Flowers during a festive ceremony in the assembly hall at the University main building in Vasaparken.
Flowers during a festive ceremony in the assembly hall at the University main building in Vasaparken.
Photo: Carina Elmäng

Ceremonies and traditions

The University of Gothenburg arranges two major academic ceremonies annually, the Conferment of Doctoral Degrees and the Inauguration of new professor, as well as a number of university-wide ceremonies and festive occasions. Two other academic ceremonies are the Jubilee Doctoral Ceremony, which takes place in the fall, and the Inauguration of a new Vice-Chancellor, when it is relevant.

Ceremonies and festivities are also held annually in connection with Zealous and devoted service, Retirement Ceremony, The Felix Neubergh Lecture, visiting Nobel laureates lectures and the Diploma Ceremony for Active Students. A ceremony for The Sixten Heyman Prize is held every three years.

The University ceremonies of 2024

Zealous and devoted service - 31 January

Retirement Ceremony - 20 February

The Diploma Ceremony for Active Students - 22 May

The Inauguration of New Professors of 2023 - 12 June
Place: The Gothenburg Concert Hall

Jubilee Doctors Ceremony - 20 September, celebrating the doctors that participated in the Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in 1974

The Conferment of Doctoral Degrees 2024, 25 October
For those who, during the period July 1st 2023–June 30th 2024, have got a doctoral degree at the University of Gothenburg - and have registered their exams.
Place: The Congress Hall at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

The University ceremonies of 2025

Zealous and devoted service - 5 February

The Diploma Ceremony for Active Students - 7 May

The Inauguration of New Professors of 2024 - 16 May
Place: The Gothenburg Concert Hall

Jubilee Doctors Ceremony - 12 September, celebrating the doctors that participated in the Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in 1975

The Conferment of Doctoral Degrees 2025, 17 October
For those who, during the period July 1st 2024–June 30th 2025, have got a doctoral degree at the University of Gothenburg - and have registered their exams.
Place: The Congress Hall at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre