consensus conference colon &
Cornelis J H van de Velde, Petra G Boelens, Josep M Borras, Jan-Willem Coebergh, Andres Cervantes, Lennart Blomqvist, Regina G H Beets-Tan, Colette B M van den Broek, Gina Brown, Eric Van Cutsem, Eloy Espin, Karin Haustermans, Bengt Glimelius, Lene H Iversen, J Han van Krieken, Corrie A M Marijnen, Geoffrey Henning, Jola Gore-Booth, Elisa Meldolesi, Pawel Mroczkowski, Iris Nagtegaal, Peter Naredi, Hector Ortiz, Lars Påhlman, Philip Quirke, Claus Rödel, Arnaud Roth, Harm Rutten, Hans J Schmoll, Jason J Smith, Pieter J Tanis, Claire Taylor, Arne Wibe, Theo Wiggers, Maria A Gambacorta, Cynthia Aristei, Vincenzo Valentini
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) - 2014 -
Better value cancer
Peter Naredi
How to get better value cancer care. Eds Gray, M. & Kerr, D. - 2013 -
Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi, Bengt Glimelius
2013 -
Low level of education is associated with later stage at diagnosis and reduced survival in cutaneous malignant melanoma: A nationwide population-based study in
H Eriksson, J Lyth, E Månsson-Brahme, M Frohm-Nilsson, C Ingvar, C Lindholm, Ulrika Stierner, G Wagenius, J Carstensen, J Hansson, Peter Naredi
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) - 2013 -
EURECCA colorectal: multidisciplinary mission statement on better care for patients with colon and rectal cancer in
Cornelis J H van de Velde, Cynthia Aristei, Petra G Boelens, Regina G H Beets-Tan, Lennart Blomqvist, Josep M Borras, Colette B M van den Broek, Gina Brown, Jan-Willem Coebergh, Eric Van Cutsem, Eloy Espin, Jola Gore-Booth, Bengt Glimelius, Karin Haustermans, Geoffrey Henning, Lene H Iversen, J Han van Krieken, Corrie A M Marijnen, Pawel Mroczkowski, Iris Nagtegaal, Peter Naredi, Hector Ortiz, Lars Påhlman, Philip Quirke, Claus Rödel, Arnaud Roth, Harm J T Rutten, Hans J Schmoll, Jason Smith, Pieter J Tanis, Claire Taylor, Arne Wibe, Maria Antonietta Gambacorta, Elisa Meldolesi, Theo Wiggers, Andres Cervantes, Vincenzo Valentini
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) - 2013 -
Depletion of the ER chaperone ENPL-1 sensitizes C. elegans to the anticancer drug
Balasubramanian Natarajan, Rahul Gaur, Oskar Hemmingsson, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
Worm - 2013 -
NIR and skin impedance spectroscopic measurements for studying the effect of coffee and alcohol on skin, and dysplastic
Ida Bodén, Josefina Nyström, Paul Geladi, Peter Naredi, Britta Lindholm-Sethson
Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI) - 2012 -
Liver-metastatic Potential of Colorectal Cancer Is Related to the Stromal Composition of the
Hanna Nyström, Peter Naredi, Anette Berglund, Richard Palmqvist, Björn Tavelin, Malin Sund
Anticancer research - 2012 -
Non-invasive identification of melanoma with near-infrared and skin impedance
Ida Bodén, Josefina Nyström, Bertil Lundskog, Virginia Zazo, Paul Geladi, Britta Lindholm-Sethson, Peter Naredi
Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI) - 2012 -
Protection against cold in prehospital care: evaporative heat loss reduction by wet clothing removal or the addition of a vapor barrier--a thermal manikin
Otto Henriksson, Peter Lundgren, Kalev Kuklane, Ingvar Holmér, Peter Naredi, Ulf Bjornstig
Prehospital and disaster medicine - 2012 -
A directed RNAi screen based on larval growth arrest reveals new modifiers of C. elegans insulin
Ola Billing, Balasubramanian Natarajan, Ateequrrahman Mohammed, Peter Naredi, Gautam Kao
PloS one - 2012 -
Prognostic sub-classifications of T1 cutaneous melanomas based on ulceration, tumour thickness and Clark's level of invasion. Results of a population-based study from the Swedish Melanoma
J Lyth, J Hansson, C Ingvar, E Månsson-Brahme, Peter Naredi, Ulrika Stierner, G Wagenius, C Lindholm
The British journal of dermatology - 2012 -
Så förbättrar vi prognosen för patienter med levermetastaser av kolorectal
Peter Naredi
Onkologi i Sverige. - 2011 -
Peter Naredi
Treatment strategies-oncology - 2011 -
Type IV collagen as a tumour marker for colorectal liver
H Nyström, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström, M Sund
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2011 -
Better value cancer care for the 21st
M Gray, Peter Naredi, N Bacon, D J Kerr
Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO - 2011 -
The effect of active warming in prehospital trauma care during road and air ambulance transportation - a clinical randomized
Peter Lundgren, Otto Henriksson, Peter Naredi, Ulf Björnstig
Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine - 2011 -
Cisplatin binds human copper chaperone Atox1 and promotes unfolding in
Maria E Palm, Christoph F Weise, Christina Lundin, Gunnar Wingsle, Yvonne Nygren, Erik Björn, Peter Naredi, Magnus Wolf-Watz, Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2011 -
Delivering affordable cancer care in high-income
Richard Sullivan, Jeffrey Peppercorn, Karol Sikora, John Zalcberg, Neal J Meropol, Eitan Amir, David Khayat, Peter Boyle, Philippe Autier, Ian F Tannock, Tito Fojo, Jim Siderov, Steve Williamson, Silvia Camporesi, J Gordon McVie, Arnie D Purushotham, Peter Naredi, Alexander Eggermont, Murray F Brennan, Michael L Steinberg, Mark De Ridder, Susan A McCloskey, Dirk Verellen, Terence Roberts, Guy Storme, Rodney J Hicks, Peter J Ell, Bradford R Hirsch, David P Carbone, Kevin A Schulman, Paul Catchpole, David Taylor, Jan Geissler, Nancy G Brinker, David Meltzer, David Kerr, Matti Aapro
The lancet oncology - 2011 -
In vivo skin measurements with a novel probe head for simultaneous skin impedance and near-infrared
Ida Bodén, William Larsson, David Nilsson, Erik Forssell, Peter Naredi, Britta Lindholm-Sethson
Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI) - 2011 -
Mitochondrial function is required for secretion of DAF-28/insulin in C.
Ola Billing, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
PloS one - 2011 -
Adjuvant chemotherapy with fluorouracil plus folinic acid vs gemcitabine following pancreatic cancer resection: a randomized controlled
John P Neoptolemos, Deborah D Stocken, Claudio Bassi, Paula Ghaneh, David Cunningham, David Goldstein, Robert Padbury, Malcolm J Moore, Steven Gallinger, Christophe Mariette, Moritz N Wente, Jakob R Izbicki, Helmut Friess, Markus M Lerch, Christos Dervenis, Attila Oláh, Giovanni Butturini, Ryuichiro Doi, Pehr A Lind, David Smith, Juan W Valle, Daniel H Palmer, John A Buckels, Joyce Thompson, Colin J McKay, Charlotte L Rawcliffe, Markus W Büchler, Peter Naredi
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association - 2010 -
B Jeppsson, Peter Naredi, J Nordenström, Bo Risberg
2010 -
Genusperspektiv i
K Hamberg, Peter Naredi
Kirurgi / Bengt Jeppsson ... (red.) - 3:e uppl. - 2010 -
Kirurgi av dottersvulster från cancer i tjocktarm eller
Peter Naredi
Kanalen - 2010 -
Kirurgisk onkologi eds Jepsson B, Naredi P, Nordenström J, Risberg
Peter Naredi
2010 -
Evaluation of cell lysis methods for platinum metallomic studies of human malignant
Mai Quynh Thanh Tran, Yvonne Nygren, Christina Lundin, Peter Naredi, Erik Björn
Analytical biochemistry - 2010 -
ASNA-1 activity modulates sensitivity to
Oskar Hemmingsson, Gautam Kao, Maria Still, Peter Naredi
Cancer research - 2010 -
Atypical liver resections of colorectal liver
Peter Naredi, B Ardnor
Atlas of Procedures in Surgical Oncology with critical, evidence-based commentary notes, eds Audisio RA, electronic resurs. - 2009 -
ASNA1, an ATPase targeting tail-anchored proteins, regulates melanoma cell growth and sensitivity to cisplatin and
O Hemmingsson, Y Zhang, M Still, Peter Naredi
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology - 2009 -
Type IV collagen is a tumour stroma-derived biomarker for pancreas
D Ohlund, C Lundin, B Ardnor, M Oman, Peter Naredi, M Sund
British journal of cancer - 2009 -
Increased sensitivity to platinating agents and arsenite in human ovarian cancer by downregulation of
Oskar Hemmingsson, Mikael Nöjd, Gautam Kao, Peter Naredi
Oncology reports - 2009 -
Why do we need a core curriculum in surgical oncology in
Peter Naredi, Riccardo A Audisio, Irving Taylor
Surgical oncology - 2008 -
Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC)Coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS)Utilizing a Mobile Phase with a Low - Volatile Organic Modifier for the Determination of Cisplatin, and its Monohydrolyzed
Y Nygren, P Hemström, C Åstot, Peter Naredi, E Björn
JAAS - 2008 -
Databases of hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer--useful aids for clinical
Peter Naredi
Surgical oncology - 2008 -
Expression pattern and circulating levels of endostatin in patients with pancreas
Daniel Ohlund, Bjarne Ardnor, Mikael Oman, Peter Naredi, Malin Sund
International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer - 2008 -
Characterization of healthy skin using near infrared spectroscopy and skin
Ida Bodén, David Nilsson, Peter Naredi, Britta Lindholm-Sethson
Medical & biological engineering & computing - 2008 -
Recommended core curriculum for the specialist training in surgical oncology within
Peter Naredi, Marjut Leidenius, Marko Hocevar, Felicitas Roelofesen, Cornelis van de Velde, Riccardo A Audisio
Surgical oncology - 2008 -
Sentinel node biopsy in malignant melanoma: Swedish experiences
Jan Mattsson, Leif Bergkvist, Avni Abdiu, J F Aili Low, Peter Naredi, Karin Ullberg, Ulf Garpered, Annika Håkansson, Christian Ingvar
Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) - 2008 -
[Internship should give competence in medical science. The Surgical Association's curriculum proposal for all
Ulf Haglund, Jessica Frisk, Marie-Louise Ivarsson, Peter Naredi, Lisa Ryd?n
Läkartidningen - 2008 -
Improved cancer care puts focus on specialist education and training in surgical
Peter Naredi
Eur Oncol Dis - 2007 -
Peter Naredi
Eur Oncol Dis - 2007 -
Dags att bryta den mansdominerade katedrala
A Hammarström, Peter Naredi
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2007 -
ASNA-1 positively regulates insulin secretion in C. elegans and mammalian
Gautam Kao, Cecilia Nordenson, Maria Still, Agneta Rönnlund, Simon Tuck, Peter Naredi
Cell - 2007 -
Results of a multicenter randomized study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combined immunotherapy with interleukin-2, interferon-{alpha}2b and histamine dihydrochloride versus dacarbazine in patients with stage IV
M. Middleton, A. Hauschild, D. Thomson, R. Anderson, S. Burdette-Radoux, Kurt Gehlsen, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Peter Naredi
Ann Oncol - 2007 -
Expression of the human copper influx transporter 1 in normal and malignant human
Alison K Holzer, Nissi M Varki, Quynh T Le, Michael A Gibson, Peter Naredi, Stephen B Howell
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society - 2006 -
B Jeppsson, Peter Naredi, HI Peterson, Bo Risberg
2005 -
Anticancer drug development within the context of academic
R Kiessling, J Hansson, P Pisa, P Nygren, T Tötterman, L Håkansson, Peter Naredi
Swedish Cancer Society, eds Nygren P, Alvfors C, Eklöv S. - 2005 -
Anticancer drug development within the context of academic
R Kiessling, J Hansson, P Pisa, P Nygren, T Tötterman, L Håkansson, Peter Naredi
Swedish Cancer Society, eds Nygren P, Alvfors C, Eklöv S. - 2005 -
Phase I/II trial of intraperitoneal 5-Fluorouracil with and without intravenous vasopressin in non-resectable pancreas
Mikael Oman, S. Lundqvist, Bengt Gustavsson, Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol - 2005 -
Combined treatment with histamine dihydrochloride, interleukin-2 and interferon-alpha in patients with metastatic
P. Lindner, Magnus Rizell, Jan Mattsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Peter Naredi
Anticancer Res - 2004 -
Effect of carcinomatosis and intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil on peritoneal blood flow modulated by vasopressin in the rat as measured with the 133Xe-clearance
M Oman, J Tölli, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology - 2004 -
Blood flow in liver tumors--effects of vasoactive drugs estimated with xenon (133Xe)
Per Lindnér, J Tölli, Peter Naredi, M Oman, Lars-Olof Hafström
Hepato-gastroenterology - 2004 -
133Xe clearance estimates the effect of vasopressin on peritoneal blood flow in
M Oman, J Tölli, P J Blind, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Hepato-gastroenterology - 2004 -
Immunotherapy with histamine and interleukin 2 in malignant melanoma with liver
Sanjiv S Agarwala, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Kurt Gehlsen, Peter Naredi
Cancer Immunol Immunother - 2004 -
A comparison between hepatic artery ligation and portal 5-Fu infusion versus 5-Fu intra arterial infusion for colorectal liver
Peter Naredi, M Oman, P-J Blind, Per Lindnér, Bengt Gustavsson, Lars-Olof Hafström
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2003 -
Immune response in blood and tumour tissue in patients with metastatic malignant melanoma treated with IL-2, IFN alpha and histamine
Andreas Schjellerup Jørkov, Frede Donskov, Torben Steiniche, Annika Ternesten-Bratel, Peter Naredi, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Marianne Hokland
Anticancer research - 2003 -
The health-related quality-of-life impact of histamine dihydrochloride plus interleukin-2 compared with interleukin-2 alone in patients with metastatic
Kathleen M Beusterien, Stacey J Ackerman, Kathryn Plante, John Glaspy, Peter Naredi, Diana Wood, Kurt Gehlsen, Sanjiv S Agarwala
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer - 2003 -
Treatment with histamine dihydrochloride and interleukin-2 in patients with advanced metastatic malignant melanoma: a detailed safety
Steven J O'Day, Sanjiv S Agarwala, Peter Naredi, Carrie L Kass, Kurt R Gehlsen, John Glaspy
Melanoma research - 2003 -
Interleukin-2 and histamine dihydrochloride in metastatic
Sanjiv S Agarwala, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Peter Naredi
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology - 2002 -
Outpatient treatment with subcutaneous histamine dihydrochloride in combination with interleukin-2 and interferon-alpha in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: results of an open single-armed multicentre phase II
F Donskov, H von der Maase, R Henriksson, U Stiemer, P Wersäll, H Nellemann, Kristoffer Hellstrand, K Engman, Peter Naredi
Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO - 2002 -
Results from a randomized phase III study comparing combined treatment with histamine dihydrochloride plus interleukin-2 versus interleukin-2 alone in patients with metastatic
Sanjiv S Agarwala, John Glaspy, Steven J O'Day, Malcolm Mitchell, John Gutheil, Eric Whitman, Rene Gonzalez, Evan Hersh, Lynn Feun, Robert Belt, Frank Meyskens, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Diana Wood, John M Kirkwood, Kurt R Gehlsen, Peter Naredi
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology - 2002 -
Pharmacokinetics of histamine dihydrochloride in healthy volunteers and cancer patients: implications for combined immunotherapy with
Mark Middleton, Mark Sarno, Sanjiv S Agarwala, John Glaspy, Aziz Laurent, Kelly McMasters, Peter Naredi, Steven O'Day, Eric Whitman, Sarah Danson, Rebecca Cosford, Kurt Gehlsen
Journal of clinical pharmacology - 2002 -
Histamine as an adjunct to
Peter Naredi
Seminars in oncology - 2002 -
Fördelar med minimalt invasiv
Peter Naredi
Svensk medicin. - 2002 -
Monotherapy with histamine dihydrochloride suppresses in vivo growth of a rat sarcoma in liver and
Magnus Rizell, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Per Lindnér, Peter Naredi
Anticancer research - 2002 -
Intratumoural and peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma undergoing interleukin-2 based immunotherapy: association to objective response and
F Donskov, K M Bennedsgaard, H von der Maase, N Marcussen, R Fisker, J J Jensen, Peter Naredi, M Hokland
British journal of cancer - 2002 -
Treatment of non-resectable pancreatic cancer with intraperitoneal 5-FU and leucovorin
M Oman, P J Blind, Peter Naredi, Bengt Gustavsson, Lars-Olof Hafström
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2001 -
P53 mutations in primary tumors and subsequent liver metastases are related to survival in patients with colorectal carcinoma who undergo liver
Y Yang, Ann Forslund, H Remotti, Christina Lönnroth, M Andersson, Hans Brevinge, Elisabeth Svanberg, Per Lindnér, Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi, Kent Lundholm
Cancer - 2001 -
Alleviating oxidative stress in cancer immunotherapy: a role for
Kristoffer Hellstrand, Mats Brune, Claes Dahlgren, Markus Hansson, Svante Hermodsson, Per Lindnér, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Peter Naredi
Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England) - 2000 -
Histamine: a novel approach to cancer
Kristoffer Hellstrand, Mats Brune, Peter Naredi, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Markus Hansson, K R Gehlsen, Svante Hermodsson
Cancer investigation - 2000 -
Isolated hepatic perfusion with extracorporeal oxygenation using hyperthermia, tumour necrosis factor alpha and
Per Lindnér, M Fjälling, Lars-Olof Hafström, H Kierulff-Nielsen, J Mattsson, Tore Scherstén, Magnus Rizell, Peter Naredi
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 1999 -
Histamine protects T cells and natural killer cells against oxidative
Markus Hansson, Svante Hermodsson, Mats Brune, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Peter Naredi, Åsa Betten, K R Gehlsen, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research - 1999 -
[Cancer therapy is still dominated by surgery. It will be a long time before vaccines and new drugs are
Peter Naredi
Läkartidningen - 1999 -
Isolation and cloning of the human ASRA-1 gene and uses
B Kurdi-Haidar, SB Howell, RE Enns, Peter Naredi
1999 -
Comparative Study of p53 status on colorectal cancer and liver
Y Yang, X Qiong, Peter Naredi, A Forslund, Kent Lundholm
Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi - 1998 -
Histamine and cytokine
Kristoffer Hellstrand, Svante Hermodsson, Peter Naredi, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Mats Brune
Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) - 1998 -
Immunohistochemical analysis of the distribution of the human ATPase (hASNA-I) in normal tissues and its overexpression in breast adenomas and
B Kurdi-Haidar, D Heath, Peter Naredi, N Varki, S B Howell
The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society - 1998 -
Dual cytoplasmic and nuclear distribution of the novel arsenite-stimulated human ATPase
B Kurdi-Haidar, D K Hom, D E Flittner, D Heath, L Fink, Peter Naredi, S B Howell
Journal of cellular biochemistry - 1998 -
Isolated hepatic perfusion with extracorporeal oxygenation using hyperthermia TNF alpha and melphalan: Swedish
Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi
Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer - 1998 -
Treatment of primary liver
Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Stig B Holmberg, Tore Scherstén
The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica - 1998 -
Histamine in cancer
Kristoffer Hellstrand, Svante Hermodsson, Mats Brune, Peter Naredi, Jan Carneskog, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist
Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation - 1997 -
Digitonin enhances the efficacy of carboplatin in liver tumour after intra-arterial
Per Lindnér, D Heath, S B Howell, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology - 1997 -
The influence of zymosan and indomethacin on liver and kidney tumor growth. An experimental study in
M G Ohman, P Blind, Stig B Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Lars-Olof Hafström
Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR - 1997 -
Synergy between cisplatin and an inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine dependent transmethylation in human ovarian adenocarcinoma
S Aebi, R Christen, Peter Naredi, B Cenni, D Fink, D Heath, S Howell
International journal of oncology - 1997 -
all-trans retinoic acid enhances cisplatin-induced apoptosis in human ovarian adenocarcinoma and in squamous head and neck cancer
S Aebi, R Kröning, B Cenni, A Sharma, D Fink, G Los, R Weisman, S B Howell, R D Christen, Peter Naredi
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research - 1997 -
Histamine, cimetidine and colorectal
Kristoffer Hellstrand, Mats Brune, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Peter Naredi
Nature medicine - 1996 -
Membranetransport of platinum compounds , platinum and other metal coordination compounds in cancer
G Los, D Gately, ML Cosello, F Thiebout, Peter Naredi, SB Howel
Plenum Press, eds Pinedo HM, Schornagel JH. New York. - 1996 -
Vasopressin modulation of peritoneal, lymphatic, and plasma drug exposure following intraperitoneal
Per Lindnér, D Heath, S Howell, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research - 1996 -
Isolation of the ATP-binding human homolog of the arsA component of the bacterial arsenite
B Kurdi-Haidar, S Aebi, D Heath, R E Enns, Peter Naredi, D K Hom, S B Howell
Genomics - 1996 -
Influence of zymosan (a non-specific macrophage stimulator) and of indomethacin on liver tumours--an experimental study in
Stig B Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Ingvar Karlberg, Peter Daneryd, Lilian M. Karlsson, Anders Pettersson, U Stenram, Lars-Olof Hafström
Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology - 1995 -
Cross-resistance between cisplatin, antimony potassium tartrate, and arsenite in human tumor
Peter Naredi, D D Heath, R E Enns, S B Howell
The Journal of clinical investigation - 1995 -
Influence of hepatic artery occlusion and desferrioxamine on liver-tumour
Per Lindnér, Peter Naredi, A Peterson, Lars-Olof Hafström
International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer - 1995 -
Isolated hyperthermic liver perfusion with chemotherapy for liver
Lars-Olof Hafström, Stig B Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Anders Bengtsson, G Tidebrant, Tore Scherstén
Surgical oncology - 1994 -
Histamine in immunotherapy of advanced melanoma: a pilot
Kristoffer Hellstrand, Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Kent Lundholm, Carl-Magnus Rudenstam, Svante Hermodsson, Mats Asztely, Lars-Olof Hafström
Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII - 1994 -
Quantitative measurements of collateral arterial blood flow in nonarterialized rat liver
G Svensson, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström, G Tufveson
Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation - 1994 -
Whole body energy expenditure protein breakdown and polyamine excretion during high dose treatment with interleukin-2 and
Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström, H Zachrisson, Carl-Magnus Rudenstam, Kent Lundholm
The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica - 1994 -
Biochemical modulation of intraperitoneal fluorouracil by allopurinol-the effect on an experimental adenocarcinoma in the
Per Lindnér, G Carlsson, Bengt Gustavsson, Stig B Holmberg, Peter Naredi, A Peterson, Lars-Olof Hafström
Anticancer research - 1994 -
Treatment of liver metastases from colorectal cancer with hepatic artery occlusion, intraportal 5-fluorouracil infusion, and oral allopurinol. A randomized clinical
Lars-Olof Hafström, Boel Engarås, Stig B Holmberg, Bengt Gustavsson, P E Jönsson, Per Lindnér, Peter Naredi, G Tidebrant
Cancer - 1994 -
Cross-resistance between cisplatin and antimony in a human ovarian carcinoma cell
Peter Naredi, D D Heath, R E Enns, S B Howell
Cancer research - 1994 -
Hepatic artery occlusion and energy charge in rat liver
Per Lindnér, Björn Biber, Bengt Gustavsson, Stig B Holmberg, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO - 1994 -
Vascular clearance by liver sinusoidal cells and hepatocytes after liver resection in
Stig B Holmberg, Peter Naredi, G Svensson, L Jacobsson, Lars-Olof Hafström
Cells of the hepatic sinusoid. eds: Kirn A, Knook DL, Wisse E - 1993 -
Regional lymphatic drug exposure following intraperitoneal administration of 5-fluorouracil, carboplatin, and
Per Lindnér, D D Heath, D R Shalinsky, S B Howell, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Surgical oncology - 1993 -
The effects of tumour necrosis factor alpha on the vascular bed and blood flow in an experimental rat
Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Stig B Holmberg, U Stenram, A Peterson, Lars-Olof Hafström
International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer - 1993 -
The influence of hepatic artery ligation and of vasopressin on liver tumour blood flow in
Peter Naredi, Per Lindnér, Stig B Holmberg, Rigmor Söderberg, Göran Carlsson, Bengt Gustavsson, Lars Jacobsson, Lars-Olof Hafström
Journal of surgical oncology - 1992 -
The influence of tumour type and of sphere size on microsphere nonentrapment-A study in the
Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Regional cancer treatment - 1992 -
Pharmacokinetics of cisplatin in an isolated liver perfusion system in
Peter Naredi, Stig B Holmberg, Lars-Olof Hafström, DD Heath, DR Shalinsky, SB Howell
Regional cancer treatment - 1992 -
Isolated hyperthermic liver perfusion with cytostatic-containing perfusate activates the complement
J P Arnestad, Anders Bengtsson, Jan Peter Bengtson, Bengt-Åke Henriksson, Ola Stenqvist, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
The British journal of surgery - 1992 -
Tumour blood flow : methodology and determining factors : a study in
Peter Naredi
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Influence of vasoactive drugs on microsphere nonentrapment in experimental rat
Peter Naredi, J Matsson, Lars-Olof Hafström, L Jacobsson
Regional cancer treatment - 1991 -
Formation of anaphylatoxins and terminal complement complexes by perfusion of limbs with malignant
Anders Bengtsson, J P Arnestad, Jan Peter Bengtson, Bengt-Åke Henriksson, Ola Stenqvist, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Regional cancer treatment - 1991 -
Aggregation of microspheres in blood flow
Peter Naredi, Johan Mattsson, Lars-Olof Hafström
International journal of microcirculation, clinical and experimental / sponsored by the European Society for Microcirculation - 1991 -
Cytotoxicity of liver macrophages against liver tumours. Influence of betamethasone, indomethacin and
Stig B Holmberg, Per Lindnér, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström
Anticancer research - 1991 -
Isolerad hyperterm cytostatikaperfusion av
Lena Lindholm, Peter Naredi, H Karlsson
Scanmag - 1990 -
Evaluation of blood flow measurements with microspheres and rubidium--an experimental study in
Peter Naredi, J Mattson, Lars-Olof Hafström, Lars Jacobsson
International journal of microcirculation, clinical and experimental / sponsored by the European Society for Microcirculation - 1990 -
Liver parenchyma and liver tumour blood flow in normal and macrophage activated
Stig B Holmberg, Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi, L Jacobsson
Cells of the hepatic sinusoid. eds: Kirn A, Knook DL, Wisse E, vol2 - 1989 -
Techniques for measuring regional blood
J Mattsson, Lars-Olof Hafström, Peter Naredi, Hans-Inge Peterson
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics - 1987 -
Intratumoral distribution of
J Mattsson, Peter Naredi, Lars-Olof Hafström, H I Peterson
Anticancer research - 1986