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- Thomas Zack
Thomas Zack
Institutionen för geovetenskaperOm Thomas Zack
Jag är en universitetslektor i geokemi. Jag har mer än 20 års erfarenhet i utveckling av analysmetoder, särskilt med avseende på LA-ICP-MS, och min främsta motivation är att arbeta tvärvetenskapligt med kollegor inom ett brett spektrum av ämnen. Även om pågående projekt omfattar så bredda områden som arkeologi och kosmokemi, är det för närvarande mycket viktigt att fokusera på dessa delvis överlappande ämnen:
- Marina mineraler som arkiv för klimatförändringar (stora ansträngningar riktas mot glaukonit, inom ett stort internationellt konsortium som finansieras av ARC och som leds av University of Adelaide, Australien).
- Karaktärisering och bättre förståelse av gröna metallfyndigheter; samarbete med universitet och prospekteringsföretag runt om i världen; finansiering av Doktoranden Axel Sjöqvist (2016-2021) från VR och SGU.
- Tillhandahålla toppmoderna analysfaciliteter för forskningsverksamhet med anknytning till geotermisk energi och bättre förståelse av Fennoskandiens termiska historia; finansiering från Carl-Trygger-stiftelsen.
De flesta av dessa forskningsaktiviteter är möjliga tack vare en unik kombination av idealiska förhållanden vid Göteborgs universitet: (1) vi var det första geovetenskapliga institutet som riktade uppmärksamheten mot att koppla ihop laserablation och en ny teknik kallad ICP-MS/MS, och (2) en hängiven grupp lärare och begåvade studenter som arbetar nära tillsammans i mikrogeokemigruppen. Särskilt de nu omvälvande upptäckterna av att använda in-situ beta-sönderfall-dateringsmetoder (Rb-Sr, Re-Os, etc.) hade i stor utsträckning sitt ursprung här vid Göteborgs universitet. Eftersom allt fler institut runt om i världen engagerar sig i detta ämne har jag dock slagit mig ihop med en mycket större forskargrupp vid University of Adelaide, där jag är knuten som Visiting Research Fellow sedan 2018.
För studenter:
Jag har en stark önskan att lära ut grundläggande begrepp inom geovetenskap, med målet att spänna över alla fyra dimensioner som detta område har att erbjuda: från aktuella ämnen som klimatförändringar ända ner i djup tid till början av vårt solsystem; och från storskaliga processer på jorden som bergsbyggande ner i rumslig skala till mineralobservationer på mikroskopisk skala. Här vill jag till fullo utnyttja de fördelar som Göteborgs universitet har att erbjuda: enastående bergarter även inom stadens gränser och analysanläggningar i världsklass som kan användas redan av kandidatstudenter efter lämplig utbildning. Om du letar efter ett ämne för en kandidat- eller magisteruppsats, kom gärna förbi mitt kontor!
Kurser som för närvarande undervisas av mig:
- Geokemi (GVG 380); tredje året på kandidatnivå.
- Geosystemvetenskap (GVO340); kandidatkurs, där jag undervisar i aspekter som rör fast jord.
- Avancerad geokemi (GVG490); masterkurs, vartannat år.
- Regional geologi (GVG480); masterkurs, vartannat år.
- Geovetenskaplig exkursion (GV4000); masterkurs, vartannat år; början av 2023 fältkursen 2023 i Oman!
Local isotopic ecology of Eneolithic Moldova: Geomorphology, diet and mobility of prehistoric animals of the Tripolye settlement Gordinesti II- Stînca goala, northern
D. Pokutta, P. Kittel, D. Okupny, M. Makohonienko, Peter Toth, Thomas Zack, M. Rybicka
Smart Exploration Research Centre: Knowledge and innovation for exploration of critical raw
Alireza Malehmir, Magdalena Markovic, Myrto Papadopoulou, Karin Högdahl, Maria Ask, Maria Strømme, Iain Pitcairn, Tina Martin, Thomas Zack, Jaroslaw Majka, Mats Svensson, Ronne Hamerslag
First Break - 2024 -
In situ beta decay dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS:
Sarah E. Gilbert, Stijn Glorie, Thomas Zack
Methods and Applications of Geochronology - 2024 -
In situ beta decay dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS: Fundamentals and
Thomas Zack, Sarah E. Gilbert
Methods and Applications of Geochronology - 2024 -
Cenozoic Pulsed Rise and Growth of the Chinese South Tianshan Revealed by Zircon and Apatite Provenance Analyses: Implications for Stepwise Aridification in the Tarim
Dunfeng Xiang, Zhiyong Zhang, David Chew, Marc Jolivet, Marco G. Malusa, Thomas Zack, Lin Wu, Chao Guo, Nan Wang, Wenjiao Xiao
TECTONICS - 2024 -
Dating metamorphic processes and identifying 87Sr/86Sr inheritance using volume-coupled Rb/Sr geochronology and geochemistry of in situ white mica: A demonstration with HP/LT rocks from Syros,
Christopher J. Barnes, Thomas Zack, Micha Bukala, Delia Rösel, Chris Mark, David A. Schneider
In situ white mica Rb/Sr geochronology of the Leszczyniec metaigneous complex, West Sudetes: evidence of upper plate deformation at the onset of Variscan
Maria Młynarska, Christopher J. Barnes, Thomas Zack, Jarosław Majka, Stanisław Mazur
International Journal of Earth Sciences - 2024 -
Dynamic collapse and regrowth of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Weddell Sea sector during the middle Miocene: A novel multi-proxy sedimentary provenance approach using in-situ 87Rb/87Sr dating of detrital
Roland Neofitu, Chris Mark, Suzanne O'Connell, Thomas Zack, Delia Rösel, Darren Mark, Dan Barfod, Michael J. Flowerdew, Samuel Kelley, J. Stephen Daly
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2024 -
Detrital zircon and rutile geochronology, geochemistry and provenance of Cambrian sandstones of Iranian Azerbaijan: implications for the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian evolution of the northern Gondwana
Mohssen Moazzen, Ali Mohammadi, Gultekin Topuz, Parisa Mojdeh, Thomas Zack
Origin of late Carboniferous highly fractionated high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites from the eastern Pontides (Şiran, northern
Gültekin Topuz, Orhan Yavuz, Osman Candan, Thomas Zack, Mutlu Özkan, Wolfgang Siebel
International Geology Review - 2023 -
Carboniferous mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Eastern Pontides (Pulur Complex): Implications for the source of coeval voluminous
G. Topuz, R. Altherr, O. Candan, J. M. Wang, A. I. Okay, F. Y. Wu, A. Ergen, Thomas Zack, W. Siebel, C. K. Shangh, W. H. Schwarz, H. P. Meyer, M. Satır
Lithos - 2023 -
From Tethyan subduction to Arabia-Eurasia continental collision: Multiple geo-thermochronological signals from granitoids in NW
Z. Y. Zhang, Thomas Zack, B. Kohn, M. G. Malusà, L. Wu, M. Rezaeian, N. Wang, D. F. Xiang, C. Guo, R. Esmaeili, B. Wan, W. J. Xiao
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology - 2023 -
Ordovician S-type granites in the western Sakarya Zone, NW Turkey; linkage to a back-arc
O. Karsli, F. Sengun, F. Aydin, H. S. Moghadam, A. Dokuz, W. L. Griffin, S. O. Saka, Thomas Zack
Lithos - 2023 -
Testing Nano-Powder and Fused-Glass Mineral Reference Materials for In Situ Rb-Sr Dating of Glauconite, Phlogopite, Biotite and Feldspar via
A. Redaa, J. Farkas, S. Gilbert, A. S. Collins, S. Lohr, D. Vasegh, M. Forster, M. Blades, Thomas Zack, A. Giuliani, R. Maas, A. Baldermann, M. Dietzel, D. Garbe-Schonberg
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2023 -
Unraveling the histories of Proterozoic shales through in situ Rb-Sr dating and trace element laser ablation
D. Subarkah, M. L. Blades, A. S. Collins, J. Farkas, S. Gilbert, S. C. Lohr, A. Redaa, E. Cassidy, Thomas Zack
Geology - 2022 -
Petrochronology of high-pressure granulite facies rocks from Southern Brasilia Orogen, SE Brazil: Combining quantitative compositional mapping, single-element thermometry and
R. A. Fumes, G. L. Luvizotto, R. Moraes, P. Lanari, C. D. Valeriano, Thomas Zack, M. J. Caddick, L. S. A. Simoes
Journal of Metamorphic Geology - 2022 -
Ferri-taramite, a new member of the amphibole supergroup, from the Jakobsberg Mn-Fe deposit, Varmland,
D. Holtstam, F. Camara, A. Karlsson, H. Skogby, Thomas Zack
European Journal of Mineralogy - 2022 -
Early-Middle Jurassic metamorphic and non-metamorphic supra-subduction zone ophiolite fragments in a Late Cretaceous ophiolitic melange (northern Turkey): implications for long-lived and supra-subduction zone ophiolite
M. Ozkan, O. F. Celik, R. M. Cortuk, G. Topuz, Thomas Zack, E. Cubukcu
International Journal of Earth Sciences - 2022 -
Revisiting Glauconite Geochronology: Lessons Learned from In Situ Radiometric Dating of a Glauconite-Rich Cretaceous Shelfal
E. Scheiblhofer, U. Moser, S. Lohr, M. Wilmsen, J. Farkas, D. Gallhofer, Alice Matsdotter Bäckström, Thomas Zack, A. Baldermann
Minerals - 2022 -
Impact of green clay authigenesis on element sequestration in marine
A. Baldermann, S. Banerjee, G. Czuppon, M. Dietzel, J. Farkas, S. Lohr, U. Moser, E. Scheiblhofer, N. M. Wright, Thomas Zack
Nature Communications - 2022 -
LA-ICP-MS/MS Single-Spot Rb-Sr
Delia Rösel, Thomas Zack
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2022 -
Mineral paragenesis and sulphide trace element distribution in the metamorphosed Lovisa Zn-Pb deposit, Bergslagen (Sweden), as revealed by 3D X-ray tomography, ore petrography and LA-ICP-MS
S. S. Andersson, F. Sahlstrom, E. Jonsson, S. Luth, E. P. Lynch, K. Hogdahl, Thomas Zack, Nils Gies, S. Sadbom, K. S. A. Hansson, M. Bergqvist
Ore Geology Reviews - 2022 -
Deciphering the tectonometamorphic history of subducted metapelites using quartz-in-garnet and Ti-in-quartz (QuiG-TiQ) geothermobarometry-A key for understanding burial in the Scandinavian
P. Jeanneret, I. Klonowska, C. Barnes, J. Majka, J. Holmberg, M. Gillio, W. Nachlas, M. Alvaro, K. Kosminska, H. Lorenz, Thomas Zack, A. Ladenberger, H. Koyi
Journal of Metamorphic Geology - 2022 -
De Kraalen and Witrivier Greenstone Belts, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa: Characterisation of the Palaeo-Mesoarchaean evolution by rutile and zircon U-Pb geochronology combined with Hf
G. Stevens, C. Lana, Thomas Zack, D. Frei
Apatite U-Pb Dating with Common Pb Correction Using
D. F. Xiang, Z. Y. Zhang, Thomas Zack, D. Chew, Y. H. Yang, L. Wu, Johan Hogmalm
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2021 -
Metamorphism of retroeclogites from the Passos Nappe, Southern Brasilia
C. A. Santos, G. L. Luvizotto, R. Moraes, R. A. Fumes, Thomas Zack
Journal of South American Earth Sciences - 2021 -
Reconstructing craton-scale tectonic events via in situ Rb-Sr geochronology of poly-phased vein
Mikael Tillberg, H. Drake, Thomas Zack, Johan Hogmalm, E. Kooijman, M. Astrom
Terra Nova - 2021 -
Trace element and isotopic zoning of garnetite veins in amphibolitized eclogite, Franciscan Complex, California,
A. M. Cruz-Uribe, F. Z. Page, E. Lozier, M. D. Feineman, Thomas Zack, R. Mertz-Kraus, D. E. Jacob, K. Kitajima
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2021 -
Assessment of elemental fractionation and matrix effects during in situ Rb-Sr dating of phlogopite by LA-ICP-MS/MS: implications for the accuracy and precision of mineral
A. Redaa, J. Farkas, S. Gilbert, A. S. Collins, B. Wade, S. Lohr, Thomas Zack, D. Garbe-Schonberg
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - 2021 -
Coupled U-Pb and Rb-Sr laser ablation geochronology trace Archean to Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Dharwar Craton,
Shan Shan Li, M. Santosh, Juraj Farkaš, Ahmad Redaa, Sohini Ganguly, Sung Won Kim, Cun Zhang, Sarah Gilbert, Thomas Zack
Precambrian Research - 2020 -
Silurian anorogenic basic and acidic magmatism in Northwest Turkey: Implications for the opening of the
G Topuz, O Candan, AI Okay, A von Quadt, M Othman, Thomas Zack, J Wang
Lithos - 2020 -
Resubduction of lawsonite eclogite within a serpentinite-filled subduction
R. Tamblyn, M. Hand, L. Morrissey, Thomas Zack, G. Phillips, D. Och
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2020 -
Kesebolite-(Ce), CeCa2Mn(AsO4) SiO3 (3), a New REE-Bearing Arsenosilicate Mineral from the Kesebol Mine, angstrom mal, Vastra Gotaland,
D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, A. Karlsson, J. Langhof, Thomas Zack, P. Bonazzi, A. Persson
Minerals - 2020 -
Modification of a rare-earth element deposit by low -temperature partial melting during metamorphic overprinting: Norra Kärr alkaline complex, southern
Axel S.L. Sjöqvist, Thomas Zack, D. K. Honn, E. F. Baxter
Chemical Geology - 2020 -
Provenance of detrital rutiles from the Jurassic sandstones in the Central Sakarya Zone, NW Turkey: U-Pb ages and trace element
F. Şengün, Thomas Zack, I. Dunkl
Chemie der Erde - 2020 -
In situ Rb-Sr dating of slickenfibres in deep crystalline basement
Mikael Tillberg, Henrik Drake, Thomas Zack, Ellen Kooijman, Martin J. Whitehouse, Mats E. Åström
Scientific Reports - 2020 -
Metal fluxes during magmatic degassing in the oceanic crust: sulfide mineralisation at ODP site 786B, Izu-Bonin
C. G. C. Patten, I. K. Pitcairn, J. C. Alt, Thomas Zack, Y. Lahaye, D. A. H. Teagle, K. Markdahl
Mineralium Deposita - 2020 -
Blueschist from the Mariana forearc records long-lived residence of material in the subduction
R Tamblyn, Thomas Zack, AK Schmitt, M Hand, D Kelsey, L Morrissey, S Pabst, IP Savov
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2019 -
Distinguishing high-from low-temperature platinum nuggets through their trace-element
A. R. Cabral, Thomas Zack, S. König, B. Eickmann, R. Kwitko-Ribeiro, M. Tupinambá, B. Lehmann
Economic Geology and The Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists - 2019 -
Assessment of Five Monazite Reference Materials for U-Th/Pb Dating Using Laser-Ablation
M. Richter, Y. Nebel-Jacobsen, O. Nebel, Thomas Zack, R. Mertz-Kraus, M. Raveggi, Delia Rösel
Geosciences - 2019 -
The Early Eocene Ekmekci granodiorite porphyry in the Karacabey region (Sakarya Zone, NW
G. Sunal, M. K. Erturac, G. Topuz, A. I. Okay, Thomas Zack
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences - 2019 -
First in situ Re-Os dating of molybdenite by
Johan Hogmalm, Isabell Dahlgren, Irma Fridolfsson, Thomas Zack
Mineralium Deposita - 2019 -
Episodic heating of continental lower crust during extension: A thermal modeling investigation of the Ivrea-Verbano
A. J. Smye, L. L. Lavier, Thomas Zack, D. F. Stockli
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2019 -
Reprint of Comparison of climate signals obtained from encrusting and free-living rhodolith coralline
S. Williams, J. Halfar, Thomas Zack, S. Hetzinger, M. Blicher, T. Juul-Pedersen
Chemical Geology - 2019 -
In situ Rb-Sr dating of K-bearing minerals from the orogenic Akçaabat gold deposit in the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia,
Firat Sengün, V. Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Johan Hogmalm, Thomas Zack
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences - 2019 -
U–Pb ages of rare rutile inclusions in diamond indicate entrapment synchronous with kimberlite
AK Schmitt, Thomas Zack, E Kooijman, AM Logvinova, Nikolay V Sobolev
Lithos - 2019 -
Origin and significance of Early Miocene high‑potassium I-type granite plutonism in the East Anatolian plateau (the Taşlıçay
G Topuz, O Candan, Thomas Zack, F Chen, QL Li
Lithos - 2019 -
Interpretation and significance of combined trace element and U–Pb isotopic data of detrital rutile: a case study from late Ordovician sedimentary rocks of Saxo-Thuringia,
Delia Rösel, Thomas Zack, Andreas Möller
International journal of earth sciences - 2019 -
Redox induced sulfur-selenium isotope decoupling recorded in
S. König, B. Eickmann, Thomas Zack, A. Yierpan, M. Wille, H. Taubald, R. Schoenberg
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta - 2019 -
Coralline Algae Archive Fjord Surface Water Temperatures in Southwest
S. Williams, J. Halfar, Thomas Zack, S. Hetzinger, M. Blicher, T. Juul-Pedersen, A. Kronz, B. Noel, M. van den Broeke, W. J. van de Berg
Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences - 2018 -
Incorporation of Metals into Calcite in a Deep Anoxic Granite
H. Drake, F. A. Mathurin, Thomas Zack, T. Schafer, N. M. W. Roberts, M. Whitehouse, A. Karlsson, C. Broman, M. E. Astrom
Environmental Science & Technology - 2018 -
Origin of red beds and paleosols in the Palaeoproterozoic Transvaal and Olifansthoek Supergroups of South Africa: provenance versus metasomatic
J. S. Land, H. Tsikos, D. Cousins, G. Luvizotto, Thomas Zack
Geological Journal - 2018 -
Comparison of climate signals obtained from encrusting and free-living rhodolith coralline
S. Williams, J. Halfar, Thomas Zack, S. Hetzinger, M. Blicher, T. Juul-Pedersen
Chemical Geology - 2018 -
Assessing trace element (dis)equilibrium and the application of single element thermometers in metamorphic
A. M. Cruz-Uribe, M. D. Feineman, Thomas Zack, D. E. Jacob
Lithos - 2018 -
Petrology and Geochronology of
Thomas Zack, E. Kooijman
Petrochronology: Methods and Applications / Matthew J. Kohn, Martin Engi, and Pierre Lanari, editors - 2017 -
Isotopic evidence for microbial production and consumption of methane in the upper continental crust throughout the Phanerozoic
H. Drake, C. Heim, N. M. W. Roberts, Thomas Zack, Mikael Tillberg, C. Broman, M. Ivarsson, M. J. Whitehouse, M. E. Astrom
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2017 -
East Anatolian plateau constructed over a continental basement: No evidence for the East Anatolian accretionary
G. Topuz, O. Candan, Thomas Zack, A. Yilmaz
Geology - 2017 -
Multicentennial record of Labrador Sea primary productivity and sea-ice variability archived in coralline algal
P. Chan, J. Halfar, W. Adey, S. Hetzinger, Thomas Zack, G. W. K. Moore, U. G. Wortmann, B. Williams, A. Hou
Nature Communications - 2017 -
In situ Rb-Sr and K-Ca dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS: an evaluation of N2O and SF6 as reaction
Johan Hogmalm, Thomas Zack, Andreas KO Karlsson, Axel S.L. Sjöqvist, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - 2017 -
Hydrothermal footprint of the Birthday Reef, Reefton goldfield, New
J. Hamisi, D. MacKenzie, I. Pitcairn, H. Blakemore, Thomas Zack, D. Craw
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics - 2017 -
A New LA-ICP-MS Method for Ti in Quartz: Implications and Application to HP Rutile-Quartz Veins from the Czech
Alicia Cruz-Uribe, Regina Mertz-Kraus, Thomas Zack, Maureen D. Feineman, Glenn David Woods, Dorrit E. Jacob
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2017 -
Rutile geochemistry and thermometry of eclogites and associated garnet-mica schists in the Biga Peninsula, NW
Firat Şengün, Thomas Zack, Gültekin Topuz
Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry - 2017 -
LA-ICP-MS Rb-Sr dating of LCT rare-element pegmatites and associated rocks of Leinster,
R. Barros, J. F. Menuge, Thomas Zack
14th SGA Biennial Meeting on Mineral Resources to Discover. 993-996 - 2017 -
Incorporation of trace elements into calcite precipitated from deep anoxic groundwater in fractured granitoid
H. Drake, F. A. Mathurin, Thomas Zack, T. Schafer
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium (WRI). Evora, Portugal, OCT 16-21, 2016. - 2017 -
Subduction zone forearc serpentinites as incubators for deep microbial
O. Plumper, H. E. King, T. Geisler, Y. Liu, S. Pabst, I. P. Savov, D. Rost, Thomas Zack
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2017 -
In situ Rb-Sr dating of fine-grained vein mineralizations using
Mikael Tillberg, H. Drake, Thomas Zack, Johan Hogmalm, M. Astrom
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium (WRI), 16-21 Oct 2017, Evora, Portugal. - 2017 -
The F, Cl, Br and I Contents of Reference Glasses BHVO-2G, BIR-1G,
Michael A. W. Marks, Mark A. Kendrick, Nelson Eby, Thomas Zack, Thomas Wenzel
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2017 -
Application of The Titanium-In-Quartz Thermobarometer to Eclogites from The Biga Peninsula, NW
F. Sengun, Thomas Zack
IOP Conference Series-Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 44. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences symposium (WMESS), SEP 05-09, 2016. Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. - 2016 -
Th-U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Palaeoproterozoic Hartley Formation porphyry by six methods, with age uncertainty approaching 1
David H. Cornell, Thomas Zack, Tom Andersen, Fernando Corfu, Dirk Frei, Valby van Schijndel
South African Journal of Geology - 2016 -
Carbon fiber as anode material for cathodic prevention in cementitious
Emma Qingnan Zhang, Luping Tang, Thomas Zack
5th International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures - 2016 -
Laser ablation Rb/Sr dating by online chemical separation of Rb and Sr in an oxygen-filled reaction
Thomas Zack, Johan Hogmalm
Chemical Geology - 2016 -
The petrology of Paleogene volcanism in the Central Sakarya, Nallihan region: implications for the initiation and evolution of post-collisional, slab break-off related magmatic
Bülent Kasapoglu, Yalcin E Ersoy, Ibrahim Uysal, Martin R Palmer, Thomas Zack, Ersin O Koralay, Andreas KO Karlsson
Lithos - 2016 -
Evidence for post-magmatic rare-earth element mobilisation from a microgeochemical in situ ID-TIMS Sm–Nd isochron from a single magmatic eudialyte crystal from the Norra Kärr alkaline
Axel S.L. Sjöqvist, Thomas Zack, Ethan F. Baxter, Denise K. Honn
35th International Geological Congress. 27 Aug - 4 Sept 2016, Cape Town, South Africa - 2016 -
Development of an electro-chemical accelerated ageing method for leaching of calcium from cementitious
Arezou Babaahmadi, Luping Tang, Zareen Abbas, Thomas Zack, Per Mårtensson
Materials and Structures - 2016 -
Trace element composition of rutile and Zr-in-rutile thermometry in meta-ophiolitic rocks from the Kazdag Massif, NW
Firat Sengun, Thomas Zack
Mineralogy and Petrology - 2016 -
Nano-powder tablets of mineral standards as matrix-matched reference materials for Rb-Sr
Andreas KO Karlsson, Thomas Zack, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Oliver Nebel
Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland - 2016 -
Characterisation of Apatites as Potential Uranium Reference Materials for Fission-track Dating by
C. J. Soares, R. Mertz-Kraus, S. Guedes, D. F. Stockli, Thomas Zack
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2015 -
In-situ oxygen isotope and trace element geothermometry of rutilated quartz from Alpine
D. Z. Shulaker, A. K. Schmitt, Thomas Zack, I. Bindeman
American Mineralogist - 2015 -
Fluid-inclusion microthermometry and the Zr-in-rutile thermometer for hydrothermal
A. R. Cabral, F. J. Rios, L. A. R. de Oliveira, F. R. de Abreu, B. Lehmann, Thomas Zack, F. Laufek
International Journal of Earth Sciences - 2015 -
The geochemistry of Tl and its isotopes during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: The peralkaline Ilimaussaq complex, southwest
K. Hettmann, M. A. W. Marks, K. Kreissig, Thomas Zack, T. Wenzel, M. Rehkämper, D. E. Jacob, G. Markl
Chemical Geology - 2014 -
LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of detrital rutile and zircon from the Reynolds Range: A window into the Palaeoproterozoic tectonosedimentary evolution of the North Australian
D Rösel, Thomas Zack, SD Boger
Precambrian Research - 2014 -
Metamorphic reaction rates at similar to 650-800 degrees C from diffusion of niobium in
AM Cruz-Uribe, MD Feineman, Thomas Zack, M Barth
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta - 2014 -
Indo-Antarctic derived detritus on the northern margin of Gondwana: evidence for continental scale sediment
D Rösel, SD Boger, A Möller, B Gaitzsch, M Barth, J Oalmann, Thomas Zack
Terra Nova - 2014 -
Novel calibration for LA-ICP-MS-based fission-track
CJ Soares, S Guedes, JC Hadler, R Mertz-Kraus, Thomas Zack, PJ Iunes
Physics and chemistry of minerals - 2014 -
Direct dating of gold by radiogenic helium: Testing the method on gold from Diamantina, Minas Gerais,
Alexandre Raphael Cabral, Otto Eugster, Michael Brauns, Bernd Lehmann, Delia Rösel, Thomas Zack, Francisco Robério de Abreu, Ernst Pernicka, Matthias Barth
Geology - 2013 -
Jurassic ophiolite formation and emplacement as backstop to a subduction-accretion complex in northeast Turkey, the Refahıye ophiolite, and relation to the Balkan
G. Topuz, O. F. Celik, A. M. C. Sengor, I. E. Altintas, Thomas Zack, Y. Rolland, M. Barth
American Journal of Science - 2013 -
In situ LA-ICP-MS investigation of the geochemistry and U-Pb age of rutile from the rocks of the Belomorian mobile
SG Skublov, Thomas Zack, AV Berezin, AE Melnik, NG Rizvanova
Geochemistry International - 2013 -
Age, Nd-Hf isotopes, and geochemistry of the Vijayan Complex of eastern and southern Sri Lanka: A Grenville-age magmatic arc of unknown
A Kröner, Y Rojas-Agramonte, KVW Kehelpannala, Thomas Zack, E Hegner, HY Geng, J Wong, M Barth
Precambrian Research - 2013 -
The Plat Sjambok Anorthosite and its tonalitic country rocks: Mesoproterozoic pre-tectonic intrusions in the Kaaien Terrane, Namaqua–Natal Province, southern
David H. Cornell, Linus Brander, Thomas Zack, Magnus kristoffersen
International Geology Review - 2013 -
Coralline algal Barium as indicator for 20th century northwestern North Atlantic surface ocean freshwater
S. Hetzinger, J. Halfar, Thomas Zack, J. V. Mecking, B. E. Kunz, D. E. Jacob, W. H. Adey
Scientific Reports - 2013 -
Jurassic accretionary complex and ophiolite from northeast Turkey: No evidence for the Cimmerian continental
Gültekin Topuz, Gönenç Göçmengil, Yann Rolland, Ö. Faruk Çelik, Thomas Zack, Axel K. Schmitt
Geology - 2013 -
A recipe for the use of rutile in sedimentary
S Triebold, H. von Eynatten, Thomas Zack
Sedimentary Geology - 2012 -
High-sensitivity U–Pb rutile dating by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) with an O2+ primary
Axel K. Schmitt, Thomas Zack
Chemical Geology - 2012 -
The volatile inventory (F, Cl, Br, S, C) of magmatic apatite: An integrated analytical
M. A. W. Marks, T. Wenzel, M. J. Whitehouse, M. Loose, Thomas Zack, M. Barth, L. Worgard, V. Krasz, G. N. Eby, H. Stosnach, G. Markl
Chemical Geology - 2012 -
The fate of subducted oceanic slabs in the shallow mantle: Insights from boron isotopes and light element composition of metasomatized blueschists from the Mariana
S. Pabst, Thomas Zack, I. P. Savoy, T. Ludwig, D. Rost, S. Tonarini, E. P. Vicenzi
Lithos - 2012 -
Polymetamorphism in the mainland Lewisian complex, NW Scotland - phase equilibria and geochronological constraints from the Cnoc an t'Sidhean
A. Zirkler, T. E. Johnson, R. W. White, Thomas Zack
Journal of Metamorphic Geology - 2012 -
Fluid migration above a subducted slab - Thermodynamic and trace element modelling of fluid-rock interaction in partially overprinted eclogite-facies rocks (Sesia Zone, Western
Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, Thomas Zack, P. J. O'Brien, M. Barth
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2011 -
Fluid Migration above a Subducted Slab-Constraints on Amount, Pathways and Major Element Mobility from Partially Overprinted Eclogite-facies Rocks (Sesia Zone, Western
Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, P. J. O'Brien, Thomas Zack
Journal of Petrology - 2011 -
Zircon ages for a felsic volcanic rock and arc-related early Palaeozoic sediments on the margin of the Baydrag microcontinent, central Asian orogenic belt,
A. Kröner, A. Demoux, Thomas Zack, Y. Rojas-Agramonte, P. Jian, D. Tomurhuu, M. Barth
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences - 2011 -
Freshening of the Alaska Coastal Current recorded by coralline algal Ba/Ca
Phoebe Chan, Jochen Halfar, Branwen Williams, Steffen Hetzinger, Robert Steneck, Thomas Zack, Dorrit E. Jacob
Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences - 2011 -
Sinistral transport along the Trans-European Suture Zone: detrital zircon-rutile geochronology and sandstone petrography from the Carboniferous flysch of the
Nilgun Okay, Thomas Zack, Aral I. Okay, Matthias Barth
Geological Magazine - 2011 -
Evidence for boron incorporation into the serpentine crystal
Sonja Pabst, Thomas Zack, Ivan P. Savov, Thomas Ludwig, Detlef Rost, Edward P. Vicenzi
American Mineralogist - 2011 -
Coralline algal growth-increment widths archive North Atlantic climate
J. Halfar, S. Hetzinger, W. Adey, Thomas Zack, G. Gamboa, B. Kunz, B. Williams, D. E. Jacob
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology - 2011 -
High-resolution analysis of trace elements in crustose coralline algae from the North Atlantic and North Pacific by laser ablation
S. Hetzinger, J. Halfar, Thomas Zack, G. Gamboa, D. E. Jacob, B. E. Kunz, A. Kronz, W. Adey, P. A. Lebednik, R. S. Steneck
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology - 2011 -
Discrimination of TiO2 polymorphs in sedimentary and metamorphic
S. Triebold, G. L. Luvizotto, R. Tolosana-Delgado, Thomas Zack, H. von Eynatten
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2011 -
Post-collisional adakite-like magmatism in the Agvanis Massif and implications for the evolution of the Eocene magmatism in the Eastern Pontides (NE
G. Topuz, A. I. Okay, R. Altherr, W. H. Schwarz, W. Siebel, Thomas Zack, M. Satir, C. Sen
Lithos - 2011 -
In situ U-Pb rutile dating by LA-ICP-MS: Pb-208 correction and prospects for geological
Thomas Zack, D. F. Stockli, G. L. Luvizotto, M. G. Barth, E. Belousova, M. R. Wolfe, R. W. Hinton
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2011 -
Mineral Ages and P-T Conditions of Late Paleozoic High-Pressure Eclogite and Provenance of M Lange Sediments from Atbashi in the South Tianshan Orogen of
E. Hegner, R. Klemd, A. Kroener, M. Corsini, D. V. Alexeiev, L. M. Iaccheri, Thomas Zack, P. Dulski, X. Xia, B. F. Windley
American Journal of Science - 2010 -
Mg/Ca ratios in coralline algae record northwest Atlantic temperature variations and North Atlantic Oscillation
G. Gamboa, J. Halfar, S. Hetzinger, W. Adey, Thomas Zack, B. Kunz, D. E. Jacob
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans - 2010 -
Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gumushane pluton (NE
G. Topuz, R. Altherr, W. Siebel, W. H. Schwarz, Thomas Zack, A. Hasozbek, M. Barth, M. Satir, C. Sen
Lithos - 2010 -
Rutile crystals as potential trace element and isotope mineral standards for
G. L. Luvizotto, Thomas Zack, H. P. Meyer, T. Ludwig, S. Triebold, A. Kronz, C. Munker, D. F. Stockli, S. Prowatke, S. Klemme, D. E. Jacob, H. von Eynatten
Chemical Geology - 2009 -
Nb and Zr behavior in rutile during high-grade metamorphism and retrogression: An example from the Ivrea-Verbano
G. L. Luvizotto, Thomas Zack
Chemical Geology - 2009 -
Rutile occurrence and trace element behavior in medium-grade metasedimentary rocks: example from the Erzgebirge,
G. L. Luvizotto, Thomas Zack, S. Triebold, H. von Eynatten
Mineralogy and Petrology - 2009 -
Major- and rare-earth-element modelling in garnet along eclogite P-T paths, examples from the Western Gneiss Region,
Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, Thomas Zack, P.J. O’Brien, D. Jacob
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2008 -
Combined thermodynamic and rare earth element modelling of garnet growth during subduction: Examples from ultrahigh-pressure eclogite of the Western Gneiss Region,
Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, Thomas Zack, P. J. O'Brien, D. E. Jacob
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2008 -
Synthesis and preliminary characterisation of new silicate, phosphate and titanite reference
S. Klemme, S. Prowatke, C. Munker, C. W. Magee, Y. Lahaye, Thomas Zack, S. A. Kasemann, E. J. A. Cabato, B. Kaeser
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2008 -
Sodic pyroxene and sodic amphibole as potential reference materials for in situ lithium isotope determinations by
M. A. W. Marks, R. L. Rudnick, T. Ludwig, H. Marschall, Thomas Zack, R. Halama, W. F. McDonough, D. Rost, T. Wenzel, E. P. Vicenzi, I. P. Savov, R. Altherr, G. Markl
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research - 2008 -
An evaluation of reactive fluid flow and trace element mobility in subducting
Thomas Zack, T. John
Chemical Geology - 2007 -
Deducing source rock lithology from detrital rutile geochemistry: An example from the Erzgebirge,
S. Triebold, H. von Eynatten, G. L. Luvizotto, Thomas Zack
Chemical Geology - 2007 -
Application of rutile thermometry to
Thomas Zack, GL Luvizotto
Mineralogy and Petrology - 2006 -
The partitioning of trace elements between ilmenite, ulvospinel, armalcolite and silicate melts with implications for the early differentiation of the
S Klemme, D Günther, K Hametner, S Prowatke, Thomas Zack
Chemical Geology - 2006 -
Evolution of a tourmaline-bearing lawsonite eclogite from the Elekdag area (Central Pontides, N Turkey): evidence for fluid infiltration of slab-derived B-rich fluids during
R Altherr, G Topuz, H Marschall, Thomas Zack, T Ludwug
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2004 -
Cold subduction of oceanic crust: Implications from a lawsonite eclogite from the Dominican
Thomas Zack, T Rivers, R Brumm, A Kronz
European journal of mineralogy - 2004 -
Rutile geochemistry and its potential use in quantitative provenance
Thomas Zack, H von Eynatten, A Kronz
Sedimentary Geology - 2004 -
Temperature-dependence of Zr in rutile: Empirical calibration of a rutile
Thomas Zack, R Moraes, A Kronz
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2004 -
Extremely light Li in orogenic eclogites: The role of isotope fractionation during dehydration in subducted oceanic
Thomas Zack, PB Tomascak, RL Rudnick, C Dalpe, WF McDonough
Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 2003 -
Trace element abundance in rutiles from eclogites and associated garnet mica
Thomas Zack, A Kronz, SF Foley, T Rivers
Chemical Geology - 2002 -
Equilibrium and disequilibrium trace element partitioning in hydrous eclogites (Trescolmen, Central
Thomas Zack, S Foley, T Rivers
Journal of Petrology - 2002 -
Cs-Rb-Ba systematics in phengite and amphibole: an assessment of fluid mobility at 2.0 GPa in eclogites from
Thomas Zack, T Rivers, SF Foley
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - 2001 -
Growth and high resolution paleoenvironmental signals of rhodoliths (coralline red algae): a new biogenic
J Halfar, Thomas Zack, A Kronz, JC Zachos
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans - 2000 -
Petrology of high-pressure metapelites from the Adula nappe (Central Alps,
C Meyre, C de Capitani, Thomas Zack, M Frey
Journal of Petrology - 1999 -
A consistent partition coefficient set for clinopyroxene, amphibole and garnet from laser ablation microprobe analysis of garnet pyroxenites from Kakanui, New
Thomas Zack, S Foley, Jenner GA
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen - 1997