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- Charlotta Saldert
Charlotta Saldert
Sektionen för hälsa och rehabiliteringOm Charlotta Saldert
Professor i logopedi, Leg. logoped
Arbetar med forskning och undervisning vid institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, sektionen för hälsa och rehabilitering, enheten för logopedi. Är även anställd som logoped inom Enheten för neurologopedi vid Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset.
Undervisar om förvärvade kommunikationsstörningar hos vuxna, främst om effekter av språk- och kommunikationsstörning i vardagsliv, funktionell kommunikation och samtalsinteraktion.
Forskar om hur förvärvadespråk- och talstörningar påverkar kommunikationen i både vardag och vårdsituationer i samband med stroke och olika progredierande neurologiska sjukdomar. Med hjälp av olika former av bedömningsinstrument och såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ samtalsanalys i kombination med frågeformulär och interjuver undersöks problem som kan uppstå i ett samtal och vad man gör för att underlätta kommunikationen. Dessutom utvärderas olika behandlingsprogram för förbättrad kommunikationsförmåga som kan riktas mot både drabbade och mot olika samtalspartners till personer med kommunikationsstörningar.
Ordfinnandesvårigheter (anomi) i samband med hjärnskada är ett annat forskningsfält. I projektet Svårigheter att hitta ord vid stroke och progredierande neurologiska sjukdomar undersöks hur förmågan att hitta ord och benämna kan påverkas på olika sätt vid olika skador och neurologiska sjukdomar hos vuxna. Här utforskas även vilka kommunikativa strategier som används vid svårigheter att hitta ord, samt om det hjälper att träna sin benämningsförmåga med olika typer av behandling.
Telerehabilitation with Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) in two participants with mild-to-moderate and moderate-to-severe aphasia: A single-case experimental design
Malin Torinsson, Charlotta Saldert, Signe Rödseth Smith, Joana Kristensson, Francesca Longoni
Pragmatik och kognitiv
Charlotta Saldert, Christina Samuelsson
Grundbok i logopedi - 2024 -
Benämning av objekt och aktiviteter – En svensk version av An object and action naming battery
Charlotta Saldert, Sabina Åke, Malin Hellberg, Ingrid Henriksson, Joana Kristensson, Malin Kroon, Malin Torinsson
Acta Logopaedica - 2024 -
Anomia in left hemisphere stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease - a comparative
Joana Kristensson, Francesca Longoni, P. Ostberg, Signe Rödseth Smith, Sabina Åke, Charlotta Saldert
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2023 -
Person‐centred care in speech‐language therapy research and practice for adults: A scoping
Emma Forsgren, Sabina Åke, Charlotta Saldert
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2022 -
Naming vs. non-naming treatment in aphasia in a group setting–A randomized controlled
Joana Kristensson, Charlotta Saldert, Per Östberg, Signe Rödseth Smith, Sabina Åke, Francesca Longoni
Journal of Communication Disorders - 2022 -
Implementation of communication routines facilitating person-centred care in long-term residential care: A pilot
Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Health Expectations - 2022 -
Evaluation of treatment effects of semantic feature analysis on mild anomia in multiple
Joana Kristensson, Francesca Longoni, P. Östberg, Sabina Åke, Signe Rödseth Smith, Charlotta Saldert
Aphasiology - 2022 -
Word-finding difficulties in Parkinson's disease: Complex verbal fluency, executive functions and other influencing
Eli Hedman, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2022 -
Charlotta Saldert, Ulrika Ferm, Lena Hartelius
Handbook of Pragmatic Language Disorders. Complex and Underserved Populations - 2021 -
Person Reference as a Trouble Source in Dysarthric
Steven Bloch, Charlotta Saldert
Atypical Interaction. The Impact of Communicative Impairments within Everyday Talk. Ray Wilkinson, John P. Rae, Gitte Rasmussen (red.) - 2020 -
Complex oral semantic verbal fluency in non-brain-damaged adults and individuals with multiple sclerosis and subjective
Malin Bauer, Charlotta Saldert
Aphasiology - 2020 -
Läkande samtal vid neurogen
Charlotta Saldert
Läkande samtal - 2020 -
Public awareness of aphasia – results of a Swedish
Ingrid Henriksson, Andreas Hjertén, Jesper Zackariasson, Linda Davidsson, Amanda Andersson Damberg, Charlotta Saldert, Martin J. Ball, Nicole Müller
Aphasiology - 2019 -
Interaction between nursing staff and residents with aphasia in long-term care: A mixed method case
Charlotta Saldert, Hannah Bartonek Åhman, Steven Bloch
Nursing Research and Practice - 2018 -
Naming of Objects and Actions after Treatment with Phonological Components Analysis in
Joana Kristensson, Charlotta Saldert
Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders - 2018 -
Complexity in measuring outcomes after communication partner training: alignment between goals of intervention and methods of
Charlotta Saldert, Lise Randrup Jensen, Monica Blom Johansson, Nina Simmons-Mackie
Aphasiology - 2018 -
Activity-based communication analysis - focusing on context in communication partner
Elisabeth Ahlsén, Charlotta Saldert
Aphasiology - 2018 -
Improving medical students’ knowledge and skill in communicating with people with acquired communication
Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - 2017 -
Multifaceted communication problems in everyday conversations involving people with Parkinson’s
Charlotta Saldert, Malin Bauer
Brain Sciences - 2017 -
Exploring communication strategies for the facilitation of person-centred care: a comparison of three methods for
Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders/Equinox - 2017 -
Pragmatic Assessment and Intervention in
Charlotta Saldert
Research in Clinical Pragmatics (Series: Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 11). Louise Cummings (ed.) - 2017 -
On the diverse outcome of communication partner training of significant others of people with aphasia: an experimental study of six
Karin Eriksson, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2016 -
Teaching medical students about communication in speech-language disorders: Effects of a lecture and a
Charlotta Saldert, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - 2016 -
Communicative barriers and resources in nursing homes from the enrolled nurses’ perspective: a qualitative interview
Emma Forsgren, Carola Skott, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2016 -
Improving medical students’ knowledge and skill in communication with people with speech-language
Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Poster presentation, International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016-04-14 - 2016 -
Improving medical students’ knowledge and skill in communication with people with speech-language
Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
Poster presentation, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Philadelphia, USA, 2016-11-17 - 2016 -
Participant characteristics and observed support in conversations involving people with communication
Karin Eriksson, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - 2016 -
Communication partner training of enrolled nurses working in nursing homes with people with communication disorders caused by stroke or Parkinson's
Karin Eriksson, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2016 -
Problematic topic transitions in dysarthric
Steven Bloch, Charlotta Saldert, Ulrika Ferm
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology - 2015 -
Negotiating disagreement in picture symbol supported decision
Ulrika Ferm, Steven Bloch, Charlotta Saldert
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders/Equinox - 2015 -
Effects on communication from intensive treatment with Semantic Feature Analysis in
Joana Kristensson, Ingrid Behrns, Charlotta Saldert
Aphasiology - 2015 -
An interaction-focused intervention approach to training everyday communication partners: A single case
Charlotta Saldert, Charlotte Johansson, Ray Wilkinson
Aphasiology - 2015 -
Communicative strategies used by spouses of individuals with communication disorders related to stroke-induced aphasia and Parkinson's
Emilia Carlsson, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2014 -
Semantic trouble sources and their repair in conversations affected by Parkinson's
Charlotta Saldert, Ulrika Ferm, Steven Bloch
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2014 -
Aspects of rating communicative interaction: Effects on reliability and
Karin Eriksson, Sara Bergström, Emilia Carlsson, Lena Hartelius, Charlotte Johansson, Anneli Schwarz, Charlotta Saldert
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders/Equinox - 2014 -
Samtal vid nedsatt kommunikationsförmåga hos
Charlotta Saldert
Ä - 2014 -
Personcentrerade samtal vid
Charlotta Saldert
Inger Ekman (red.). Personcentrering inom hälso- och sjukvård. Från filosofi till praktik - 2014 -
Training conversation partners of persons with communication disorders related to Parkinsons disease - a protocol and a pilot
Emma Forsgren, Malin Antonsson, Charlotta Saldert
Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology - 2013 -
Changes in interactional behaviours of a communication partner of a person with aphasia following group
Charlotta Saldert, Charlotte Johansson, Ray Wilkinson
Conferense: "Atypical Interaction: Conversation Analysis and Communication Impairments", 130627-130628, University of Sheffield, UK - 2013 -
Conversation partner training with a professional caregiver of a person with aphasia - Effects on everyday
Karin Eriksson, Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
Konferens: "Atypical Interaction: Conversation Analysis and Communication Impairments", 130627-130628, University of Sheffield - 2013 -
Disagreements in dental hygienist consultations using Talking Mats: Interaction involving people with Huntington’s disease and their support
Ulrika Ferm, Charlotta Saldert
Aided Communication in Everyday Interaction - 2013 -
Conversation partner training with spouses of persons with aphasia: A pilot study using a protocol to trace relevant
Charlotta Saldert, Ellen Backman, Lena Hartelius
Aphasiology - 2013 -
Combining methods in the assessment and analysis of communication in aphasia: Benefits and shortcomings of different
Charlotta Saldert, Malin Bergman, Josefin Holstensson, Sara Jönsson, Klara Nygren, Frida Vennman, Ulrika Ferm
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders - 2012 -
Conversation partner training in a group setting with spouses of persons with
Karin Eriksson, Emma Forsgren, Charlotta Saldert
ICPLA2012, 14 - 2012 -
Communicative Intervention in Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders: Intervention With Focus on the Conversation
Karin Eriksson, Malin Antonsson, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius, Charlotta Saldert
3rd Nordic Aphasia Conference - 2011 -
Perceived changes in communicative interaction in atypical
Lena Hartelius, Johan Lindberg, Lena Petersson, Charlotta Saldert
ISRN Neurology - 2011 -
Echolalia or functional repetition in conversation - a case study of an individual with Huntington's
Charlotta Saldert, Lena Hartelius
Disability & Rehabilitation - 2011 -
Interaction in conversation in Huntington´s disease: An activity-based analysis and the conversation partner's view of
Charlotta Saldert, Elisabeth Eriksson, Kerstin Petersson, Lena Hartelius
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders - 2010 -
Comprehension of complex discourse in different stages of Huntington's
Charlotta Saldert, Angelika Fors, Sofia Ströberg, Lena Hartelius
International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists - 2010 -
Att arbeta med samtalspartnern vid
Charlotta Saldert
Logopednytt - 2009 -
Nationella riktlinjer för strokesjukvård – finns det evidens för neurologopedisk
Charlotta Saldert
Logopednytt - 2009 -
Understanding language comprehension and supporting communication in individuals with Huntington's
Lena Hartelius, Ulrika Ferm, Charlotta Saldert
Proceedings from the EHDN Annual Meeting Lisboa 2008 - 2008 -
Inference in right hemisphere damaged individuals’ comprehension: The role of sustained
Charlotta Saldert, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics - 2007 -
Charlotta Saldert
Logopedi - 2007 -
Interaktion, tecken och theory of mind: Dags att omdefiniera begreppet
Charlotta Saldert
Logopednytt - 2007 -
Inference and conversational interaction. Pragmatic language disturbances related to stroke. [Ny], rev.
Charlotta Saldert
2006 -
Inference and Conversational Interaction. Pragmatic language disturbances related to
Charlotta Saldert
2006 -
Hela hjärnan behövs för att kommunicera. Subtila språk- och kommunikationsstörningar i samband med förvärvad
Charlotta Saldert
Svensk Rehabilitering - 2006