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- Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskapOm Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Konstantin Kougioumtzis är docent i idrottsvetenskap med forskningsintressen som rör kroppsrörelser, kroppsövningar och idrotter dels som ett skolämne, dels som en fritidsaktivitet för barn och ungdomar. Konstantin har en idrottslärarexamen med specialidrottsutbildning i fotboll och en mastersexamen i pedagogik. Han disputerade med en komparativ studie av idrottslärare i Sverige och Grekland. Sedan 2006 arbetar han med lärar- och coachutbildning samt livslångt lärande för yrkesverksamma lärare.
The psychometric properties of an Instrument to Estimate Performance in Ball Tasks
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen
Paper at the International Conference on Sport Technologies and Performance Analysis, 30-31/1. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, New York. - 2023 -
Newly arrived migrant youths in Sweden: Attitudinal, normative and regulative determinants of the intention to participate in organized
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Stefan Wagnsson, Christian Augustsson, Göran Patriksson
2022 AIESEP World Congress, 17-18 June, Gold Coast - 2022 -
Physical literacy in physically inactive children and
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication - 2022 -
Physical education in Swedish schools: The impact of lesson frequency on ninth-grade students´ behavioral, normative and control
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Book of Abstracts: 2021 AIESEP Scientific Conference: Descending the Mountain, June 7-10, 2021. - 2021 -
Students’ beliefs about physical education and the impact of lesson
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication - 2021 -
Newly arrived migrant youths in Sweden: Attitudinal, normative and regulative determinants of the intention to participate in organized
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Stefan Wagnsson
International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication - 2020 -
Development of an instrument to assess perception of quality physical education (QPE) among European
Walter Ho, Dilsad AHMED, Pedro G. CARVALHO, Antala BRANISLAV, Imre MAKSZIN, Miguel G. VALEIRO, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Stefania CAZZOLI, Rudolph L. VAN NIEKERK, Tony MORRIS, Fan HUANG, Beatriz WONG
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation - 2019 -
Nyanlända barns och ungdomars uppfattningar om och upplevelser av föreningsidrotten i
Stefan Wagnsson, Christian Augustsson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Owe Stråhlman, Göran Patriksson
2019 -
Newly arrived migrant and refugee children and adolescents ́ contact with organized sports in
Owe Stråhlman, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Stefan Wagnsson, Christian Augustsson, Göran Patriksson
Paper at the Building Bridges for Physical Activity and Sport. AIESEP International Conference 19-22/6, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. - 2019 -
The psychometric properties of a newly developed instrument to objectively measure ball handling
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen
Paper at the Building Bridges for Physical Activity and Sport. AIESEP International Conference 19-22/6, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. - 2019 -
The specificity versus generality of ball-handling skills – Empirical evidence for a general ball-handling
Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Human Movement Science - 2019 -
Coach-lead team practice in elite youth
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication - 2018 -
Går det att mäta
Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Idrott och kunskap. Forskning och utveckling inom idrotten. För tränare och resurspersoner inom idrotten - 2018 -
Newly arrived immigrant and refugee children and adolescents' contact with organized sports in
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Stefan Wagnsson, Owe Stråhlman, Christian Augustsson, Göran Patriksson
Cubamotricidad 2018. For a Physical Culture of Peace. 22-26/10. Palacio del Conventiones, La Habana, Cuba - 2018 -
Is there a generic ball ability? An empirical study of measuring and modeling performance on 12 ball
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Cubamotricidad 2018. For a Physical Culture of Piece. 22-26/10. Palacio del Conventiones, La Habana, Cuba - 2018 -
Health Promotion at
Elke Knisel, Konrad Kleiner, Michal Bronikowski, Marcela González-Gross, Irene Martínková, Ralf Erdmann, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
2017 -
Learning to create rubric tools. A learning study with in-service physical education and health teachers in Western
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
MoodleMoodle Greece, 1 – 2 December 2017, Athens University of Applied Sciences - 2017 -
Students´ beliefs on physical
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication - 2016 -
Ninth Grade Students ́ Beliefs about Physical Education and the Impact of Weekly
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
2015 -
Soccer-coaches espoused and enacted theories of
Manolis Adamakis, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Proceeding of the AIESEP conference: Moving up Physical Education and Sports Participation on the Public Health Agenda - 2015 -
Coordination Abilities in
Jaromír Šimonek, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
2014 -
The experienced physical education
Educational work and
Kyriaki Aloizou, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
The Conference for International Synergy in Energy, Environment, Tourism and contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education. T.E.I. of Piraeus, Greece - 2013 -
Physical Literacy and health in children and
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
2nd Congress of Sport Science "Physical activity and health", University of Athens, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science - 2013 -
Physical literacy in greek children and
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Claes Annerstedt
Erik Backman och Lena Larsson (red.). I takt med tiden? Perspektiv på idrottslärarutbildning i Skandinavien - 2013 -
Factors influencing children´s and adolescent´s participation in physical
Manolis Adamakis, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
2nd Congress of Sport Science "Physical activity and health", University of Athens, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science - 2012 -
Greek young people´s lifestyles with focus on physical (in)activity: a review of the research
The content of Physical Education in Sweden and South
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson, Abel Toriola, Lateef Amusa
European Congress of Sport Science (ECSS) - 2012 -
Physical Education in Sweden and South
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Inbjuden presentation på Svebikonferensen i Karlstad den 16-17 november 2011. - 2011 -
The PE teachers’ profession: cultures and
Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Ken Hardman & Ken Green, Contemporary Issues in Physical Education - 2011 -
The PE teacher (Ο καθηγητής Φυσικής
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Research and Applications in Sports Science, Athens (Έρευνα και Εφαρμογή στην Αθλητική Επιστήμη) - 2011 -
Physical education as a tool for developing health and skills related to Health Promotion, Personal, Social and Physical
Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
11th ENSSEE (European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment). INSEP, Paris - 2011 -
PE teachers’ professionalization: a review of occupational power and professional
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson, Owe Stråhlman
European Physical Education Review - 2011 -
Physical Education as a tool for developing health and social
A Toriola, Göran Patriksson, Lateef Amusa, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
ISCPES Biennial Congress, International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sports, Nairobi, Kenya, June, 2010 - 2010 -
Physical Education as a tool for developing public health and social
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
ISCPES Biennial Congress, International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sports, Nairobi, Kenya, June, 2010 - 2010 -
Code theory revisited. AERA Annual
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
. AERA Annual Congress (American Education Research Association), Denver, Colorado, May 2010 - 2010 -
PE-Teachers´ School-Based Collaboration in Sweden and
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
W. Ho & H. Ren, (Eds.) Sport Education, Teaching of PE and Curriculum Studies - 2010 -
Physical Education as a tool for developing health and social
Toriola, Abel, Amusa, Lateef, Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
African Journal of Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance - 2010 -
“It is more like six projects with similar
Göran Patriksson, Owe Stråhlman, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
2009 -
PE Teachers’
Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
School-based teacher colalboration in Sweden and
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Teachers and Teaching. Theory and Practice - 2009 -
PE-teachers School Based Collaboration in Sweden and
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
ISCPES 2008, Macau, Global Merging: A New Era for Sport and Physical Education - 2008 -
Within Physical Education Classification in Greek and Swedish
Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
ISCPES 2008. Macau, Global Merging: A Nen Era for Sport and Physical Education - 2008 -
School-Based Teacher Collaboration in Sweden and Greece: Formal Cooperation, Deprivatized Practices and Personalized Interaction in Primary and Lower Secondary
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson, Vasilis Korillos
ECER 2008, From Teaching to Learning - 2008 -
Framing physical education in Greek and Swedish
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
International journal of physical education - 2007 -
Idrottslärarnas arbetsmiljö i Sverige och
Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Aktuell Beteende- pch Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforksning - 2006 -
Framing Physical Education in Greek and Swedish public
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
ISCPES 2006, Melbourne 2006 ISSC Conference " Sport, Communities and Engagement" - 2006 -
Physical education teachers in Greek and Swedish schools: Cooperation with teachers in other school
Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Paper presented at ISCPES International Sport Studies Conference in Melbourne March 6 – 8 2006. - 2006 -
Lärarkulturer och professionskoder : en komparativ studie av idrottslärare i Sverige och
Visible and invisible pedagogogies – A comparative study with Greek and Swedish physical education
Göran Patriksson, Konstantin Kougioumtzis
Paper presented at the Olympic Congress in Thessalonniki, August 6 – 10 2004. - 2004 -
Framing Physical Education in Greek Public
Claes Annerstedt, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Pre-Olympic Congress, Sport Science through the Ages. Thessaloniki, Greece - 2004 -
Visible and Invisible Pedagogies. A comparative Study with Greek and Swedish Physical Education
Claes Annerstedt, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Pre-Olympic Congress, Sport Science through the Ages. Thessaloniki, Greece - 2004