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- UGU - Utvärdering Genom Uppföljning
- Publikationer
Här kan ni ta del utav publikationer som har använt UGU data i sina studier. Sidan uppdateras löpande. Kontakta nelika.karimi@gu.se för att ladda upp din forskningsartikel på vår hemsida.
- Yrkesönskningar hos elever i 13-årsåldern, Svensson, A. (1963) "Nordisk yrkesvägledning"
- (French) Milieu social, rendement des élèves et orientation scolaire, Svensson, A., Härnqvist, K. (1967) Psychologie et Education
- Relative Changes in Intelligence from 13 to 18, Härnqvist, K. (1968) Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
- Relative Achievement School performance in relation to intelligence, sex and home environment, Svensson, A. (1971)
- On Equality and University Education in Sweden, Svensson, A. (1980)
- Does the Level of Intelligence Decrease? A Comparison between Thirteen-Year-Olds Tested in 1961, 1966 and 1980, Svensson, A., Emanuelsson, I. (1986) (läs den svenska versionen här)
- Changes in Intelligence Over a Quarter of a Century, Svensson, A., Emanuelsson, I. (1990)
- Verbal Boys and Mathematical Girls—family background and educational careers, Sandqvist, K. (1995) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Young People without an Upper Secondary Education in Sweden. Their home background, school and labour market experiences, Murray. Å., (1997) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- On Differential Selection in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test, Reuterberg, S-E. (1998) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- The Effects of Geographical Distance on the Decision to Enrol in University Education, Kjellström, C., Regnér, H. (1999) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- How Reliable are Register Data for Studies of the Return on Schooling? An examination of Swedish data, Antelius, J., Björklund, A. (2000) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Består den sociala snedrekryteringen? Elevernas val av gymnasieprogram hösten 1998, Svensson, A. (2001)
- Adolescents' Perceptions of School and Reasons for Learning, Giota, J. (2001)
- Pupils’ responses to school science and technology? A longitudinal study of pathways to upper secondary school, Lindahl, B. (2003) Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences
- Educational Reserves Revisited, Härnqvist, K. (2003) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Trapped, Delayed and Handicapped, Sjögren, A., Sällström, S. (2004) ECONSTOR
- Intelligence - Theory, Research, and Testing in the Nordic Countries, Carlstedt, B., et al. (2004) 49-78 "International Handbook of Intelligence"
- Education, equality, and efficiency – An analysis of Swedish school reforms during the 1990s, Björklund, A., et al (2004) "IFAU - Education, Equality, and efficiency"
- Educational Reform, Ability, and Family Background, Meghir, C., Palme, M. (2005) The American Economic Review
- Why am I in School? Relationships Between Adolescents' Goal Orientation, Academic Achievement and Self‐Evaluation, Giota, J. (2006) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Father Absence and Children's Achievement from Age 13 to 21, Murray, Å., Sandqvist, K. (2006) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- The supply of skills to the teacher profession, Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B. (2007)
- Dagens gymnasieskola – bättre än sitt rykte?, Svensson, A. (2008) Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige
- Student flows and employment opportunities before and after implementation of a third year in vocational programmes at upper secondary school, Murray, Å., Sundin, S. (2008) European Journal of Vocational Training
- Discrepancies between school grades and test scores at individual and school level: effects of gender and family background, A. Klapp, C. Cliffordsson (2008) Educational Research and Evaluation
- Association of IQ scores and school achievement with suicide in a 40-year follow-up of a Swedish cohort, Gustafsson, J-E. et al (2008) Acta Psychiatry Scandinavia
- A Researcher’s Guide to the Swedish Compulsory School Reform, Holmlund, H. (2008) Center for the Economics of Education
- Effects of student characteristics on grades in compulsory school , Klapp, A., Cliffordsson, C. (2009) Educational Research and Evaluation
- The effect of school starting age on school and labor market performance, Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B. (2009)
- Special Education in Comprehensive Schools: Extent, Forms and Effects , Giota, J.,et al (2009) Scandinavian Jounral of Educational Research
- Adolescents' Goal Orientations and Academic Achievement: Long-Term relations and gender differences, Giota, J. (2010) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Change in Social Selection to Upper Secondary School - Primary and Secondary Effects in Sweden, Erikson, R., Rudolphi, F. (2010) European Sociological Review
- Multidimensional and Hierarchical Assessment of Adolescents’ Motivation in School, Giota, J. (2010) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- The Effect of Mixed‐Age Classes in Sweden, Lindahl, E., Lindström, E. (2011) Scandinavian Journal of Education Research
- "Utvärdering Genom Uppföljning Longitudinell individforskning under ett halvsekel", Svensson, A. et al (2011)
- Do Pre-School Interventions Further the Integration of Immigrants? Evidence from Sweden Fredriksson, P. et al (2011) "IFAU - Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation"
- Policies in special education support issues in Swedish compulsory school: a nationally representative study of head teachers’ judgements, Giota, J., Emanuelsson, I. (2011) London Review of Education
- "Middle School Mediocrity Quality and Inequality in Secondary Education", Koerselman, K. (2011)
- Long-term Effects of Class Size, Fredriksson, P. et al (2012) The Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Decline in Cognitive Performance Between Ages 13 and 18 Years and the Risk for Psychosis in Adulthood - A Swedish Longitudinal Cohort Study in Males, Löfving, S. et al (2013) JAMA Psychiatry
- LIFE-CYCLE EFFECTS OF AGE AT SCHOOL START, Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B. (2013) The Economic Journal
- The effect of being graded on later achievement: evidence from 13-year olds in Swedish compulsory school, Klapp, A. et al (2014) Educational Psychology
- Inside the Black Box of Class Size: Mechanisms, Behavioral Responses, and Social Background, Fredriksson, P. et al (2014) IZA
- Do working conditions explain the increased risks of disability pension among men and women with low education? A follow-up of Swedish cohorts, Falkstedt, D et al. (2014) Scandinavian Journal of Work Environmental Health
The effects of social origins and cognitive ability on educational attainment: Evidence from Britain and Sweden, Erikson, R. et al (2014) Acta Sociologica
The influence of fluid and crystallized intelligenceon the development of knowledge and skills, Thorsen, C., et al (2014) British Journal of Educational Psychology
"Dimensionality and predictive validity of school grades: The relative influence of cognitive and social-behavioral aspects", Thorsen, C. (2014)
Dimensions of Norm-Referenced Compulsory School Grades and their Relative Importance for the Prediction of Upper Secondary School Grades, Thorsen, C. (2014) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Sweden: A Long and Winding Road, Improving Access to Further and Higher Education for Young People in Public Care (215-250), Johansson, H. et al (2014)
- "The Association of Intelligence with Morbidity, Mortality and Disability Pension: Epidemiological studies in a cohort of swedish men", Allebeck, P., Hemmingsson, T. (2015)
- The Impact of Early Grading on Academic Choices: Mechanisms and Social Implications, Facchinello, L. (2015) JOB MARKET PAPER
- PREDICTORS OF EARLY ENTRY TO SPECIAL EDUCATION. The role of academic self-concept, social anxiety, and cognitive ability, Rolfe, V. (2015)
- COGNITIVE ABILITY, ALCOHOL USE AND ALCOHOL-RELATED HARM, Sjödin, S. (2015) The Department of Public Health Sciences
- Does grading affect educational attainment? A longitudinal study, Klapp, A. (2015) Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
- Perceived Demands of Schooling, Stress and Mental Health: Changes from Grade 6 to Grade 9 as a Function of Gender and Cognitive Ability, Gustafsson, J-E., Giota, J. (2015) Stress Health
- Formative assessment, grading and teacher judgement in times of change, Hopfenbeck, T. N. (2015) Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
- Intelligence and Disability Pension in Swedish Men and Women Followed from Childhood to Late Middle Age, Lundin, A. et al (2015) PLOS ONE
- IQ and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality among Swedish men and women: the importance of socioeconomic position, Sjölund, S., et al (2015) Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
- Is it enough to be bright? Parental background, cognitive ability and educational attainment, Erikson, R. (2016) European Societies
- Long‑term physical workload in middle age and disability pension in men and women: a follow‑up study of Swedish cohorts, Kjellberg, K. et al (2016) International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
- Effects of Gf and Gc on the development of knowledge and skills, Thorsen, C. et al. (2016) European Association for Research and Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
The importance of self-regulation and negative emotions for predicting educational outcomes – Evidence from 13-year olds in Swedish compulsory and upper secondary school, Klapp, A. (2016) Learning and Individual Differences
The Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities, Grönqvist, E. et al (2016) The Journal of Human Resources
- Consequences of differentiated policies and teaching practices in the Swedish school system, Giota, J., Emanuelsson, I. (2016) "Equity and education in cold climates"
- Rethinking Education Choices: The Effect of Surveys, Facchianello, L. et al (2017) IZA
- Does academic and social self-concept and motivation explain the effect of grading on students’ achievement?, Klapp, A. (2017) European Journal of Psychology of Education
- Elterliches Erwerbsverhalten und kindlicher Schulerfolg, Boll, C., Hoffmann, M. (2017) ECONSTOR
- "The Dynamic Development of Cognitive and Socioemotional Traits and Their Effects on School Grades and Risk of Unemployment", Johannesson, E. (2017)
- "Factors that Influence 9th Grade Students' Higher Education Aspirations in Sweden: The role of gender, parental nationality, parental education and academic self-concept", Grammatikopolous, E. (2018)
- Childhood IQ and mortality during 53 years’ follow-up of Swedish men and women, Wallin, A. S. et al (2018) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Individualized teaching practices in the Swedish comprehensive school from 1980 to 2014 in relation to education reforms and curricula goals, Giota, J., Emanuelsson, I. (2018), Nordic Journal of Studies in Educationan Policy
- Swedish student perceptions of achievement practices: The role of intelligence, Brown, G., Eklöf, H. (2018) Intelligence
Special needs education and school mobility: School outcomes for children placed and not placed in out-of-home care, Hansson, Å. et al. (2018) Children and Youth Services Review
- School Mobility and Achievement for Children Placed and Not Placed in Out-of-Home Care, Hansson, Å., Gustafsson, J-E. (2018) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Suicide attempt predicted by academic performance and childhood IQ: a cohort study of 26 000 children, Wallin, A. S., et al (2018) Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia
- Born to Lead? The effect of Birth Order on Cognitive Abilities, Öckert, B.et al (2018) The Review of Economics and Statistics
- Betydelsen av elevers bakgrundsförutsättningar för inre och yttre motivation: En kvantitativ studie om elevers motivation, Klapp, T. (2018)
- Recognition of education and schooling in case files for children and young people placed in out-of-home care, Höjer, I. et al (2018) Children and Youth Services Review
- Revisiting Sweden's comprehensive reform: effects on education and earnings, Nilsson, T. et al (2019) Journal of Applied Economics
- Explaining gender gap variation across assessment forms, Graetz, G., Karimi, A. (2019) ECONSTOR
Academic performance, externalizing disorders and depression: 26,000 adolescents followed into adulthood, Wallin, A. S. et al (2019) Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Changes in individualized teaching practices in municipal and independentschools 2003, 2008 and 2014 - student achievement, family background andschool choice in Sweden, Giota, J. et al (2019) Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy
Does grade configuration matter? Effects of school reorganisation on pupils’ educational experience, Holmlund, H., Böhlmark, A. (2019) Journal of Urban Economics
Differences in educational achievement in norm- and criterion-referenced grading systems for children and youth placed in out-of-home care in Sweden, Klapp, A. (2019) Children and Youth Services Review
An Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of the Social Responsibility Goal Orientation Scale Using Adolescent Data from Sweden, Bergh, D. (2020) Rasch Measurement
Short- and Long-run Effects of Early Grades, Facchinello, L. (2020) SSRN
- Perceived Academic Demands, Peer and Teacher Relationships, Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health: Changes from Grade 6 to 9 as a Function of Gender and Cognitive Ability , Giota, J., Gustafsson, J-E. (2020) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Adolescent academic, social and future achievement goal orientations: implications for achievement by gender and parental education. Giota, J., Bergh, D. (2020) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Student achievement goals and psychosomatic health complaints among Swedish adolescents: the role of sex, Giota, J., Bergh, D. (2020) Journal of Public Health
- "Impact of educational system on pupils’ well-being: Measurement construction of psychological, cognitive and social well-being" Klapp, T. (2020)
- Academic performance, subsequent socioeconomic status and suicide attempt in adulthood: path analyses on Swedish cohort data, Wallin, A. et al (2020) Epidomiology & Community Health
- I spåren av 90-talskris och coronapandemi: Ökad ekonomisk stress och psykisk ohälsa bland unga? Hagquist, C., Gustafsson, J-E. (2020) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift
- "Frame-of-Reference Effects on Academic Self-Concept: Addressing Unresolved Issues with New Designs", Fleischmann, M (2020)
2021 -
- Investigating the Association between the Big Fish Little Pond Effect and Grading on a Curve: A Large-Scale Quasi-Experimental Study, Fleischmann, M. et al (2021) International Journal of Educational Research
- The mechanisms of interest and perseverance in predicting achievement among academically resilient and non-resilient students: Evidence from Swedish longitudinal data, Thorsen, C. et al (2021) British Journal of Educational Psychology
Does Learning English Require Grit? Examining the Differential Effects on Grades in Core Subjects, Thorsen, C. et al (2021) Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning
- Labor Market Returns and the Evolution of Cognitive Skills: Theory and Evidence , Seim, D. et al. (2022) The Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Gender gap variation across assessment types: Explanations and implications, Graetz, G., Karimi, A. (2022) Economics of Education Review
Student achievement goals and psychosomatic health complaints among Swedish adolescents: the role of sex, Bergh, D., Giota, J. (2022) Journal of Public Health: From Theory to Practice
School achievement and changes in inclusive vs exclusive supportover 50 years in Sweden regarding students with intellectual disabilities and special educational needs, Giota, J., et al (2022) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
How Early Adolescent Skills and Preferences Shape Economics Education Choices, Fiala, L. et al (2022) AEA Papers and Proceedings
- Elevmobilitet inom det geografiska området för Fritt Sök , Ek, S. (2023)
Relations between students' well-being and academic achievement: evidence from Swedish compulsory school, Klapp, T. et al (2023) European Journal of Psychology of Education
Worry and Psychosomatic Problems Among Adolescents in
Sweden in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Unequal Patterns
Among Sociodemographic Groups?, Hagquist, C. (2023) Journal of Adolescent Health -
Temporal trends and inequalities in school-related
stress in three cohorts in compulsory school in
Sweden, Högberg, B., Strandh, M. (2024) Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research -
Beyond academics: Links from teaching practices in Swedish schools to students’ achievements and mental health complaints, Bortes, C. & Giota, J. (2024) Learning and Instruction
It runs in the family: Occupational choice and the allocation of talent, Almgren, M. et al (2024) "Essays on Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy and Mobility"
Cognitive ability, gender, and well-being in school contexts: longitudinal evidence from Sweden, Boman, B., Wiberg, M. (2024)
Male underperformance in Swedish secondary schools: The space and construction of the underperforming male, Kennerley, A. J. (2024)
Explaining Temporal Trends in School-Related Stress: A Decomposition Analysis of Repeated Swedish Survey Data, Högberg, B. (2024)
Stability and change in associations between social responsibility goals, achievement, and psychosomatic problems, Hofverberg, A. et al. (2024)
Big-fish–little-pond effects on ninth-grade students’ mathematics and language self-concepts: The moderating role of cognitive ability, Klapp, T., Gustafsson, J.E., Johansson, S. (2024)
- Hembakgrund och prestationsnivå, Svensson, A. (1972)
- The Individual Statistics Project 44 - A Swedish data bank for studies of educational development, Härnqvist, K., Svensson, A. (1973)
- JÄMLIKHET OCH HÖGSKOLEUTBILDNING En studie av olika bakgrundsfaktorers betydelse för den postgymnasiala utbildningen, Svensson, A. (1977)
- Utvärdering genom uppföljning av elever - Ett nytt individualstatistikprojekt, Emanuelsson, I. (1979)
- Den sociala selektionen till gymnasiestadiet, Härnqvist, K., Svensson, A. (1980)
- Utvärdering genom uppföljning av elever - Ett nytt individualstatistikprojekt II, Emanuelsson, I. (1981)
- Dokumentation av projektet "Utvärdering Genom Uppföljning", K. Härnqvist, I. Emanuelsson, Reuterberg, S. E., Svensson, A. (1994)
- A Longitudinal Program for Studying Education and Career Development, Härnqvist, K. (1998)
Köns- och socialgruppsskillnader i matematik - Orsaker och konsekvenser, Svensson, A., Reuterberg, S.E. (2000)
Vad har hänt i gymnasieskolan under de senaste fem åren? En jämförelse mellan elever som påbörjade sina studier 1993 respektive 1998, Svensson, A., Reuterberg, S.E. (2002) IDP
Essays on schooling, gender, and parental leave, Johansson, E-A (2010) IFAU
Den svenska utbildningspolitikens arbetsmarknadseffekter: vad säger forskningen?, Björklund, A., Fredriksson, P., Gustafsson, J.E., Öckert, B (2010) IFAU
- Specialpedagogiskt stöd, till vem och hur? Rektorers hantering av policyfrågor kring stödet i kommunala och fristående skolor, Giota, J., Emanuelsson, I. (2011) RIPS, Göteborgs universitet
- Utvärdering Genom Uppföljning Longitudinell individforskning under ett halvsekel, Svensson, A. (red.) (2011)
- Decentralisering, skolval och fristående skolor: resultat och likvärdighet i svensk skola, Holmlund, H. et al. (2014) IFAU
Hur reagerar föräldrar på resursneddragningar i skolan? Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B., Oosterbeek, H. (2015) IFAU
Född till chef? Syskonordningens betydelse för personlighet och yrkesval, Black, S.E., Grönqvist, E., Öckert, B. (2016) IFAU
- Flickor och pojkar i skolan - hur jämställt är det? (2009) DEJA - Delegationen för jämställdhet i skolan, Deltänkande till utbildningsdepartementet
- Svensk forskning om jämställdhet och skola - En bibliografi, Carlberg, M., Bondestam, F. (2010) Deja- Delegationen för jämställdhet i skolan, Statens offentliga utredningar
- En god start – en ESO-rapport om tidigt stöd i skolan, von Greiff, C., Sjögren, A., Wieselgren, I.M. (2012:2) Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi, Regeringskansliet- Finansdepartementet
- Ankomst och härkomst: en ESO-rapport om skolresultat och bakgrund, H. Grönqvist, S. Niknami (2017) Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi, Regeringskansliet- Finansdepartementet