University of Gothenburg
ÄKTA Utrustning på MPE
Photo: Charbel Sader

Support and Equipment at MPE

MPE provides research support within recombinant protein production and mammalian cell culture. We also perform Western blots and some other protein analyses.

Our Services

Production of Recombinant Proteins

We produce recombinant proteins in mammalian cells, which gives the possibility to produce complex proteins with post-translational modifications, such as glycosylation and disulfide bonds, and also proteins consisiting of several subunits. Mammalian cells are also good for larger, secretory proteins, which can be difficult to express in lower species.

The production of recombinant proteins in mammalian cells involves several steps (expression vector, production and purification of the protein), that we can perform at the centre. We can also give advice on the different steps. If you want to express a protein with us, please contact us for a discussion on an appropriate approach for your needs.

Microscope at cell culture lab
Microscope at cell culture lab

Cell Culture

The MPE facility has equipment for the small and large scale culture of most mammalian cells, growing either attached or in suspension. This means that we have the ability to culture many different types of cell lines. If you have an interest in having a cell line cultured at MPE, please contact us.

Western Blot Protein Analyses
Western Blot Protein Analyses
Photo: Charbel Sader

Protein Analyses

We perform SDS-PAGE and Western blot for analysis of produced proteins. We can also analyze the presence of glycans on the protein. Analytical size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) can be used for verification of protein size and form.

Protein Purification

We use Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) for concentration and buffer exchange of produced proteins in volumes up to 15 litres.

Purification of the protein can be performed by different chromatographic techniques such as immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), anion exchange or gel filtration (SEC).

Test for mycoplasma

Test for mycoplasma-infection of cell lines. This is mandatory when cell lines are brought into MPE, but we can also test other cells.

Our Equipment

Below you can find a list of equipment available at MPE. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Microscope at cell culture lab

Large cell culture laboratory with several LAF benches

Incubators for adherent cell cultivation in plates T-flasks

Incubators for adherent cell cultivation in plates T-flasks

Several shake incubators for cultivation and transfection of suspension cells in E-flasks up to 2L in different temperatures.

Several Shake Incubators

For cultivation and transfection of suspension cells in E-flasks up to 2L in different temperatures.

Incubator with magnetic stirrer for spinner flask cultivation.

Incubator with magnetic stirrer for spinner flask cultivation

Two bioreactors (bench top) for large-scale suspension cultivation (batch or perfusion mode).

Two bioreactors

Two bioreactors (bench top) for large-scale suspension cultivation (batch or perfusion mode)


Cell Counter, CytoSmart

Tangential Flow Filtration equipment for concentration of product

Tangential Flow Filtration

Equipment for concentration of product

Electrophoresis equipment for product analysis

Electrophoresis equipment for product analysis

ÄKTA pure

ÄKTA pure

ÄKTA pure with different separation columns för purification and analysis (Anion, SEC, IMAC).

Cryofreezer (-152°C) for long term storage

Cryofreezer (-152°C) for long term storage



For measurement of the concentration of proteins and DNA

Bacteria laboratory

Bacteria laboratory

For larger scale preparation of DNA (for transient transfection)