
Qualifications in the Fine, Applied and Performing Arts

Here you will find information about all qualification titels in the fine, applied and performing arts that exist and have existed at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts.

Please note that there are some qualification titles that cannot be studied at the moment. The teaching is conducted mainly in Swedish, but there are also courses and programmes taught in English.

Study options

If you are unsure of which specialization you want to study, or if you want to study for a professional qualification, you can get help from Study Counselling.

Study Counselling

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts with Specialization in Iron and Steel/Public Space (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Arts and Crafts with Specialization in Metal Art (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Arts and Crafts with Specialization in Textile-Body-Space (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Arts and Crafts with Specialization in Textile-Garment-Design (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Craft with Specialization in Ceramic Art (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Craft with Specialization in Jewellery Art (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Craft with Specialization in Textile Art (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)


Design (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Design with Specialization Business & Design (Master 120 credits)

Design with Specialization Child Culture Design (Master 120 credits)

Design with Specialization in Embedded Design (Master 120 credits)

Design with Specialization in Wood Oriented Furniture (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)


Film (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Film with Specialization Curatorial Studies in Film and Video (Master 60 credits)

Film with Specialization Independent Filmmaking (Master 60 credits)

Film with Specialization International Co-Production (Master 60 credits)

Film with Specialization Processes of Filmmaking (Master 60 credits)

Film with Specialization Production (Master 60 credits)

Film with Specialization Publicity and Entrepreneurship (Master 60 credits)

Fine Art

Fine Art (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Fine Art with Specialization in Digital Media (Master 120 credits)


Literary Composition (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Literary Translation (Master 60 credits)

Music Drama, Music, Musical Theatre and Opera

Music Drama (Master 60 credits, Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialization in Choral Conducting (Master 60 credits)

Music with Specialization in Church Music Performance  (Bachelor)

Music with Specialization in Classical Performance (Bachelor)

Music with Specialization in Composition (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialisation in Contemporary Traditions (Bachelor)

Music with Specialization in Improvisation Performance (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialization in Individual Performance (Bachelor)

Music with Specialization in Interpretation Performance (Master 60 credits, Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialization in Music and Sound Production (Bachelor)

Music with Specialization in Music Theory (Master 60 credits, Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialization in Organ and Related Keyboard Instruments (Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialization in Symphonic Orchestra Performance (Master 120 credits)

Music with Specialization in World Music Performance (Bachelor)

Musical Theatre (Bachelor)

Opera (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Performing arts, Photography and Theatre

Performing Arts with Specialization in Contemporary Performative Arts (Master 120 credits)

Photography (Bachelor, Master 120 credits)

Theatre with Specialization in Acting (Bachelor, Master 60 credits, Master 120 credits)