Core Facilities at Sahlgrenska Accademy
Mikael Andersson is a researcher at Mammalian protein expression.
Photo: Johan Wingborg

University-wide research infrastructures
at the University of Gothenburg

Core Facilities

Core Facilities is a university-wide Life Science research infrastructure located at Sahlgrenska Academy. Here you have access to some of Sweden's most advanced techniques and analysis tools for research in eg. medicine, biomedicine and clinical studies. The following units are a part of the Core Facilities: Biobank, Bioinformatics and Data Centre (BDC), Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI), Experimental Biomedicine (EBM), Mammalian Protein Expression (MPE), OligoNova Hub, Proteomics (PCF).
Core Facilities

Skogaryd Research Catchment

The Skogaryd Research Catchment offers a mix of different ecosystems: mires, mature and young forests, lakes and streams. Here, research is conducted to quantify greenhouse gas balances at the landscape scale, including land-atmosphere, land-water, and water-atmosphere exchange, promoting cross-habitat-boundary research.
Skogaryd Research Catchment

Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities

Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities (GRIDH) at the University of Gothenburg is a research node and infrastructure that focuses on artificial intelligence, archives, and novel ways of documenting and publishing. The infrastructure supports individual researchers and projects with expertise in digital analytics, research data dissemination, data modelling and digitisation.

Herbarium GB

Herbarium GB is a common research infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg, located at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences. It has a large collection of dried plants, fungi, algae etc. for comparative and evolutionary studies.
Herbarium GB

Kristineberg Center

Kristineberg, founded in 1877, is one of the oldest marine stations in the world with a longstanding reputation of pioneering research. Today we provide researchers, education, industry, and entrepreneurs with world-class marine infrastructure, services, and expertise.
Kristineberg Center

Kristineberg Center is located by the Gullmarsfjord in central Bohuslän.
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Kvinnsam - National library for gender research

KvinnSam is a national library for gender research and a university-wide research infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg. Founded in 1958, with a focus on women’s history and gender research.

The QoG Institute

The Quality of Government (QoG) Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. We are about 30 researchers who conduct and promote research on the causes, consequences and nature of Good Governance and the Quality of Government (QoG) - that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
The QoG Institute

R/V Skagerak

This state-of-the-art research vessel is part of the marine infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg and offers high-tech equipment for marine research and education.
R/V Skagerak

Språkbanken Text

Språkbanken Text is a linguistic data research infrastructure and a language technology research unit. It is part of Språkbanken (, a national infrastructure supporting research based on linguistic data. Språkbanken Text develops, refines and makes available free linguistic research data, develops and makes available free digital research platforms, and conducts its own research in language technology, including language-based AI.
Språkbanken Text

Swedish Rock Art Research Archives

Swedish Rock Art Research Archives (SHFA) is a research infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg established in 2017. Europewide it is the largest research infrastructure providing researchers, education and the public with modern high quality and historic rock art documentation.
Swedish Rock Art Research Archives

Photo: Anna Wessman

Swedish NMR Centre

The Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) is a National and International infrastructure offering access to one of the best NMR labs in Europe.
Sweidsh NMR Centre

Tjärnö Marine Laboratory

Tjärnö Marine Laboratory is located by Sweden's most species-rich marine area in the northern part of Bohuslän province, next to Kosterhavet National Park. Here you find ships, field equipment, diving facilities, laboratories, sea water system, lecture halls, accommodation, dining hall, as well as skilled and helpful staff.
Tjärnö Marine Laboratory

Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)

Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a unique approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. They provide a multidimensional and disaggregated dataset that reflects the complexity of the concept of democracy as a system of rule that goes beyond the simple presence of elections.
Varieties of Democracy

National Research Infrastructures
hosted by the University of Gothenburg


DEMSCORE, Research infrastructure for Democracy, Environment, Migration, Social policy, COnflict, and REpresentation, is a research infrastructure facility under construction, aimed at fulfilling research needs for various types of social sciences context data.

Nationella språkbanken and Swe-Clarin

Nationella språkbanken (Eng. 'National Language Bank') is a language technology infrastructure that gives access to both digital language data and advanced tools for work with language data.
Nationella språkbanken och Swe-Clarin

Swedish National Data Service

Swedish National Data Service (SND) has a primary function to support the accessibility, preservation, and reuse of research data and related materials. Together with a network of around 40 universities and public research institutes, we form a national infrastructure for research data.
The Swedish National Data Service

Protein Production Sweden

PPS is a distributed infrastructure that coordinates expertise, protein production systems, marking methods, protein refinement techniques and a range of services within recombinant protein production.


SwedNMR provides increased access to NMR instrumentation and expertise within biomolecular NMR, materials NMR and translational NMR.


The Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research (SWERVE) is a national infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council to deliver enhanced access to vessel and data infrastructure for Swedish marine researchers, and support training of a national network of marine technicians.

Evaluation Through Follow-up

The Evaluation Through Follow-up (UGU) is a large cohort-sequential research study which is used for evaluation and research about schools and education in Sweden.
Evaluation Through Follow-up

Research infrastructures at the University of Gothenburg which are a part of SciLifeLab's national infrastructure

SciLifeLab national infrastructure

SciLifeLab Gothenburg