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- Kevin Cullinane
Kevin Cullinane
Företagsekonomiska institutionenOm Kevin Cullinane
Prof. Kevin Cullinane är professor i internationell logistik och transportekonomi vid Göteborgs universitet. Kevin har varit logistikrådgivare till Världsbanken och transportrådgivare till regeringarna i Skottland, Irland, Hongkong, Egypten, Chile och Storbritannien. Han har varit Chartered Fellow vid Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport sedan 1997. Hans erfarenhet och expertis har uppmärksammats med en inbjudan från Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien att nominera kandidater till Nobels minnespris i ekonomisk vetenskap (2020-nuvarande) och hans utnämning till underpanelen Civil and Construction Engineering för REF 2014 och Engineering sub- panel för REF2021; Storbritanniens nationella forskningsutvärderingsövning.Kevin har dykt upp på Stanford Universitys lista över "World's Top 2%" av forskare (2020-nu) och rankades 2024 som nummer 7 i Research.Com-listan över 'Best Business and Management Scientists in Sweden'.
Kevin har haft befattningar som direktör för Transport Research Institute (TRI) vid Edinburgh Napier University, ordförande i Marine Transport & Management vid Newcastle University, professor och chef för avdelningen för sjöfart och transportlogistik vid Hong Kong Polytechnic University, chef för Center for International Shipping & Transport vid Plymouth University, postdoktor vid University of Oxford Transport Studies Unit och som Senior Partner i sitt eget transportkonsultföretag, baserat i Kairo, Rennes, Hong Kong, Edinburgh och nu Göteborg,
Kevin har en hedersprofessur vid University of Hong Kong och University of Ningbo i Kina och har varit gästprofessor vid VTI (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute), Liverpool John Moores University, University of Agder, Molde University , World Maritime University, Copenhagen Business School, Syddanmarks universitet, Dalian Maritime University och Shanghai Maritime University. Innan han tills vidare anställdes vid Göteborgs universitet utsågs han till en livstidstjänst som hedersgästprofessor vid universitetet.
Kevin har personligen vunnit forsknings- och konsultprojekt till ett värde av 7 miljoner USD, av vilka många har informerat nationella och/eller regionala myndigheters policy. När det gäller akademiska resultat har Kevin publicerat 16 böcker, över 200 tidskrifter, redigerat 14 specialnummer i tidskrifter och varit redaktör för 'Volume 3: Freight Transport and Logistics' i Elsevier's International Encyclopedia of Transportation. Han är associerad redaktör (Europe) för Maritime Economics & Logistics och associerad redaktör för Transportation Research D, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, International Journal of Applied Logistics och för Emerald-bokserien Advances in Airline Economics. I över 20 år var han biträdande redaktör för Transportation Research A. Dessutom är Kevin för närvarande medlem av redaktionsnämnden för Social Sciences, Communications in Transportation Research, International Journal of Asian Social Science, Annals of Maritime Studies, Journal of Shipping & Logistics, Journal of Shipping & Trade, Journal of Logistics and Sustainable Transport, Journal of Service Science and Management och World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research. Tidigare har han varit medlem i redaktionen för Transport Reviews, Proceedings of IMechE Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Transportation Research A och International Journal of Logistics Management.
På andra webbplatser
- Maritime Economics, International Logistics, Transport Economics, Transport Modelling, Financial Economics, Shipping and the Environment
- Maritime Economics, Transport Economics and Policy, International Financial Management, Investment Appraisal, Transport and the Environment
The costs of maritime supply chain disruptions: The case of the Suez Canal blockage by the 'Ever Given'
Nguyen Khoi Tran, Hercules Haralambides, Theo Notteboom, Kevin Cullinane
The climate and environmental effects of policies for moving freight transport from road to other modes: The case of
Magnus Johansson, Inge Vierth, Kristina Holmgren, Kevin Cullinane
Case Studies on Transport Policy - 2024 -
A resilience assessment model for dry bulk shipping supply chains: the case of the Ukraine grain
Serkan Karakas, Mehmet Kirmizi, Huseyin Gencer, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Economics and Logistics - 2024 -
An environmental management system in seaports: evidence from
J. Jeevan, N. H. M. Salleh, N. H. A. Karim, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Policy & Management - 2023 -
Freight modal shift: A means or an objective in achieving lower emission targets? The case of
L. Bjork, I. Vierth, Kevin Cullinane
Transport Policy - 2023 -
Forecasting container freight rates using the Prophet forecasting
N. Saeed, S. Nguyen, Kevin Cullinane, V. Gekara, P. Chhetri
Transport Policy - 2023 -
Short- term effects and longer- term impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on the international shipping and port
Kevin Cullinane, Hercules Haralambides, Theo Notteboom
The prospects for, and implications of, emissions trading in
A. Christodoulou, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2023 -
Potential alternative fuel pathways for compliance with the ?FuelEU Maritime
A. Christodoulou, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment - 2022 -
Economic and environmental impacts of scrubbers investments in shipping: a multi-sectoral
T. P. V. Zis, Kevin Cullinane, S. Ricci
Maritime Policy & Management - 2022 -
Evaluating the Costs of Decarbonizing the Shipping Industry: A Review of the
Kevin Cullinane, J. L. Yang
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering - 2022 -
Identifying the characteristics of China's maritime trading partners on the basis of bilateral shipping connectivity: A cluster
N. Saeed, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Policy & Management - 2021 -
Green port performance evaluation under uncertainty: A multiple attribute group decision
D. Zhao, T. Bao, Kevin Cullinane, Y. Wang
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics - 2021 -
Reconfiguring maritime networks due to the Belt and Road Initiative: impact on bilateral trade
N. Saeed, Kevin Cullinane, V. Gekara, P. Chhetri
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2021 -
Assessing the Impact of Disruptive Events on Port Performance and Choice: The Case of
M. Svanberg, H. Holm, Kevin Cullinane
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering - 2021 -
A Review of Port Initiatives to Promote Freight Modal Shifts in Europe: Evidence from Port Governance
Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Kevin Cullinane, I. Vierth
Sustainability - 2021 -
Simulating long-term performance of regional distribution centers in archipelagic logistics
B. M. Sopha, S. Sakti, A. C. G. Prasetia, M. W. Dwiansarinopa, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2021 -
Exploring the relationships between maritime connectivity, international trade and domestic
N. Saeed, Kevin Cullinane, S. Sodal
Maritime Policy & Management - 2021 -
Potential for, and drivers of, private voluntary initiatives for the decarbonisation of short sea shipping: evidence from a Swedish ferry
Anastasia Christodoulou, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2021 -
The desulphurisation of shipping: Past, present and the future under a global
T. P. V. Zis, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment - 2020 -
Applying the triple bottom line in sustainable supplier selection: A meta-review of the
Kamran Rashidi, A. Noorizadeh, D. Kannan, Kevin Cullinane
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2020 -
Evaluating the external costs of a modal shift from rail to sea: An application to Sweden’s East coast container
Inge Vierth, Victor Sowa, Kevin Cullinane
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research - 2019 -
Evaluating the effects of Sweden's environmentally differentiated fairway
T. Linde, I. Vierth, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment - 2019 -
How to achieve less emissions from freight transport in
Inge Vierth, Rune Karlsson, Tobias Linde, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Business Review - 2019 -
Evaluating the external costs of trailer transport: a comparison of sea and
Inge Vierth, Victor Sowa, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2019 -
A comparison of fuzzy DEA and fuzzy TOPSIS in sustainable supplier selection: Implications for sourcing
Kamran Rashidi, Kevin Cullinane
Expert Systems with Applications - 2019 -
Current Issues in European
Kevin Cullinane
Airline economics in Europe / edited by Kevin Cullinane - 2019 -
Identifying the Main Opportunities and Challenges from the Implementation of a Port Energy Management System: A SWOT/PESTLE
Anastasia Christodoulou, Kevin Cullinane
Sustainability - 2019 -
Evaluating the sustainability of national logistics performance using Data Envelopment
Kamran Rashidi, Kevin Cullinane
Transport Policy - 2019 -
Airline Economics in
Kevin Cullinane
2019 -
Editorial: Past, present and future of maritime
Paul Lee, Kevin Cullinane
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics - 2019 -
Targeting the reduction of shipping emissions to air: A global review and taxonomy of policies, incentives and
Anastasia Christodoulou, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Tobias Linde, Inge Vierth, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Business Review - 2019 -
Finance and Risk Management for International Logistics and the Supply
Stephen Gong, Kevin Cullinane
2018 -
Editorial: China’s Belt and Road
Kevin Cullinane, Paul Lee, Zaili Yang, Z-H Hu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review - 2018 -
Key criteria influencing the choice of Arctic shipping: a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
P. H. Tseng, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Policy & Management - 2018 -
The reverse logistics of cross-border e-tailing in Europe: Developing a research agenda to assess the environmental
Sharon Cullinane, Kevin Cullinane
International Journal of Applied Logistics - 2018 -
The Impact of Potential Brexit Scenarios on German Car Exports to the UK: An Application of the Gravity
Jacqueline Karlsson, Helena Melin, Kevin Cullinane
Journal of Shipping and Trade - 2018 -
The 21st-century Maritime Silk Road: challenges and opportunities for transport management and
Jasmine Lam, Paul Lee, Kevin Cullinane
Transport Reviews - 2018 -
Stephen Gong, Kevin Cullinane
S. Gong and K.P.B. Cullinane [Eds.] Finance and Risk Management for International Logistics and the Supply Chain - 2018 -
Policy on Reducing Shipping Emissions: Implications for ‘Green
Kevin Cullinane, Sharon Cullinane
Green ports : inland and seaside sustainable transportation strategies / edited by Rickard Bergqvist and Jason Monios - 2018 -
Establishment and analysis of a global database of initiatives adopted for the reduction of maritime air
Anastasia Christodoulou, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Tobias Linde, Inge Vierth, Kevin Cullinane
Swedish transportation research conference, October 15-16, Gothenburg. - 2018 -
Targeting the reduction of shipping emissions to air: A global review and taxonomy of policies, incentives and
Anastasia Christodoulou, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Tobias Linde, Inge Vierth, Kevin Cullinane
WCTRS SIG2A Conference ‘The Port and Maritime Sector: Key Developments and Challenges’, University of Antwerp, 2-4 May. - 2018 -
A framework for assessing urban greenery's effects and valuing its ecosystem
Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, Jenny Klingberg, Bengt Gunnarsson, Kevin Cullinane, Ingela Gustafsson, Marcus Hedblom, Igor Knez, Fredrik Lindberg, Åsa Ode Sang, Håkan Pleijel, Sofia Thorsson, Pontus Thorsson
Journal of Environmental Management - 2018 -
Improving the Quality of Sweden’s Rail Freight Rolling Stock: The use of DEA in Benchmarking and
Kevin Cullinane, Rickard Bergqvist, Sharon Cullinane, Shengda Zhu, Linkai Wang
Benchmarking : An International Journal - 2017 -
Revisiting port governance and port reform: A multi-country
Mary Brooks, Kevin Cullinane, Thanos Pallis
Research in Transportation Business & Management - 2017 -
Developing a model for measuring the resilience of a port-hinterland container transportation
H. Chen, Kevin Cullinane, N. Liu
Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review - 2017 -
Port Privatisation in Sweden: Domestic Realism in the Face of Global
Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2017 -
Sustainable Logistics Performance: An International Case
Kamran Rashidi, Kevin Cullinane
15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2017), Prague, June 26-29. - 2017 -
Utsläpphandel kan vara en lönsam väg till lägre utsläpp från
Stefan Anderberg, Kevin Cullinane, Zoi Johansson-Nikopoulou
Åtgärder för att minska sjöfartens påverkan på havsmiljön, Havsmiljöinstitutet (Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment), Gothenburg. - 2017 -
The Implications of the SECA for Ports and Hinterland Transport in
Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane
Pettit, S and Beresford, A. (eds), Port Management: Cases in Port Geography, Operations and Policy - 2017 -
Special Issue: Revisiting port governance and port reform: A multi-country
Mary Brooks, Kevin Cullinane, Thanos Pallis
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2017 -
Panel Moderator - Recent Developments in Shipping, Finance and Restructuring: Business Strategy and Public
Kevin Cullinane
2nd KMI-WMU Seminar, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden, June 14th. - 2017 -
Shipping and the
Kevin Cullinane
World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden, March 7th. - 2017 -
The external costs of trailer transport: A comparison of sea and
Inge Vierth, Viktor Sowa, Kevin Cullinane
International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Kyoto, June 27-30. - 2017 -
Potential Solutions to Upstream Buyer Consolidation in the China-Europe Container Trades - An Exploratory
Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane, Olav Eidhammer, Harald Hjelle, Lin Ning, Zhuohua Qu, Yuhong Wang, Zaili Yang
6th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS), 24-27 July, 2016, Beijing. - 2016 -
A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Container Ports in China and the Implications for their
Kevin Cullinane, Sharon Cullinane, Tengfei Wang
Reprinted In P.T.W. Lee and K.P.B. Cullinane [Eds] Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy – Vol. 2: Emerging Trends in Ports - 2016 -
The Efficiency of European Container Terminals and Implications for Supply Chain
Tengfei Wang, Kevin Cullinane
Reprinted in H.E. Haralambides [Ed.] Port Management: Seminal Papers from Maritime Economics and Logistics - 2016 -
Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy – Vol. 2: Emerging Trends in
Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane
2016 -
Estimation of Container Ship Emissions at Berth in
Kevin Cullinane, Po-Hsing Tseng, Gordon Wilmsmeier
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - 2016 -
Introduction: Emerging Trends in
Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane
Dynamic shipping and port development in the globalized economy : Volume 2: emerging trends in ports edited by Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane - 2016 -
Introduction: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime
Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane
Dynamic shipping and port development in the globalized economy : Volume 1: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime Logistics edited by Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane. - 2016 -
Choice of Financing and Governance Structures in the Transport Industry: Theory and
Stephen Gong, Michael Firth, Kevin Cullinane
Dynamic shipping and port development in the globalized economy : Volume 2 Emerging Trends in Ports edited by Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane. - 2016 -
Determinants of Port Centrality in Maritime Container
Yuhong Wang, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review - 2016 -
Externa kostnader i transportscenarier med utökad användning av sjöfart: En jämförelse mellan järnväg och sjöfart för Sveriges östkust
Inge Vierth, Viktor Sowa, Kevin Cullinane
Nationell konferens i transportforskning, Lund University, Lund, October 18-19. - 2016 -
Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy – Vol. 1: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime
Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane
2016 -
An evaluation of external costs in transport scenarios with greater use of shipping: A comparison of rail and sea for Sweden’s East coast container
Inge Vierth, Viktor Sowa, Kevin Cullinane
International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Hamburg, August 23-26. - 2016 -
Upstream Buyer Consolidation and Downstream Short Sea Shipping in the Asia-Europe Sea Container Supply Chain – An Exploratory
Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane, Olav Eidhammer, Harald Hjelle, Lin Ning, Zhuohua Qu, Yuhong Wang, Zaili Yang
International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Hamburg, August 23-26, 2016 - 2016 -
A financial evaluation of the design concept for a 'clean energy producing
Kevin Cullinane, Sharon Cullinane
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment - 2015 -
A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Container Ports in China and the Implications for their
Kevin Cullinane, Sharon Cullinane, Tengfei Wang
Dynamic shipping and port development in the globalized economy : Volume 2: emerging trends in ports edited by Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Kevin Cullinane - 2015 -
The Efficiency of European Container Terminals and Implications for Supply Chain
Tengfei Wang, Kevin Cullinane
Port management edited by Hercules E. Haralambides - 2015 -
Determinants of Port Centrality in Maritime Container
Yuhong Wang, Kevin Cullinane
SUBA Asia Logistics Round Table Conference - 2015 -
Building a Measurement Model for Port-Hinterland Container Transportation Network
Hong Chen, Nan Liu, Kevin Cullinane
LOGMS International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems. Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, 27-29 August. - 2015 -
Choice of Financing and Governance Structures in the Transport Industry: Theory and
Stephen Gong, Michael Firth, Kevin Cullinane
Reprinted In P.T.W. Lee and K.P.B. Cullinane [Eds] Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy – Vol. 1: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime Logistics - 2015 -
Introduction: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime
Paul Lee, Kevin Cullinane
P.T.W. Lee and K.P.B. Cullinane [Eds] Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy – Vol. 1: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime Logistics - 2015 -
Introduction: Emerging Trends in
Paul Lee, Kevin Cullinane
In P.T.W. Lee and K.P.B. Cullinane [Eds] Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy – Vol. 2: Emerging Trends in Ports - 2015 -
Using a Cap and Trade System for Securing Emissions Reductions in
Kevin Cullinane
Centre for Transport Studies Seminar - 2015 -
Benchmarking the performance of Swedish Rail Freight Rolling Stock: A Conceptual Approach to Setting Tariffs using Data Envelopment
Kevin Cullinane, Rickard Bergqvist, Sharon Cullinane, Shengda Zhu, Linkai Wang
2015 -
Kevin Cullinane, Rickard Bergqvist, Sharon Cullinane, Shengda Zhu, Linkai Wang
Nationell konferens i transportforskning 2015 - 2015 -
The estimation of a driving cycle for Celje and a comparison to other European
Matjaz Knez, Tariq Muneer, Borut Jereb, Kevin Cullinane
Sustainable Cities and Society - 2014 -
Emission Control Areas and their Impact on Maritime
Kevin Cullinane, Rickard Bergqvist
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2014 -
The Role of Feeder Shipping in Chinese Container Port
Yuhong Wang, Kevin Cullinane, Yanhai Hu
Transportation Journal - 2014 -
Traffic consolidation in East Asian container ports: A network flow
Yuhong Wang, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - 2014 -
Time at ports in short sea shipping: When timing is
Ancor Suarez-Aleman, Lourdes Trujillo, Kevin Cullinane
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2014 -
Efficiency Challenges in Maritime
Kevin Cullinane
Transporteffektivitetsdagen 2014, 27 Augusti, Göteborg - 2014 -
Heading Towards Sustainable Shipping: Innovations Driving Efficiency and Reducing
Kevin Cullinane
European Maritime Day, Bremen. 19 & 20 May, 2014. - 2014 -
Targeting the Environmental Sustainability of European Shipping: The Need for Innovation in Policy and
Kevin Cullinane
2014 -
The role of a cap-and-trade market in reducing NOx and SOx emissions: Prospects and benefits for ships within the Northern European
Zoi Nikopoulou, Kevin Cullinane, Arne Jensen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment - 2013 -
SECA Regulations, Modal Shift and Transport System Effects: The Case of
Dry ports – A global perspective, challenges and developments in serving
Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane, Gordon Wilmsmeier
2013 -
Introduction – A Global Perspective on
Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Dryports – A global perspective, challenges and developments in serving hinterlands - 2013 -
Liquidity Risk Premium and Asset Pricing in US Water
P.M Panayides, N Lambertides, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review - 2013 -
The Future Governance Structure of Libya’s Ports: A Survey of Stakeholder
H Ghashat, Kevin Cullinane
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2013 -
Estimating Port Efficiency through an Alternative Methodology: Time as an Output of Port
A Suarez-Aleman, L Trujillo, Kevin Cullinane
XVI Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería en Transporte, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, 21-25 October, 2013. - 2013 -
Estimating Port Efficiency through an Alternative Methodology: Time as an Output of Port
A Suarez-Aleman, L Trujillo, Kevin Cullinane
Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Marseille, July 3-5. - 2013 -
Special Issue: Advancing Shipping and Seaports in a Changing Global Economic
T Notteboom, Kevin Cullinane, R Sanchez, Gordon Wilmsmeier
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics - 2013 -
Port Devolution in Libya: Identifying a Roadmap for
H Ghashat, Kevin Cullinane
International Journal of Governance - 2013 -
Editorial: Advancing Shipping and Seaports in a Changing Global Economic
T Notteboom, Kevin Cullinane, R Sanchez, Gordon Wilmsmeier
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics - 2013 -
Atmospheric Emissions from Shipping: The Need for Regulation and Approaches to
Kevin Cullinane, Sharon Cullinane
Transport reviews - 2013 -
An International Dimension:
Kevin Cullinane
Chapman & T. Ryley [Eds], Transport and Climate Change, Transport and Sustainability series Vol. 2 - 2012 -
Ports and hinterland – evaluating and managing location
Gordon Wilmsmeier, Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane
Research in Transport Economics - 2012 -
The Impact of Airport and Seaport Privatization on Efficiency and Performance: A Review of the International Evidence and Implications for Developing
X.H Gong, Kevin Cullinane, M Firth
Transport Policy - 2012 -
The Hierarchical Configuration of the Container Port Industry: An Application of Multiple Linkage Analysis
Kevin Cullinane, Y Wang
Maritime Policy & Management - 2012 -
Special Issue: Intermodal Strategies for Integrating Ports and
Gordon Wilmsmeier, Rickard Bergqvist, Kevin Cullinane
Research in Transportation Economics - 2012 -
Guest Editorial: IAME 2011 – Contemporary Studies on Maritime Transport in Latin
Gordon Wilmsmeier, Kevin Cullinane, T Notteboom, R Sanchez
Maritime Policy & Management - 2012 -
The Dry Port Concept – Theory and
Kevin Cullinane, Rickard Bergqvist, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2012 -
Guest Editorial: Costs, Revenue, Service Attributes and Competition in
Kevin Cullinane, T Notteboom, R Sanchez, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2012 -
Special Issue: Santiago IAME
Kevin Cullinane, T Notteboom, R Sanchez, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2012 -
Costs, Revenue, Service Attributes and Competition in
Kevin Cullinane, T Notteboom, R Sanchez, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2012 -
A Spatial Profile of Maritime Container Flows and its Implications for Port
Y Wang, Kevin Cullinane
paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Changsha, China, August 1-3. - 2012 -
A simulation based decision making approach in
D Moeller, S Friedrichs, Kevin Cullinane, B Schroer, M Anderson
paper presented at AlaSim International, Huntsville, Alabama, May 1-3 - 2012 -
A Network Perspective on Port Hierarchy and Inter-Port
Y Wang, Kevin Cullinane
paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport, University of Maribor Faculty of Logistics, Celje, June 14-16. - 2012 -
Container Terminal Efficiency and Private Sector Participation: An Application to Turkey and the Eastern
B Damirel, Kevin Cullinane, H Haralambides
in W.K. Talley [Ed.] The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics - 2012 -
Domestic Feeder Shipping in China: A Sustainable Driver for Chinese Container Port
Y Wang, Kevin Cullinane, Y Hu
Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Taiwan, September 6-8. - 2012 -
The Effect of Transport on Air Quality in Urban Areas of
R Almasri, T Muneer, Kevin Cullinane
Energy Policy - 2011 -
Developing a Competitive Strategy for the Port of Qingdao: An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Ports in Bohai
Y Ly, Kevin Cullinane, P Lu
International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET), Ji Nan, China, October 14-16 - 2011 -
International Handbook of Maritime
Kevin Cullinane
2011 -
Network Flow Analysis of Freight Traffic Consolidation in the Container Port
Y Wang, Kevin Cullinane
Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Santiago, October 25-28 - 2011 -
The Future Governance Structure of Libya’s Ports: A Survey of Stakeholder
H Ghashat, Kevin Cullinane
Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Santiago, October 25-28 - 2011 -
A Theoretical Framework for the Evaluation of Competition Between Container Terminal
W.Y Yap, J.S.L Lam, Kevin Cullinane
Singapore Economic Review - 2011 -
Developing a Competitive Strategy for the Port of Qingdao: An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Ports in Bohai
Y Ly, Kevin Cullinane, P Lu
Applied Mechanics and Materials - 2011 -
Identifying the Right ‘Fit’: What Can Libya Learn from Port Devolution in
H Ghashat, Kevin Cullinane, Gordon Wilmsmeier
International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies - 2011 -
Development of the Air Transport Industry in the Asia-Pacific
Kevin Cullinane, M Firth, M.K.Y Fung, S.X.H Gong, J.S Law, A Zhang
Pacific Economic Review - 2011 -
Editor’s introduction: We never know the worth of water till the well is
Kevin Cullinane
Cullinane, K.P.B. [Ed.] International Handbook of Maritime Economics - 2011 -
Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using
J Kronbak, Kevin Cullinane
Cullinane, K.P.B. [Ed.] International Handbook of Maritime Economics - 2011 -
The Contribution of the Dry Port Concept to the Extension of Port Life
Kevin Cullinane, Gordon Wilmsmeier
J.W. Böse [Ed.] Handbook of Terminal Planning, Operations Research Computer Science Interfaces Series, Vol. 49 - 2011 -
Identifying the Right ‘Fit’: What Can Libya Learn from Port Devolution in
H Ghashat, Kevin Cullinane, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Lisbon, July 7-9 - 2010 -
The impact of an emerging port on the carbon dioxide emissions of inland container transport: An empirical study of Taipei
Chun-Hsiung Liao, Po-Hsing Tseng, Kevin Cullinane, Chin-Shan Lu
Cutting Vehicle Emissions with Regenerative
P Clarke, T Muneer, Kevin Cullinane
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2010 -
The Efficiency Analysis of Container Port Production Using DEA Panel Data
Kevin Cullinane, T-F Wang
OR Spectrum - 2010 -
Guest Editorial: The Best of the Best from IAME
Kevin Cullinane, S Strandenes, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2010 -
Special Issue: Copenhagen IAME
Kevin Cullinane, S Strandenes, Gordon Wilmsmeier
Maritime Economics & Logistics - 2010 -
Revisiting the Productivity and Efficiency of Ports and Terminals: Methods and
Kevin Cullinane
C. Grammenos [Ed.] Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business - 2010 -
The Logistics Functions of Shipping Lines: Perceptions of International Shippers in South Korea and the
K.S Hwang, R Gray, Kevin Cullinane
Cullinane, K.P.B. [Ed.] International Handbook of Maritime Business - 2010 -
Editor’s Introduction: The Maritime Industry Means
Kevin Cullinane
Cullinane, K.P.B. [Ed.] International Handbook of Maritime Business - 2010