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- Mihai Oltean
Mihai Oltean
Professor, adjungerad
Avd för kirurgiOm Mihai Oltean
Dr. Mihai Oltean är docent i kirurgi och specialistläkare i allmän kirurgi.
Han driver flertal kliniska och experimentella forskningsprojekt inom transplantationsbiologi och transplantationskirurgi. Dessa projekt undersöker organskadan som sker i samband med transplantationen (t.ex. efter organdonatorns hjärndöd eller som följd av ischemin och reperfusionskadan) efter njur, lever eller tarmtransplantation. Ett annat långvarigt forskningsintresse är tunntarmstransplantationen (klinisk och experimentell), där Dr. Oltean studerar tarmskyddande strategier infför organförvaring samt icke-invasiva metoder för uppföljning av tarmtransplantatet (laser-Doppler-flödesmätning, endoskopisk ultraljud, cirkulerande biomarkörer). Tillsammans med ett team forskare har Dr. Oltean bildat en tvärvetenskaplig forskningsgrupp som studerar olika aspekter av COVID-19 hos organtransplanterade.
Förutom sina kliniska forskningsintressen är Dr. Oltean en engagerad experimentell mikrokirurg med över 20 års erfarenhet inom området. Tillsammans med kollegor från Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten och Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset har han etablerat ett mikrokirurgiskt träningslaboratorium som sedan 2013 har genomfört nästan trettio doktorand- och specialistkurser.
Dr. Mihai Oltean är medlem i redaktionen för Microsurgery, International Reviews of Immunology och European Surgical Research. Han blev utvald ordförande i International Society for Experimental Microsurgery (2020-2022) och är styrelsemedlem (Councillor) i Intestinal Transplant and Rehabilitation Association (2017-2021).
Gruppmedlemmar: Jasmine Bagge, M.D. (Ph.D. student) John Mackay Söfteland, M.D., Ph.D. (postdoctoral fellow) Daniel Rosemar, M.D., (research fellow)
Intestinal mucosal perfusion and integrity are maintained in hypotensive brain dead
Mihai Oltean, Jasmine Bagge, Anna Casselbrant, Andreas Lundgren, Lucas Ferreira da Anunciação, Lucia de Miguel Gomez, Tomas Lorant, Mats Hellström, Michael Olausson
European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes - 2024 -
Uterine Repair Mechanisms Are Potentiated by Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Decellularized Tissue Grafts Through Elevated Vegf, Cd44, and Itgb1 Gene
Sara Bandstein, Lucia de Miguel Gomez, Edina Sehic, Emy Thorén, Sara Lopez-Martinez, Irene Cervello, Randa R. Akouri, Mihai Oltean, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Toward human uterus tissue engineering: Uterine decellularization in a non-human primate
Lucia de Miguel Gomez, Edina Sehic, Emy Thorén, Johan Ahlström, Hardis Rabe, Mihai Oltean, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Including the liver in the visceral allograft: Impact on donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies and long-term
Dace Abele, Markus Gäbel, Mihai Oltean, Jonas Varkey, Johan Mölne, Nils Ekwall, Helena Borg, Hanna Jacobsson, Jan Holgersson, Gustaf Herlenius
End-ischemic hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion does not improve renal outcome following liver transplantation from aged donors: A single-center retrospective
Åsa Norén, Johan Mölne, William Bennet, Gustaf Sorensen, Gustaf Herlenius, Per Lindnér, Mihai Oltean
Mucosal Recovery after Intestinal Transplantation in the Rat: A Sequential Histological and Molecular
Jasmine Bagge, Arvind M. Padma, Anna Casselbrant, Mats Hellström, Mihai Oltean
European Surgical Research - 2023 -
Diagnostic yield for video capsule endoscopy in gastrointestinal graft- versus -host disease: a systematic review and
Jonas Varkey, Viktor Jonsson, Eva Hessman, Thomas de Lange, Per Hedenström, Mihai Oltean
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology - 2023 -
Intestinal Transplant Immunology and Intestinal Graft Rejection: From Basic Mechanisms to Potential
M. Rumbo, Mihai Oltean
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2023 -
Impact of COVID-19 on lung transplant recipients: Only time will
Jesper M Magnusson, Mihai Oltean
Transplant Infectious Disease - 2022 -
Ischemic Preconditioning in Liver Transplantation: Lost in
Mihai Oltean
Journal of Investigative Surgery - 2022 -
Mesenchymal stem cells establish a pro-regenerative immune milieu after decellularized rat uterus tissue
Edina Sehic, Emy Thorén, Ingigerdur Gudmundsdottir, Mihai Oltean, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Journal of Tissue Engineering - 2022 -
Liver Graft Proteomics Reveals Potential Incipient Mechanisms behind Early Renal Dysfunction after Liver
Åsa Norén, Mihai Oltean, Styrbjörn Friman, Antonio Molinaro, Johan Mölne, Carina Sihlbom, Gustaf Herlenius, Annika Thorsell
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2022 -
Endoscopic ultrasound in the monitoring of the intestinal
Mihai Oltean, Per Hedenström, Jonas Varkey, Gustaf Herlenius, Riadh Sadik
Bmj Open Gastroenterology - 2022 -
Comparing the First and Second Wave of COVID-19 in Kidney Transplant Recipients: An East-European
F. I. Elec, S. D. Bolboaca, A. Muntean, A. D. Elec, C. Cismaru, M. Lupse, Mihai Oltean
European Surgical Research - 2022 -
A comparison of four established GFR formulas to estimate measured GFR and changes in GFR in adult kidney transplant
Josefine Gammelgaard Trans, Nicoline V Krogstrup, Mihai Oltean, Bente Jespersen, Marie Bodilsen Nielsen, Henrik Birn
Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation - 2022 -
COVID-19 and kidney transplantation: the impact of remdesivir on renal function and outcome - a retrospective cohort
F. Elec, J. Magnusson, A. Elec, A. Muntean, O. Antal, T. Moisoiu, C. Cismaru, M. Lupse, Mihai Oltean
International Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2022 -
The proteomic signature of intestinal acute rejection in the
Mihai Oltean, Jasmine Bagge, George Dindelegan, Diarmuid T. Kenny, Antonio Molinaro, Mats Hellström, Ola Nilsson, C. Sihlbom, Anna Casselbrant, Marcela Dávila López, Michael Olausson
Metabolites - 2022 -
COVID-19 in lung transplant recipients: an overview of the Swedish national
Jesper Magnusson, Hillevi Larsson, Ahmed Alsaleh, Jan Ekelund, Kristjan Karason, Andreas Schult, Vanda Friman, Marie Felldin, John M. Söfteland, Göran Dellgren, Mihai Oltean
Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation - 2021 -
Intestinal transplantation: an overview of the recent experimental
Mihai Oltean
Current opinion in organ transplantation - 2021 -
Immune response after allogeneic transplantation of decellularized uterine scaffolds in the
Arvind M. Padma, Ahmed Baker Alshaikh, Min Jong Song, Randa R. Akouri, Levent Akyürek, Mihai Oltean, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Biomedical Materials - 2021 -
Decellularization protocol-dependent damage-associated molecular patterns in rat uterus scaffolds differentially affect the immune response after
Arvind M. Padma, Ahmed Baker Alshaikh, Min Jong Song, Randa R. Akouri, Mihai Oltean, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine - 2021 -
Luminal polyethylene-glycol solution delays the onset of preservation injury in the human
John M. Söfteland, Jasmine Bagge, Arvind M. Padma, Anna Casselbrant, Changlian Zhu, Yafeng Wang, Mats Hellström, Michael Olausson, Mihai Oltean
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons - 2021 -
Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and Calcium Channel Blockers: Getting to the Core of the
John M. Söfteland, Mihai Oltean
Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research - 2021 -
Towards a bioengineered uterus: bioactive sheep uterus scaffolds are effectively recellularized by enzymatic
Arvind M. Padma, Laura Carrière, Frida Krokström Karlsson, Edina Sehic, Sara Bandstein, Tom T Tiemann, Mihai Oltean, Min Jong Song, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Npj Regenerative Medicine - 2021 -
COVID-19 in solid organ transplant recipients: A national cohort study from
John M. Söfteland, Gustav Friman, Bengt von Zur-Mühlen, Bo-Göran Ericzon, Carin Wallquist, Kristjan Karason, Vanda Friman, Jan Ekelund, Marie Felldin, Jesper Magnusson, Ida Haugen Löfman, Andreas Schult, Emily de Coursey, Susannah Leach, Hanna Jacobsson, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Ali Reza Biglarnia, Per Lindnér, Mihai Oltean
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons - 2021 -
COVID-19 after kidney transplantation: Early outcomes and renal function following antiviral
A. D. Elec, Mihai Oltean, P. Goldis, C. Cismaru, M. Lupse, A. Muntean, F. I. Elec
International Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2021 -
Dynamics of circulating dendritic cells and cytokines after kidney transplantation-No effect of remote ischaemic
Marie B Nielsen, Kristian Ravlo, Marco Eijken, Nicoline V Krogstrup, Morten Bue Svendsen, Chadi Abdel-Halim, Mikkel Steen Petersen, Henrik Birn, Mihai Oltean, Bente Jespersen, Bjarne K Møller
Clinical and experimental immunology - 2021 -
Hemorheological and Microcirculatory Factors in Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury-An Update on Pathophysiology, Molecular Mechanisms and Protective
Norbert Nemeth, Katalin Peto, Zsuzsanna Magyar, Zoltan Klarik, Gabor Varga, Mihai Oltean, Anna Mantas, Zoltan Czigany, Rene H Tolba
International journal of molecular sciences - 2021 -
Microsurgery training during COVID-19 pandemic: Practical recommendations from the International Society for Experimental Microsurgery and International Microsurgery Simulation
Mihai Oltean, Alexandru Nistor, Mats Hellström, Michael Axelsson, Shintaro Yagi, Eiji Kobayashi, Alberto Ballestin, Yelena Akelina, Norbert Nemeth
Microsurgery - 2021 -
Initial Report From a Swedish High-volume Transplant Center After the First Wave of the COVID-19
Marie Felldin, John M. Söfteland, Jesper Magnusson, Jana Ekberg, Kristjan Karason, Andreas Schult, Hillevi Larsson, Mihai Oltean, Vanda Friman
Transplantation - 2021 -
Towards uterus tissue engineering: a comparative study of sheep uterus
Tom T Tiemann, Arvind M. Padma, Edina Sehic, H. Bäckdahl, Mihai Oltean, Min Jong Song, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Molecular human reproduction - 2020 -
Covid-19 in kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review of the case series available three months into the
Mihai Oltean, John M. Söfteland, Jasmine Bagge, Jan Ekelund, Marie Felldin, Andreas Schult, Jesper Magnusson, Vanda Friman, Kristjan Karason
Infectious diseases (London, England) - 2020 -
Registry reports in COVID-19 patients: juggling with big data, poor data, and no
John M. Söfteland, Kristjan Karason, Jesper Magnusson, Andreas Schult, Marie Felldin, Vanda Friman, Mihai Oltean
Kidney international - 2020 -
IGL-1 as a preservation solution in intestinal transplantation: a multicenter
Emilio Canovai, Mihai Oltean, Gustaf Herlenius, Levent Akyürek, Guido Trentadue, Gerard Dijkstra, Jan W Haveman, Andreas Pascher, Gert De Hertogh, Diethard Monbaliu, Jacques Pirenne, Laurens J Ceulemans
Transplant International - 2020 -
The impact of age and luminal preservation on the development of intestinal preservation injury in
John M. Söfteland, Anna Casselbrant, Levent Akyürek, Mats Hellström, Mihai Oltean
Transplantation - 2020 -
The development of an extended normothermic ex vivo reperfusion model of the sheep uterus to evaluate organ quality after cold ischemia in relation to uterus
Arvind M. Padma, Mylan Truong, Tagrid Jar-Allah, Min Jong Song, Mihai Oltean, Mats Brännström, Mats Hellström
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica - 2019 -
Intestinal Preservation Injury: A Comparison Between Rat, Porcine and Human
John M. Söfteland, Anna Casselbrant, Ali-Reza Biglarnia, Johan Linders, Mats Hellström, Antonio Pesce, Arvind M. Padma, Lucian Petru Jiga, Bogdan Hoinoiu, Mihai Ionac, Mihai Oltean
International journal of molecular sciences - 2019 -
Donor-specific antibodies and organ transplantation: a dangerous
M Oltean, Himanshu Kumar
International reviews of immunology - 2019 -
Remote ischaemic conditioning and early changes in plasma creatinine as markers of one year kidney graft function-A follow-up of the CONTEXT
Marie B Nielsen, Nicoline V Krogstrup, M Oltean, Gertrude J Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke, Frank J M F Dor, Henrik Birn, Bente Jespersen
PloS one - 2019 -
P-NGAL Day 1 predicts early but not one year graft function following deceased donor kidney transplantation - The CONTEXT
Marie B Nielsen, Nicoline V Krogstrup, Gertrude J Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke, M Oltean, Frank J M F Dor, Bente Jespersen, Henrik Birn
PloS one - 2019 -
Luminal Polyethylene Glycol Alleviates Intestinal Preservation Injury Irrespective of Molecular
Anna Casselbrant, John M. Söfteland, Mats Hellström, Mantas Malinauskas, Mihai Oltean
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics - 2018 -
The endoscopic surveillance of the transplanted small intestine: a single center experience and a proposal for a grading
Jonas Varkey, Per-Ove Stotzer, Magnus Simrén, Gustaf Herlenius, Mihai Oltean
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology - 2018 -
Silybin Against Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: Something Old, Something
Mihai Oltean
Journal of Investigative Surgery - 2018 -
Chronic Rejection After Intestinal Transplant: Where Are We in Order to Avert
Augusto Lauro, Mihai Oltean, Ignazio R Marino
Digestive diseases and sciences - 2018 -
Beneficial effects of remote organ ischemic preconditioning on micro-rheological parameters during liver ischemia-reperfusion in the
Z. Magyar, A. Mester, G. Nadubinszky, G. Varga, S. Ghanem, V. Somogyi, B. Tanczos, A. Deak, L. Bidiga, Mihai Oltean, K. Peto, N. Nemeth
Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation - 2018 -
A sequential assessment of the preservation injury in porcine
Mihai Oltean, L. Jiga, Mats Hellström, John M. Söfteland, M. Papurica, T. Hoinoiu, M. Ionac, Anna Casselbrant
Journal of Surgical Research - 2017 -
The microsurgical training programme in Gothenburg, Sweden: early
Mihai Oltean, Paolo Sassu, Mats Hellström, P. Axelsson, Lars Ewaldsson, A. G. Nilsson, Michael Axelsson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2017 -
Optimal Solution Volume for Luminal Preservation: A Preclinical Study in Porcine Intestinal
Mihai Oltean, M. Papurica, L. Jiga, B. Hoinoiu, C. Glameanu, A. Bresler, G. Patrut, R. Grigorie, M. Ionac, Mats Hellström
Transplantation Proceedings - 2016 -
Mast Cells Density Positive to Tryptase Correlate with Microvascular Density in both Primary Gastric Cancer Tissue and Loco-Regional Lymph Node Metastases from Patients That Have Undergone Radical
M. Ammendola, R. Sacco, V. Zuccala, M. Luposella, R. Patruno, P. Gadaleta, N. Zizzo, C. D. Gadaleta, G. De Sarro, G. Sammarco, Mihai Oltean, G. Ranieri
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2016 -
Initial Experience of Video Capsule Endoscopy After Intestinal
Jonas Varkey, Mihai Oltean, Andreas Bernd Pischel, Magnus Simrén, Gustaf Herlenius
Transplantation direct - 2016 -
Recipient Hyperbilirubinemia May Reduce Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury but Fails to Improve Outcome in Clinical Liver
Mihai Oltean, Christian Barrenäs, P. N. Martins, Gustaf Herlenius, Bengt I. Gustafsson, Styrbjörn Friman, William Bennet
Gastroenterology Research and Practice - 2016 -
A Grading Score for Colon Preservation Injury in the
Ayko Bresler, M. Ionac, Mihai Oltean
Transplantation Proceedings - 2016 -
Luminal solutions protect mucosal barrier during extended
Mihai Oltean, Mats Hellström, Catalin Ciuce, Changlian Zhu, Anna Casselbrant
The Journal of surgical research - 2015 -
Circulating resistin levels are early and significantly increased in deceased brain dead organ donors, correlate with inflammatory cytokine response and remain unaffected by steroid
Rille Pullerits, S. Oltean, A. Floden, Mihai Oltean
Journal of Translational Medicine - 2015 -
Chemokine-Mediated Robust Augmentation of Liver Engraftment: A Novel
Meghnad Joshi, Mihai Oltean, Pradeep B Patil, David Hallberg, Marika Kleman, Jan Holgersson, Michael Olausson, Suchitra Sumitran-Holgersson
Stem cells translational medicine - 2015 -
Fifteen years' experience of intestinal and multivisceral transplantation in the Nordic
Jonas Varkey, Magnus Simrén, Hannu Jalanko, Mihai Oltean, Robert Saalman, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Markus Gäbel, Helena Borg, Mats Edenholm, Oystein Bentdal, Steffen Husby, Michael Staun, Heikki Mäkisalo, Ingvar Bosaeus, Michael Olausson, Mikko Pakarinen, Gustaf Herlenius
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology - 2015 -
An unusual case of red blood cell immunisation following liver
Cecilia Pardi, Mihai Oltean
Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue - 2015 -
Molecular Mechanisms of Renal Ischemic Conditioning
Casper Kierulf-Lassen, Gertrude J Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke, Nicoline V Krogstrup, Mihai Oltean, Bente Jespersen, Frank J M F Dor
European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes - 2015 -
Remote ischaemic conditioning on recipients of deceased renal transplants, effect on immediate and extended kidney graft function: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial protocol
Nicoline V Krogstrup, Mihai Oltean, Bo M Bibby, Gertrude J Nieuwenhuijs-Moeke, Frank J M F Dor, Henrik Birn, Bente Jespersen
BMJ open - 2015 -
Intestinal preservation for transplantation: current status and alternatives for the
Mihai Oltean
Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation - 2015 -
In this issue: transplant immunology and transplant
Lucian P Jiga, Mihai Oltean
International reviews of immunology - 2014 -
Organ-Specific Solutions and Strategies for the Intestinal
Mihai Oltean, Thomas A Churchill
International Reviews of Immunology - 2014 -
Increased resistin in brain dead organ donors is associated with delayed graft function after kidney
Simona Oltean, Rille Pullerits, Anne Flodén, Michael Olausson, Mihai Oltean
Journal of translational medicine - 2013 -
Esophageal barrier function and tight junction expression in healthy subjects and patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: functionality of esophageal mucosa exposed to bile salt and trypsin in
Eleonora Björkman, Anders Edebo, Mihai Oltean, Anna Casselbrant
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2013 -
Charlson's weighted index of comorbidities is useful in assessing the risk of death in septic
Simona Oltean, Doina T Ţulescu, Cosmina Bondor, Adriana Slavcovici, Cristina Cismaru, Mihaela Lupşe, Monica Muntean, Cristian Jianu, Cristian Marcu, Mihai Oltean
Journal of critical care - 2012 -
Intraluminal Polyethylene Glycol Stabilizes Tight Junctions and Improves Intestinal Preservation in the
Mihai Oltean, Meghnad Joshi, Eleonora Björkman, S Oltean, Anna Casselbrant, Gustaf Herlenius, Michael Olausson
American Journal of Transplantation - 2012 -
Renal protection during liver transplantation: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
Mihai Oltean, Gustaf Herlenius
Critical care medicine - 2011 -
Multiplex cytokine profiling in patients with
Simona Mera, Doina Tatulescu, Cristina Cismaru, Cosmina Bondor, Adriana Slavcovici, Virginia Zanc, Dumitru Carstina, Mihai Oltean
APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica - 2011 -
Natural killer group 2 member D cell recruitment driven by major histocompatibility complex class I chain-related antigens A and B: a possible mechanism during acute intestinal allograft rejection in the
Meghnad Joshi, G. Dindelegan, Michael Olausson, Mihai Oltean
Transplantation proceedings - 2010 -
Intestinal transplantation. Experimental and clinical
Mihai Oltean
2010 -
The Chiu/Park scale for grading intestinal ischemia-reperfusion: if it ain't broke don't fix
Mihai Oltean, Michael Olausson
Intensive care medicine - 2010 -
Improved intestinal preservation using an intraluminal macromolecular solution: evidence from a rat
Mihai Oltean, Meghnad Joshi, Gustaf Herlenius, Michael Olausson
Transplantation - 2010 -
Is Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase Important for Graft Acceptance in Highly Sensitized Patients After Combined Auxiliary Liver-Kidney
Madeleine Ingelsten, Karin Gustafsson, Mihai Oltean, Alex Karlsson-Parra, Michael Olausson, Börje Haraldsson, Jenny Nyström
Transplantation - 2009 -
Reduced liver injury and cytokine release after transplantation of preconditioned
Mihai Oltean, Changlian Zhu, Simona Mera, Rille Pullerits, Inger Mattsby-Baltzer, Johan Mölne, Eva Hallberg, Klas Blomgren, Michael Olausson
The Journal of surgical research - 2009 -
Mechanisms behind the protective role of the liver in sensitized
Madeleine Ingelsten, Karin Gustafsson, Mihai Oltean, Michael Olausson, Börje Haraldsson, Alex Karlsson-Parra, Jenny Nyström
The transplantation Society, new Key Opinion Leader Meeting Gothenburg 2009 - 2009 -
Chronic kidney disease - a common and serious complication after intestinal
Gustaf Herlenius, Mattias Fägerlind, Marie Krantz, Johan Mölne, Michael Olausson, Markus Gäbel, Vanda Friman, Mihai Oltean, Styrbjörn Friman
Transplantation - 2008 -
Donor pretreatment with FK506 reduces reperfusion injury and accelerates intestinal graft recovery in
Mihai Oltean, Rille Pullerits, Changlian Zhu, Klas Blomgren, Eva Hallberg, Michael Olausson
Surgery - 2007 -
Accelerated acute rejection of the intestinal graft in CD28-deficient
G. Dindelegan, Mihai Oltean, Göran Kurlberg, Nils Y Lycke, Ola Nilsson, Michael Olausson
Transplantation proceedings - 2007 -
Laser-Doppler flowmetry in the monitoring of the human intestinal allograft: a preliminary
Mihai Oltean, Gustaf Herlenius, G. Dindelegan, Markus Gäbel, Johan Mölne, Ola Nilsson, Anders Åneman, Michael Olausson
Transplantation proceedings - 2006 -
Transplantation of preconditioned intestinal grafts is associated with lower inflammatory activation and remote organ injury in
Mihai Oltean, Simona Mera, Roger Olofsson, Changlian Zhu, Klas Blomgren, E. Hallberg, Michael Olausson
Transplant Proc - 2006 -
Intestinal preservation injury: a comparison between different rat
Roger Olofsson, Mihai Oltean, Michael Olausson
Transplantation proceedings - 2006 -
Infectious complications after multivisceral transplantation in
Mihai Oltean, Gustaf Herlenius, Markus Gäbel, Vanda Friman, Michael Olausson
Transplantation proceedings - 2006 -
Monitoring of the intestinal mucosal perfusion using laser Doppler flowmetry after multivisceral
Mihai Oltean, Anders Åneman, G. Dindelegan, J. Molne, Michael Olausson, Gustaf Herlenius
Transplantation proceedings - 2005 -
FK506 donor pretreatment improves intestinal graft microcirculation and morphology by concurrent inhibition of early NF-kappaB activation and augmented HSP72
Mihai Oltean, Roger Olofsson, Changlian Zhu, Simona Mera, Klas Blomgren, Michael Olausson
Transplant Proc - 2005 -
Intragraft heat shock protein-60 expression after small bowel transplantation in the
Mihai Oltean, G. Dindelegan, Göran Kurlberg, Ola Nilsson, Alex Karlsson-Parra, Michael Olausson
Transplantation proceedings - 2004