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- Alexandra Weilenmann
Alexandra Weilenmann
Institutionen för tillämpad IT, avd KLIKProgramansvarig
Institutionen för tillämpad IT, avd KLIKOm Alexandra Weilenmann
Weilenmann är professor i interaktionsdesign och chef för avdelningen för människa- datorinteraktion vid institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknik, Göteborgs universitet.
Alexandra Weilenmann har över 20 års erfarenhet av att studera användningen av mobil informations- och kommunikationsteknologi och har genomfört fältarbete i många situationer med mobil teknikanvändning och, på senare år, även sociala medier. I detta arbete drar hon nytta av och vidareutvecklar olika metoder för att försöka komma nära användarna och förstå deras vardagliga användning av digital teknik och tjänster. Detta innebär ett metodmässigt utforskande, där etnografiska studier ute i fält kombineras med data från digitala och sociala plattformar för att kunna studera hur vardagliga aktiviteter, i allt högre grad, spelas ut över platser och plattformar. Museibesökare, tonåringar, nyhetsreportrar, rådjursjägare, digitala seniorer är några av alla de grupper hon har studerat, för att förstå deras interaktion med och genom digital teknik. En övergripande ambition med hennes arbete är att bidra till ett samhälle där tekniken stöttar och stärker våra vardagliga interaktioner och relationer.
Alexandra undervisar och handleder i ämnen som människa-datorinteraktion, interaktionsdesign och forskningsmetod vid institutionen.
GitHub HCI divisionGoogle scholar publicationsTwitter @superalexLinkedIn
On the Social Dimensions of Remembering with and through Digital
Alexandra Weilenmann
Keeping Memories Alive: A Decennial Study of Social Media Reminiscing, Memories, and
Beata Jungselius, Alexandra Weilenmann
Social Media and Society - 2023 -
Reversed Multi-Layer Design as an Approach to Designing for Digital
Rebecca Finne, Lisa Larsson, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Sebastian Andreasson, Tove Hjelm, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson
Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference - 2022 -
Reversed Multi-Layer Design as an Approach to Designing for Digital
Rebecca Finne, L Larsson, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Sebastian Andreasson, Tove Hjelm, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson
Proceedings of NordiCHI 2022 - 2022 -
Social Drones for Health and
Mohammad Obaid, Kivanç Tatar, Mikael Wiberg, Alan Said, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Wafa Johal, Friederike Eyssel
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2022 -
A Socioecological Approach to ICT Use by Adults over 65 and its Implication on
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Alexandra Weilenmann, Sandra Buratti, Olof Torgersson, Mattias Rost
25th International Academic Mindtrek conference - 2022 -
Behind the scenes of planning for public participation: planning for air-quality monitoring with low-cost
Karin Ekman, Alexandra Weilenmann
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management - 2021 -
Shared Screen Time: The Role of the Mobile Phone in Local Social Interaction in 2000 and
Alexandra Weilenmann
Perceiving the Future through New Communication Technologies - 2021 -
Zooming in/zooming out: How Covid-19 Redefined the Screen-Time
Alexandra Weilenmann, M. Wiberg
Interactions - 2021 -
Nurses' work practices in design: managing the complexity of
Katerina Cerna, Alexandra Weilenmann, Jonas Ivarsson, Hans Rystedt, A. S. Islind, Johan Lundin, Gunnar Steineck
Journal of Workplace Learning - 2020 -
Searching for Empathy: A Swedish Study on Designing for
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson, Beata Jungselius
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society - 2020 -
Selfies in the wild: Studying selfie photography as a local
Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman
Mobile Media and Communication - 2020 -
Alexandra Weilenmann
Multimodal interaktionsanalys - 2020 -
Supporting self-management of radiation-induced bowel and bladder dysfunction in pelvic-cancer rehabilitation: An ethnographic
Katerina Cerna, Jonas Ivarsson, Alexandra Weilenmann, Gunnar Steineck
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2019 -
Same Same But Different: Changes in Social Media Practices Over
Beata Jungselius, Alexandra Weilenmann
SMSociety '19 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Social Media and Society - 2019 -
VI träffas där vi sågs
Alexandra Weilenmann
Sånt vi bara gör - 2019 -
Enabling interaction and engagement to pursue behaviour change in Citizen Science
Karin Ekman, Alexandra Weilenmann
CitSci2019 - 2019 -
Vi träffas där vi sågs
Alexandra Weilenmann
Sånt vi bara gör - 2019 -
"It must not disturb, it’s as simple as that": Students’ voices on mobile phones in the infrastructure for learning in Swedish upper secondary
Torbjörn Ott, Anita Grigic Magusson, Alexandra Weilenmann, Ylva Hård af Segerstad
Education and Information Technologies - 2018 -
Conceptualizing ‘Use’ in Social Media
Beata Jungselius, Alexandra Weilenmann
SMSociety '18 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2018 -
Curating visual experiences through mobile
Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman
Linguistic and Material Intimacies of Cell Phones - 2018 -
Five Provocations for Ethical HCI
Barry Brown, Alexandra Weilenmann, Donny McMillan, Lampinen Airi
Proceedings of ACM CHI - 2016 -
M. Rost, J. Rooksby, Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman, P. Dobrin, J. Ye
Proceedings of the Nordichi '16: The 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Game Changing Design - 2016 -
Traces of engagement: narrative-making practices with smartphones on a museum field
Thomas Hillman, Alexandra Weilenmann, Beata Jungselius, Tiina Leino Lindell
Learning, Media & Technology - 2016 -
Museum2020: The Implications of the Digitalization of Society for Public Knowledge
Eva Eriksson, Olof Torgersson, Alexandra Weilenmann
14th Participatory Design Conference (PDC’16) - 2016 -
Social media souvenirs: Expanded experiences through visitor
Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman
Museums and Visitor Photography: Redefining the Visitor Experience - 2016 -
Pokémon GO And Mobile Wellbeing: Initial Observations On Experiences And Reported
Beata Jungselius, Alexandra Weilenmann, Mattias Rost
Proceedings of Mobile Wellbeing Workshop, NordiCHI 2016 - 2016 -
Situated Social Media Use: A Methodological Approach to Locating Social Media Practices and
Thomas Hillman, Alexandra Weilenmann
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - 2015 -
On the role of cross-disciplinary research and SSE in addressing the challenges of the digitalization of
Rakesh Rana, Miroslaw Staron, Christian Berger, Agneta Nilsson, Alexandra Weilenmann, Martin Rydmark
Proceedings IEEE 6th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science - 2015 -
Communication across platforms: Switching between talk and text in mobile phone
Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Alexandra Weilenmann, Katerina Cerna
12th ICA Mobile Pre-Conference, May 20-21, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. - 2015 -
Learning about friction: group dynamics in engineering students’ work with free body
Maria Berge, Alexandra Weilenmann
European Journal of Engineering Education - 2014 -
Managing walking together: The challenge of revolving
Alexandra Weilenmann, Daniel Normark, Eric Laurier
Space and Culture - 2014 -
Fishing for followers: Using hashtags as like bait in social
Beata Jungselius, Thomas Hillman, Alexandra Weilenmann
Internet Research - 2014 -
Incidental and essential objects-in-interaction: Paper documents in journalistic
Alexandra Weilenmann, Gustav Lymer
Interacting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity, - 2014 -
Mobile video literacy: Negotiating the use of a new visual
Alexandra Weilenmann, Roger Säljö, Arvid Engström
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - 2014 -
Methodological Challenges for Studying Cross-Platform
Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Alexandra Weilenmann
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research - 2013 -
Awareness, Transience and Temporality: Design Opportunities from Rah
Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Sanches, Alexandra Weilenmann
14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact'13) - 2013 -
Instagram at the museum: Communicating the museum experience through social photo
Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman, Beata Jungselius
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - 2013 -
Methodological Challenges for Studying Cross-Platform
Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Alexandra Weilenmann
Internet Research 14.0: Resistance and Appropriation, The Fourteenth International Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers - 2013 -
"In just three hours I got like 22 likes on a pancake picture": Dealing with temporality in social media use and
Thomas Hillman, Beata Jungselius, Alexandra Weilenmann
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Paris: ACM Press - 2013 -
Making Sense of Screen Mobility: Dynamic Maps and Cartographic Literacy in a Highly Mobile
Oskar Juhlin, Alexandra Weilenmann
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - 2013 -
Using mobile technology to share learning experiences in
Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman
Next Generation Learning - 2012 -
Creating live experiences with real and stuffed animals: the use of mobile technologies in
Thomas Hillman, Alexandra Weilenmann, Beata Jungselius
Proceedings of the Transformative Museum - 2012 -
Time to revisit mobility in mobile
Alexandra Weilenmann, Oskar Juhlin
ACM Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - 2011 -
Mobile Video Literacy as an Evolving Practice in an Informal Learning
Alexandra Weilenmann, Roger Säljö
The 29th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’11). - 2011 -
Understanding People and Animals: The Use of a Positioning System in Ordinary Human-Canine
Alexandra Weilenmann, Oskar Juhlin
Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - 2011 -
Learning to text: An interaction analytic study of how seniors learn to enter text on mobile
Alexandra Weilenmann
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - 2010 -
Mobiltelefonanvändning bland
Alexandra Weilenmann
2008 -
Alexandra Weilenmann
Conference on Mobile Media and the Change of Everyday Life - 2008 -
Hunting for Fun: Solitude and Attentiveness in
Alexandra Weilenmann, Oskar Juhlin
Proceedings of CSCW 08, Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - 2008 -
Mobile presence and intimacy: Reshaping social actions in mobile contextual
Alexandra Weilenmann, Ilkka Arminen
Journal of Pragmatics - 2008 -
Mobile presence and
Alexandra Weilenmann, Ilkka Arminen
International Pragmatics Conference (IPra 07) - 2007 -
Drivers Using Mobile Phones in Traffic: An Ethnographic Study of Interactional
Alexandra Weilenmann, Oskar Juhlin, Mattias Esbjörnssson
International Journal of Human Computer Interaction - 2007 -
Riskerna med mobiltelefon i trafiken
Alexandra Weilenmann, Oskar Juhlin, Mattias Esbjörnsson
DN Debatt - 2006 -
Individual and collaborative use of
Alexandra Weilenmann, Gustav Lymer
2006 -
Negotiating place in mobile phone
Alexandra Weilenmann
Proceedings from Virtual Society – Beyond Mobility, Södertörn Högskola - 2006 -
Mobile methodologies: Studying mobility as and where it
Alexandra Weilenmann
The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Geography Annual Conference 2006 - 2006 -
Printing Practices: Why paper is printed in the
Alexandra Weilenmann, Gustav Lymer
Proceedings of the 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 29) - 2006 -
Book review of The Mobile Connection by Rich
Alexandra Weilenmann
Interfaces, British HCI Group - 2006 -
Mobile Phone Talk in
Alexandra Weilenmann, Mattias Esbjörnsson
Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 2005 -
”I can’t talk now, I’m in a fitting room”: Availability and Location in Mobile Phone
Alexandra Weilenmann
Environment and Planning A - 2003 -
Alexandra Weilenmann
2003 -
Local use and sharing of mobile
Alexandra Weilenmann, Catrine Larsson
Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age - 2001 -
Negotiating Use: Making Sense of Mobile
Alexandra Weilenmann
Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - 2001