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- Mikael Baaz
Mikael Baaz
Juridiska institutionenOm Mikael Baaz
Mikael Baaz är professor i Internationell rätt samt docent i Statsvetenskap och docent i Freds- och konfliktvetenskap. Hans huvudsakliga forskningsintresse är olika aspekter av det samhället, i synnerhet FN-stadgans internationella rätt, övergångsrättvisa och internationell straffrätt, men också internationell politik, inte minst kopplingen mellan politik och juridik, och frågor om fred och konflikt samt olika typer av civilsamhällebaserat motstånd. Han är brett publicerad internationellt och har utöver att ha skrivit flera böcker också, själv eller tillsammans med olika kollegor, författat ett trettiotal artiklar i olika internationellt referentgranskade tidskrifter, såsom: (i) Alternatives: Global, Local, Political; (ii) Asian Journal of International Law; (iii) Asian Politics and Polity; (iv) Conflict and Society; (v) European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology; (vi) Global Public Health; (vii) Internasjonal Politikk; (viii) International Journal of Constitutional Law; (ix) International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society; (x) International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society; (xi) International Studies Review (several papers); (xii) Journal of Civil Society; (xiii) Journal of International Criminal Justice; (xiv) Journal of International Relations and Development; (v) Journal of Law and Society; (xvi) Journal of Political Power; (xvii) Journal of Resistance Studies; (xviii) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law; (xix) Law and Society; (xx) Leiden Journal of International Law; (xxi) Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice och, (xxii) Scandinavian Studies in Law.
Mikael Baaz är innehavare av titeln excellent lärare.
På andra webbplatser
- Internationell offentlig rätt
- Internationell straff- och processrätt
- Internationell relationsteori
- Mänskliga rättigheter
- Motståndsteori
- Internationell straff- och processrätt
- Internationell offentlig rätt
- Motståndsteori
Utvalda publikationer
International law is different in different places: Russian interpretations and outlooks
Baaz, Mikael
International Journal of Constitutional Law, 14:1, s. 262-276, 2016
Dissident Voices in International Criminal Law
Baaz, Mikael
Leiden Journal of International Law, 28:3, s. 673-689, 2015
The “Dark Side” of International Criminal Law: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Baaz, Mikael
Scandinavian Studies in Law, Stockholm : Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law, 60:Law and Developement, s. 157-186, 2015
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Malin Wallgren
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society - 2024 -
De/Politicization as resistance: the ‘missing women’ in
Mona Lilja, Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
The ABC of resistance: towards a new analytical
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
Power, Resistance and Social
Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Mikael Baaz, Sofia Barakate, Maria Clara Medina, Eric Boyd, Marie Widengård, Kristin Wiksell, Tintin Wulia, Philip Wade, Sofie Hellberg
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
New forms of power in a neoliberal era
Artepolitics or the ‘governing through
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Political Power - 2022 -
“Reverse Discourse” Revisited: Cracks, Formations, and a Complex Understanding of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Global Society - 2022 -
I Felt a Little Homosexual Today, So I Called in Sick: The Formation of “Reverse Discourse” by Swedish Gay Activists in the
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Global Society - 2022 -
(Re)sketching the theorizing around “missing women”: imageries of the future, resistance, and materializing aspects of
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Filip Strandberg Hassellind
International feminist journal of politics - 2021 -
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Mikael Baaz
Oxford Public International Law: Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro) - 2021 -
International Criminal Tribunal for
Mikael Baaz
Oxford International Public Law: Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro) - 2021 -
Reducing Atrocity to Law: Yazidi Genocide and Emotional Complexities of International Criminal
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
International Studies Association (ISA), Virtual Platform, April 6th–9th, 2021 - 2021 -
The unfortunate omission of entangled resistance in the ‘local turn’ in peace-building: the case of ‘forced marriage’ in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Conflict, Security and Development - 2021 -
The Role of Civil Resistance for Peace and
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies - 2021 -
Challenges to knowledge-making: the intricate interrelation of knowledge and
Mikael Baaz, Anders Burman, Stina Hansson, Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Sofie Hellberg, Dhammika Herath, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Ezechiel Sentama, Savina Sirik, Kristin Wiksell
Journal of Political Power - 2020 -
Just another battleground: resisting courtroom historiography in the extraordinary chambers in the courts of
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Political Power - 2020 -
Heritage Temples, Replicas, and Repetitions: Theorizing the Significance of Repeats as
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society - 2019 -
“Gendercide” as a Means for Resistance: An Exploration of Concepts, Violence and Discourses of
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
TAELS Fifth International Conference on the Dynamics of Resistance and Discontent, 22–23 November 2019 in Sousse, Tunisia - 2019 -
Borders in the mind and on the ground - (Re)categorization as “peace-building resistance”in the Preah Vihear Temple
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Heritage and borders. Editor: Anna Källén. - 2019 -
(Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and
Mona Lilja, Andreas Henriksson, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Refugee Studies - 2019 -
Vad behöver en åklagare veta? Om internetrelaterade sexualbrott mot
Mikael Baaz
2019 -
Law and Politics in the International
Mikael Baaz
2019 -
Just Another Battleground: Resisting Courtroom Historiography in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz
2018 Annual Millennium Conference, Revolution and Resistance in World Politics, 27–28 October 2018 in London, UK. - 2018 -
Just Another Battleground: Resisting Courtroom Historiography in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz
Development Research Conference, 22–23 August 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2018 -
Emotions and resistance: An
Mikael Baaz, Satu Heikkinen, Mona Lilja
Resistance and Emotions: interrogating Crossroads and Social change - 2018 -
Some concluding
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Satu Heikkinen
Resistance and Emotions: Interrogating Crossroads and social change - 2018 -
Women Politicians in Cambodia - Resisting and Negociating Power in a Newly "Implemented"
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
In Najafizadeh, M. & Lindsey, L. (2018). Women of Asia - Globalization, Development, and Gender Equity - 2018 -
Resistance and Emotions - Interrrogating Crossroads and Social
Mikael Baaz, Satu Heikkinen, Mona Lilja
2018 -
How resistance encourages resistance: theorizing the nexus between power, 'Organised Resistance' and 'Everyday
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2017 -
(Re)categorization as Resistance: Civil Society Mobilizations Around the Preah Vihear
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society - 2017 -
Betänkande SOU 2017:72 Genomförande av visa straffrättsliga åtaganden för att förhindra och bekämpa
Mikael Baaz
SOU 2017:72 Genomförande av visa straffrättsliga åtaganden för att förhindra och bekämpa terrorism - 2017 -
Resistance and
Mikael Baaz, Satu Heikkinen, Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2017 -
Legal Pluralism, Gendered Discourses and Hybridity in Land-Titling Practices in
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Allison Östlund
Journal of law and society - 2017 -
Harold D. Lasswell and the Social Study of Personal
Mikael Baaz
In Cochran M., Navari C. (eds) Progressivism and US Foreign Policy between the World Wars. The Palgrave Macmillan History of International Thought. - 2017 -
Dangerous bodies, matter and emotions: public assemblies and embodied
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) . (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarietis, Subjectivities. Athens: 29 august - 01 september - 2017 -
(Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations. Barcelona, Spain: 13-16 september - 2017 -
Vad är syftet med internationell
Mikael Baaz
Rättstrycket - 2017 -
Back to the future: Promoting peace through international
Mikael Baaz
Leiden Journal of International Law - 2017 -
Resistance Studies as an Academic
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2017 -
The Use of Force and International
Mikael Baaz
2017 -
Gendered Politics of Power in Contemporary
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Brickell, K. and Simon Springer, S. (Eds.) The handbook of contemporary Cambodia - 2017 -
Researching Resistance and Social Change: A Critical Approach to Theory and
Theorising ‘Peace-building’ resistance: constructions of time and different temporalities at play in the Preah Vihear Temple
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology - 2016 -
Resistance, rupture and repetition: Civil society strategies against intimate partner violence in
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice - 2016 -
International law is different in different places: Russian interpretations and
Mikael Baaz
International Journal of Constitutional Law - 2016 -
Defining and Analyzing “Resistance”: Possible Entrances to the Study of Subversive
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political - 2016 -
International Law in a New
Mikael Baaz
Scandinavian Studies in Law - 2016 -
The Governing and Resistance of the Precarious Other: Migrant understandings of “now” as well as their future in a Swedish
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
1st International Conference Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders. Athens, Greece. - 2016 -
Using International Criminal Law to Resist Transitional Justice: Legal Rupture in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Conflict and Society - 2016 -
Book review Juliet R. Amenge Okoth, The Crime of Conspiracy in International Criminal
Mikael Baaz
Journal of International Criminal Justice - 2016 -
Dissident Voices in International Criminal
Mikael Baaz
Leiden Journal of International Law - 2015 -
Fighting with and Against the Time: The Japanese Environmental Movement's Queering of Time as
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Civil Society - 2015 -
Donatella Della Porta: Mobilizing for Democracy: Comparing 1989 and
Mikael Baaz
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2015 -
Governing the Use-of-Force in International Relations: The Post-9/11 Challenge on International
Mikael Baaz
Journal on the Use of Force and International Law - 2015 -
The “Dark Side” of International Criminal Law: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Mikael Baaz
Scandinavian Studies in Law - 2015 -
Bringing the Khmer Rouge to Trial: An Extraordinary Experiment in International Criminal
Mikael Baaz
Scandinavian Studies in Law - 2015 -
International Criminal Law. Hybrid Justice: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia by John D. CIORCIARI and Anne HEINDEL. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
Mikael Baaz
Asian Journal of International Law - 2015 -
Kevin Avruch, Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution: Culture, Identity, Power, and
Mikael Baaz
Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice - 2015 -
Fighting with and against the Time: The Environmental Movement’s Queering of Time as
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
Identity: Representation & Practices - Lisbon, 11-12 September, 2014 Faculty of Humanities – University of Lisbon, Portugal - 2014 -
Understanding Hybrid Democracy in Cambodia: The Nexus Between Liberal Democracy, the State, Civil Society, and a “Politics of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Asian Politics & Policy - 2014 -
The ECCC and Civil Society in Cambodia – Understanding the Role of Civil Society in Achieving Justice and
Mikael Baaz
International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 3-6 April, 2013 - 2013 -
Introducing “Global Civil Society” to the English School of
Mikael Baaz
International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 3-6 April, 2013 - 2013 -
Critical International Criminal Law and Resistance: The Case of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of
Mikael Baaz
Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges of Research on Resistance, 11 October, 2013, Bern. - 2013 -
Exploring ‘irrational
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2013 -
The construction of a trauma: Gender-based violence issues in the Extraordinary Court of the Chambers of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
In Mona Lilja, Resisting Gendered Norms: Civil Society, the Juridical and Political Space in Cambodia - 2013 -
Bearing witness: Biopower and resistance in the ECCC: Gendering political legitimacy through the reproduction of memories and violent discourses in
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
In Mona Lilja, Resisting Gendered Norms: Civil Society, the Juridical and Political Space in Cambodia - 2013 -
A Paradoxical Conflict over World Heritage at the Thai-Cambodian border – Civil Society Resistance and the Preah Vihear
Mikael Baaz
International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 3-6 April, 2013 - 2013 -
Beyond Order versus Justice: Middle Ground Ethics and the Responsibility to
Mikael Baaz
Cornelia Navari (Editor), Ethical Reasoning in International Affairs: Arguments from the Middle Ground - 2013 -
Hegemony, Power and Jurisprudence: The never-ending story of legal imperialism and
Mikael Baaz
International Studies Review - 2013 -
Legal Action Design: Social Movements’ Strategies to Shape
Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
CBSM Mini-Coference on Power and Justice, New York, 9 August, 2013 - 2013 -
Att försöka permanenta det unipolära ögonblicket: Neokonservatismen och
Mikael Baaz
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2012 -
Beyond Order and Justice: Middle Ground Ethics and the Responsibility to
Mikael Baaz
International Studies Association (ISA), San Diego, 1-4 April - 2012 -
«Collective action»-problemet och komplexa fredsoperationer – kollektiv säkerhet med
Mikael Baaz, Niclas Lanz
Internasjonal Politikk - 2011 -
‘Hybrid democracy and the Politics of Precence in
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal, 16–20 mars 2011. - 2011 -
The (re)construction of memories in the aftermath of trauma: Women struggling for representation in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
First International Conference on International Relations, Human Rights and Development, Bankok, Thailand 19-20 May 2011. - 2011 -
Understanding hybrid democracy in Cambodia: The nexus between liberal democracy and a ‘politics of
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
WISC, Third Global International Studies Conference - 2011 -
Svagt FN hinder för afghansk
Mikael Baaz, Niklas Lantz
Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt - 2010 -
Farligt med ökad vilja att agera utanför
Mikael Baaz, Niklas Lantz
Pax (Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningens tidning) - 2010 -
The Bush Doctrine: Continuation or Revolution of American Foreign
Mikael Baaz, Frida Stranne
Paper presented at ISA’s 51th ANNUAL CONVENTION, New Orleans, USA, 2/17/2010 - 2/20/2010, Theory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners - 2010 -
Bridging the Anachronistic Gap Between International Politics and International Law in Order to Better Understand Contemporary International
Mikael Baaz
Paper presented at ISA’s 51th ANNUAL CONVENTION, New Orleans, USA, 2/17/2010 - 2/20/2010, Theory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners - 2010 -
Meta-theoretical Foundations for the Study of International Relations from the Perspective of the New Political Economy of
Mikael Baaz
Journal of International Relations and Development - 2010 -
Statssuveränitet och humanitär intervention: (O)förenliga principer i ett globalt internationellt
Mikael Baaz
Juridisk tidskrift - 2010 -
Being right is not enough: International regulation of national recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and
Mikael Baaz
Security Dialouge - 2010 -
The return of
Mikael Baaz
International Studies Review - 2010 -
The Bush doctrine and the repudiation of international law, regimes and
Mikael Baaz
Juridisk Tidskrift - 2010 -
Rätt och politik i det internationella samhället: Essäer och
Mikael Baaz
2010 -
Mikael Baaz, Lantz Niklas
Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Aktuella frågor - 2009 -
Juridik som makt, juridik som
Mikael Baaz
Mona Lilja och Stellan Vinthagen (red.): Motstånd. - 2009 -
The English School of International Relations (Rationalism) meets Neo-Classical Social Constructivism and (Scandinavian) Legal
Mikael Baaz
http://www.isanet.org/paperarchive/ - 2009 -
Jacques Vergès: Law as Resistance against
Mikael Baaz
http://www.isanet.org/paperarchive/ - 2009 -
Human Rights or Human Wrongs? Towards a 'Thin' Universal Code of Human Rights for the Twenty-first
Mikael Baaz
Juridisk Tidskrift - 2009 -
The Use of Force and Intenational
Mikael Baaz
2009 -
Aktörer, strukturer och
Mikael Baaz
Demokrati och makt : vänbok till Lennart Lundquist. Redaktörer Ylva Stubbergaard, Patrik Hall - 2008 -
Konkurrerande visioner om internationell fred- och säkerhet (I): Pax Americana eller Imperium
Mikael Baaz
Forskning om Europafrågor vid Göteborgs universitet 2007 - 2008 -
Americans Were From Venus an Europeans from Mars: Trading Places in International
Mikael Baaz
Forskning om Europafrågor vid Göteborgs universitet 2006. Redaktörer: Per Cramér och Rutger Lindahl - 2007 -
Mikael Baaz
Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Aktuella frågor - 2006 -
Så kan ett enat Europa balansera
Mikael Baaz
Göteborgsposten - 2006 -
Stoppa Bush
Mikael Baaz
Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt - 2006 -
Mikael Baaz
Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Aktuella frågor - 2006 -
Statssuveränitet och humanitär intervention - (o)förenliga principer i dagens globaliserade
Mikael Baaz
2006 -
The world order and the changing view on violence as a legal/legitimate means in international
Mikael Baaz
2006 -
Human Rights or Human Wrongs? Towards a “thin” universal code of international human rights for the twenty-first
Mikael Baaz
2006 -
Europas viktiga
Mikael Baaz
Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Aktuella frågor - 2005 -
A Meta-theoretical Foundation for the Study of International Relations in a Global Era: A Social Constructivist
Mikael Baaz
2002 -
Some Ontological Remarks on the Study of Global Social Relations from the Perspective of International Political Economy of
Mikael Baaz
Peace an Development: Their Interrelationship in the Global System: An Inventory of Peace and Development Research at Padrigu - 1999 -
Mikael Baaz
Götheborgske Spionen - 1996 -
God akademisk
Mikael Baaz
Götheborgske Spionen - 1996 -
Högskoleförordningen: Villkorlig eller
Mikael Baaz
Götheborgske Spionen - 1996 -
Regeringen bygger
Mikael Baaz
Götheborgske Spionen - 1996 -
Vad vill vi med framtidens
Mikael Baaz
Götheborgske Spionen - 1996