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- Stephan Maier
Stephan Maier
Avd för radiologi-
Normal Brain and Brain Tumor ADC
Changes Resulting From Variation of Diffusion Time and/or Echo Time in Pulsed-Gradient Spin Echo Diffusion
Jens Johansson, Kerstin M Lagerstrand, Isabella Björkman-Burtscher, Mats Laesser, Hanna Hebelka, Stephan E Maier
Investigative Radiology - 2024 -
Manual prostate MRI segmentation by readers with different experience: a study of the learning
Fredrik Langkilde, Patrick Masaba, Lars Edenbrandt, Magnus Gren, Airin Halil, Mikael Hellström, Måns Larsson, Ameer Ali Naeem, Jonas Wallström, Stephan E Maier, Fredrik Jäderling
European Radiology - 2024 -
Quantitative diffusion MRI in prostate cancer: Image quality, what we can measure and how it improves clinical
F. M. Fennessy, Stephan E Maier
European Journal of Radiology - 2023 -
Truly reproducible uniform estimation of the ADC with multi-b diffusion data- Application in prostate diffusion
Stefan Kuczera, Fredrik Langkilde, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 2023 -
Prostate Cancer Screening with Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Results from the Second Round of the Göteborg Prostate Cancer Screening 2
Jonas Wallström, Kjell Geterud, Kimia Kohestani, Stephan E Maier, Carl-Gustaf Pihl, Andreas Socratous, Johan Stranne, Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman, Marianne Månsson, Mikael Hellström, Jonas Hugosson
European urology oncology - 2022 -
Brain diffusion MRI with multiplexed sensitivity encoding for reduced distortion in a pediatric patient
Jens Johansson, Kerstin M Lagerstrand, L. Ivarsson, P. A. Svensson, Hanna Hebelka, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 2022 -
Prostate Cancer Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Does the Choice of Diffusion-Weighting Level
Stephan E Maier, Jonas Wallström, Fredrik Langkilde, Jens Johansson, Stefan Kuczera, Jonas Hugosson, Mikael Hellström
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 2022 -
Improved geometric fidelity in brain DWI of pediatric patients using Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding
Jens Johansson, Kerstin M Lagerstrand, Liz Ivarsson, Pär-Arne Svensson, Hanna Hebelka, Stephan E Maier
Annual Meeting ISMRM - 2022 -
Segmented accelerated multi-shot diffusion imaging combined with reverse polarity gradient (RPG)
Jens Johansson, Kerstin M Lagerstrand, Pär-Arne Svensson, George Jr-Yuan Chiou, Bruno Madore, Hanna Hebelka, Stephan E Maier
Annual Meeting ISMRM - 2022 -
Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging, Third
Stephan E Maier, Jens Johansson
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series - 2022 -
Validity and reliability of the medial temporal lobe atrophy scale in a memory clinic
Anna Molinder, Doerthe Ziegelitz, Stephan E Maier, Carl Eckerström
BMC Neurology - 2021 -
Bi- or multiparametric MRI in a sequential screening program for prostate cancer with PSA followed by MRI? Results from the Goteborg prostate cancer screening 2
Jonas Wallström, K. Geterud, Kimia Kohestani, Stephan E Maier, Marianne Månsson, Carl Gustaf Pihl, A. Socratous, Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman, Mikael Hellström, Jonas Hugosson
European Radiology - 2021 -
Optimized bias and signal inference in diffusion-weighted image analysis
Stefan Kuczera, Mohammad Alipoor, Fredrik Langkilde, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 2021 -
Accelerated Segmented Diffusion-Weighted Prostate Imaging for Higher Resolution, Higher Geometric Fidelity, and Multi-b Perfusion
P. Aksit Ciris, J. Y. G. Chiou, D. I. Glazer, T. C. Chao, C. M. Tempany-Afdhal, B. Madore, Stephan E Maier
Investigative Radiology - 2019 -
Diffusion tensor imaging in multiple sclerosis at different final
Oluf Andersen, Anders Hildeman, Marco Longfils, Helen Tedeholm, Bengt Skoog, Wei Tian, Jianhui Zhong, Sven Ekholm, Lenka Novakova, Björn Runmarker, Olle Nerman, Stephan E Maier
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica - 2018 -
Evaluation of fitting models for prostate tissue characterization using extended-range b-factor diffusion-weighted
Fredrik Langkilde, Thiele Kobus, Andriy Fedorov, Ruth Dunne, Clare Tempany, Robert V Mulkern, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic resonance in medicine - 2018 -
Improved spatial localization in magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging with two-dimensional PSF-Choice
S. H. Zhang, Stephan E Maier, L. P. Panych
Journal of Magnetic Resonance - 2018 -
Fast diffusion imaging with high angular
Tzu-Cheng Chao, Jr-Yuan George Chiou, Stephan E Maier, Bruno Madore
Magnetic resonance in medicine - 2017 -
Three-dimensional printing of MRI-visible phantoms and MR image-guided therapy
Dimitris Mitsouras, Thomas C Lee, Peter Liacouras, Ciprian N Ionita, Todd Pietilla, Stephan E Maier, Robert V Mulkern
Magnetic resonance in medicine - 2017 -
Optimal Gradient Encoding Schemes for Diffusion Tensor and Kurtosis
Mohammad Alipoor, Irene Y.H. Gu, Stephan E Maier, Göran Starck, Andrew Mehnert, Fredrik Kahl
IEEE transactions on Computational Imaging - 2016 -
Segmented diffusion-weighted imaging of the prostate: Application to transperineal in-bore 3 T MR image-guided targeted
A. Fedorov, K. Tuncali, L. P. Panych, J. Fairhurst, E. Hassanzadeh, R. T. Seethamraju, C. M. Tempany, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 2016 -
Multicomponent T-2 relaxation studies of the avian
D. Mitsouras, R. V. Mulkern, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 2016 -
Prostate cancer discrimination in the peripheral zone with a reduced field-of-view T-2-mapping MRI
F. I. Yamauchi, T. Penzkofer, A. Fedorov, F. M. Fennessy, R. X. Chu, Stephan E Maier, C. M. C. Tempany, R. V. Mulkern, L. P. Panych
Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 2015 -
Optimal Experiment Design for Mono-Exponential Model Fitting: Application to Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Mohammad Alipoor, Stephan E Maier, Irene Y.H. Gu, Andrew Mehnert, Fredrik Kahl
BioMed Research International - 2015 -
K-Optimal Gradient Encoding Scheme for Fourth-Order Tensor-Based Diffusion Profile
Mohammad Alipoor, Irene Y.H. Gu, Andrew Mehnert, Stephan E Maier, Göran Starck
Biomed Research International - 2015 -
Fourth order tensor-based diffusion MRI signal
Mohammad Alipoor, Irene Y.H. Gu, Stephan E Maier
International symposium on biomedical imaging, White Matter Modeling Challenge. 16-19 April 2015, New York, USA. - 2015 -
Multi-component transverse relaxation in egg yolk: Relaxations times, relative amplitudes and spectral
Dimitris Mitsouras, Robert V Mulkern, Stephan E Maier
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berkeley, California. Book of Abstracts, Twentysecond Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy. - 2014 -
Single-shot and Readout Segmented EPI: Geometric Fidelity of 3T Prostate
Andriy Fedorov, Kemal Tuncali, Lawrence P Panych, Janice Fairhurst, Clare Tempany, Stephan E Maier
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berkeley, California. Book of Abstracts, Twentysecond Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy - 2014 -
High angularly resolved diffusion imaging with accelerated multi-shot acquisition and compressed
Tzu-Cheng Chao, Jr-yuan George Chiou, Stephan E Maier, Bruno Madore
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berkeley, California. Book of Abstracts, Twentysecond Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy - 2014 -
Avian egg latebra as brain tissue water diffusion
Stephan E Maier, Dimitris Mitsouras, Robert V Mulkern
Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 2014 -
Accelerated multi-shot diffusion
Bruno Madore, Jr-yuan George Chiou, Renxin Chu, Tzu-Cheng Chao, Stephan E Maier
Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 2014