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- Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Psykologiska institutionenOm Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Bakgrund Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge disputerade år 2004 med en preklinisk avhandling om hur anabola androgena steroider påverkar beteende och monoaminergt system. Hon erhöll docentgrad år 2017 och innehar ett lektorat inriktat mot hälsopsykologi. Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge blev legitimerad psykolog 2011 och är idag specialistbehörig i psykologisk behandling/psykoterapi samt i beroendepsykologi. Hon har innehaft kliniska positioner inom rättspsykiatrin, företagshälsovård samt inom specialiserad psykiatri. Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge är anlitad expert och sakkunnig inom fält som rör psykologisk behandling, hälsa och psykologisk forskning.
Undervisning Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge är kursansvarig för kurser på avancerad nivå inom hälsopsykologi och missbrukspsykologi. Hon handleder studenter och fungerar som examinator.
Pågående forskning Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagges huvudsakliga forskningsområde rör samband mellan somatisk- och mental hälsa. Hon ingår i forskningsgrupper med kollegor från Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, Sahlgrenska Akademi samt från CELAM (Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health) och Wallenberg Centre of Molecular and Translational Medicine vid Göteborgs universitet.
Se Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagges inspelade föreläsning om Framtida utmaningar inom Hälsopsykologin! https://play.gu.se/media/0_xcp8j41b
Se Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagges inspelade föreläsning om Livskvalitet - ett modeord för granskning! https://play.gu.se/media/0_4k9do3b9
A Remedy for Crime? A Systematic Review on the Effects of Pharmacological ADHD Treatment on Criminal Recidivism and Rehabilitation in Inmates With
Anders Carlander, Marie Rydell, Hanna Kataoka, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Brain and Behavior - 2024 -
Mental health, stress, and well-being measured before (2019) and during (2020) COVID-19: a Swedish socioeconomic population-based
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Mats Lekander, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Anders Carlander
Psychology and Health - 2024 -
Learning a practical psychotherapeutic skill in higher education in Sweden: A conceptual paper concerning the importance of constructive alignment when teaching therapeutic
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Rolf Holmqvist, Therése Skoog, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
Clinical Psychology in Europe - 2024 -
Which diagnoses and arguments regarding severe mental disorder do forensic psychiatric experts in Sweden consider in different cases? A qualitative vignette
Lizel Goranson, Olof Svensson, Peter Andiné, Sara Bromander, Karl Ask, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
Experts' decision-making processes in Swedish forensic psychiatric investigations: A case vignette
Olof Svensson, Peter Andiné, Sara Bromander, Karl Ask, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
International journal of law and psychiatry - 2024 -
Understanding quality of life issues in patients with advanced melanoma: Phase 1 and 2 in the development of the EORTC advanced melanoma
M. D. Egeler, M. van Leeuwen, J. Lai-Kwon, H. Eriksson, I. Bartula, S. Elashwah, L. Fox, M. Van Hemelrijck, M. Jefford, J. Lijnsvelt, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, O. Morag, Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge, A. Rogiers, R. P.M. Saw, S. Serpentini, L. Iannopollo, J. Thompson, H. Tufvesson Stiller, N. Vanlaer, A. C.J. van Akkooi, L. V. van de Poll-Franse
European Journal of Cancer - 2024 -
Elisabeth Punzi, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi - 2023 -
Personlighetssyndrom och
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi - 2023 -
A latent class analysis of mental disorders, substance use, and aggressive antisocial behavior among Swedish forensic psychiatric
Johan Green, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Natalie Laporte, Peter Andiné, Märta Wallinius, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
Comprehensive Psychiatry - 2023 -
Is the Road to Burnout Paved with Perfectionism? The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder in a clinical longitudinal sample of female patients with stress-related
Per Reinhardt, Susanne Ellbin, Anders Carlander, Emina Hadzibajramovic, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Journal of Clinical Psychology - 2023 -
Implementing clinical guidelines for co-occurring substance use and major mental disorders in Swedish forensic psychiatry: An exploratory, qualitative interview study with mental health care
Johan Green, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, S. Olausson, Peter Andiné, Märta Wallinius, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment - 2023 -
Tumor burden and health-related quality of life in patients with melanoma in-transit
Hanna Wesslau, Anders Carlander, Lars Ny, Fredrik Wärnberg, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Cancers - 2023 -
The ever gap: The relationship between self-rated health and socio-economic inequalities in Sweden between 1999 and
Anders Carlander, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Social Sciences & Humanities Open - 2023 -
Tumour burden and female sex is negatively associated with health-related quality of life in patients with melanoma in-transit
Hanna Wesslau, Anders Carlander, Lars Ny, Fredrik Wärnberg, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2023 -
Prevalence and heritability of alcohol use disorders in 18-year old Swedish
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke, Peter Andiné, Sabrina Doering, Sebastian Lundström
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - 2023 -
Biopsykosociala modellen – beskrivning och
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Sven G. Carlsson
Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi - 2023 -
Evidensbaserad psykologisk praktik och
Erik Nilsson, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi - 2023 -
Psykterapeutiska perspektiv på behandling vid
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Sven G. Carlsson
Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi - 2023 -
Interpersonell psykoterapi
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Bäck
Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi - 2023 -
Handbok i missbruks- och
The decision-making process in Swedish forensic psychiatric
Olof Svensson, Peter Andiné, Sara Bromander, Karl Ask, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
International journal of law and psychiatry - 2022 -
COVID-19 related distress in the Swedish population: Validation of the Swedish version of the COVID Stress Scales
Anders Carlander, Mats Lekander, Gordon J. G. Asmundson, Steven Taylor, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
PLoS ONE - 2022 -
Health-related quality of life using the FACT-M questionnaire in patients with malignant melanoma: A systematic
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Hanna Wesslau, Roza Cizek, Carl Jacob Holmberg, Marc Moncrieff, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Anders Carlander, Roger Olofsson Bagge
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2022 -
Decision-Making Within Forensic Psychiatric Investigations: The Use of Various Information Sources by Different Expert Groups to Reach Conclusions on Legal
Lizel Göranson, Olof Svensson, Peter Andiné, Sara Bromander, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén
Frontiers in Psychiatry - 2022 -
Is obsessive–compulsive personality disorder related to stress-related
S. Gulin, S. Ellbin, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
Brain and Behavior - 2021 -
Health-related quality of life (FACT-GP) in
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Anders Carlander, Claudia Fahlke, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - 2020 -
Alcohol intoxicated witnesses' interpretation of social behavior in intimate partner
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Claudia Fahlke, Kerstin Armelius
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2019 -
Ökad hälsomedvetenhet kan öka människors
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Mats Lekander, Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Claudia Fahlke
Läkartidningen - 2019 -
Förmedla hälsopsykologisk kunskap utan att öka hälsorelaterad
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Mats Lekander, Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Claudia Fahlke
Psykologtidningen - 2019 -
Modeordet livskvalitet bör granskas
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Claudia Fahlke
Psykologtidningen - 2019 -
Ompröva det skriftliga
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Claudia Fahlke
Psykologtidningen - 2018 -
Modeordet livskvalitet bör granskas
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Claudia Fahlke
Svenska Dagbladet - 2018 -
En parasit kan kanske ligga bakom psykisk
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke
Psykologtidningen - 2018 -
Somatic effects of AAS abuse: A 30-years follow-up study of male former power sports
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, T. Rosen, Claudia Fahlke, C. Ehrnborg, B.O. Eriksson, Tommy Moberg, I. Thiblin
Journal of science and medicine in sport - 2017 -
Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients Who have In-Transit Melanoma Metastases Treated with Isolated Limb
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Ilan Ben-Shabat, Valerio Belgrano, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Annals of Surgical Oncology - 2016 -
Erratum to: Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients Who have In-Transit Melanoma Metastases Treated with Isolated Limb
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Ilan Ben-Shabat, Valerio Belgrano, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Annals of surgical oncology - 2016 -
Psykisk ohälsa och våldsbrott – inget okomplicerat
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Märta Wallinius
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
Alkohol- och narkotikaforskning vid Göteborgs universitet. Om kunskap och samverkan – från riskbruk, missbruk till
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Angelica Hagsand, Claudia Fahlke
2015 -
First report from the Swedish National Forensic Psychiatric Register
Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Linda Hassing, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Hans Andersson, Lars Eriksson, Frances Hagelbäck Hanson, Nina Möller, Thomas Nilsson, Björn Hofvander, Henrik Anckarsäter
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - 2014 -
Depression och självmord - evolutionära
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge
SANS - 2014 -
Increased mortality rate and suicide in Swedish former elite male athletes in power
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Tommy Moberg, Christer Ehrnborg, Bengt O Eriksson, Claudia Fahlke, Thord Rosén
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports - 2014 -
Kan vården effektiviseras för att förebygga framtida
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Claudia Fahlke
Psykologtidningen - 2013 -
A retrospective 30-year follow-up study of former Swedish-elite male athletes in power sports with a past anabolic androgenic steroids use: a focus on mental
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Tommy Moberg, Bengt O Eriksson, Christer Ehrnborg, Thord Rosén, Claudia Fahlke
British journal of sports medicine - 2013 -
Increased mortality in patients at Resource centre for hormone
Sara Stanford, Christer Ehrnborg, Eva Edin, Bengt O Eriksson, Claudia Fahlke, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Tommy Moberg, Thord Rosén
First Nordic Conference on Abuse of Anabolic Steroids and Anti-Doping Work - 2010 -
Hormone doping: Frequency-attitudes in Swedish male elite athletes in power sports, active
Christer Ehrnborg, Bengt O Eriksson, Claudia Fahlke, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Tommy Moberg, Thord Rosén
First Nordic Conference on Abuse of Anabolic Steroids and Anti-Doping Work - 2010 -
Hormondoping: frekvens-attityd hos svenska manliga elitidrottare inom kraftsporter, aktiva
S. Atai, F. Javad, Christer Ehrnborg, B. Eriksson, Claudia Fahlke, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, T. Moberg, Thord Rosén
Svenska läkarsällskapets riksstämma, sektionen för idrottsmedicin, Göteborg, 2008 - 2008 -
Den neurobiologiska grunden till överföring och
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist
Psykologtidningen - 2008 -
AAS abuse in former competitive sport
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, B. Eriksson, C. Erhnborg, Claudia Fahlke, T. Moberg, T. Rosén
First Nordic Conference on Abuse of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Anti-Doping Work, Uppsala, 2007 - 2007 -
Överväganden vid utvärdering av organvikt som mått på
I Thiblin, H.R. Mobini-Far, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Claudia Fahlke, G Ågren
Svenska läkarsällskapets riksstämma, sektionen för rättsmedicin, Stockholm, 2007 - 2007 -
Personality characteristics of men abusing anabolic androgenic
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Christer Ehrnborg, T. Rosén, Claudia Fahlke
First Nordic Conference on Abuse of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Anti-Doping Work, Uppsala - 2007 -
Thiblin I. Allometric or induced effects? Considerations when evaluating organ
G Ågren, H.R. Mobini-Far, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Claudia Fahlke, I Thiblin
Forensic Conference, Vilnius, Litauen, 2007 - 2007 -
Administration of the anabolic androgenic steroid nandrolone decanoate to female rats causes alterations in the morphology of their uterus and a reduction in reproductive
I Mobini, G Ågren, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Maarit Marmendal, Claudia Fahlke, I Thiblin
European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology - 2007 -
Nandrolone decanoate has long-term effects on dominance in a competitive situation in male
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Claudia Fahlke
Psysiol Behavior - 2005 -
Personality characteristics of men abusing anabolic androgenic
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Christer Ehrnborg, Thord Rosén, Claudia Fahlke
XXVIII International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China, 2004. - 2004 -
Can use of anabolic androgenic steroids act as a gateway for alcohol
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, F. Nyberg, Claudia Fahlke
XXVIII International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China, 2004. - 2004 -
Anabolic androgenic steroids enhance social aggression and behavioural responsiveness to innocent stimuli in male
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, F. Nyberg, Claudia Fahlke
XXVIII International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China, 2004. - 2004 -
Nandrolone decanoate, behaviour and brain: animal experimental
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist
2004 -
Anabolic androgenic steroid affects competitive behaviour, behavioural response to ethanol and brain serotonin
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, Pia Johansson-Steensland, Fred Nyberg, Claudia Fahlke
Behavioural brain research - 2002 -
Anabolic androgenic steroids affects alcohol intake, defensive behaviors and brain opioid peptides in the
P Johansson, Ann-Sophie Lindqvist, F Nyberg, Claudia Fahlke
Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior - 2000