Göteborgs universitet
An ongoing lecture with a visiting scholar.
Every year CeCAR welcomes leading collective action researchers as visiting scholars.
Foto: Benjamin Aikynemi

CeCAR Visiting Scholars

Every year CeCAR welcomes scholars from around the world to attend seminars, workshops, and events. In this section we introduce you to a few of these leading researchers in the field of collective action.

The complexity of the climate change problem is challenging. The world is slow to act, despite the fact that solutions are available. So the real challenge is getting people, governments, groups to act on the results of our research.

Erick Lachapelle
Erick Lachapelle, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Montreal.

Researching plastic pollution is similar to doing a million piece puzzle.

Patricia Villarrubia Gomez
Patricia Villarrubia Gomez, Plastic Pollution Expert, GRID-Arendal.

My research on legitimacy judgments may explain to policy-makers when and why citizens express their grievances regarding firms’ human rights violations. Ultimately, I hope my research will inspire interventions to make discussions and actions on the Internet more useful and constructive.

Tijs van den Broek
Tijs van den Broek, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, VU Amsterdam.