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- Alexandra Kinnby
Alexandra Kinnby
Institutionen för marina vetenskaperOm Alexandra Kinnby
Handledare: Henrik Pavia, Kerstin Johannesson, Gunilla Toth, Institutionen för marina vetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet.
Min forskning fokuserar på vilken effekt kommande klimatförändringar kommer att ha på fitness hos blåstång, Fucus vesiculosus, samt hur dess interaktion med betare kommer att påverkas.
Min forskning finansieras av CeMEB.
Deep-learning-powered data analysis in plankton
Harshith Bachimanchi, Matthew I. M. Pinder, Chloé Robert, Pierre De Wit, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Alexandra Kinnby, Daniel Midtvedt, Erik Selander, Giovanni Volpe
Limnology And Oceanography Letters - 2024 -
Seasonal Variation in the Element Composition of Dried, Powdered Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) from Northern
Philip James, Tor Evensen, Alexandra Kinnby
Sustainability - 2024 -
Ocean acidification reduces thallus strength in a non-calcifying foundation
Alexandra Kinnby, Gunnar Cervin, Ann I. Larsson, Ulrica Edlund, Gunilla B. Toth, Henrik Pavia
Current Biology - 2023 -
Clones on the run: The genomics of a recently expanded partially clonal
Ricardo T. Pereyra, Marina Rafajlović, Pierre De Wit, Matthew I. M. Pinder, Alexandra Kinnby, Mats H. Töpel, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology - 2023 -
A metabarcoding analysis of the wrackbed microbiome indicates a phylogeographic break along the North Sea-Baltic Sea transition
Emma L Berdan, F. Roger, M. Wellenreuther, Alexandra Kinnby, Gunnar Cervin, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Mats H. Töpel, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, Carl André
Environmental Microbiology - 2023 -
Adaptive, maladaptive, neutral, or absent plasticity: Hidden caveats of reaction
Martin Eriksson, Alexandra Kinnby, Pierre De Wit, Marina Rafajlović
Evolutionary Applications - 2022 -
Species Specific Responses to Grazer Cues and Acidification in Phytoplankton- Winners and Losers in a Changing
Kristie Rigby, Alexandra Kinnby, Josephine Grønning, Fredrik Ryderheim, Gunnar Cervin, Emma L Berdan, Erik Selander
Frontiers in Marine Sceince - 2022 -
Climate Change Increases Susceptibility to Grazers in a Foundation
Alexandra Kinnby, Gunilla B. Toth, Henrik Pavia
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2021 -
Ocean acidification decreases grazing pressure but alters morphological structure in a dominant coastal
Alexandra Kinnby, Joel White, Gunilla B. Toth, Henrik Pavia
PloS one - 2021 -
Habitat-Forming Seaweeds in a Changing
Alexandra Kinnby
2021 -
Effects of irradiance, temperature, nutrients, and pCO(2) on the growth and biochemical composition of cultivated Ulva
Gunilla B. Toth, H. Harrysson, N. Wahlstrom, J. Olsson, Annelous Oerbecke, Sophie Steinhagen, Alexandra Kinnby, Joel White, E. Albers, U. Edlund, I. Undeland, Henrik Pavia
Journal of Applied Phycology - 2020 -
Combining an Ecological Experiment and a Genome Scan Show Idiosyncratic Responses to Salinity Stress in Local Populations of a
Alexandra Kinnby, Per R. Jonsson, Olga Ortega-Martínez, Mats H. Töpel, Henrik Pavia, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Kerstin Johannesson
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2020 -
Cultivation conditions affect the monosaccharide composition in Ulva
J. Olsson, Gunilla B. Toth, Annelous Oerbecke, S. Cvijetinovic, N. Wahlstrom, H. Harrysson, Sophie Steinhagen, Alexandra Kinnby, Joel White, U. Edlund, I. Undeland, Henrik Pavia, E. Albers
Journal of Applied Phycology - 2020 -
Factors affecting formation of adventitious branches in the seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus and F.
Alexandra Kinnby, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Pierre De Wit, Per R. Jonsson, Henrik Pavia, Kerstin Johannesson
Bmc Ecology - 2019 -
Low sensitivity of reproductive life-stages in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) to
L. J. Falkenberg, Anna-Lisa Wrange, Alexandra Kinnby, Jonathan N. Havenhand, A. Lockyer, C. A. Styan
Chemosphere - 2017