University of Gothenburg
MPE Core Facilities
Photo: Johan Wingborg

About us

Core Facilities offer access to advanced research infrastructures, research support and training. Our facilities are located at The Sahlgrenska Academy, and are open to all researchers. We have the aim of delivering high-quality support, tailored to meet individual research needs.

Our Research Support

Our centres offer consultation within the newest technologies, as well as in experimental design and analysis to ensure the best possible research outcomes.

Our support include consultation in designing experiments, access to advanced equipment and novel technologies, as well as assistance in the execution of a project, sample preparation and data collection.

Specialized technical training and analysis tools for data evaluation and bioinformatics are also offered.

In addition, the Core Facilities are dedicated to continuing education and arrange courses, workshops and seminars for the research community.

If you are interested in instrumentation outside Core Facilities, please go to the link to our Swedish pages.

State-of-the-Art Research Infrastructure

The units at Core Facilities are equipped with advanced instrumentation and highly competent and specialized staff. You can learn more on each unit's webpages or scroll down to get an overview of our research support.

Open Access to a Wide Range of Support

Our services include a wide range of the newest advanced life-science technologies. Researchers from universities or companies in Sweden and from abroad are equally welcome. Young researchers at Sahlgrenska academy are also welcome to apply for the Bollan stipend that can fund access to our units.

National and International Profile

All our units have strong national and international profiles and are part of national research infrastructures such as SciLifeLab and international infrastructures such as EuroBioimaging. This ensures the highest quality services also for our local researchers.