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- Pär-Anders Granhag
Pär-Anders Granhag
Psykologiska institutionenOm Pär-Anders Granhag
- Gästprofessor (Professor II) vid Polishögskolan i Oslo (2013-2015)
- Grundare av nätverket Nordic Network for research on Psychology & Law
- F.d. ordförande för European Association of Psychology & Law (2012-2015)
- 1990 Fil. kand. Psykologi (Göteborgs universitet)
- 1996 Fil. dr. Psykologi (Göteborgs universitet)
- 2001 Docent Psykologi (Göteborgs universitet)
- 2006 Professor Psykologi (Göteborgs universitet)
Mina undervisningsintressen är koncentrerade till följande tre områden: (1) Rättspsykologi (t ex vittnespsykologi, lögnens psykologi, barns vittnesmål och juridiskt beslutsfattande) (2) Minnespsykologi (t ex autobiografiskt minne, minne och social påverkan, minne och emotion, samt tillämpad minnespsykologi) och (3) Socialpsykologi (t ex social påverkan, social kognition, personbedömningar samt tillämpad socialpsykologi).
Jag har min bakgrund inom kognitiv psykologi, speciellt forskning kring människors beslutsfattande, bedömningar, minne och metaminne. Sedan 90-talets början har jag intresserat mig för olika rättspsykologiska frågeställningar; speciellt barns och vuxnas vittnesmål, intervju- och förhörstekniker, bedömningar av trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet (lögnens psykologi), psykologi i brottsutredningar samt psykologi i domstolen. År 2000 startade jag den rättspsykologiska forskningsgrupp som finns placerad vid Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet: Research unit for Criminal, Legal and Investigative Psychology (CLIP).
Pågående forskning
Valda publikationer
Vrij, A., Granhag, P.A., Mann, S., & Leal, S. (2011). Outsmarting the liars: Strategic and cognitive lie detection approaches. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20, 28-32.
Clemens, F., Granhag, P.A., & Strömwall, L.A. (2011). Eliciting cues to false intent: A new application of strategic interviewing. Law and Human Behavior, 35, 512-522.
Granhag, P.A. (2010). Forensic Psychology in context: Nordic and International approaches. (Ed.). Cullompton; Devon: Willan Publishing.
Goodman-Delahunty, J., Granhag, P.A., Hartwig, M. & Loftus, E.F. (2010). Insightful or wishful: Lawyers’ ability to predict case outcomes. Psychology, Public Policy & Law, 16, 133-157.
Granhag, P.A. & Vrij, A. (2010). Special Issue: What works in investigative psychology? (Eds.) Legal and Criminological Psychology, 15, 1-159.
Impacts of physical and testimonial evidence on South Korean Police interrogator's selection of
Minhwan Jang, Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij, Woohyun Lee
A serious game with avatar suspects can be used to train naive participants in the Strategic Use of
Siyu Li, R Ahlgren, Y Wang, S Haginoya, Pär-Anders Granhag, P Santtila
Journal of Forensic Psychology: Research and Practice - 2025 -
Knowledge of legal professionals about age trends in false memory propensity: a vignette
Sanne T. L. Houben, Henry Otgaar, Pär-Anders Granhag, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Melanie Sauerland
Perkins Operations: Tactics Used in Undercover
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Timothy Luke
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence - 2024 -
Advancing the Shift-of-Strategy approach: Shifting suspects' strategies in extended
Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aziz-Kaan Dönmez, Malin Ekelund, Pär Stern
Law and human behavior - 2024 -
The principle of reciprocity in Scharff
Nicola Palena, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij, Robin Orthey, Roberto Monticciolo, Letizia Caso
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2024 -
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law & Interventions - 2024 -
Using shared experiences to recruit committed human intelligence sources: Exploring the shared attention mechanism and the role of social
David Amon Neequaye, Pär-Anders Granhag
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2024 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law & Interventions - 2024 -
The present and future of verbal lie
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sharon Leal, Ron Fisher, Steven Kleinman, Tzachi Ashkenazi
The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Law - 2023 -
Training Intelligence Officers to Detect Deception and Elicit
Pär-Anders Granhag
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence - 2023 -
Exploring how members of illicit networks navigate investigative
David Amon Neequaye, Pär-Anders Granhag, Timothy Luke
Royal Society Open Science - 2023 -
The Scharff
Pär-Anders Granhag
Interviewing and Interrogation: A Review of Research and Practice Since World War II - 2023 -
Strategic Use of Evidence: A Review of the Technique and Its
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Interviewing and Interrogation: A Review of Research and Practice Since World War II - 2023 -
Linguistic concreteness of statements of true and false
Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Timothy Luke, Lara Warmelink, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2023 -
What have we learned about cues to deception? A survey of expert
Timothy Luke, Erik Mac Giolla, Amina Memon , Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Saul Kassin
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2023 -
The shift-of-strategy (SoS) approach: using evidence strategically to influence suspects’ counter-interrogation
Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2023 -
Deception and
Timothy Luke, David Amon Neequaye, Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Langauge and Emotion: An International handbook - 2023 -
The detection of lies: Emotional and Cognitive
Pär-Anders Granhag
Swedish Cognitive Science Society - 2023 -
Advancing the Shift-Of-Strategy approach: Keeping suspects motivated with “cooling
Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aziz-Kaan Dönmez, Malin Ekelund, Pär Stern, Fanny Habacht , Arman Raver
Annual Conference of The European Association of Psychology and Law, EAPL 2023 - 2023 -
Advancing the Shift-of-Strategy Approach: Shifting counter-interrogation strategies in extended
Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aziz-Kaan Dönmez, Malin Ekelund, Pär Stern
American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference 2023. Philadelphia: 16-18 March. - 2023 -
Swedish police officers' strategies when interviewing suspects who decline to answer
Mikaela Magnusson, Emelie Ernberg, Pär-Anders Granhag, Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2023 -
The future of forensic psychology. Core topics and emerging
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Peter van Koppen
2023 -
Mapping Details to Elicit Information and Cues to Deceit: The Effects of Map
H. Deeb, A. Vrij, S. Leal, M. Fallon, S. Mann, K. Luther, Pär-Anders Granhag
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context - 2022 -
Examining illicit networks in laboratory experiments with a preliminary focus on
David Amon Neequaye, Pär-Anders Granhag, Andreas Segerberg, Daniel Pettersson
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2022 -
Sketching routes to elicit information and cues to
H. Deeb, A. Vrij, S. Leal, M. Fallon, S. Mann, K. Luther, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2022 -
Verbal Lie Detection: Its Past, Present and
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, Tzachi Ashkenazi, Giorgi Ganis, Sharon Leal, Ron Fisher
Brain Sciences - 2022 -
Handbok i
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Karl Ask, Sara Landström
2021 -
Plausibility: A Verbal Cue to Veracity worth
A. Vrij, H. Deeb, S. Leal, Pär-Anders Granhag, R. P. Fisher
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context - 2021 -
What to Reveal and what to Conceal? An Empirical Examination of Guilty Suspects’
Meghana Srivatsav, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Timothy Luke, Aldert Vrij
II-RP JOURNAL (förkortning för Investigative Interviewing: Research and Practice) - 2021 -
Psykologiska perspektiv på
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
Handbok i rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Leif Strömwall, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sara Landström
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla
Handbok i rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Rättspsykologi - en kort
Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Minne för traumatiska
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Sara Landström
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Förhör med
Pär-Anders Granhag, Mikaela Magnusson
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2021 -
Att förhindra framtida
Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla, Sofia Calderon
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2021 -
The Impact of Evidence Type on Police Investigators' Perceptions of Suspect Culpability and Evidence
Minhwan Jang, Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag, A. Vrij
Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie-Journal of Psychology - 2020 -
Deception detection in repeated interviews: The effects of immediate type of questioning on the delayed
A. Izotovas, A. Vrij, L. Hope, Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag, S. Mann
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2020 -
Subjective likelihood and the construal level of future events: A replication study of Wakslak, Trope, Liberman, and Alony
Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology - 2020 -
How do the questions asked affect suspects' perceptions of the interviewer's prior
Meghana Srivatsav, Timothy Luke, Pär-Anders Granhag, A. Vrij
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2020 -
The Analysis of Nonverbal Communication: The Dangers of Pseudoscience in Security and Justice
Vincent Denault, Pierrich Plusquellec, Louise M. Jupe, Michel St-Yves, Norah E. Dunbar, Maria Hartwig, Siegfried L. Sporer, Jessica Rioux-Turcotte, Jonathan Jarry, Dave Walsh, Henry Otgaar, Andrei Viziteu, Victoria Talwar, David A. Keatley, Iris Blandón-Gitlin, Clint Townson, Nadine Deslauriers-Varin, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Miles L. Patterson, Igor Areh, Alfred Allan, Hilary Evans Cameron, Rémi Boivin, Leanne ten Brinke, Jaume Masip, Ray Bull, Mireille Cyr, Lorraine Hope, Leif Strömwall, Stephanie J. Bennett, Faisal Al Menaiya, Richard A. Leo, Annelies Vredeveldt, Marty Laforest, Charles R. Honts, Antonio L. Manzanero, Samantha Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Fiona Gabbert, Jean-Pierre Guay, Alexandre Coutant, Jeffrey Hancock, Valerie Manusov, Judee K. Burgoon, Steven M. Kleinman, Gordon Wright, Sara Landström, Ian Freckelton, Zarah Vernham, Peter J. van Koppen
Anuario de Psicología Jurídica - 2020 -
Peter J. van Koppen Interfolded,
Pär-Anders Granhag
Bakens in de Rechtpsychologie. Liber amicorum voor Peter van Koppen - 2020 -
L’analyse de la communication non verbale: Les dangers de la pseudoscience en contextes de sécurité et de
V. Denault, P. Plusquellec, L. M. Jupe, M. St-Yves, N. E. Dunbar, M. Hartwig, S. L. Sporer, J. Rioux-Turcotte, J. Jarry, D. Walsh, H. Otgaar, A. Viziteu, V. Talwar, D. A. Keatley, I. Blandón-Gitlin, C. Townson, N. Deslauriers-Varin, S. O. Lilienfeld, M. L. Patterson, I. Areh, A. Allan, H. E. Cameron, R. Boivin, L. Ten Brinke, J. Masip, R. Bull, M. Cyr, L. Hope, Leif Strömwall, S. J. Bennett, F. A. Menaiya, R. A. Leo, A. Vredeveldt, M. Laforest, C. R. Honts, A. L. Manzanero, S. Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, F. Gabbert, J. P. Guay, A. Coutant, J. Hancock, V. Manusov, J. K. Burgoon, S. M. Kleinman, G. Wright, S. Landström, I. Freckelton, Z. Vernham, P. J. van Koppen
Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique - 2020 -
Eliciting intelligence from sources informed about counter-interrogation strategies: An experimental study on the Scharff
S. Rantamaki, J. Antfolk, Pär-Anders Granhag, P. Santtila, S. Oleszkiewicz
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2020 -
The Scharff technique: training military intelligence officers to elicit information from small cells of
Pär-Anders Granhag, S. Oleszkiewicz, Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold, S. M. Kleinman
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2020 -
“I think you did it!”: Examining the effect of presuming guilt on the verbal output of innocent suspects during brief
Shiri Portnoy, Lorraine Hope, Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Carly Eddy, Sara Landström
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2019 -
'Language of lies': Urgent issues and prospects in verbal lie detection
G. Nahari, T. Ashkenazi, R. P. Fisher, Pär-Anders Granhag, I. Hershkowitz, J. Masip, E. H. Meijer, Z. Nisin, N. Sarid, P. J. Taylor, B. Verschuere, A. Vrij
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2019 -
Reading lies: Nonverbal communication and
Aldert Vrij, Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Annual Review of Psychology - 2019 -
Establishing cooperation and eliciting information: Semi-cooperative sources’ affective resistance and cognitive
S. Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag
The Routledge International Handbook of Legal and Investigative Psychology. Ray Bull, Iris Blandón-Gitlin (red.) - 2019 -
The mental representation of true and false intentions: a comparison of schema-consistent and schema-inconsistent
Sofia Calderon, Karl Ask, Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications - 2019 -
True and false intentions: A Science of lies about the
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication - 2019 -
Eliciting Information in Intelligence Contexts: The Joint Influence of Helpfulness Priming and Interview
David Amon Neequaye, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Investigative Interviewing – Research and Practice Journal - 2019 -
Can reality monitoring criteria distinguish between true and false
Erik Mac Giolla, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Annica Karlsson
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2019 -
Eliciting human intelligence: The effects of social exclusion and inclusion on information
Karl Ask, Emma Ejelöv, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2019 -
Visuospatial Counter-Interrogation Strategies by Liars Familiar with the Alibi
Haneen Deeb, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij, Leif Strömwall, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2018 -
Facilitating disclosure in intelligence interviews: The joint influence of helpfulness priming and interpersonal
David Amon Neequaye, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2018 -
Drawing what lies ahead: False intentions are more abstractly depicted than true
Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2018 -
Taking the stand: Defendant statements in court cases of alleged sexual abuse against infants, toddlers and
Mikaela Magnusson, Emelie Ernberg, Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2018 -
Drawings of false intentions are more abstract than drawings of true
Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 28th conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Turku, Finland: June 26-29, 2018 - 2018 -
Interviewing to manage threats: Exploring the effects of interview style on information gain and threateners’ counter-interview
Renate Geurts, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management - 2018 -
New developments in research on interrogation: The Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) technique and the Scharff
Pär-Anders Granhag
Invited lecture; New York University, Shanghai (Dec 4th, 2018) - 2018 -
Verbal lie detection: Towards a more context sensitive research
Pär-Anders Granhag
Language of lies: Recent Advances in research and future prospectsThe 1st International workshop on verbal lie detection, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, (27-30 Nov, 2018) - 2018 -
Rättspsykologi i
Pär-Anders Granhag
Sveriges Forensiska Psykologers Förening studiedagar 2018 - 2018 -
Värdering av muntlig bevisning - Några observationer från
Pär-Anders Granhag
Nordiskt symposium om bevisvärdering - 2018 -
Detecting deception via verbal cues: Towards a context sensitive research
Pär-Anders Granhag, Mark Fallon, Zarah Vernham, Erik Mac Giolla
The psychology of criminal investigation - 2018 -
Facilitating memory-based lie detection in immediate and delayed interviewing: The role of
Aleksandras Izotovas, Aldert Vrij, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2018 -
How to Interview to Elicit Concealed Information: Introducing the Shift-of-Strategy (SoS)
Pär-Anders Granhag, Timothy Luke
Detecting Concealed Information and Deception: Recent Developments - 2018 -
The Joint Influence of Helpfulness Priming and Interpersonal approach in Facilitating
David Amon Neequaye, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
The 28th conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Turku, Finland: June 26-29, 2018 - 2018 -
Police Officers’ Perceptions of Statement
H. Deeb, A. Vrij, L. Hope, S. Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Criminal justice and behavior - 2018 -
The Devil’s Advocate approach: An interview technique for assessing consistency among deceptive and truth-telling pairs of
Haneen Deeb, Aldert Vrij, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann, Sharon Leal, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2018 -
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
Davies G. M. & Beech A. R. (eds) Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law Interventions - 2018 -
Police officers' use of evidence to elicit admissions in a fictitious criminal
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2017 -
Drawing-based deception detection techniques: A state-of-the-art
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Zarah Vernham
Crime Psychology Review - 2017 -
Do True and False Intentions Differ in Level of Abstraction? A Test of Construal Level Theory in Deception
Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
Alcohol Intoxicated Witnesses: Perception of Aggression and Guilt in Intimate Partner
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Claudia Fahlke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2017 -
Training police investigators to interview to detect false
Tuule Sooniste, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - 2017 -
Gathering human intelligence via repeated interviewing: further empirical tests of the Scharff
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Steven Kleinman
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2017 -
To wait or not to wait? Improving results when interviewing intoxicated witnesses to
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Claudia Fahlke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2017 -
Task-related spontaneous thought: A novel direction in the study of true and false
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2017 -
Evaluation of oral statements: Scientifically based decision-aid for migration
Värdering av muntliga utsagor – ett vetenskapligt baserat beslutsstöd för
Pär-Anders Granhag, Sara Landström, Andreas Nordin
Vetenskaplig rapport vid Psykologiska Institutionen - 2017 -
"Brottsutredningar är inte betjänta av lösa spekulationer kring möjliga
Pär-Anders Granhag
Psykologtidningen - 2017 -
A descriptive analysis of the approaches and tactics used in undercover
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag
7th Annual HIG Research Symposium, Washington DC, 17 Oct 2017 - 2017 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law & Interventions - 2017 -
Psychology and Law in Europe: When west meets
Pär-Anders Granhag, Ray Bull, Alla Shaboltas, Elena Dozortseva
2017 -
Förhör med
Pär-Anders Granhag, Mikaela Magnusson
Eriksson, Å. & Sturidsson, K (red.) Klinisk forensisk psykologi - 2017 -
A Goal-Activation Framework of True and False
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2017 -
Sexualbrott mot förskolebarn - i
Mikaela Magnusson, Emelie Ernberg, Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
Brottsoffermyndighetens viktimologiska forskarkonferens 2017. Stockholm: 21 november - 2017 -
Assessing threats of violence: professional skill or common
Renate Geurts, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2017 -
En modern brottmålsprocess anpassad även för stora mål: Några rättspsykologiska
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Sara Landström
SOU 2017:7 Staffprocessens ramar och domstolens beslutsunderlag i brottmål – En bättre hantering av stora mål - 2017 -
Låt ett oberoende institut kvalitetssäkra
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig, Julia Korkman, Sara Landström, Torun Lindholm, Pekka Santtila
Dagens Nyheter - 2017 -
Eliciting information from human sources: Training handlers in the Scharff
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Steven M. Kleinman
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2017 -
Interviewing Suspects in Denial: On How Different Evidence Disclosure Modes Affect the Elicitation of New Critical
L. May, Pär-Anders Granhag, Serra Tekin
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
Partners under Pressure: Examining the Consistency of True and False Alibi
Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold, Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla
Behavioral Sciences & the Law - 2017 -
Eliciting Information from People Who Pose a Threat: Counter-Interview Strategies
Renate Geurts, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2017 -
The provenance of émigrés: the validity of measuring knowledge of
Tanja van Veldhuizen, Robert Horselenberg, Mariëlle Stel, Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Peter J. van Koppen
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2017 -
Streamlining Disclosure in Investigative Interviewing: The Joint Influence of Priming and Motivational
David Amon Neequaye, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
European Association of Psychology and Law 2017 - 2017 -
Mentally Representing True and False Intentions: Applying Construal Level Theory to Deception Detection
Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
29th APS Annual Convention. Boston, Ma, USA: 25-28 May - 2017 -
Interviewing asylum seekers: A vignette study on the questions asked to assess credibility of claims about origin and
Tanja van Veldhuizen, Robert Horselenberg, Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Peter J. van Koppen
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2017 -
Witnesses Stumbling down Memory Lane: The Effects of Alcohol Intoxication, Retention Interval, and Repeated
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Memory - 2017 -
Suspects' consistency in statements concerning two events when different question formats are
Haneen Deeb, Vrij Aldert, Hope Lorraine, Samantha Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag, Gary L. J. Lancaster
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2017 -
Intelligence gathering from multiple sources: Training military personnel in the Scharff
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold, S. Kleinman
American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) Annual Conference. Seattle, USA: 16-17 March 2017 - 2017 -
Eliciting information from small cells of
Pär-Anders Granhag, Simon Oleszkiewicz, Steven Kleinman
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism - 2016 -
Using the Scharff-technique to elicit information: How to effectively establish the "illusion of knowing it
L. May, Pär-Anders Granhag
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context - 2016 -
Countermeasures Against the Strategic Use of Evidence Technique: Effects on Suspects'
T. J. Luke, M. Hartwig, B. Shamash, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2016 -
Techniques for Eliciting Human Intelligence: Examining Possible Order Effects of the Scharff
L. May, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychiatry Psychology and Law - 2016 -
Discriminating between true and false intent among small cells of
Tuule Sooniste, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2016 -
Inducing disclosure through Priming: Exploring Subtle Persuasion Tactics in HUMINT
David Amon Neequaye, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 12th meeting of The Nordic network for research on psychology and law. Uppsala, Sweden: 23-24 September 2016 - 2016 -
Training in the Strategic Use of Evidence technique: Improving deception detection accuracy of American law enforcement
Timothy J. Luke, Maria Hartwig, Emily Joseph, Laure Brimbal, Ginny Chan, Evan Dawson, Sarah Jordan, Patricia Donovan, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - 2016 -
Memory based lie detection: The effects of different memory enhancing techniques on delayed
Aleksandras Izotovas, A. Vrij, L. Hope, Pär-Anders Granhag
European Association for Psychology and Law (EAPL). Toulouse, France: 5-8 July - 2016 -
Discriminating between statements of true and false intent: The impact of repeated interviews and strategic
Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla, Tuule Sooniste, Leif Strömwall, Meiling Liu-Jönsson
Journal of Applied Security Research - 2016 -
Factors affecting two types of memory specificity: Particularization of episodes and
Rebecca M. Willén, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Assessing individuals who pose threats of violence: A professional skill or common
Pär-Anders Granhag
2016 -
Analyzing true and false intentions in terms of psychological distance: An application of the Construal Level
Sofia Calderon, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Erik Mac Giolla
12th Meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, September 2016, Uppsala - 2016 -
Visuospatial countermeasures by liars familiar with the alibi
Haneen Deeb, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij, Leif Strömwall, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann
International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) Conference, 20-24 June 2016, London - 2016 -
Changing question format in repeated interviews to detect
Haneen Deeb, Aldert Vrij, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag, Gary L. J. Lancaster
Decepticon Conference - 2016 -
Police officers’ use of evidence in suspect interviews: How and
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Presentation at the annual conference of International Investigative Interviewing Research Group - 2016 -
Detecting Deception within Small Groups: A Literature
Z. Vernham, Pär-Anders Granhag, E. M. Giolla
Frontiers in Psychology - 2016 -
How to make perpetrators in denial disclose more information about their
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2016 -
Taking Threats to the Lab: Introducing an Experimental Paradigm for Studying Verbal
Renate Geurts, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Aldert Vrij
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management - 2016 -
The Scharff technique: On how to effectively elicit intelligence from human
Pär-Anders Granhag, Steven Kleinman, Simon Oleszkiewicz
Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence - 2016 -
The effect of odour reinstatement on children’s episodic
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Sara Landström, Maria Larsson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2015 -
Alcohol-intoxicated eyewitnesses’ memory: The effects of recall format, recall time, and repeated
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Annual convention for Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2015-05-22, New York City, USA - 2015 -
Strategic interviewing to elicit admissions: Making guilty suspects more
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla
American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, March 2015, San Diego, USA - 2015 -
Mimicry and investigative interviewing: Using deliberate mimicry to elicit information and cues to
D J Shaw, A Vrij, Sharon Leal, S Mann, J Hillman, Pär-Anders Granhag, R Fisher
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2015 -
Konfrontationsförhören i Cathrine da Costa-ärendet: Några rättspsykologiska
Pär-Anders Granhag, Sofia Calderon, Lisa Rudolfsson
Rättsstaten: Idé och verklighet - 2015 -
What do they remember? Alcohol's effect of witness' statements of partner
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Claudia Fahlke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Svenska alkohol och drogforskningssällskapet, 26-27/11-2015 Lund - 2015 -
Eliciting incriminating information from perpetrators in
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 11th Meeting of NNPL (Nordic Network of Psychology and Law) - 2015 -
Data from interviews with 95 respondents recollecting repeated dental
Rebecca M. Willén, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Open Psychology Data - 2015 -
Subtle elicitation approaches - The Scharff technique. Presentation given to the FBI. National Academy of Sciences (Washington
Pär-Anders Granhag, Simon Oleszkiewicz
Intelligence Interviewing: From science to practice - 2015 -
Using the Scharff technique to elicit human intelligence: From the lab to the
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Steven Kleinman
5th Annual HIG Research Symposium, Washington DC USA, 22 Oct - 2015 -
Consistency across repeated statements of true and false
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Tuule Sooniste, Leif Strömwall, Meiling Liu-Jönsson
Conference of European Association of Psychology and Law, August, 2015, Nuremberg - 2015 -
The Estonia ferry disaster: Survivors’ memory reports of a life threatening
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Lisa Öhman, Pär-Anders Granhag
Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, June 2015, Victoria, Canada - 2015 -
Statements about true and false intentions: Using the Cognitive Interview to magnify the
Tuule Sooniste, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, A. Vrij
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2015 -
The Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) technique: A conceptual
Pär-Anders Granhag
PhD summer school, Nordic Network for research on Psychology & Law (NNPL) - 2015 -
Detecting False Intent Amongst Small Cells of Suspects: Single Versus Repeated
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2015 -
Small Cells of Suspects: Eliciting Cues to Deception by Strategic
Pär-Anders Granhag, Jenny Rangmar, Leif Strömwall
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2015 -
Interviewing Strategically to Elicit Admissions From Guilty
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Erik Mac Giolla, Aldert Vrij, Maria Hartwig
Law and human behavior - 2015 -
Reliability and credibility in the asylum interview: some
Pär-Anders Granhag
Seminar for Utlendningsdirektoratet (UDI; Norway), May, 20, 2015 - 2015 -
On how legal psychology can be used for preventing
Pär-Anders Granhag
Seminar arranged by URBSEC (March, 18, 2015; University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology) - 2015 -
Suspects’ verbal counter-interrogation strategies: Towards an integrative
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig, Erik Mac Giolla, Franziska Clemens
Detecting deception - 2015 -
The Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) technique: A conceptual
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Detecting deception - 2015 -
Discriminating between true and false
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, A Vrij
Detecting deception - 2015 -
Exploring the nature and origin of beliefs about deception: Implicit and explicit knowledge among lay people and presumed
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Detecting deception - 2015 -
Detecting deception: Current challenges and cognitive
Pär-Anders Granhag, A Vrij, B Verschuere
2015 -
The Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) technique - Some
Pär-Anders Granhag
Honours Class Series, Faculty of Law, Leiden University - 2015 -
The Scharff technique - How to elicit
Pär-Anders Granhag
Seminar series organized by "Special Operations - Oslo Police District" (SO-OPD) - 2015 -
Eliciting intelligence with the Scharff technique: Interviewing more and less cooperative and capable
Pär-Anders Granhag, Simon Oleszkiewicz, Leif Strömwall, Steven Kleinman
Psychology, public policy and law - 2015 -
Eliciting intelligence from human sources: The first scientific test of the
Pär-Anders Granhag, Sebastian Cancino Montecinos, Simon Oleszkiewicz
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2015 -
Eliciting information using the Scharff
Pär-Anders Granhag
Information elicitiation. A scientific perspective. Seminar given to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) - 2015 -
Facilitating particularisation of repeated similar events with context-specific
Rebecca M. Willén, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Ronald Fisher
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2015 -
Alcohol intoxicated eyewitnesses’ memory of intimate partner
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Claudia Fahlke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2015 -
Interviewing and inconsistency: Some
Pär-Anders Granhag
Credibility assessment in Asylum Procedures (UNHCR Expert Roundtable meeting, Budapest, January 14-15, 2015 - 2015 -
Eliciting Information and Detecting Lies in Intelligence Interviewing: An
A Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2014 -
‘We'll Take It from Here’: The Effect of Changing Interviewers in Information Gathering
D Shaw, A Vrij, S Leal, S Mann, J Hillman, Pär-Anders Granhag, R Fisher
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2014 -
Stumbling down memory lane: When to interview alcohol-intoxicated
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Conference of European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), 25th of June 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia - 2014 -
Alcohol-intoxicated witnesses: A review of the current literature and new steps
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Nordic Network for Psychology and Law (NNPL), 7-8 November 2014, Oslo, Norway - 2014 -
Strategic use of evidence during investigative interviews: The state of the
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Timothy Luke
Credibility Assessment: Scientific research and applications - 2014 -
Discriminating between True and False
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, A. Vrij
Detecting Deception: Current Challenges and Cognitive Approaches - 2014 -
Strategic interviewing to elicit new information: Making liars more
Serra Tekin, Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla
Conference of European Association of Psychology and Law, June 2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia - 2014 -
Crime on the border: Use of evidence in customs
Pär-Anders Granhag, Franziska Clemens, Leif Strömwall, Erik Mac Giolla
Archives of Forensic Psychology - 2014 -
The scharff-technique: Eliciting intelligence from human
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sebastian Cancino Montecinos
Law and human behavior - 2014 -
How Awareness of Possible Evidence Induces Forthcoming
T Luke, Dawson E, Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2014 -
On eliciting intelligence from human sources: Contextualizing the
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Steven Kleinman
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2014 -
Suspects' Verbal Counter-Interrogation Strategies: Towards an Integrative
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
10th Meeting of the Nordic Network for Research On Psychology and Law, Oslo, Norway - 2014 -
Strategic use of
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Encyclopedia of Deception - 2014 -
Interviewing to detect deception: When to disclose the
Sorochinski M, Maria Hartwig, Osborn J, Wilkins E, Marsh E, Kazakov D, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - 2014 -
Om vad som utmärker de allra skickligaste
Pär-Anders Granhag
SAMFAK fyller 50 år - Jubileumsdag - 2014 -
Preventing future crimes: Identifying markers of true and false
Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla
European Psychologist - 2014 -
Been there before? Examining "familiarity" as a moderator for discriminating between true and false
Melanie Knieps, Pär-Anders Granhag, A. Vrij
Frontiers in Psychology - 2014 -
Eliciting Intelligence Using the Scharff-Technique: Closing in on the
Lennart May, Pär-Anders Granhag, Simon Oleszkiewicz
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2014 -
On eliciting intelligence from human sources: Contextualizing the
Simon Oleszkiewicz, Pär-Anders Granhag, Steven Kleinman
The 7th annual iIIRG conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 June 2014 - 2014 -
The inconsistent suspect: A systematic review of different types of consistency in truth tellers and
Annelies Vredeveldt, Peter van Koppen, Pär-Anders Granhag
Investigative Interviewing - 2014 -
"Mapping" deception in adolescents: Eliciting cues to deceit through an unanticipated spatial drawing
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Lisa Öhman, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2014 -
Immediate or delayed recall: When is the best time to interview alcohol intoxicated
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Oral presentation at The Nordic Network for Psychology and Law (NNPL), October 25-26 2013, Aarhus, Denmark - 2013 -
The acute effect of alcohol on memory: When is the best time to interview alcohol intoxicated
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Poster presenterad på Svenska Föreningen för Alkohol och Droger (SAD), 2013-11-21, Uppsala, Sverige. - 2013 -
'I saw the man who killed Anna Lindh!': A case study of witnesses' offender
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Lisa Öhman, Anna Rebelius, Erik Mac Giolla
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2013 -
Polisens förhör med misstänkta: Svensk utbildning i internationell
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Sebastian Cancino Montecinos
2013 -
Eyewitness recall: An overview of estimator-based
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Erik Mac Giolla
The Sage Handbook of Applied Memory - 2013 -
Counter-Interrogation Strategies among Small Cells of
Pär-Anders Granhag, Erik Mac Giolla, Leif Strömwall, Jenny Rangmar
Psychiatry Psychology and Law - 2013 -
How to catch liars: Recent
Pär-Anders Granhag
Invited State of the Art lecture presented at the 13th European Congress of psychology, Stockholm, Sweden - 2013 -
Children’s episodic memory: The effect of odour exposure during encoding and
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Sara Landström, Maria Larsson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Nordic Network for Research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), 2013-10-26, Århus, Dk - 2013 -
Discriminating between true and false
Pär-Anders Granhag
Invited keynote lecture given at the 15th Conference of the Division for Legal Psychology, German Psychological Association, - 2013 -
Repeated Visits to the Future: Asking about Mental images to Discriminate between True and False
Melanie Knieps, Pär-Anders Granhag, A. Vrij
International Journal of Advances in Psychology - 2013 -
Interviewing to elicit cues to deception: Imporving strategic use of evidence with general-to-specific framing of
T Luke, Maria Hartwig, L Brimbal, G Chan, S Jordan, E Jospeph, J Osborne, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - 2013 -
Two heads are better than one? How to effectively use two interviewers to elicit cues to
S Mann, A Vrij, D Shaw, S Leal, S Ewens, J Hillman, Pär-Anders Granhag, Ron Fisher
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2013 -
Eliciting cues to deception by tactical disclosure of evidence: The first test of the Evidence Framing
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Rebecca M. Willén, Maria Hartwig
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2013 -
Markers of good planning behavior as a cue for separating true and false
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Meiling Liu-Jönsson
PsyCh Journal - 2013 -
Back to the Future: Asking About Mental Images to Discriminate Between True and False
Melanie Knieps, Pär-Anders Granhag, A. Vrij
Journal of Psychology - 2013 -
True and false intentions : Using the Cognitive Interview to magnify the
Tuule Sooniste, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij
HIG Research Symposium : Intelligence Interviewin g October 16-17, 2013, Washington D.C. - 2013 -
Pär-Anders Granhag
Seminariet 'Olika bilder av mördaren' - 2013 -
Vad utmärker världens främsta
Pär-Anders Granhag
Akademsik kvart, GU, - 2013 -
Individualisering av upprepade övergrepp: Hur många tillfällen minns man och går det att minnas
Rebecca M. Willén, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Abstracts Brottsoffermyndighetens viktimologiska forskarkonferens Norra Latin, Stockholm 2013-11-14 - 2013 -
Alcohol intoxicated eyewitnesses´ delayed recall of a
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Poster presented at the European Association of Psychology and Law, 5th of September 2013, Coventry, UK. - 2013 -
Intention related spontaneous thought as a cue to distinguish truth tellers from
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
9th Meeting of the Nordic Network for Research On Psychology and Law, Aarhus, Denmark. - 2013 -
Detecting false intent among small cells of suspects: Single versus repeated
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär-Anders Granhag
3rd Annual High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) Research Symposium, Washington, DC. - 2013 -
True and false intentions: asking about the past to detect lies about the
Tuule Sooniste, Pär-Anders Granhag, Melanie Knieps, A. Vrij
Psychology Crime & Law - 2013 -
Enhancing Adults' and Children’s Earwitness Memory: Examining Three Types of
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law - 2013 -
Expect the Unexpected? Variations in Question Type Elicit Cues to Deception in Joint Interviewer
D. J. Shaw, A. Vrij, S. Leal, S. Mann, J. Hillman, Pär-Anders Granhag, R. P. Fisher
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2013 -
Counter-Interrogation Strategies when Anticipating Questions on
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2013 -
Bottled memories: On how alcohol affects eyewitness
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2013 -
Intending or pretending? Automatic evaluations of goal cues discriminate true and false
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Fredrik Juhlin, Aldert Vrij
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2013 -
Spatial and Temporal Details in Intentions: A Cue to Detecting
L. Warmelink, A. Vrij, S. Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2013 -
Do Sober Eyewitnesses Outperform Alcohol Intoxicated Eyewitnesses in a
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context - 2013 -
Angry Voices from the Past and Present: Effects on Adults’ and Children’s Earwitness
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2013 -
Om vittnen och minnesunderlättande tekniker - Elle rnär det ena faktiskt leder till det
Pär-Anders Granhag
Glömskan värd att minnas - 2012 -
The sound of critics: New tunes, old tunes and resistance to
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2012 -
Eliciting cues to deception and truth: What matters are the questions
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2012 -
Collective interviewing of
A Vrij, S Jundi, L Hope, J Hillman, E Gahr, S Leal, L Warmelink, S Mann, Z Vernham, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - 2012 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law and Interventions - 2012 -
Alcohol intoxicated eyewitnesses' reports of Intimate Partner
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Claudia Fahlke, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Söderpalm Gordh, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter
SAD Norrköping 2012-11-07 - 2012 -
The effect of question expectedness and experience on lying about
L. Warmelink, A. Vrij, S. Mann, S. Jundi, Pär-Anders Granhag
Acta Psychologica - 2012 -
Alcohol, crime and memory. Intoxicated eyewitnesses delayed recall of a
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Svenska föreningen för Alkohol- och Drogforskning, konferens 8-9 November, Norrköping - 2012 -
The Self-Administered Interview: a means of improving children's eyewitness
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology Crime & Law - 2012 -
Windows to the Soul? Deliberate Eye Contact as a Cue to
S. Mann, A. Vrij, S. Leal, Pär-Anders Granhag, L. Warmelink, D. Forrester
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior - 2012 -
Co-Witness Influence on Children's Memory Reports: The Difference is in the
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Journal of Applied Social Psychology - 2012 -
Eliciting cues to false intent by strategic questioning: The effects of repeated
Pär-Anders Granhag, Tuule Sooniste, Leif Strömwall, Meiling Liu-Jönsson
2012 -
Effect of the degree of alcohol intoxication on eyewitness memory for a violent crime: Identification accuracy in
Angelica Hagsand, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Oral presentation at The Nordic Network for Psychology and Law (NNPL), September 16-17 2011, Oslo, Norway - 2011 -
Detecting deception in suspects: Verbal cues as a function of interview
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Ann Wolf, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2011 -
Discriminating between true and false intentions with an evaluative priming
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Erik Mac Giolla
NNPL in Oslo, Norway September 16-17 2011 - 2011 -
Episodic future thought: Illuminating the trademarks of forming true and false intentions in the course of repeated
Melanie Knieps, Pär-Anders Granhag
Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC); 27.-29.06; New York, USA - 2011 -
Eliciting cues to false intent by strategic
Pär-Anders Granhag
Presentation given at seminar organized by the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington D.C. August 8th, 2011) - 2011 -
Interviewing suspects: Strategic disclosure of evidence and the limitations of lie detection
Pär-Anders Granhag
Meeting of the European Police College, CEPOL, Stockholm May 2011 - 2011 -
Interviewing strategically to detect deception: Some tactical
Pär-Anders Granhag
DFP Conference, Portsmouth, June, 2011 - 2011 -
Deception detection: Reflections on future lines of
Pär-Anders Granhag
Invited keynote lecture given at the First China International Conference on Psychology & Law (Beijing, October 2011) - 2011 -
Overhearing the planning of a crime: Do adults outperform children as
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - 2011 -
Detecting deception and eliciting intelligence: New contributions from psycho-legal
Pär-Anders Granhag
Meeting of international military, intelligence and counterterrorism leaders. Organized by Human Rights First - 2011 -
Lying about flying: the first experiment to detect false
A Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sam Mann, Sharon Leal
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2011 -
A comparison of three types of interviews on their effect on earwitness
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 8th meeting of the Nordic Network for reserach on Psychology and Law, in Oslo, Norway, 16-17 sept 2011 - 2011 -
Effect of the degree of alcohol intoxciation on eyewitness memory for a violent crime - identification accuracy in
Angelica Dahlgren, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Claudia Fahlke, Anna Söderpalm Gordh
Conference: Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Oslo, Norway, 16-17 September, 2011 - 2011 -
Elicit cues to deception: The effects of different evidence disclosure
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Rebecca M. Willén, Maria Hartwig
The 8th meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), Oslo, Norway, September 16-17, 2011. - 2011 -
Eliciting Cues to False Intent: A New Application of Strategic
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Law and Human Behavior - 2011 -
Eliciting Cues to False Intent: A New Application of Strategic
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
8th Meeting of the Nordic Network for Research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), 16-17/9-2011, Oslo (Norway) - 2011 -
Intending breeds liking: Automatic evaluations discriminate between true and false
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Stockholm, Sweden - 2011 -
Asymmetrical scepticism toward criminal evidence: The role of goal- and
Tamara Marksteiner, Karl Ask, Marc-André Reinhard, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2011 -
Investigators under influence: How social norms activate goal-directed processing of criminal
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Rebelius
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2011 -
Elasticity in evaluations of criminal evidence: Exploring the role of cognitive
Karl Ask, Marc-André Reinhard, Tamara Marksteiner, Pär-Anders Granhag
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2011 -
Eliciting cues to children’s deception by using an unanticipated drawing
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Lisa Öhman, Pär-Anders Granhag
SARMAC, New York, 27-29 juni 2011 - 2011 -
A comparison between lying about intentions and past activities: Verbal cues and detection
A Vrij, S Leal, Sam Mann, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2011 -
Episodic future thought: Illuminating the trademarks of forming true and false
Pär-Anders Granhag, Melanie Knieps
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2011 -
Suspect interviewing strategies: When to disclose the
Sorochinski, Maria Hartwig, Osborne, Wilkins, Marsh, Kazakov, Pär-Anders Granhag
4th International Congress on Psychology & Law - 2011 -
Outsmarting the liars: Toward a cognitive lie detection
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, S Mann, Sharon Leal
Current Directions in Psychological Science - 2011 -
Perception of lineup suggestiveness: Effects of identification outcome
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2010 -
Pitfalls and opportunities in nonverbal and verbal lie
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, Stephen Porter
Psychological Science in the Public Interest - 2010 -
Detecting false intent by strategic use of
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
20th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 15-18 juni 2010, Göteborg - 2010 -
Skulking around the dinosaur: Eliciting cues to children’s deception via strategic disclosure of
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij, Sara Landström, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Maria Hartwig
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2010 -
Impression and information management: On the strategic self-regulation of innocent and guilty
M Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, N Doering
Open Criminology Journal - 2010 -
"Can you remember what was in your pocket when you were stung by the bee?" - Eliciting cues to deception by asking the
Liu Meiling, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sara Landström, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij
Open Criminology Journal - 2010 -
The self-administered interview: a way to improve children’s eyewitness
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
the 20th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL) (Gothenburg, Sweden) - 2010 -
A comparison of three types of interviews on their effect on voice identification
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Röstidentifikation & Öronvittnen - 2010 -
Mobile phone quality vs. Direct quality: How the presentation format affects earwitness identification
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context - 2010 -
Ondskans sociala
Pär-Anders Granhag
Föredraget presenter vid populärvetenskapligt seminarium på Universeum (Göteborg), 30 oktober, 2010 "Varför finns ondska?" - 2010 -
Interviewing strategically to detect deception: New findings and future
Pär-Anders Granhag
Keynote address at the scientific meeting "Kochenov Reading: Psychology & Law in Contemporary Russia", Moscow State University, October 14-16, 2010 - 2010 -
Lögnens psykologi: Mytomaner, Falska intentioner och vårt minne av
Pär-Anders Granhag
Offentlig föreläsning arrangerad av Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten (GU), "Soppföreläsning", 19 Oktober, 2010 - 2010 -
Aldert Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag, S Mann
The Journal of Psychiatry & Law - 2010 -
När det ena leder till det andra: Något om vittnen och minnesunderlättande
Pär-Anders Granhag
Föredrag hållet vid konferensen "Glömskan - värd att minnas", arr av Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället i Göteborg ((4-5 Oktober, 2010) - 2010 -
In-court versus out-of-court testimonies: Children's experiences and adults'
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2010 -
Interviewing to elicit cues to
Pär-Anders Granhag
Keynote delivered at 'International forensic day' at University of Leicester "New ways of gathering information from witnesses and suspects" Friday 17th, september, 2010 - 2010 -
On the psycho-legal study of true and false intentions: Dangerous waters and some stepping
Pär-Anders Granhag
Open Criminology Journal - 2010 -
Getting into the minds of pairs of liars and truth tellers: An examination of their
Aldert Vrij, S Mann, Sharon Leal, Pär-Anders Granhag
Open Criminology Journal - 2010 -
Psychological perspectives on the evaluation of
Pär-Anders Granhag, Ulf Strideck
Forensic psychology in context: Nordic and international approaches - 2010 -
Social influence on eyewitness
Pär-Anders Granhag, A Memon, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter
Forensic psychology in context: Nordic and international approaches - 2010 -
Interviewing to detect
Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Forensic psychology in context: Nordic and international approaches - 2010 -
Elasticity in evaluations of criminal evidence: Exploring the role of cognitive
Tamara Marksteiner, Karl Ask, Marc-André Reinhard, Pär-Anders Granhag
20th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 15-18 June 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2010 -
Legal procedures in the Nordic countries and in the USA: A comparative
Pär-Anders Granhag, Ulf Stridbeck
Forensic psychology in contet: Nordic and international approaches - 2010 -
Forensic psychology in a Nordic
Pär-Anders Granhag
Forensic psychology in context: Nordic and international perspectives - 2010 -
Forensic Psychology in context: Nordic and international
Pär-Anders Granhag
2010 -
Insightful or wishful: Lawyers’ ability to predict case
Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig, Elisabeth Loftus
Psychology, Public Policy and Law - 2010 -
Drawing as an innovative and successful lie detection
Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, S Mann, L Warmelink, Pär-Anders Granhag, Ron Fisher
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2010 -
What works in Investigative
Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2010 -
What works in Investigative Psychology? Special issue, published in Legal and Criminological
Pär-Anders Granhag, A Vrij
2010 -
Deception detection: discriminating between true and false
Pär-Anders Granhag
Program for 9th International Conference of the International Academy for Investigative Psychology (London, January, 2010) - 2010 -
The usual and the unusual suspects: Level of suspicion and counter-interrogation
Pär-Anders Granhag, Franziska Clemens, Leif Strömwall
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2009 -
The usual and the unusual suspects: Level of suspicion and counter-interrogation
Pär-Anders Granhag, Franziska Clemens, Leif Strömwall
The 6th meeting of the Nordic Network for Research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), Tallinn (Estonia), October 9-10, 2009 - 2009 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Applied Criminal Psychology: A guide to forensic behavioural sciences - 2009 -
The usual and the unusual suspects: Level of suspicion and counter-interrogation
Pär-Anders Granhag, Franziska Clemens, Leif Strömwall
19th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), 2nd-5th of September 2009, Sorrento (Italy) - 2009 -
Was the stranger alone? On how different sources of social influence affect children's memory
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Social Influence - 2009 -
Was the stranger alone? On how different sources of social influence affect children’s memory
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
The 8th biennal meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition (SARMAC), Kyoto, Japan. July 26-30, 2009 - 2009 -
A new wave of research on adults’ ability in detecting children’s
Liu Meiling, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Forensic Update - 2009 -
The effect of the presentation format for earwitness identification
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 19th conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Sorrento (Italy) September 2-5, 2009 - 2009 -
Is the truth in the details? Extended narratives help distinguishing false “memories” from false
Björn Sjöden, Pär-Anders Granhag, James Ost, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2009 -
'Elasticity' in the processing of criminal evidence: The role of investigators' need for
Tamara Marksteiner, Karl Ask, Marc-André Reinhard, Pär-Anders Granhag
19th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 2-5 September, Sorrento, Italy - 2009 -
Outsmarting the liars The benefit of asking unanticipated
Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Sam Mann, Ron Fisher, J Hillman, K Sperry, Pär-Anders Granhag
Law and Human Behavior - 2009 -
A call for evidence-based security
E Meijer, B Verschuere, Harald Merckelbach, F Smulders, Sharon Leal, G Ben-Shakar, Pär-Anders Granhag, M Gamer, N Gronau, G Vossel, G Crombz, S Spence
Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology - 2009 -
Children's report of a verbal sexual abuse: Effects of police officers' interviewing
Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å. Christianson
Psychiatry, Psychology & Law - 2009 -
Police officers’ views of effective interview tactics: The effects of weight of case evidence and discomfort with
Helinä Häkkänen, Karl Ask, Mark Kebbell, Laurence Alison, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2009 -
Children’s truthful and deceptive testimonies: Effects of increasing the cognitive
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 6th meeting of the NNPL, Tallinn (Estonia) October 9-10, 2009. - 2009 -
How to discriminate between true and false intent? Towards a new experimental
Melanie Knieps, Pär-Anders Granhag
Program of the 6th meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), Tallinn, Estonia - 2009 -
Deception detection: Some new
Pär-Anders Granhag
13 Fachgruppentagung Rechtpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychologie (DGPs) - 2009 -
How to discriminate between true and false intent? Towards a new experimental
Melanie Knieps, Pär-Anders Granhag
13 Fachgruppentagung Rechtpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychologie (DGPs), Giessen, Germany - 2009 -
Deception detection via strategic disclosure of
Pär-Anders Granhag
Invited keynote lecture at the seminar “Deception detection and managing suspects interviews”. Aberdeen University/ Scottish Institute for Policing Research, SIPR. (Aberdeen, Scotland). - 2009 -
Lögnens psykologi - Kroppsspråk, utsageanalys och
Leif Strömwall, Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i rättspsykologi - 2008 -
Teorier om
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i rättspsykologi - 2008 -
Detection of deception: Use of evidence
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law - 2008 -
Detection of deception in
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law - 2008 -
Skulking around the dinosaur statue: Detecting children's deception via strategic disclosure of
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij, Sara Landström, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented at the18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 2-5 July 2008 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. - 2008 -
Detection of deception: Nonverbal
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Encyclopedia of Psychology & Law - 2008 -
The effect of social influence on children’s memory
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, A Memon
Paper presented at the18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 2-5 July 2008 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. - 2008 -
Skulking around the dinosaur statue: Detecting children's deception via strategic disclosure of
Franziska Clemens, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Aldert Vrij, Sara Landström, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented at the 5th meeting of the Nordic Network for Research in Psychology and Law (NNPL), 10-11 October 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark - 2008 -
Memory: reliability and
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
2008 -
The effects of social influence on children’s memory reports: The omission and commission error
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, A Memon
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2008 -
Child witnesses and social influence: The effects of source of
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
The 5th meeting of the NNPL, Copenhagen (Denmark) - 2008 -
Earwitness identification accuracy in children vs.
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 5th meeting of the NNPL, Copenhagen (Denmark) October 10-11, 2008 - 2008 -
Earwitness identification accuracy in children vs.
Lisa Öhman, Anders Eriksson, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 18th conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Maastricht (Netherlands) July 2-5, 2008 - 2008 -
Is the truth in the details? Extended narratives help distinguishing false 'memories' from false
Björn Sjöden, Pär-Anders Granhag, James Ost, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter
EAPL, 2-5 juli 2008, Maastricht - 2008 -
The ’elasticity’ of criminal evidence: A moderator of investigator
Karl Ask, Anna Rebelius, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2008 -
Handbok i
Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å. Christianson
2008 -
Familiarity breeds distortion: The effects of media exposure on false reports concerning media coverage of the terrorist attacks in London on 7 July
J Ost, Pär-Anders Granhag, J Udell, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter
Memory - 2008 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, M. Hartwig
Forensic Psychology. - 2008 -
S.Å. Christianson, Pär-Anders Granhag, M. Hartwig
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2008 -
A new theoretical perspective on deception detection: On the psychology of instrumental mind
Pär-Anders Granhag, M. Hartwig
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2008 -
Occupational norms and norm activation: Effects on police investigators’ processing of
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Rebelius
Paper presented at the 18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Maastricht, The Netherlands - 2008 -
Children’s truthful and deceptive testimonies: How camera perspective affects adult observers’ perception and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2008 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å Christiansson
Handbok i Rättspsykologi. - 2008 -
In-Court versus Out-of-Court Testimonies: Children's Experiences and Adults’ Assessment: How presentation mode affects observers’ perception, assessment and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at the 18th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Maastricht, Holland, 08.07.03. - 2008 -
Psykologiska påverkansfaktorer vid
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i rättspsykologi - 2008 -
Psykologiska perspektiv på
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2008 -
Falska minnen och falska
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i rättspsykologi. - 2008 -
Pär-Anders Granhag
nvited keynote lecture at the 18’th Congress of European Association of Psychology & Law, EAPL (Maastricht, The Netherlands). - 2008 -
Sexuella komponenter bakom
K.N. Sandnabba, S.Å Christiansson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2008 -
Förhör med
M. Hartwig, S.Å Christiansson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Handbok i Rättspsykologi - 2008 -
Internet-initiated sexual abuse: Adolescent victims’ reports about on- and off-line sexual
Lina Leander, S.Å. Christianson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2008 -
Children’s memory and social influence:Mapping the relation between omission and commission
Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, A Memon
Paper presented at the 4th annual meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2007.10.06. - 2007 -
The SUE-technique: The way to interview to detect
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Maria Hartwig
Forensic Update - 2007 -
Guilty and innocent suspects’ strategies during police
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Psychology, Crime & Law, - 2007 -
Children’s testimony: Grooming, disclosure, memory and
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
2007 -
Children’s prepared and unprepared lies: Can adults see through their
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sara Landström
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2007 -
Detecting deceit in pairs of
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Applied Social Psychology - 2007 -
Motivational bias in criminal investigators’ judgments of witness
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Applied Social Psychology - 2007 -
Judges’, lay judges’ and police officers’ beliefs about factors affecting children’s testimony about sexual
Lina Leander, S.Å. Christianson, Carl Göran Svedin, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and applied - 2007 -
Hot cognition in investigative judgments: The differential influence of anger and
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Law and Human Behavior - 2007 -
The camera perspective bias: A case
Sara Landström, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2007 -
Children’s live and. videotaped testimonies: How presentation mode affects bservers’ perception, assessment and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2007 -
Children’s truthful and deceptive testimonies: How camera perspective affects adult observers’ perception and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at “The 4rd annual meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Reykjavik, Island, 07.10.05. - 2007 -
Interviewing to detect deception in
A Vrij, Pär-Anders Granhag
Offenders' memories of violent crimes Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.S. Å. Christianson (Ed.) - 2007 -
Live and Videotaped Testimonies: Observers’ Perception, Assessment and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented at “Off The Witness Stand: Using Psychology in the Practice of Justice”, New York, New York, USA 07.03.03. - 2007 -
Children’s memories and reports: A sexual abuse case
Lina Leander, S.Å. Christianson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law - 2007 -
Occupational norms and norm activation: Effects on police investigators’ processing of
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna Rebelius
Paper presented at the 4th meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Reykjavik, Iceland. - 2007 -
Child witnesses meta-memory
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna-Carin Jonsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2006 -
Strategic use of evidence during police interrogations: When training to detect deception
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, O Kronkvist
Law and Human Behavior - 2006 -
To act truthfully: Nonverbal behavior and strategies during a police
Leif Strömwall, Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2006 -
Will the truth set them free? Suspects’ strategies during investigative
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag, A Wolf, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Maria Hartwig, A Vrij
”3rd meeting of the Nordic Network of research on Psychology and Law” (Turku, Finland) - 2006 -
Eyewitness testimony: Tracing the beliefs of Swedish legal professionals Paper
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, M. Hartwig
26’th International Congress of Applied Psychology” (Aten, Grekland). - 2006 -
Children recalling an event repeatedly – Effects on RM and CBCA
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Sara Landström
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2006 -
Child witnesses’ metamemory
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, A.C Jonsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2006 -
A true or false confession? A case-study on the effects of presentation format and camera
Sara Landström, Emma Roos Af Hjelmsäter, Pär-Anders Granhag
3rd annual meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Turku, Finland, 2006.10.05 - 2006 -
Altering false reports via confederate
J Ost, J Hogbin, Pär-Anders Granhag
Social Influence, - 2006 -
Eyewitnesses under influence: How feedback affect the realism in
Carl Martin Allwood, J Knutsson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2006 -
Children’s memories and reports about a verbal sexual abuse, and effects of interviewing
Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å. Christianson
Presented at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Stockholm, Sweden. - 2006 -
Mindreading and the detection of deception. Paper presented at the 16’th European Conference on Psychology and
Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at the 16’th European Conference on Psychology and Law (Liverpool, UK) - 2006 -
Children's testimony: Live vs.
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Psychological Aspects of Legal Processes - 2006 -
Children’s live and. videotaped testimonies: How presentation mode affects observers’ perception, assessment and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented at the 16th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Liverpool, Storbritannien, 06.06.30 - 2006 -
How to interrogate to detect
Pär-Anders Granhag
Invited keynote lecture at the conference “Interpersonal deception: Detection, neuroimaging, and pragmatic inference” (Aarhus University, Denmark) - 2006 -
Rethinking implicit lie
Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology - 2006 -
Perception of lineup suggestiveness as a function of identification
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
16th Conference of the European Association of Psychology & Law, Liverpool - 2006 -
Hot cognition in investigative judgments: The differential influence of anger and
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
3rd meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Turku, Finland - 2006 -
Hot cognition in investigative judgments: The differential influence of anger and
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
16th Conference of the European Association of Psychology & Law, Liverpool - 2006 -
Children’s memories and reports about sexual assaults: Two case
Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å. Christianson
Presented at the 4th Conference of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law (NNPL). Turku, Finland - 2006 -
The effects of source and type of feedback on child witnesses' metamemory
Carl Martin Allwood, Anna-Carin Jonsson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2005 -
Motivational sources of confirmation bias in criminal investigations: The need for cognitive
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2005 -
Eyewitness testimony: Tracing the beliefs of Swedish legal
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Maria Hartwig
Behavioral sciences and the law - 2005 -
Strategic use of evidence during police interrogations: When training to detect deception
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, O Kronkvist
Oral paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania - 2005 -
Children’s repeated lies and truths: Effects on adults’ judgments and Reality Monitoring
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law - 2005 -
Granting asylum or not? Migration Board personnel’s beliefs on
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Maria Hartwig
Journal of ethnic and migration studies - 2005 -
Strategic disclosure of evidence to detect deception: Towards a new research
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Czerederecka, A. Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska, T. & Wójcikiewicz, J. (eds). Forensic Psychology and Law. Facing the Challenges of a Changing World - 2005 -
Adults’ ability to discriminate between children’s prepared and unprepared lies and
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag, Sara Landström
Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania - 2005 -
Lögnarens kroppspråk: Myter och
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Maria Hartwig
Wiklund, N. & Sjöström, U. (red). Svensk vittnespsykologi. Utsagepsykologi i teori och praktik - 2005 -
Detecting Deception Via Strategic Disclosure of
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, A Vrij
Law and human behavior - 2005 -
The Cognitive Interview: Effects on the realism in witnesses' confidence in their free
Carl Martin Allwood, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology Crime & Law - 2005 -
Effects of investigators’ epistemic motivation: Biased perception and sensitivity to criminal
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
The 2nd meeting of the NNPL, Kristianstad, Sweden, September 29-30 - 2005 -
”I saw the man who killed Anna Lindh”: A case study of witnesses’ offender
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Anna Rebelius
2nd meeting of the NNPL, Kristianstad (Sweden), September 29-30 - 2005 -
Children exposed to obscene phone calls: What they remember and
Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å Christiansson
Child Abuse & Neglect - 2005 -
Witnesses appearing live vs. on video: How presentation format affect observers’ perception, assessment and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2005 -
Pär-Anders Granhag
Hwang, P. [et al.] (red). Vår tids psykologi - 2005 -
Muntlighet vid domstol ur ett rättspsykologiskt
Pär-Anders Granhag, Sara Landström
Bylander, E. & Lindblom, P. H. (red). Muntlighet vid domstol i Norden : en rättsvetenskaplig, rättspsykologisk och rättsetnologisk studie av presentationsformernas betydelse i förfarandet vid domstol i Norden - 2005 -
Effects of investigators’ epistemic motivation: Biased perception and sensitivity to criminal
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania - 2005 -
Police interrogation from a social psychology
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij
Policing and Society - 2005 -
Pär-Anders Granhag, A Vrij
Brewer, N. & Williams, K. D. (eds). Psychology & Law: An empirical perspective - 2005 -
”I saw the man who killed Anna Lindh”: A case study of witnesses'’ offender
Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask, Anna Rebelius
15’th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania - 2005 -
Psykologi i polisutredningar: I går I dag I
Pär-Anders Granhag
Egge, M. & Strype, J. (red). Politirollen gjennom 100 år. Tradisjon og endring - 2005 -
The cognitive interveiw’s effect on confidence
Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna-Carin Jonsson, Carl Martin Allwood
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2004 -
Police officers’ lie detection accuracy: Interrogating freely versus observing
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig, Leif Strömwall, A Vrij
Police Quarterly - 2004 -
Imprisoned knowledge: Criminals' beliefs about
Pär-Anders Granhag, L.O Andersson, Leif Strömwall, M. Hartwig
Legal and Criminological Psychology, - 2004 -
Suspicious minds: Criminals’ ability to detect deception.
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig, L.O Andersson
Psyvhology, crime and Law - 2004 -
Deception detection via strategic disclosure of
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, A Vrij
Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Cracow, Poland - 2004 -
Assessing children's statements: The impact of a repeated experience on CBCA and RM
Leif Strömwall, Lina Bengtsson, Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag
Effects of dyadic work organization on realism in confidence
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
2004 -
The detection of deception in forensic
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
2004 -
Research on deception detection: Intersections and future
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
The detection of deception in forensic contexts. / Granhag, P.A. & Strömwall, L.A. - 2004 -
Suspicious minds: Criminals' ability to detect
Maria Hartwig, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Lars O Andersson
Adults' ability to identify the truths and fantasies told by pairs of
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at the 14th Conference on Psychology and Law, Cracow, Poland. - 2004 -
Research on deception detection: Past and
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
The detection of deception in forensic contexts. / P.A. Granhag & L.A. Strömwall - 2004 -
Contagious contacts: How police trainees influence each other's memories for a criminal
Pär-Anders Granhag, A Memon, F Gabbert, Carl Martin Allwood
Oral paper presented at the 14’th European Conference on Psychology and Law (Cracow, Poland) - 2004 -
The Cognitive Interview and its effect on witnesses'
Pär-Anders Granhag, A.C Jonsson, Carl Martin Allwood
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2004 -
Research on deception detection: Intersections and future
Pär-Anders Granhag
The detection of deception in forensic contexts - 2004 -
The psychological study of police investigations: Contributions from motivated social cognition
Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Cracow, Poland. - 2004 -
Assessing children’s statements: The impact of a repeated experience on CBCA and RM
L Bengtsson, Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2004 -
Witnesses appearing live versus on video: Effects on observers' perception, vercity assessments and
Sara Landström, Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Krakow, Poland - 2004 -
The man behind the mask: Accuracy and predictors of eyewitness offender
I.A. Fahsing, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Journal of Applied Psychology - 2004 -
Children’ memories and
Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å. Christianson
Presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology. In Beijing, China - 2004 -
Cooperation in the give- or take-some (GOTS)
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented In T. Gärling & A. Biel (Covenors) Interdependent decision making. Symposium conducted at the 28th international congress of psychology, Beijing, China. - 2004 -
Professionals’ beliefs about
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
The detection of deception in forensic contexts - 2004 -
The cognitive interview: Effects on the realism in witnesses confidence in their free
Carl Martin Allwood, Karl Ask, Pär-Anders Granhag
Paper presented at the 1st meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), Oslo, Norway. - 2004 -
S.Å. Christianson, Pär-Anders Granhag
2004 -
Eyewitnesses under influence: How feedback affects the realism in confidence
Carl Martin Allwood, J Knutsson, Pär-Anders Granhag
Oral paper presented at the 14’th European Conference on Psychology and Law (Cracow, Poland) - 2004 -
Eyewitness testimony: Tracing the beliefs of Swedish legal
Pär-Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig
Paper presented at the 1st meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law, Oslo, Norway. - 2004 -
Deception Among Pairs: ‘‘Let's Say We Had Lunch and Hope They Will Swallow
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna-Carin Jonsson
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2003 -
Affecting the Perception of Verbal Cues to
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2003 -
How to detect deception? Arresting the beliefs of poilce officers, prosecutors and
Leif Strömwall, Pär-Anders Granhag
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2003 -
Partners in Crime: How Liars in Collusion Betray
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Anna-Carin Jonsson
Journal of Applied Social Psychology - 2003 -
The realism of confidence judgments of statements in the Cognitive and Standard
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, Karl Ask
13th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Edinburgh, UK, 7-12 July - 2003 -
The man behind the mask: Eyewitness descriptions of bank robbers caught on
Karl Ask, I.A. Fahsing, Pär-Anders Granhag
13th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Edinburgh, UK, 7-12 July - 2003 -
Increased realism in eyewitness confidence judgments: The effect of dyadic
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, M Johansson
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2003 -
Children exposed to obscene phone calls: What they remember and
Lina Leander, Pär-Anders Granhag, S.Å. Christianson
Presented at the American Psychology – Law Society (APLS)/European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL - 2003 -
Does mood influence the realism of confidence
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, Anna-Carin Jonsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2002 -
Repeated Interrogations: Verbal and Non-verbal Cues to
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2002 -
Does mood influence the realism of confidence
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, A C Jonsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2002 -
Deception detection based on repeated
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2001 -
Deception Detection: Interrogators’ and Observers’ Decoding of Consecutive
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
The journal of psychology - Interdisciplinary and applied - 2001 -
Effects of preconceptions on deception detection and new answers to why lie-catchers
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Psychology, Crime and Law - 2000 -
Effects of reiteration, hindsight bias, and memory on realism in eyewitnesses’
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall, Carl Martin Allwood
Applied Cognitive Psychology - 2000 -
Realism in confidence judgements of performance based on implicit
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, H Johansson
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology - 2000 -
Repeated interrogations – Stretching the deception detection
Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
Expert Evidence - 1999 -
Confidence judgements: Selective but possible to
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag, Leif Strömwall
I proceedings från konferensen Metacognition Process, function and use. Clermont Ferrand, Frankrike, 6-8 september 1999. - 1999 -
Feelings of confidence and the realism of confidence judgements in everyday life. I P. Juslin & H. Montgomery
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag
Judgment and decision making: Neo-Brunswikian and process tracing approaches, Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Press - 1999 -
Realism in confidence judgements as a function of working in dyads or
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes - 1996 -
The effects of arguments on realism in confidence
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag
Acta Psychologica - 1996 -
Considering the knowledge you have: Effects on realism in confidence
Carl Martin Allwood, Pär-Anders Granhag
The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology - 1996