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- Karin Hårding
Karin Hårding
Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskapOm Karin Hårding
Är universitetslektor i ekologi på institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap. Hon arbetar med populationsbiologi hos marina däggdjurspopulationer och studerar deras känslighet för miljöfaktorer som sjukdomar, klimatförändringar och jakt. Som metod används inventeringar och matematiska modeller. Projekten är ofta tvärvetenskapliga.
Typiska frågeställningar är:
- Vilka processer styr upp och nergångar i vilda djurpopulationer?
- Hur inverkar spatiell struktur, genetik och ålderstruktur på risken för sjukdomsutbrott?
Särskilt fokus ligger på sälpopulationer, främst knubbsäl, gråsäl och vikaresäl och prognoser för populationernas långsiktiga utveckling. Mer information om pågående projekt finns här: https://sites.google.com/view/sealpopulationdynamics/home
Projektsida: https://www.gu.se/forskning/populationsdynamik-och-epidemiologi-hos-naturliga-populationer
120-years of ecological monitoring data shows that the risk of overhunting is increased by environmental degradation for an isolated marine mammal population: The Baltic grey
Daire Carroll, Markus P. Ahola, Anja M. Carlsson, Martin Sköld, Karin C. Harding
Journal of Animal Ecology - 2024 -
Approaching a population-level assessment of body size in pinnipeds using drones, an early warning of environmental
Daire Carroll, Eduardo Infantes, Eva Pagan, Karin C. Harding
Ten years of marine evolutionary biology - challenges and achievements of a multidisciplinary research
Kerstin Johannesson, Erica H Leder, Carl André, Samuel Dupont, Susanne P. Eriksson, Karin C. Harding, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Marlene Jahnke, Per R. Jonsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Henrik Pavia, Marina Rafajlović, Eva Marie Rödström, Michael C. Thorndyke, Anders Blomberg
Evolutionary Applications - 2023 -
Maternal Transfer and Long-Term Population Effects of PCBs in Baltic Grey Seals Using a New Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic Population
K. Mauritsson, J. P. Desforges, Karin C. Harding
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - 2022 -
Origin and expansion of the world's most widespread pinniped: Range-wide population genomics of the harbour seal (Phoca
X. D. Liu, S. R. Schjott, S. M. Granquist, A. Rosing-Asvid, R. Dietz, J. Teilmann, A. Galatius, K. Cammen, G. O'Corry-Crowe, Karin C. Harding, T. Harkonen, A. Hall, E. L. Carroll, Y. Kobayashi, M. Hammill, G. Stenson, A. K. Frie, C. Lydersen, K. M. Kovacs, L. W. Andersen, J. I. Hoffman, S. J. Goodman, F. G. Vieira, R. Heller, I. Moltke, M. T. Olsen
Molecular Ecology - 2022 -
An automated work-flow for pinniped surveys: A new tool for monitoring population
Eduardo Infantes, Daire Carroll, William T A F Silva, Tero Härkönen, Scott V. Edwards, Karin C. Harding
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - 2022 -
A Unifying Framework for Estimating Generation Time in Age-Structured Populations: Implications for Phylogenetics and Conservation
Johan Jonasson, T. Harkonen, L. Sundqvist, S. V. Edwards, Karin C. Harding
American Naturalist - 2022 -
Bioaccumulation of PCBs, OCPs and PBDEs in Marine Mammals From West
M. Khairy, E. Brault, R. Dickhut, Karin C. Harding, T. Harkonen, O. Karlsson, K. Lehnert, J. Teilmann, R. Lohmann
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2021 -
The Baltic Sea: An ecosystem with multiple
R. Dietz, C. Sonne, B. M. Jenssen, K. Das, C. A. de Wit, Karin C. Harding, U. Siebert, M. T. Olsen
Environment International - 2021 -
Risk for overexploiting a seemingly stable seal population: influence of multiple stressors and
William T A F Silva, Elio Bottagisio, Tero Härkönen, Anders Galatius, Morten Tange Olsen, Karin C. Harding
Ecosphere - 2021 -
Health effects from contaminant exposure in Baltic Sea birds and marine mammals: A
C. Sonne, U. Siebert, K. Gonnsen, J. P. Desforges, I. Eulaers, S. Persson, A. Roos, B. M. Bäcklin, K. Kauhala, M. Tange Olsen, Karin C. Harding, G. Treu, A. Galatius, E. Andersen-Ranberg, S. Gross, J. Lakemeyer, K. Lehnert, S. S. Lam, W. Peng, R. Dietz
Environment International - 2020 -
Life cycle bioenergetics of the gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) in the Baltic Sea: Population response to environmental
Willian Silva, Karin C. Harding, Gonçalo M Marques, Britt Marie Bäcklin, Christian Sonne, Rune Dietz, Kaarina Kauhala, Jean-Pierre Desforges
Environment international - 2020 -
Multiple stressors and data deficient populations; a comparative life-history approach sheds new light on the extinction risk of the highly vulnerable Baltic harbour porpoises (Phocoena
Linnea Cervin, Tero Harkonen, Karin C. Harding
Environment international - 2020 -
Trophic position and foraging ecology of Ross, Weddell, and crabeater seals revealed by compound-specific isotope
Emily K. Brault, Paul L. Koch, Daniel P. Costa, Matthew D. McCarthy, Luis A. Hückstädt, Kimberly T. Goetz, Kelton W. McMahon, Michael E. Goebel, Olle Karlsson, Jonas Teilmann, Tero Harkonen, Karin C. Harding
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2019 -
Genomics of host-pathogen interactions: challenges and opportunities across ecological and spatiotemporal
K. Napflin, E. A. O'Connor, L. Becks, S. Bensch, V. A. Ellis, N. Hafer-Hahmand, Karin C. Harding, Sara K. Lindén, M. T. Olsen, J. Roved, T. B. Sackton, A. J. Shultz, Vignesh Venkatakrishnan, E. Videvall, H. Westerdahl, J. C. Winternitz
PeerJ - 2019 -
Phylogenomic insights to the origin and spread of phocine distemper virus in European harbour seals in 1988 and
Iben Stokholm, Tero Härkönen, Karin C. Harding, Ursula Siebert, Kristina Lehnert, Rune Dietz, Jonas Teilmann, Anders Galatius, Linnea Worsøe Havmøller, Emma L. Carroll, Ailsa Hall, Morten Tange Olsen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms - 2019 -
Population Wide Decline in Somatic Growth in Harbor Seals—Early Signs of Density
Karin C. Harding, Maelle Salmon, Jonas Teilmann, Rune Dietz, Tero Härkönen
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment - 2018 -
Bio accumulation of radioactive caesium in marine mammals in the Baltic
Sea – Reconstruction of a historical time
Sadaf Saremi, Mats Isaksson, Karin C. Harding
Science of the Total Environment - 2018 -
Prevalence of skull pathologies in European harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) during
Cino Pertold, Lasse Fast Jensen, Aage Kristian Olsen Alstrup, Ole Lajord Munk, Trine Bæk Pedersen, Christian Sonne, Rune Dietz, Tobias Daugaard-Petersen, Karin C. Harding, Trine Hammer Jensen
Mammal Research - 2018 -
The effect of prey quality and ice conditions on the nutritional status of Baltic gray seals of different age
K. Kauhala, B. M. Backlin, J. Raitaniemi, Karin C. Harding
Mammal Research - 2017 -
Antarctic seals: Molecular biomarkers as indicators for pollutant exposure, health effects and
K. Lehnert, L. Weirup, Karin C. Harding, T. Harkonen, O. Karisson, J. Teilmann, Cellular Gier H, V. P. Molecular Biology
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
Life history parameters of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from
E. Garde, S. H. Hansen, S. Ditlevsen, K. B. Tvermosegaard, Johan Hansén, Karin C. Harding, M.P. Heide-Jorgensen
Journal of Mammalogy - 2015 -
Limited use of sea ice by the Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii), in Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, using telemetry and remote sensing
A. Arcalis-planas, S. Svegard, O. Karlsson, Karin C. Harding, Anna Wåhlin, T. Härkönen, J. Teilmann
Polar Biology - 2015 -
An assessment of Dinophysis blooms in the coastal Arabian
Arvind Singh, Karin C. Harding, Rengaswami Ramesh, Anna Godhe
Harmful Algae - 2014 -
Capital and income breeding: the role of food
Philip Stephens, Alasdair Houston, Karin C. Harding, Ian Boyd, John McNamara
Ecology - 2014 -
Length of intervals between epidemics: evaluating the influence of maternal transfer of
Romain Garnier, Sylvain Gandon, Karin C. Harding, Thierry Boulinier
Ecology and Evolution - 2014 -
Increased migration in host–pathogen metapopulations can cause host
Karin C. Harding, M. Begon, Anders Eriksson, Bernt Wennberg
Journal of Theoretical Biology - 2012 -
Rate of increase and current abundance of humpback whales in West
Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, K.L. Laidre, R.G. Hansen, M.L. Burt, D.L. Borcher, Johan Hansén, Karin C. Harding, M. Rasmussen, Rune Dietz, Jonas Teilmann
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management - 2012 -
Collapse of a Marine Mammal Species Driven by Human
T. Harkonen, Karin C. Harding, S. Wilson, M. Baimukanov, L. Dmitrieva, Carl Johan Svensson, S. J. Goodman
Plos One - 2012 -
Linking Climate Trends to Population Dynamics in the Baltic Ringed Seal: Impacts of Historical and Future Winter
Lisa Sundqvist, T. Harkonen, Carl Johan Svensson, Karin C. Harding
Ambio - 2012 -
Ecology and Distribution of the Isopod Genus Idotea in the Baltic Sea: Key Species in a Changing
Sonja Leidenberger, Karin C. Harding, Per R. Jonsson
Journal of Crustacean Biology - 2012 -
Detecting density dependence in recovering seal
Carl Johan Svensson, Anders Eriksson, Tero Harkonen, Karin C. Harding
Ambio - 2011 -
Predicting recurrent PDV epizootics in European harbour seals (Phoca
Tero Härkönen, Karin C. Harding
NAMMCO scientific publications - 2010 -
Viability of small populations experiencing recurring
Peter Jagers, Karin C. Harding
Math. Pop Studies - 2009 -
European harbour seal mass mortality, causes and
Karin C. Harding
The 10th International Mammalogical Congress, Mendoza Argentina 9-14 Aug 2009. - 2009 -
The role of asymmetric dispersal in
David Kleinhans, Per R. Jonsson, Karin C. Harding
Presented at First Swedish meeting on Theory and Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Uppsala, December 17th and 18th, 2009 - 2009 -
The scaling of diving time budgets: Insights from an optimality
P. A. Stephens, C. Carbone, I. L. Boyd, J. M. McNamara, Karin C. Harding, A. I. Houston
American Naturalist - 2008 -
Generalizing Levins metapopulation model in explicit space: Models of intermediate
M. Roy, Karin C. Harding, R. D. Holt
Journal of Theoretical Biology - 2008 -
Seasonal activity budget of adult baltic ringed
Tero Harkonen, Mart Jüssi, Ivar Jüssi, Michail Verevkin, Lilia Dmitrieva, Eero Helle, Roustam Sagitov, Karin C. Harding
PLoS ONE - 2008 -
Mass mortality in harbour seals and harbour porpoises caused by an unknown
T. Härkönen, B. M. Backlin, T. Barrett, A Bergman, M. Corteyn, R. Dietz, Karin C. Harding, J. Malmsten, A. Roos, J. Teilmann
Veterinary Record - 2008 -
Phocid seals, seal lice and heartworms: A terrestrial host-parasite system conveyed to the marine
Sonja Leidenberger, Karin C. Harding, Tero Härkönen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (DAO) - 2007 -
Age- and sex-specific mortality patterns in an emerging wildlife epidemic: the phocine distemper in European harbour
Tero Harkonen, Karin C. Harding, Thomas Dau Rasmussen, Jonas Teilmann, Rune Dietz
PLoS ONE - 2007 -
Status of Baltic grey seals: Population assessment and risk
Karin C. Harding, Tero Härkönen, Björn Helander, O Karlsson
Nammco Scientific Publications - 2007 -
Capital or income breeding? A theoretical model of female reproductive
Alasdair I. Houston, Philip A. Stephens, Ian L. Boyd, Karin C. Harding, John M. McNamara
Understanding invasions in patchy habitats through metapopulation
Karin C. Harding, JM McNamara, Robert Holt
Conceptual ecology and invasions biology:reciprocal approaches to nature. - 2006 -
The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European harbour
Tero Härkönen, Rune Dietz, Peter Reijnders, Jonas Teilmann, Karin C. Harding, Ailsa Hall, Sophie Brasseur, Ursula Siebert, Simon J. Goodman, Paul D. Jepson, Thomas Dau Rasmussen, Paul Thompson
On the potential impact of harbour seal predation on the cod population in the eastern North
Johan Hansén, Karin C. Harding
Journal of Sea Research - 2006 -
Colonization history of the baltic harbor seals: Integrating archaeological, behavioral, and genetic
T. Härkönen, Karin C. Harding, S. J. Goodman, Kerstin Johannesson
Marine Mammal Science - 2005 -
Acquired immunity and stochasticity in epidemic intervals impede the evolution of host disease
Karin C. Harding, Johan Hansén, Simon J. Goodman
American Naturalist - 2005 -
Mass-dependent energetics and survival in Harbour Seal
Karin C. Harding, M. Fujiwara, Y Axberg, T. Härkönen
Measurement error and estimates of population extinction
J. M. McNamara, Karin C. Harding
Ecology Letters - 2004 -
Estimating quasi-extinction risk of European harbour seals: reply to Lonergan & Harwood
Karin C. Harding, T. Harkonen, J. Pineda
Ecology Letters - 2003 -
The 2002 European seal plague: epidemiology and population
Karin C. Harding, T. Härkönen, H. Caswell
Ecology Letters - 2002 -
A unifying framework for metapopulation
Karin C. Harding, John M McNamara
The American Naturalist - 2002 -
Rates of increase in age-structured populations: a lesson from the European harbour
T. Härkönen, Karin C. Harding, M. P. Heide-Jorgensen
Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie - 2002 -
Spatial structure of harbour seal populations and the implications
Tero Härkönen, Karin C. Harding
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences - 2001 -
New insights on how temporal variation in predation risk shapes prey
Andrew Sih, Robert Ziemba, Karin C. Harding
Trends in Ecology and Evolution - 2000