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- Mattias Rost
Mattias Rost
Institutionen för tillämpad IT, avd KLIKAvd-/Sektionschef, Inst
Institutionen för tillämpad IT, avd KLIKOm Mattias Rost
Mattias Rost är universitetslektor i Interaktionsdesign, och avdelningschef för KLIK - Kognitionsvetenskap, Lärande och IT, Interaktionsdesign, och Kommunikation. Han doktorerade på Mobile Life Centre, ägnade 4 år som postdoc på University of Glasgow, och har arbetat som digital strateg på digitaliseringsbyrån Iteam. Han har lång erfarenhet både i industrin och inom akademisk forskning. Hans forskningsintressen innefattar mobil kommunikation och interaktion, digitalt välmående och hälsa, och mindfulness. Hans generella forskningsmetod består i att designa, utveckla, och studera teknik i användning.
Leave it to the parents: How hacktivism-as-tuning reconfigures public sector digital
Claire Ingram Bogusz, Johan Magnusson, Mattias Rost
Government Information Quarterly - 2025 -
Stable Walk: An interactive environment for exploring Stable Diffusion
Mattias Rost, Sebastian Andreasson
Joint Proceedings of the IUI 2023 Workshops: HAI-GEN, ITAH, MILC, SHAI, SketchRec, SOCIALIZE co-located with the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2023) - 2023 -
Reversed Multi-Layer Design as an Approach to Designing for Digital
Rebecca Finne, Lisa Larsson, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Sebastian Andreasson, Tove Hjelm, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson
Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference - 2022 -
Reversed Multi-Layer Design as an Approach to Designing for Digital
Rebecca Finne, L Larsson, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Sebastian Andreasson, Tove Hjelm, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson
Proceedings of NordiCHI 2022 - 2022 -
Social Drones for Health and
Mohammad Obaid, Kivanç Tatar, Mikael Wiberg, Alan Said, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Wafa Johal, Friederike Eyssel
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2022 -
A Socioecological Approach to ICT Use by Adults over 65 and its Implication on
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Alexandra Weilenmann, Sandra Buratti, Olof Torgersson, Mattias Rost
25th International Academic Mindtrek conference - 2022 -
Perspectives and Practices of Digital Accessibility: A Survey of User Experience Professionals in Nordic
Yavuz Inal, Frode Guribye, Dorina Rajanen, Mikko Rajanen, Mattias Rost
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society - 2020 -
Synchronous text messaging: A field trial of Curtains
Martin Podlubny, John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Matthew Chalmers
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - 2017 -
Personal tracking of screen time on digital
John Rooksby, Parvin Asadzadeh, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings - 2016 -
Forget-me-not: History-less mobile
Mattias Rost, Christos Kitsos, Alexander Morgan, Martin Podlubny, Pietro Romeo, Edoardo Russo, Matthew Chalmers
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings - 2016 -
Uncovering smartphone usage patterns with multi-view mixed membership
Seppo Virtanen, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers, Mark Girolami
Stat - 2016 -
Study protocol of European Fans in Training (EuroFIT): A four-country randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle program for men delivered in elite football
Femke Van Nassau, Hidde P. Van Der Ploeg, Frank Abrahamsen, Eivind Andersen, Annie S. Anderson, Judith E. Bosmans, Christopher Bunn, Matthew Chalmers, Ciaran Clissmann, Jason M.R. Gill, Cindy M. Gray, Kate Hunt, Judith G.M. Jelsma, Jennifer G. La Guardia, Pierre N. Lemyre, David W. Loudon, Lisa Macaulay, Douglas J. Maxwell, Alex McConnachie, Anne Martin, Nikos Mourselas, Nanette Mutrie, Ria Nijhuis-Van Der Sanden, Kylie O'Brien, Hugo V. Pereira, Matthew Philpott, Glyn C. Roberts, John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Øystein Røynesdal, Naveed Sattar, Marlene N. Silva, Marit Sorensen, Pedro J. Teixeira, Shaun Treweek, Theo Van Achterberg, Irene Van De Glind, Willem Van Mechelen, Sally Wyke
BMC Public Health - 2016 -
Pass the ball: Enforced turn-taking in activity
John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings - 2015 -
Non-parametric Bayes to infer playing strategies adopted in a population of mobile
Seppo Virtanen, Mattias Rost, Matthew Higgs, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers, Mark Girolami
Stat - 2015 -
Personal tracking as lived
John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings - 2014 -
Representation and communication: Challenges in interpreting large social media
Mattias Rost, Louise Barkhuus, Henriette Cramer, Barry Brown
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW - 2013 -
Mobile exploration of geotagged
Mattias Rost, Henriette Cramer, Lars Erik Holmquist
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - 2012 -
Performing a check-in: Emerging practices, norms and 'conflicts' in location-sharing using
Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
Mobile HCI 2011 - 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - 2011 -
Integrating students’ mobile technology in higher
Johan Lundin, Gustav Lymer, Lars Erik Holmquist, Barry Brown, Mattias Rost
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation - 2010 -
Tools for students doing mobile
Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous ICT-Based Education - 2009 -
Facilitating mobile music sharing and social interaction with
Maria Håkansson, Mattias Rost, Mattias Jacobsson, Lars Erik Holmquist
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007 -
Gifts from friends and strangers: A study of mobile music
Maria Håkansson, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
ECSCW 2007 - Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - 2007 -
Seeing Ethnographically: Teaching ethnography as part of
Barry Brown, Johan Lundin, Gustav Lymer, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
In L. J. Bannon, I. Wagner, C. Gutwin, R. H. R. Harper & K. Schmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. London: Springer - 2007 -
When media gets wise: Collaborative filtering with mobile media
Mattias Jacobsson, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI - 2006