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- Lana Sabelfeld
Lana Sabelfeld
Företagsekonomiska institutionenOm Lana Sabelfeld
Lana är universitetslektor och docent i företagsekonomi. Hennes forskningsintresse kretsar kring ämnen som redovisning, hållbarhet, reglering och kommunikation. Lana undersöker praktiken av hållbarhetsredovisning och integrerad rapportering i olika ekonomiska, kulturella och regulatoriska kontext (till exempel Sverige och Japan). Hennes studier fick Oscar Sillén-pris (2014), Emerald Literati Award for Highly Commended article (2019) och Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding article (2021). Lana är medlem i Editorial Advisory Board för Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, samt medlem i Handelshögskolans Executive Faculty-program, som fokuserar på kunskapsutbyte och samverkan med svenska industrier.
- Hållbarhetsredovisning, Integrerad rapportering, redovisningsreglering, redovisningskommunikation
- Externredovisning, Hållbarhetsredovisning, Uppsatshandlening
Utvalda publikationer
Sabelfeld, L., Dumay, J. & Czarniawska, B. (2024), Wrapping: an artistic device used in the integration of corporate reporting, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 37 (9), pp. 160-191. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-05-2023-6439
Sabelfeld, S., Dumay, J., & La Torre, M, (2023). Adapting Integrated Reporting through the Stages of local Rationalisation. Accounting Forum. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01559982.2023.2180836
Beusch, P., Jonäll, K., & Sabelfeld, S. (2023) (Eds.) Corporate governance in Nordic Setting: the Case of Sweden, De Gruyter studies in Corporate Governance.
Arvidsson, S., & Sabelfeld, S. (2023) Adaptive framing of sustainability in CEO letters. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 36 No. 9, pp. 161-199. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-11-2019-4274
Samani, N., Overland, C., & Sabelfeld, S. (2023). The Role of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive and Employee Representation in Employee-Related Disclosures. Accounting Forum, Vol 47 No 2, pp. 278-306. https://doi.org/10.1080/01559982.2022.2158773
La Torre, M., Sabelfeld, S., Blomkvist, M., & Dumay, J. (2020). Rebuilding trust: Sustainability and non-financial reporting and the European Union regulation. Meditari Accountancy Research.
Sabelfeld, S. (2020). 10 Accounting communication for sustainability. Chapter in Rimmel.G(ed) Accounting for Sustainability, Routledge
La Torre, M., Sabelfeld, S., Blomkvist, M., Tarquinio, L., & Dumay, J. (2018). Harmonising non-financial reporting regulation in Europe: Practical forces and projections for future research. Meditari Accountancy Research.
Jonäll, K., & Sabelfeld, S. (2018). Accounting for survival of polar bears: An arctic icon on thin ice. In Around the World in 80 Species (pp. 337-355). Routledge.
Sabelfeld, S. (2013). Investor relations on the Web–interpretations across borders. PhD Thesis, University of Gothenburg.
Barbara Czarniawska (1948–2024): reflections in memory of her work and
Lana Sabelfeld, John Dumay, Sten Jönsson, Hervé Corvellec, Bino Catasús, Rolf Solli, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Elena Raviola, Paolo Quattrone, James Guthrie
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal - 2024 -
Adapting integrated reporting through the stages of local
Svetlana Sabelfeld, John Dumay, Matteo La Torre
Accounting Forum - 2024 -
Sustainability reporting in construction and real estate sector: A conceptualization and a review of existing
Hira Shahid, Lana Sabelfeld, Jeaneth Johansson
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2024 -
The Role of Investment Beliefs and Heuristics in Corporate Valuation: A comparison between buy and sell side financial
Magnus Jansson, Lana Sabelfeld, Sakarias Bank
SABE/IAREP Conference, 19-22 Aug, 2024, Dundee, UK - 2024 -
When the CSRD-tsunami hits the
Peter Beusch, Lana Sabelfeld, Marita Blomkvist
34th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, 27-29 Aug 2024 University of St Andrews, Scotland - 2024 -
Wrapping: an artistic device used in the integration of corporate
Lana Sabelfeld, John Dumay, Barbara Czarniawska
Early-stage implementation of CSRD: narratives from managerial and reporting
Peter Beusch, Lana Sabelfeld, Marita Blomkvist, Jeaneth Johansson
1st European Sustainability Accounting & Reporting Conference (ESARC) 5 - 6 September 2024, Ålborg, Denmark - 2024 -
The Role of Accounting and Governance in transition process towards Sustainable Development
Lana Sabelfeld
MIRAI 2.0 Research and Innovation Week 2023, Umeå, Sweden, November-2023 - 2023 -
Corporate governance in a time of
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Corporate Governance in a Nordic Setting. edited by Beusch, P., Jonäll, K. & Sabelfeld, S. - 2023 -
Peter Beusch, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Corporate Governance in a Nordic Setting - 2023 -
Corporate governance in the Nordic countries and Sweden – final reflections and
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Kristina Jonäll, Peter Beusch
Corporate Governance in a Nordic Setting. - 2023 -
The role of the EU non-financial reporting directive and employee representation in employee-related
Niuosha Samani, Conny Overland, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Accounting Forum - 2023 -
The Swedish corporate governance
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Kristina Jonäll
Corporate Governance in a Nordic Setting. edited by Beusch, P., Jonäll, K. & Sabelfeld, S. - 2023 -
Adaptive framing of sustainability in CEO
Susanne Arvidsson, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal - 2023 -
Corporate Governance in a Nordic
Levels, voices, and powers of sustainability reporting
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Marita Blomkvist, John Dumay, Matteo La Torre
Paper presented at the 33rd International Congress on Social & Environmental Accounting Research held in St Andrews on August 22-24, 2023. - 2023 -
Country-by country reporting of payments to governments by extractives: lost in translation in the Swedish
Marita Blomkvist, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Louise Crawford, Jim Haslam
Paper presented at the 32nd International Congress on Social & Environmental Accounting Research Research held in St Andrews on August 23-25, 2022. - 2022 -
Comments on ED/2022/S1 [Draft] IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial
Adaptive framing of sustainability in CEO
Susanne Arvidsson, Svetlana Sabelfeld
44th Annual European Accounting Association (EAA) Congress, May 11-13, 2022, Bergen, Norway. - 2022 -
Implementing Transnational Non-Financial Accounting Regulation in Extractive Industries: Lost in Local
Marita Blomkvist, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Louise Crawford, Jim Haslam
Paper presented at the Critical Perspectives on Accounting virtual workshop in Sept 8th, 2021. - 2021 -
Rebuilding trust: sustainability and non-financial reporting and the European Union
Matteo La Torre, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Marita Blomkvist, John Dumay
Meditari Accountancy Research - 2020 -
Accounting and the mitigation of the resource curse: Exploring the efficacy of the EU law concerning reports on Payments to Governments in country-specific contexts across the
The STAR Collective, Marita Blomkvist, Svetlana Sabelfeld
2020 -
Critical reflections and future
Peter Beusch, Gunnar Rimmel, Susanne Arvidsson, Berit Hartmann, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Matti Skoog
Accounting for sustainability/ edited by Gunnar Rimmel - 2020 -
Accounting communication for
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Accounting for Sustainability edited by Gunnar Rimmel - 2020 -
What happens material information when sustainability reporting becomes
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Isabella Linder
31th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, 27 – 29th August, 2019, St. Andrews, Scotland - 2019 -
Accounting for survival of polar bears: an arctic icon on thin
Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Atkins J. & Atkins B. (ed) "Around the World in 80 Species - Exploring the Business of Extinction" - 2019 -
Harmonising Non-Financial Reporting Regulation in Europe: Practical Forces and Projections for
Matteo La Torre, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Marita Blomkvist, Lara Tarquinio, John Dumay
Meditari Accountancy Research Journal - 2018 -
Gunnar Rimmel, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Redovisning för hållbarhet / Susanne Arvidsson, Peter Beusch, Berit Hartmann, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Matti Skoog ; Gunnar Rimmel, red. kapitel 9 - 2018 -
Instruktionsfilmer i
Josefin Andersson Sols, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Digitalisering av högre utbildning / Stefan Hrastinski (red.), Kapitel 13 - 2018 -
Redovisningskommunikation för
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Redovisning för hållbarhet / Susanne Arvidsson, Peter Beusch, Berit Hartmann, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Matti Skoog ; Gunnar Rimmel, red. Kapitel 10 - 2018 -
Global Reporting
Gunnar Rimmel, Svetlana Sabelfeld
Redovisning för hållbarhet , Susanne Arvidsson, Peter Beusch, Berit Hartmann, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Matti Skoog ; Gunnar Rimmel, red. kapitel 8 - 2018 -
Kritisk reflektion och framtida
Gunnar Rimmel, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Matti Skoog, Peter Beusch, Berit Hartmann, Kristina Jonäll, Susanne Arvidsson
Redovisning för hållbarhet / Susanne Arvidsson, Peter Beusch, Berit Hartmann, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Matti Skoog ; Gunnar Rimmel, red. Kapitel 14 - 2018 -
Communication of Business Model Reporting i Corporate Reports - a Study of Reporting Patterns in
Peter Beusch, Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel, Susanne Arvidsson
41st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, May 2018, Milan, Italy - 2018 -
Svetlana Sabelfeld, John Dumay
41st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, May 2018, Milan, Italy - 2018 -
Adoption of mandatory sustainability reporting in
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Linda Hansson, Amanda Hellgren
30th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, St. Andrews, Scotland - 2018 -
Re-designing learning activities in accounting. Towards blended
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Kristina Jonäll, Josefin Andersson Sols
40th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association 2017 - 2017 -
Monetization, standardization & materialization – A pragmatic view on sustainable development
Peter Beusch, Svetlana Sabelfeld
29th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, 29th – 31st August, 2017, St. Andrews, Scotland - 2017 -
Remissvar avseende Rekommendation om revisorns yttrande om
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Redovisningsteorier – viktiga begrepp och teoretiska perspektiv inom redovisning - 2016 -
Investing across borders – which actors do matter in
Svetlana Sabelfeld
19th Annual Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom. July 2015. - 2015 -
Investor Relations on the Web – towards communication
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel, Kristina Jonäll
2015 -
Re-designing learning activities in accounting - towards ”blended
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg, 22 Oktober 2015, Göteborg. - 2015 -
Investor Relations on the Web - towards communication
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel, Kristina Jonäll
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, 8-10 July 2015, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm - 2015 -
"Quality Multiple” – a study of Internet reporting from the perspectives of companies´ IR managers and
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Critical Perspectives on Accounting conference, Toronto, Canada, 7-9 July 2014. - 2014 -
Investor Relations on the Web: transmission or
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel, Kristina Jonäll
18th Annual Conference on Financial reporting and Business Communications, Bristol, UK, 3-4 July 2014 - 2014 -
Investor Relations on the Web – interpretations across
Svetlana Sabelfeld
2013 -
Inductive Content Analysis – a methodological research note to disclosures studies in financial
Kristina Jonäll, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel
22nd Nordic Academy of Management conference, , 21-23 Augusti, Reykjavik, Island - 2013 -
Inductive content analysis of financial communication on IR websites - a methodological research note to disclosures
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel, Kristina Jonäll
Financial Reporting and Business Communication Research Unit 16th Annual Conference 5 and 6 July 2012 - 2012 -
Disclosure on Investor Relations
Svetlana Sabelfeld
2011 -
Information on the investor relations websites – How to study its usefulness? A research
Svetlana Sabelfeld
Proceedings of Pragmatic Constructivism - 2011 -
Disclosure on Investor Relations
Svetlana Sabelfeld
2011 -
The institutional dimension on the content of investor relations websites - comparing UK, Sweden and
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel
2010 -
Content analysis: an inductive approach to the practices of Internet
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel
Nordic Accounting Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2010 -
The institutional dimension on the content of investor relations websites - comparing UK, Sweden and
Svetlana Sabelfeld, Gunnar Rimmel
14th Annual Conference on Financial reporting and Business Communications, Bristol, UK - 2010