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- Fabian Taube
Fabian Taube
Universitetslektor, adjungerad
Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsaOm Fabian Taube
Docent i experimentell arbets- och miljömedicin, doktor i oorganisk kemi, fil.kand i Miljö- och hälsoskydd samt gymnasielärarexamen i kemi och miljökunskap.
Min huvudanställning har jag vid Försvarsmedicincentrum i Göteborg där jag jobbar med civil-militär forsknings- och utvecklingssamverkan. I arbetet ingår även att stärka den preventivmedicinska processen i försvarsmaktens sjukvårdsystem samt att verka för att militärmedicin blir ett akademiskt ämnesområde. Jag är även delaktig i Kunskapscentrum katastrofmedicin Väst vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper.
Descriptive analysis of diseases, non-battle injuries and climate among deployed Swedish military
Matilda Säleby, L Ahlinder, M Schüler, Fabian Taube
BMJ military health - 2024 -
Changes in haemoglobin and ferritin levels during basic combat training – relevance for attrition and injury
Fabian Taube, Ingrid Larsson, Mats Navren, Örjan Ekblom
BMJ Military Health - 2024 -
Does climate change transform military medicine and defense medical
Yohan Robinson, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Niclas Arvidson, Cave Sinai, Fabian Taube
Frontiers In Public Health - 2023 -
Militärmedicin - En
Yohan Robinson, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Per Örtenwall, Fabian Taube
2022 -
Application of two test kits for microbiological water monitoring under harsh conditions – a pilot
Fabian Taube, Folke Cerenius, Karl Kristian Faksvåg, Hillary Limo, Amir Khorram-Manesh
World-wide Military-Medicine.com Journal - 2022 -
Military service and related risk factors for amyotrophic lateral
Kyla A McKay, Kelsi A Smith, Lidija Smertinaite, Fang Fang, Caroline Ingre, Fabian Taube
Acta neurologica Scandinavica - 2021 -
Exponering och hälsoriskbedömning för bly i samband med skjutövningar inom
Fabian Taube, Linda Schenk, Håkan Wingfors, Lars Gerhardsson
2021 -
Exposures to lead during urban combat
Linda Schenk, Håkan Wingfors, Niklas Forsgard, Björn Skoog, Christina Nyberg, Fabian Taube
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health - 2021 -
Nurses’ Readiness for Emergencies and Public Health Challenges—The Case of Saudi
Mohammed Ali Salem Sultan, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Eric Carlström, Jarle Löwe Sörensen, Hadi Jaber Al Sulayyim, Fabian Taube
Sustainability - 2020 -
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and environmental risk
factors in a military
Fabian Taube, A Waleij, M Sköld, M Risling
2020 -
Environmental risk factors for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in a military
Kyla McKay, Annica Waleij, Mattias Sköld, Mårten Risling, Fabian Taube
The 13th CBRNe Protection Symposium - 2019 -
Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Mali- A literature review and basic Health Risk
Fabian Taube, Annica Waleij
2018 -
Preventiv Medicin-
Fabian Taube
2016 -
Lipid composition of particles in exhaled air (PEx) from workers exposed to welding
Göran Ljungqvist, Emilia Viklund, Fabian Taube, Jeong-Lim Kim, Niklas Forsgard, Anna-Carin Olin
The European respiratory journal. Vol. 48, Suppl 60. PA385 - 2016 -
Exposure to respirable dust and lead during a standardized shooting session increases blood lead levels
Fabian Taube, Björn Skoog
The 12th International Symposium on Protection against Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents - 2016 -
Deviations of inorganic and organic carbon content in hypomineralised
Fabian Taube, Jörgen G Norén, Maciej Jozef Marczewski
Journal of Dentistry - 2015 -
XRMA and ToF-SIMS Analysis of Normal and Hypomineralized
Lisa Melin, Jesper Lundgren, Per Malmberg, Jörgen G Norén, Fabian Taube, David H. Cornell
Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada - 2015 -
Biomarker for welding exposure in exhaled endogenous
Göran Ljungqvist, Anna Bredberg, Fabian Taube, Evert Ljungström, Per Larsson, Ekaterina Mirogorodskaya, Christina Isaxon, Niklas Forsgard, Jakob Löndahl, Anna-Carin Olin
The European respiratory journal. Supplement - 2014 -
Analysis of manganese and iron in exhaled endogenous
Anna Bredberg, Göran Ljungqvist, Fabian Taube, Evert Ljungström, Per Larsson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Christina Isaxon, Anders Gudmundsson, Niklas Forsgård, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - 2014 -
Evaluation of X-ray Microanalysis for Characterization of Dental
Lisa Melin, Jörgen G Norén, Fabian Taube, David H. Cornell
Microscopy and Microanalysis - 2014 -
Manganese in Occupational Arc Welding Fumes—Aspects on Physiochemical Properties, with Focus on
Fabian Taube
The Annals of occupational hygiene - 2013 -
Analyses of Cadmium in particles in Exhaled Air (PEx) in smokers and
Fabian Taube, Anna Bredberg, Per Larsson, Magdalena Taube, Anna-Carin Olin
Svenska Läkarstämman - 2013 -
Morphological and chemical characterization of tooth enamel exposed to alkaline
Fabian Taube, Rikard Ylmén, A. Shchukarev, S. Nietzsche, Jörgen G Norén
Journal of Dentistry - 2010 -
Scanning electron microscopic and X-ray micro analysis on tooth enamel exposed to alkaline
Fabian Taube, Frank Steiniger, Sandor Nietzsche, Jörgen G Norén
Swedish dental journal - 2010 -
Assessment of mercury speciation in contaminated soils prior to
Fabian Taube
Solid Waste Management and Environmental Remediation - 2010 -
Soil Remediation – Mercury Speciation in Soil and Vapor Phase During Thermal
Fabian Taube
Water Air & Soil Pollution - 2008 -
Peroxomolybdate catalysts in pulp hydrogen peroxide bleaching: Improvement in hexeneuronic acid removal and
Fabian Taube
Equilibria and Dynamics of Some Aqueous Peroxomolybdophosphate Catalysts: A Potentiometric and 31P NMR Spectroscopic
Fabian Taube, Ingegärd Andersson, Sarah Angus-Dunne, Andrea Bodor, Imre Tóth, Lage Pettersson
Dalton Trans. - 2003 -
17O NMR Study of Aqueous Peroxoisopolymolybdates at lower peroxide/Mo
Lage Pettersson, Ingegärd Andersson, Fabian Taube, Imre Tóth, masato hashimoto, Oliver Howarth
Dalton Trans - 2003 -
17O NMR study of aqueous peroxoisopolymolybdate equilibria at lower peroxide/Mo ratios. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: concentrations of total Mo, total H2O2 and other species expressed as
Fabian Taube
Dalton Transactions - 2003 -
) Equilibria and Dynamics of Some Aqueous Peroxomolybdate Catalysts: A17O- NMR Spectroscopic
Fabian Taube, Ingegärd Andersson, Imre Toth, Andrea Bodor, Oliver Howarth, Lage Pettersson
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans - 2002 -
Characterisation of Aqueous peroxomolybdate catalysts applicable to pulp
Fabian Taube, masato hashimoto, Ingegärd Andersson, Lage Pettersson
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. - 2002 -
Characterization of Aqueous Peroxomolybdates with Catalytic
Fabian Taube
2002 -
Molybdate speciation in systems related to the bleaching of kraft
Fabian Taube, I. Andersson, L. Pettersson
Polyoxometalate Chemistry From Topology via Self-Assembly to Applications - 2002