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- Marie Utterberg Modén
Marie Utterberg Modén
Institutionen för tillämpad IT, avd KLIKOm Marie Utterberg Modén
Research projects (ongoing):
- AI in Schools: Challenges, Opportunities, and Shared Strategies to Promote Democratic Education.
This research project aims to explore the impact of access to generative AI on teaching and assessment, and how school actors can navigate this change through collaborative and evidence-based professional development. The project is conducted in partnership with 13 school units across five municipalities, with a total of 72 participants including principals, teachers, special educational need teachers, and pedagogical developers. The inclusion of diverse professional groups recognizes the need for comprehensive understanding, formulation, and support of professional development and school digitalization strategies across various levels within municipal operations to ensure relevance and viability. - Commissioned by the Swedish government as a ULF initiative
In this project, the project aims to generate findings on the relationship among policy, practice and in/equality through its theoretical understanding of (‘vital’, ‘resource’ and ‘existential’) inequality, its methods (long-term participant observation, interviews to understand stakeholders’ perspectives and digital methods) and its focus on a range of international contexts. The project aims to investigate whether, how, and why the use of digital technology in education can help reduce socio-economic inequality. The project investigates six countries in three global regions: Latin America (Argentina, Mexico), Southern Africa (Botswana, South Africa) and Northern/Central Europe (Germany, Sweden). In the project, the InfraReveal tool has been developed, which aims at revealing and visualizing the hidden infrastructure of data packet flows that are generated while users access the internet (www.infrareveal.net).
- The Missing Teacher in AI: Involving Teachers in Metadesign of AI to Ensure FAIRness - Financed by Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs stiftelse (MMW)
The aim is to develop new understanding of how to increase the agency of teachers concerning the design and use of AI-based systems in education to ensure fairness. The project is affiliated to the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS). The project is based on the premise that the involvement of practitioners is important to successful development of new technological solutions for the workplace. The research is conducted in collaboration with principals, pedagogical developers, teachers, and students in secondary schools across five municipalities in Sweden. - Financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Research projects (completed):
- AI och digital matematik – Nya förutsättningar för undervisning och lärande - Commissioned by the Swedish government as a ULF initiative
Participatory Design & End-User Development: Building
Daniel Tetteroo, Sebastian S. Feger, Daniela Fogli, Anders Mørch, Antonio Piccinno, Marie Utterberg Modén
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2024 -
Engaging Teachers in Co-Designing Examinations for Secondary Schools in the Era of Large Language
Erik Winerö, Marie Utterberg Modén
CEUR Workshop Proceedings - 2024 -
From Participation to Learning: Sensemaking in and for Participatory Design to Facilitate End-User
Marie Utterberg Modén, Svea Kiesewetter, Thomas Hillman
CEUR Workshop Proceedings - 2024 -
When fairness is an abstraction: equity and AI in Swedish compulsory
Marie Utterberg Modén, Marisa Ponti, Johan Lundin, Martin Tallvid
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
The Challenge of Incorporating End-User Values into Design: A Methodological Perspective of Using
Marie Utterberg Modén, Tiina Leino Lindell, Johan Lundin, Marisa Ponti
CEUR Workshop Proceedings - 2024 -
A Remedy to the Unfair Use of AI in Educational
Johan Lundin, Marie Utterberg Modén, Tiina Leino Lindell, Gerhard Fischer
ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s) - 2024 -
In/equalities in digital education policy – sociotechnical imaginaries from three world
Patricia Ferrante, Federico Williams, Felix Büchner, Svea Kiesewetter, Godfrey Chitsauko Muyambi, Chinaza Uleanya Uleanya, Marie Utterberg Modén
Learning, Media & Technology - 2024 -
Exploring the role of digital textbooks in
Marie Utterberg Modén, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin
Digitalization and Digital Competence in Educational Contexts: A Nordic Perspective from Policy to Practice - 2023 -
Visualizing data packets to reveal data infrastructures and data assets: The InfraReveal
Marie Utterberg Modén, Svea Kiesewetter, Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Thomas Hillman
EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki Greece, 22-26 August 2023. Theme: Sustainable learning in digital futures: ethics and values in data-driven educational practices - 2023 -
Teachers Utilizing Diverse Aspects of Professional Digital Competence – Challenges and Possibilities in a Highly Digital Teaching
Christina Löfving, Marie Utterberg Modén
Konferensen ECER, Glasgow, augusti 2023 - 2023 -
Empowering School Staff: Designing AI-systems for achieving fairness in
Tiina Leino Lindell, Marie Utterberg Modén, Johan Lundin, Marisa Ponti, Martin Tallvid
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), June 11th –16th, 2003, Kristiansand, Norway - 2023 -
Digitala läromedel i en digitaliserad
Inequality, the production of difference, and local school platforms in a global digital
Thomas Hillman, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Marie Utterberg Modén, Federico Williams, Felix Büchner, Svea Kiesewetter, Chinaza Uleanya, Godfrey Muyambi, Patricia Ferrante
American Educational Research Association. Annual Meeting Program - 2023 -
Involving teachers in meta-design of AI to ensure situated
Marie Utterberg Modén, Johan Lundin, Martin Tallvid, Marisa Ponti
Proceedings of CoPDA2022 - Sixth International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: AI for Humans or Humans for AI? June 7, 2022, Frascati (RM), Italy - 2022 -
Teaching with Digital Mathematics Textbooks - Activity Theoretical Studies of Data-Driven Technology in Classroom
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Why Teachers Abandoned a Technology Aimed at Automating Teaching
Marie Utterberg, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2021 -
Critical Imaginaries and Reflections on Artificial Intelligence and Robots in Postdigital K-12
S Hrastinski, Charlotte Arkenback-Sundström, A D. Olofsson, S Ekström, Elin Ericsson, G Fransson, J Jaldemark, T Ryberg, L-M Öberg, A Fuentes, U Gustafsson, N Humble, P Mozelius, M Sundgren, Marie Utterberg
Postdigital Science and Education - 2019 -
Challenges in Mathematics Teachers' Introduction to a Digital Textbook: Analyzing
Marie Utterberg, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
The Journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching - 2019 -
Marie Utterberg, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
Challenges in Mathematics Teachers' Introduction to a Digital Textbook: Analyzing
Marie Utterberg, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2018 - 2018 -
Digital textbooks in mathematics education: teachers as active end-users and participants in design
Marie Utterberg, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin
ICERI 2017 - 2017 -
The paradox of differentiated instruction - a design trade
Marie Utterberg, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin
ICERI 2017 - 2017 -
“What is the benefit of that?” Mathematics Teachers’ Motives in Discarding Digital Technology in their
Marie Utterberg, Johan Lundin
IRIS - Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia - 2017 -
Conditions Influencing Mathematics Teachers´ Uptake of Digital Tools – a Systematic Literature
Marie Utterberg, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström
In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2017 (pp. 2016-2029). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) - 2017 -
Why does the expected activity not occur? Mathematics teachers who choose not to digitize their
Marie Utterberg, Johan Lundin
IRIS 2017, Selected Papers - 2017