Göteborgs universitet

CRITPEN Projects

Ongoing projects by members of the CRITPEN research network.

Below you will find short presentations of ongoing projects that CRITPEN-members are a part of (including links to one or two publications/webpages of importance). If you are interested, please send a similar presentation of projects you are a part of to mattias.nylund@ped.gu.se  The idea is to create a list that will help researchers with a critical knowledge interest to easily find other research with a similar knowledge interest.


Critical education in vocational subjects? Civic knowledge in vocational programmes, policy documents and classroom practice.

Swedish research council (2016-2019).

This project aims to develop an understanding of how education towards critical thinking is made available for the vocational students in the work oriented courses of VET. The main interest concerns the possible and actual role of educational content in enabling students to an understanding of their own position in larger structures; teaching in processes of influence (argumentation, participation in associations and unions) and education towards identity development in those subjects. The methodology rests on policy ethnography in order to generate knowledge concerning (i) the extent and nature of the learning processes that can be characterized as civic education in VET programmes (ii) what actors are involved in these activities (students, teachers, school, workplace training etcetera) (iii) how young people acquire and value the civic educative processes, and (iv) to what extent and why (i) and (iii) vary between program and school context. The projects acknowledges variables as social background, gender and knowledge traditions through the sample and choice of theory.

For publications and more information, see: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Critical-education-in-vocational-subjects-Civic-knowledge-in-vocational-programmes-policy-documents-and-classroom-practice

Privatisation and Access to Higher Education (PAHE)

The project aims to find out how the social space of educational choice is constructed in relation to different public and private actors in the higher education field, and to investigate how the logic of the field influences applicants’ choices of and access to higher education with regard to their social background. Two concrete higher education perspectives characterise this research: the process of transition (applicant’s point of view), and the different processes of privatisation in the field (the market viewpoint). The project participates in the academic debate around access to higher education and its relation to educational equality and equal opportunities.
