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- Susanna Fellman
Susanna Fellman
Avdelningen för ekonomisk historiaOm Susanna Fellman
Susanna Fellman är sedan 2011 professor i Business History på Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet. Hon innehar Torsten Söderbergs och Ragnar Söderbergs professur i Business History. Läs mer här.
Fellman arbetade innan det som forskare och professor i ekonomisk historia vid Helsingfors universitet. Fellmans främsta forskningsintressen är konkurrenspolitik i ett historiskt perspektiv, professionalisering och modernisering av företagsledningen samt arbetsgivarnas strategier i välfärdsstatens utveckling. På senare tid har hon även sysslat med metodfrågor, speciellt arkivets roll i business history.
Pågående projekt
- Understanding international cartels in the 20th century: tracing size and scope
- De-industrialisation and re-industrialisation: reinventing the Swedish textile and clothing industry 1970-2005. (Projektledare: Lena Andersson-Skog, Umeå Universitet)
- Ledamot av Vetenskapsrådets styrelse under perioden 2022-2024
- Associate editor för tidskriften Business History
På andra webbplatser
- Näringslivshistoria, framförallt företagsledning och förtagsledare i historiskt perspektiv
- Konkurrenspolitik i historiskt perspektiv
- Arbetsgivare och välfärdsstatens utveckling
- Metodologiska frågor i Business History
- Näringslivshistoria, speciellt företagsledarnas och företagsledningens historia
- Näringslivshistoria
- Ekonomisk historia
Utvalda publikationer
M. Shanahan & S. Fellman (eds), A History of Business Cartels International Politics, National Policies and Anti-Competitive Behaviour. Routledge International Studies in Business History, Routledge, New York& London 2022.
Fellman, Susanna, Shanahan, Martin, 'Sectoral Influence on Competition Legislation: Evidence from the Cartel Registers,1920–2000'. Business History Review, 92:4, s. 633-660, 2018
Popp, Andrew, Fellman, Susanna. 'Writing business history: Creating narratives'. Business History, 59:8, 2017
Fellman, Susanna, Martin, Shanahan (eds.) Regulating Competition - Cartel registers in the twentieth-century world. FExplorations in Economic History. Routledge, 2016.
Fellman, Susanna, 'Prosopographic studies of business leaders for understanding industrial and corporate change.' Business History, 56:1, s. 5-21, 2014
New Research in Swedish Economic History: Institutions, the State, Actors and
Susanna Fellman, Jan Ottosson
New Perspectives on Swedish Economic History. Institutions, Infrastructure and Finance - 2024 -
Essential yet evasive: Theoretical and methodological insights into business power and
Maiju Wuokko, Susanna Fellman
Business History - 2024 -
International Cooperation, Competition Authorities and Transnational Networks: By Mateusz Blachucki. Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, 296 pp, £108 (hardback), ISBN 9781032446240; £31.99 (ebook), ISBN
Susanna Fellman
Business History - 2024 -
Finnish social democrats and competition policy: from the first “cartel law” to the application for EU
Susanna Fellman
The Development of European Competition Policy. Social Democracy and Regulation, edited by B. Shaev and S. Ramirez-Perez - 2024 -
Towards a Sustainable World - Academic Insights and
Merima Bruncevic, Susanna Fellman, Alexander Styhre, Måns Söderbom
2024 -
Merima Bruncevic, Susanna Fellman, Alexander Styhre, Måns Söderbom
Towards a Sustainable World - Academic Insights and Perspectives - 2024 -
An historical account of anti-cartel
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
Research Handbook on Cartels, ed. by P. Whelan - 2023 -
Three Industrial Periods and their Significance for Industrial Heritage in the
Susanna Fellman, Maths Isacsson
Fabrik og Bolig - The Industrial heritage in the Nordic Countries - 2023 -
Susanna Fellman
Nordeuropa Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium - 2023 -
The Nordic Model of Capitalism in Historical Perspective: Past Successes and Future
Susanna Fellman
Council of Foreign Relations The Future of Capitalism Blogtexts - 2023 -
International cartels in the real world: Business,
politics and
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
A History of Business Cartels International Politics, National Policies and Anti-Competitive Behaviour eds. by M. Shanahan & S. Fellman - 2022 -
The (Strong) State, the Welfare State and Social Cohesion – Finland in
Susanna Fellman, Reino Hjerppe, Riitta Hjerppe
Social Cohesion and Welfare States From Fragmentation to Social Peace, edited by Matti Hannikainen & Christopher Lloyd - 2022 -
Lessons from history: Insights from historical case
Martin Shanahan, Susanna Fellman
A History of Business Cartels International Politics, National Policies and Anti-Competitive Behaviour eds.by M. Shanahan and S. Fellman) - 2022 -
Suomalaisen kartellitalouden historiaa
Recension av Mika Kallioinen, Kartellien maa. Yritysten yhteistyö teollisessa Suomessa.
Susanna Fellman
Kansantaloudellinen Aikakauskirja - 2022 -
Martin Shanahan, Susanna Fellman
2022 -
Susanna Fellman
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology 2nd Ed. - 2022 -
Victory through defence: Employers’ policy preferences and success in the industrial democracy reform process in Finland,
Maiju Wuokko, Susanna Fellman, Ilkka Kärrylä
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2021 -
Shifts in government business relations: Assessing change using the restrictive business registers in the OECD,
Martin Shanahan, Susanna Fellman
Business History - 2021 -
Beyond the market: broader perspectives in cartel
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
Scandinavian Economic History Review - 2020 -
Business history special issue on foreign investment and the development of entrepreneurial and managerial capabilities in host
A. Alvaro-Moya, Susanna Fellman, N. Puig
Business History - 2020 -
Staten och statens
Susanna Fellman, Jan Ottosson
Vad är ekonomisk historia? / redaktörer: Lena Andersson-Skog, Oskar Broberg, Rodney Edvinsson, Kerstin Enflo, Kristina Lilja. - 2020 -
Power, Archives and the Making of Rhetorical Organizational Histories: A stakeholder
Andrew Popp, Susanna Fellman
Organization Studies - 2020 -
Industries and Global Competition: A History of Business beyond Borders. Edited byBram Bouwens, Pierre-Yves Donzé, andTakafumi Kurosawa. New York: Routledge, 2018. xvi + 273 pp. Figures, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $155.00. ISBN:
Susanna Fellman
Business history review - 2019 -
Private or Public? Employer attitudes and strategies towards welfare reform in
Susanna Fellman
Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State, edited by Dennie Oude Nijhuis - 2019 -
Nödhjälp eller skapandet av ett idealsamhälle? Filantropisk verksamhet i lokalsamhället under
Leena Enbom, Susanna Fellman
Historisk Tidskrift för Finland - 2019 -
År 1959: ett formativt år i finsk
Susanna Fellman
Umeå Occasional Papers in Economic History 21/2019 - 2019 -
Från krig och kris till upphämtning: Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift som forum för debatt
Susanna Fellman
Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift - 2019 -
The 'Nordic model' of
Susanna Fellman
Nordics Info - 2019 -
Economic development in the Nordic
Susanna Fellman
Nordics Info - 2019 -
The Nordic countries and economic
Susanna Fellman
Nordics Info - 2019 -
Vaurastumisen vuodet. Suomen taloushistoria teollistumisen
J. Laine, Susanna Fellman, M. Hannikainen, J. Ojala
2019 -
J. Ojala, Susanna Fellman, M. Hannikainen, J. Laine
Vaurastumisen vuodet. Suomen taloushistoria teollistumisen jälkeen. - 2019 -
Miten Suomi
Susanna Fellman
Vaurastumisen vuodet. Suomen taloushistoria teollistumisen jälkeen. - 2019 -
Sectoral Influence on Competition Legislation:Evidence from the Cartel
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
Business history review - 2018 -
Niklas Bruun, Susanna Fellman
Nya Argus - 2018 -
Management as a profession: The Historian's
Susanna Fellman
Professionalizing Leadership: Debating Education, Certification and Practice. Ed by A. Örtenblad - 2018 -
Writing business history: Creating
Andrew Popp, Susanna Fellman
Business History - 2017 -
Can I see your history? The historian's
Susanna Fellman
2017 -
Arbetarbostäder och modernisering: bostadspolitik i G.A. Serlachius Ab under
Susanna Fellman
Fabrik og Bolig - 2017 -
Industrientreprenörer som
Susanna Fellman
Presentation på Föredragsmaraton 8-9 september 2017, Helsingfors - 2017 -
Statlig stödpolitik till företagande och utvecklingen i mindre städer i Finland på 1960- och
Susanna Fellman, L Ekholm
Ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Stockholm 12-14 oktober 2017 - 2017 -
International debates in local context: views on restrictive business practices in Finland in the early
Susanna Fellman
Conference Reform and Revolution 1917-1919. Entangled and Transnational Histories , March 2017, Tampere, Finland - 2017 -
The rhythm of life and work: Introduction to a special issue in honor of Professor Christer
Stefan Öberg, Susanna Fellman, Klas Rönnbäck
Essays in Economic and Business History - 2017 -
Book Review of K.Sluyterman (ed.), Varities of Capitalism and Business History- The Dutch Case. Routledge International Studies in Business History, Routledge 2015. 246
Susanna Fellman
Revista de Historia Industrial - 2017 -
Regulating Competition - Cartel registers in the twentieth-century
Susanna Fellman, Shanahan Martin
2016 -
Introduction:Regulating Capitalism- Rise and Fall of ‘Cartel Registers’ in the 20th
Shanahan Martin, Susanna Fellman
Regulating Capitalism- Rise and Fall of ‘Cartel Registers’ in the 20th Century, edited by Susanna Fellman and Martin Shanahan. - 2016 -
Private or public? - The employer, the municipality and welfare state reforms in Finland,
Susanna Fellman
Presenterat på European Social Science History Conference, Valencia April 2016 - 2016 -
Advanced capitalism or premodern production? - The debate and statistics on firm structure in Sweden and Finland from the interwar period to the
Susanna Fellman, Laura Ekholm
52nd Congress of Business History Society of Japan (BHSJ), Tokyo, October 2016 - 2016 -
”Reading between the lines”: The link between the content of restrictive business registers and nations’ economic priorities, industries and
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
World Business History Conference, Bergen, August 2016 - 2016 -
Cartel Registers around the
Shanahan Martin, Susanna Fellman
Regulating Competition - Cartel registers in the twentieth-century world - 2016 -
Samordning och informationsutbyte - De nordiska konkurrens- och prisövervakningsmyndigheternas möten
Susanna Fellman
Historikere i oppdrag, red. av Espel, Harald & Johannessen, Finn Erhard - 2016 -
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
Regulating Competition - Cartel registers in the twentieth-century world - 2016 -
Creating the 1957 Cartel Law: The Role of Pressure Groups on Finland’s Competition Policy and Cartel
Susanna Fellman
Regulating Competition - Cartel registers in the twentieth-century world - 2016 -
Tensions between the private and the public: the employer, the municipality and welfare state reforms in Finland,
Susanna Fellman
Paper presented in session S10062 Business and the Development of the Twentieth Century Welfare State, World Economic Hisotry Congress 3.-7.8. 2015, Kyoto, Japan. - 2015 -
Oras perheyrityksenä muuttuvassa
Susanna Fellman
Perheyritys, hanatehdas, teollinen omistaja. Oras 1945-2015. (förf. Timo Herranen) - 2015 -
Susanna Fellman
German Historical Institute’s panel on Immigrant Entrepreneurship at 2015 American Historical Association conference 2-5.1.2015 - 2015 -
Owners, Archivists and Historians: Towards a Stakeholder Perspective on Corporate
Susanna Fellman, Andrew Popp
Paper presenterat på workshop 'Managing The Past: The Role of Organizational Archives.' 18 March 2015, Aston Business School, UK - 2015 -
"From dense to loose?"-Corporate networks and interlocks in finnish business in the twentieth
Susanna Fellman, K. M. Piilahti, V. Härmälä
The Power of Corporate Networks: A Comparative and Historical Perspective - 2014 -
Cartel registers around
Susanna Fellman, Shanahan Martin
Paper presented at European Business History Association, Annual Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands 21-23 August 2014 - 2014 -
Foreign Education in the Professionalization of Family Firms in Finland in the Twentieth
Susanna Fellman
Paper presented at Conference "Families, Values and Knowledge Transfer in Northern Europe", Tampere, Finland 27-28.11.2014 - 2014 -
"From Dense to Loose?" Corporate Networks and Interlocks in Finnish Business in the Twentieth
Susanna Fellman, Kari-Matti Piilahti, Valtteri Härmälä
The Power of Corporate Networks. A Comparative and Historical Perspective - 2014 -
Between foreign influences and local traditions – effects from internationalization and multinational firms on managerial recruitment and managerial profile in Finland in the 20th
Susanna Fellman
World Business History Conference, Frankfurt 17 March 2014 - 2014 -
Familjeföretag och professionalisering - Ett näringslivshistoriskt
Susanna Fellman
Professor Mats Larsson 60 år En dokumentation från ett hyllningsseminarium i oktober 2013 - 2014 -
Cartel registers and the regulation of competition: Finland and Australia
Susanna Fellman, Martin Shanahan
Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference, New Zealand, 13-15.2. 2014 - 2014 -
Prosopographic studies of business leaders for understanding industrial and corporate
Susanna Fellman
Business History - 2014 -
Lost in the archive: the business historian in
Susanna Fellman, Andrew Popp
Coping with excess. How organizations, communities and individuals manage overflows. Edited by Barbara Czarniawska and Orvar Löfgren. - 2013 -
Vart försvann (idén om)
Susanna Fellman
Nya Argus - 2013 -
Creating Narratives from Archives in Business
Susanna Fellman, Andrew Popp
Presented on conference "Narratives in Business History". Copenhagen Business School, 25-26.11.2013 - 2013 -
Pieni ja syrjäinen maa? - Ulkomainen pääoma Suomessa ennen pääomalikkeiden
Susanna Fellman
PTT Katsaus - 2013 -
Managing professionalization in Family Business: Transforming Strategies for Managerial Succession and Recruitment in Family Firms in the Twentieth
Susanna Fellman
The Endurance of Family Business . A Global Overview - 2013 -
A manger and his professionals - Planning and constructing the modern firm in Finland
Susanna Fellman
Multi-layered Historicity of the Present - Approaches to social science history. - 2013 -
På vems sida ska vi stå? Om de högre tjänstemännen i
Susanna Fellman
TAM-revy - 2013 -
Prólogo. La profesionalización de la gestión y direción de empresa y la investigación histórica: un horizonte
Susanna Fellman
La Profesionalización de Las Empresas Familiares - 2013 -
Marjatta Rahikainen, Susanna Fellman
Historical Knowledge - In Quest of Theory, Method and Evidence. Susanna Fellman, Marjatta Rahikainen (red.) - 2012 -
Eurokrisen i den svenska och finska
Susanna Fellman
Nya Argus - 2012 -
Explaining transformations in competition policy in a coordinated market economy – Institutional complementarities, paradigm shifts and battle for dominance in economic political
Susanna Fellman
The XVIth World Economic History Congress, Stellenbosch, 9-13 juli 2012 - 2012 -
French influences in a Finnish company in an era of industrial break-through and modernisation: Société Michelin’s welfare program and G.A. Serlachius AB in the 1920s and
Susanna Fellman
Managerial Thought and Practice in France, 19th-21st Century - 2012 -
On Historical Writing and
Marjatta Rahikainen, Susanna Fellman
Historical Knowledge - In Quest of Theory, Method and Evidence - 2012 -
Historical Knowledge - In Quest of Theory, Method and
Susanna Fellman, Rahikainen Marjatta
2012 -
Finland, Sverige eller USA? Finska företagsledare i företagsledarutbildning på 1960- och
Susanna Fellman
Lars Fälting et al. (red.), Aktörer och marknader i omvandling. Studier i företagandets historia tillägnade Kersti Ullenhag - 2011 -
The Foundations of Female Entrepreneurship. Enterprise, Home and Household in London, c.
Susanna Fellman
Scandinavian Economic History Review - 2011