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- Jörgen Winkel
Jörgen Winkel
Professor emeritus
Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapOm Jörgen Winkel
Jörgen Winkel (ORCID-ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7993-396X ) är professor emeritus i tillämpad arbetsfysiologi / Produktionsergonomi; från 1989 till 2007 knyten till Karolinska Institutet och Arbetslivsinstitutet, Sverige och därefter som emeritus till Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet. År 2008-10 också knyten till National Research Center for the Working Environment i Danmark och år 2012-18 till DTU Management Engineering, Danmarks tekniska universitet. Han har publicerat mer än 100 peer-reviewed artiklar och mer än 350 andra publikationer inom produktionsergonomi inklusive ergonomisk interventionsforskning, ergonomisk epidemiologi, kvantifiering och prediktion av mekanisk exponering samt fysiologiska frågor relaterade till långvarigt yrkesarbete i sittande, stående och gående arbetsställningar. Han har mottagit ett flertal internationella forskningspriser.
Arbetsrelaterade muskuloskeletala och psykiska besvär är fortfarande en viktig orsak till sjukskrivning. Detta hotar individernas välfärd och företagens och samhällets ekonomi.
Tyvärr verkar den ergonomiska interventionsforskningen ha begränsade hälsoeffekter i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Denna brist på positiva effekter förklaras numera av negativa hälsoeffekter orsakad av rationaliseringar (Westgaard & Winkel 2011). Det har därför föreslagits att den ergonomisk interventionsforskning, i stället för ett primärt fokus på hälsa, i högre grad bör integreras i rationaliseringsprocesserna. Dessa skulle då primärt fokusera organisatorisk hållbarhet, dvs samtidigt hänsynstagande till både konkurrenskraft och arbetsmiljön i ett långsiktigt perspektiv.
En annan utmaning är att den ergonomiska interventionsforskningen mestadels är retrospektiv, dvs syftar till att minska de besvär som redan finns. Interventionsforskningen borde snarare vara prospektiv, det vill säga undersöka hur ergonomi kan integreras i rationaliseringsprocesserna.
På ovannämnda bakgrund har organisatorisk hållbarhet och prospektiva tillvägagångssätt guidat vår interventionsforskning under de senaste årtiondena.
Nyckelord: Produktionsergonomi, interventionsforskning, förändringsledning, arbetshälsa, riskfaktorer, rörelseorganen, fysisk hälsa, mental hälsa
En komplett publikationslista erhållas genom att klicka på dokumentet under rubriken "CV - Curriculum vitae" (under fotot).
Forebyggelse af MSB gennem udvikling af bæredygtige
Jörgen Winkel
The NOVO network: A Research and Development Platform with the Vision of a Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems in Health
Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Rolf H Westgaard
Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies - 2021 -
Corrigendum to “A method for effect modifier assessment (EMA) in ergonomic intervention research” [Appl. Ergon. 72C (2018)
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2020 -
Review paper: Secular trends in human physical capacities of the working population and some ergonomic
Kurt Jørgensen, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the 50th Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society Conference - DTUOrbit (05/11/2019). Eds.: Broberg, Ole and Seim, Rikke. 274-281, 2019 - 2019 -
Development and implementations of interventions managing work related musculoskeletal disorders: Inadequacy of prevalent research framework and future
Jörgen Winkel, Rolf H Westgaard
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health - 2019 -
A method for effect modifier assessment (EMA) in ergonomic intervention
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2018 -
Effect Modifier Assessment in intervention research by the EMA method - a variant of Chronicle
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2018 - 2018 -
Value Stream Mapping in healthcare: ergonomic implications and the significance of adding an ergonomic module - The NOVO Multicentre Study
Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Caroline Jarebrant, Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Kerstin Ulin, Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir
The 12th NOVO symposium : Care integration, systems reform and sustainability in health care, Helsinki, 15-16 November - 2018 -
Innovation and employee injury risk in automotive disassembly
W. Patrick Neumann, Jörgen Winkel, Gunnar Palmerud, Mikael Forsman
International Journal of Production Research - 2018 -
The NOVO Network: the original scientific basis for its establishment and our R&D
Jörgen Winkel, K Edwards, Lotta Dellve, Bernt Schiller, R.H. Westgaard
Dellve L., Wikström E., Björk L., Wolmesjö M., Larsson Fällmanand S. (Eds.) Abstract book of the 11th NOVO symposium. Gothenburg: 9-10 November - 2017 -
“The Nordic model”: historical origins and its significance for the work place dialogue towards increased organizational
Bernt Schiller, Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Lotta Dellve, Rolf H Westgaard
Dellve L., Wikström E., Björk L., Wolmesjö M., Larsson Fällmanand S. (Eds.) Abstract book of the 11th NOVO symposium. Gothenburg: 9-10 November - 2017 -
Scientific evidence suggests a changed approach in ergonomic intervention
Jörgen Winkel, Bernt Schiller, Lotta Dellve, Kasper Edwards, Patrick W Neumann, Therese Öhrling, Rolf H Westgaard
Osvalder A.-L., Blomé M. & Bodnar H. (Eds.) NES 2017, Conference Proceedings, - 2017 -
A method for Effect Modifier Assessment in intervention research – The EMA
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
European Association of Work and Organizational Psycholog. Dublin, Ireland: 17-20 May - 2017 -
ErgoVSM: A Tool for Integrating Value Stream Mapping and Ergonomics in
Caroline Jarebrant, Jörgen Winkel, Jan Johansson Hanse, Svend Erik Mathiassen, Birgitta Öjmertz
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries - 2016 -
The impact of servant leadership dimensions on leader–member exchange among health care
Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Winkel
Journal of Nursing Management - 2016 -
Effect modifiers in intervention research at hospitals in three Nordic
Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Caroline Jarebrant, Birna D Birgisdóttir, Jan Johansson Hanse, Sigrun Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Kerstin Ulin
Abstract book of the 10th NOVO symposium, Reykjavík, 10 – 11 November, 2016. s. 33 - 2016 -
A method for Effect Modifier Assessment in ergonomic intervention research – The EMA
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
Abstract book of the 10th NOVO symposium, Reykjavík, 10 – 11 November, 2016. s. 13 - 2016 -
Accounting for effect modifiers in ergonomic intervention
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the 48th annual conference of Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (NES) “NES2016 - Ergonomics in Theory and practice”. Kuopio, Finland, August 14-17, 2016 - 2016 -
Ergonomic Value Stream Mapping (ErgoVSM). Tool and User
Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Birna Dröfn Birgisdottir, Sigun Gunnarsdottir
Nordic Council of Ministers, ANP 2016:731 - 2016 -
Some key issues in the development of ergonomic intervention
Kasper Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the 48th annual conference of Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (NES) “NES2016 - Ergonomics in Theory and practice” - 2016 -
A Nordic evaluation of a work environment complement to Value Stream Mapping for increased sustainability of patient flows at hospitals - The NOVO Multicentre Study
Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir, Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse, Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Kerstin Ulin
Abstract book, The 9th Novo symposium: Sustainable Health Care Production Systems - 2015 -
Facilitating and inhibiting factors in change processes based on the lean tool ‘value stream mapping’: an exploratory case study at hospital
Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir, Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics - 2015 -
Factors facilitating and inhibiting Value Stream Mapping processes at hospital units in three Nordic countries - A Nordic Multicenter
Jörgen Winkel, Birna D Birgisdóttir, Kerstin Dudas, K Edwards, S Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse
O. Broberg, N. Fallentin, P. Hasle, P.L. Jensen, A. Kabel, M.E. Larsen, T.Weller (Editors). 11th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management 46th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference - 2014 -
Using Chronicle Workshop to quantify impact of context in case
K Edwards, Dröfn B Birgisdóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Ulin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
In: Kasper Edwards & Jørgen Winkel (Eds.) Abstract book, The 8th Novo symposium: Sustainable Health Care Production Systems, Copenhagen, November 6 - 7, 2014, Technical University of Denmark. - 2014 -
Framtidens VårdArbete. Proaktivt förändringsarbete för hållbart
Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Winkel
2014 -
Significance of Servant Leadership for creativity in change processes when using the Lean tool Value Stream Mapping
Dröfn B Birgisdóttir, Kasper Edwards, Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Ulin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
In: Kasper Edwards & Jørgen Winkel (Eds.) Abstract book, The 8th Novo symposium: Sustainable Health Care Production Systems, Copenhagen, November 6 - 7, 2014, Technical University of Denmark - 2014 -
Facilitation of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) processes: significance of first line hospital manager participation and staff perception of servant
Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir, Dröfn B Birgisdóttir, Kasper Edwards, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Ulin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
In: Kasper Edwards & Jørgen Winkel (Eds.) Abstract book, The 8th Novo symposium: Sustainable Health Care Production Systems, Copenhagen, November 6 - 7, 2014, Technical University of Denmark - 2014 -
Optimering av handlingsplaner för utveckling av hållbara arbetsprocesser inom
Jan Johansson Hanse, Caroline Jarebrant, Jörgen Winkel, Ulrika Harlin, Kerstin Ulin
2014 -
May sustainability of patient flows at hospitals be increased by adding a work environment module to Value Stream Mapping (VSM)? - A NOVO Multicenter study in Denmark, Iceland and
Jörgen Winkel, Dröfn B Birgisdóttir, Kasper Edwards, Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse, Kerstin Ulin
In: Kasper Edwards & Jørgen Winkel (Eds.) Abstract book, The 8th Novo symposium: Sustainable Health Care Production Systems, Copenhagen, November 6 - 7, 2014, Technical University of Denmark - 2014 -
Comparison of Servant Leadership (SL) at hospital wards in Denmark, Iceland and Sweden: A NOVO Multicenter
Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir, Dröfn B Birgisdóttir, Kasper Edwards, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Ulin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
In: Kasper Edwards & Jørgen Winkel (Eds.) Abstract book, The 8th Novo symposium: Sustainable Health Care Production Systems, Copenhagen, November 6 - 7, 2014, Technical University of Denmark - 2014 -
Development of a tool for integrating Value Stream Mapping and ergonomics in healthcare - A Nordic Multicenter
Caroline Jarebrant, Birna Birgisdóttir Dröfn, Kerstin Dudas, Kasper Edwards, Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
The 7th Nordic Working Life Conference. Book of Abstracts and Programme - 2014 -
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and Psychosocial Factors at Work Among Healthcare
Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Winkel
Journal of Nursing and Care - 2014 -
Jörgen Winkel, Rolf Westgaard
Människan i arbetslivet, Teori och praktik - 2014 -
Simulating the Mechanism by Which Lean Increases Injury Risk for
W P Neumann, M Forsman, Jörgen Winkel
Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Sessions (ISERC 2014) at the IIE annual Conference, Montreal, June 1-3 - 2014 -
Lean och arbetsmiljö inom sjukvården: Proaktivt förändringsarbete för hållbara arbetsprocesser inom
Jan Johansson Hanse, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Jörgen Winkel
FALF Abstracts. Arbetslivets föränderlighet. FALF 17-19 juni 2013, Stockholm - 2013 -
Ergonomic Value stream Mapping (ErgoVSM) – potential for integrating work environment issues in a Lean rationalization process at two Swedish
Jörgen Winkel, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse
7th NOVO Symposium: A Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems in the Health Care Sector, Helsinki 25 – 26 November, 2013 - 2013 -
Introduction of Lean/Value Stream Mapping at hospital units in three Nordic countries and expected impact on the working environment - A Nordic Multicenter
Jörgen Winkel, B D Birgisdóttir, Kerstin Dudas, K Edwards, S Gunnarsdóttir, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse
International HELIX Conference 2013 - 2013 -
ERGONOVA Workbook. Ergonomic Value Stream Mapping in health
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Jörgen Winkel
2013 -
Ergonomic Value stream Mapping (ErgoVSM) – potential for integrating work environment issues in a Lean rationalization process at a Danish
K Edwards, Jörgen Winkel
7th NOVO Symposium: A Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems in the Health Care Sector, Helsinki 25 – 26 November, 2013 - 2013 -
Working conditions, health and productivity among dentists in Swedish public dental care - a prospective study during a 5-year period of
B. Rolander, D. Jonker, Jörgen Winkel, Leif Sandsjö, I. Balogh, E. Svensson, K. Ekberg
Ergonomics - 2013 -
Rationalisation in public dental care - impact on clinical work tasks and mechanical exposure for dentists - a prospective
D. Jonker, B. Rolander, I. Balogh, L. Sandsjo, K. Ekberg, Jörgen Winkel
Ergonomics - 2013 -
A Nordic work environment complement to Value Stream Mapping (VSM) for sustainable patient flows at hospitals – A NOVO Multicenter
Jörgen Winkel, Birna Birgisdottir, Kerstin Dudas, Kasper Edwards, Sigrun Gunnarsdottir, Ulrika Harlin, Caroline Jarebrant, Jan Johansson Hanse
Abstract book. 6th NOVO Symposium - 2012 -
Previous experiences of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) at the hospital units included in the Swedish part of the NOVO Multicenter
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Abstract book. 6th NOVO symposium - 2012 -
Researching Lean: Methodological implications of loose
M Brännmark, J Langstrand, S Johansson, A Halvarsson, L Abrahamsson, Jörgen Winkel
15th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2012, September 5-7, 2012. Poznan, Poland - 2012 -
Simulating the effects of efficiency improvement efforts on mechanical
M Forsman, WP Neumann, Gunnar Palmerud, Jörgen Winkel
"Ergonomics for Sustainability and Growth”. Book of abstracts. Editors: A-B Antonsson, K Vogel, G M Hägg - 2012 -
Researching Lean: Methodological implications of loose
M Brännmark, J Langstrand, S Johansson, A Halvarsson, L Abrahamsson, Jörgen Winkel
Quality Innovation Prosperity - 2012 -
Mechanical exposure implications of rationalization: a comparison of two flow strategies in a Swedish manufacturing
Gunnar Palmerud, Mikael Forsman, P W Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2012 -
Rationalization as a Determinant of Mechanical Exposure and
Mikael Forsman, Gunnar Palmerud, W Patrick Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the 2nd Rower Conference on Occupational Health and Safety Economics - 2011 -
Occupational musculoskeletal and mental health: Significance of rationalization and opportunities to create sustainable production systems - A systematic
R H Westgaard, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2011 -
A Nordic work environment complement to Value Stream Mapping for sustainable patient flows at hospitals – A NOVO Multicenter
Jörgen Winkel, Kasper Edwards, Sigrun Gunnarsdóttir, Caroline Jarebrant, Rolf H Westgaard
Abstract at the Nordic Workshop: ’Nordiske perspektiver på arbejdsmiljø’, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark. November 21-22, 2011 - 2011 -
Mechanical exposure among general practice dentists in Sweden and possible implications of rationalization.
Dirk Jonker, Bo Rolander, Istvan Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, Kerstin Ekberg, Jörgen Winkel
Ergonomics - 2011 -
ERGONOVA Arbetsbok. Ergonomisk värdeflödesanalys inom vård och
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Jörgen Winkel
2010 -
ERGONOVA Handledning. Ergonomisk värdeflödesanalys inom vård och
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, Jörgen Winkel
2010 -
A tool for development of sustainable health care systems by integrating considerations for performance and job
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Book of Abstracts. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3 - 2010 -
ProVÅRD - Verktyg och processer för värdeskapande
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings: Kvalitetsveckan, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, 8–12 mars 2010 - 2010 -
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
ABSTRACT PREMUS 2010 - 2010 -
Rationalization trends in working life: challenges and opportunities to create sustainable production systems (part I and II).
Jörgen Winkel, R H Westgaard
Book of Abstracts. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3 - 2010 -
Occupational musculoskeletal and mental health: significance of rationalization and opportunities to create sustainable production systems – a systematic
R H Westgaard, Jörgen Winkel
Book of Abstracts. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3 - 2010 -
Impact on working conditions, productivity and health of dentists - a prospective study during rationalizations in public dental
B Rolander, D Jonker, Istvan Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, Jörgen Winkel, E Svensson, Kerstin Ekberg
Book of Abstracts. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3 - 2010 -
Rationalization in public dental care and impact on biomechanical exposures for dentists - a prospective
D Jonker, B Rolander, Istvan Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, Kerstin Ekberg, Jörgen Winkel
Book of Abstracts. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3 - 2010 -
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at
E Takala, I Pehkonen, M Forsman, G-Å Hansson, S E Mathiassen, W P Neumann, G Sjøgaard, K B Veiersted, R Westgaard, Jörgen Winkel
Scand J Work Environ Health - 2010 -
Rationalization as a determinant of mechanical exposure - case studies of parallel and serial flow production in two auto branches at different levels of
M Forsman, Gunnar Palmerud, W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Book of Abstracts. PREMUS 2010, Angers, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3 - 2010 -
A tool for considering job content in the development of production flow by value stream mapping at
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
“Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems”. 3rd NOVO Symposium, National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 9 – 10, 2009 - 2009 -
Evaluation and development of an ergonomic complement to the Value Stream Mapping tool – a NOVO multicenter Study
K Edwards, Kerstin Dudas, Jan Johansson Hanse, Ulrika Harlin, A Hegstad, K.A. Holte, Caroline Jarebrant, M Laine, N Möller, T Sinervo, E Sjövold, Jörgen Winkel
“Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems”. 3rd NOVO Symposium, National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 9 – 10, 2009 - 2009 -
ProVÅRD – Pro-aktivt och värdeskapande arbete inom vården. Konsekvensanalys och integrering av arbetsmiljöfaktorer vid verksamhetsutveckling. Delrapport 1 till AFA - augusti
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
2009 -
Verktyg och processer för värdeskapande arbete och god arbetsmiljö inom vården - en proaktiv
Caroline Jarebrant, Kerstin Dudas, Ulrika Harlin, Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings från konferensen ”Arbetet i människors liv”, Göteborgs universitet, 13-14 maj, 2009 - 2009 -
Jörgen Winkel
3rd NOVO Symposium, National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 9 – 10, 2009 - 2009 -
Rationalization in public dental care and its impact on working conditions, productivity and health of dentists – a prospective
B Rolander, D Jonker, I Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, Jörgen Winkel, E Svensson, K Ekberg
Abstract Book: “Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems”. 3rd NOVO Symposium, National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 9 – 10, 2009 - 2009 -
Rationalisation in public dental care and impact on biomechanical exposures for dentists - a prospective
D Jonker, B Rolander, I Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, K Ekberg, Jörgen Winkel
“Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems”. 3rd NOVO Symposium, National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 9 – 10, 2009 - 2009 -
Occupational musculoskeletal and mental health: significance of rationalization and opportunities to create sustainable production systems in health care – a systematic
R H Westgaard, Jörgen Winkel
“Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems”. 3rd NOVO Symposium, National Research Centre for the Working Environment. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 9 – 10, 2009 - 2009 -
Organisatoriska förändringar inom folktandvården: effekter på arbetsvillkor, produktivitett och tandläkarnas
B Rolander, D Jonker, I Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, Jörgen Winkel, K Ekberg
Proceedings från konferensen ”Arbetet i människors liv”, Göteborgs universitet, 13-14 maj, 2009 - 2009 -
Observational methods measuring physical exposuresof musculoskeletal system at
E Takala, I Pehkonen, M Forsman, G-Å Hansson, S E Mathiassen, W P Neumann, G Sjögaard, R Westgaard, Jörgen Winkel
2009 -
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at
E Takala, I Pehkonen, M Forsman, G-Å Hansson, S E Mathiassen, W P Neumann, G Sjögaard, K B Veiersted, R Westgaard, Jörgen Winkel
On the CD of the17th world congress on ergonomics, IEA2009; Aug 9-14, 2009; Beijing, China: International Ergonomics Association - 2009 -
Mechanical exposure among general practice dentists in Sweden and possible implications of
D Jonker, B Rolander, I Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, K Ekberg, Jörgen Winkel
On the CD of the17th world congress on ergonomics, IEA2009; Aug 9-14, 2009; Beijing, China: International Ergonomics Association - 2009 -
Integrating ergonomics into production system development - The Volvo Powertrain
W P Neumann, M Ekman, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2009 -
A search for risk factors of upper extremity disorders among forest machine operators: A comparison between France and
Tove Ostensvik, Kaj Bo Veiersted, Emmanuel Cuchet, Petter Nilsen, Jan Johansson Hanse, Caisa Carlzon, Jörgen Winkel
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics - 2008 -
Work organisation constructs and ergonomic outcomes among European forest machine
Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Ergonomics - 2008 -
Risk factors of occupational MSDs and pontial solutions: past, present and
Jörgen Winkel, R H Westgaard
HESA - 2008 -
Facteurs de risques de TMS au travail et perspectives de solutions: passé, présent,
Jörgen Winkel, R H Westgaard
HESA - 2008 -
Abstract Book of 2nd NOVO Symposium: Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems, 3. - 4.12.2008 Espoo,
M Laine, T Sinervo, Jörgen Winkel
2008 -
Report from the Danish national dialogue meeting in Odense, May 14,
J H Winslöw, Jörgen Winkel
Laine M, Sinervo T, Winkel J (Eds.): Abstract Book of 2nd NOVO Symposium: Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems, 3. - 4.12.2008 Espoo, Finland - 2008 -
Mechanical exposure levels and duration of value-adding versus non-value-adding tasks among general practice dentists in
D Jonker, B Rolander, I Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, K Ekberg, Jörgen Winkel
Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 11-13, 2008 - 2008 -
Physical demands and reported illness among dentists - A longitudinal
B Rolander, B Jonker, I Balogh, Leif Sandsjö, Jörgen Winkel, K Ekberg
Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 11-13, 2008 - 2008 -
Abstract Book of 2nd NOVO Symposium: Sustainable Nordic Health Care
Jörgen Winkel
Abstract Book of 2nd NOVO Symposium - 2008 -
Report from the Danish national dialogue meeting in Odense, May 14,
Jörgen Winkel
Abstract Book of 2nd NOVO Symposium: Sustainable Nordic Health Care Systems - 2008 -
Utveckling och validering av verktyg och arbetssätt för hållbara produktionssystem inom vård och
Caroline Jarebrant, Jörgen Winkel, Jan Johansson Hanse, Kerstin Dudas
Nordisk FoU-nätverk inom Vård och Omsorg. NOVO - 2007 -
Work organisation: a literature review on concepts, constructs and measured operational
Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Abstracts Saturday. The XIIIth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. 9-12 May 2007, Stockholm - 2007 -
Time - A key issue for musculoskeletal health and
R. Wells, S. E. Mathiassen, Lars Medbo, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2007 -
A case study of serial-flow car disassembly: ergonomics, productivity and potential system
Karolina Kazmierczak, W. Patrick Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing - 2007 -
Ergonomisk Värdeflödesanalys i vård och omsorg, ERGONOVA, Verktyget som förenar effektiv verksamhet och god arbetsmiljö, Version 1, Handledning. Uppdragsrapport
Caroline Jarebrant, B Öjmertz, S E Mathiassen, Jörgen Winkel
2006 -
Ergonomisk Värdeflödesanalys i vård och omsorg, ERGONOVA, Verktyget som förenar effektiv verksamhet och god arbetsmiljö, Version 1, Arbetsbok. Uppdragsrapport
Caroline Jarebrant, B Öjmertz, S E Mathiassen, Jörgen Winkel
2006 -
Ergonomics and effective production systems – moving from reactive to proactive
Jörgen Winkel, W P Neumann
Proceedings: Intervention practices for concerted change in firms. Organised by: The French National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions (Anact) and EU. Lyon, France - 2006 -
Who is Responsible for Human Factors in Engineering Design? The Case of Volvo
W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of Third CDEN/RCCI International Design Conference on Education, Innovation, and practice in Engineering Design, pp 82-88, July 2006, Toronto - 2006 -
Health and Performance in Mechanised Forest
S Gellerstedt, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Conference, July 2006, The Netherlands. Elsevier Ltd. - 2006 -
Production ergonomics in present and future car
K Kazmierczak, W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Conference, July 2006, The Netherlands. Elsevier Ltd. - 2006 -
Observer reliability of industrial activity analysis based on video
K Kazmierczak, S E Mathiassen, W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
International Journal Industrial Ergonomics - 2006 -
Production System Design Elements Influencing Productivity and Ergonomics - A Case Study of Parallel and Serial Flow
W. P. Neumann, Jörgen Winkel, R Magneberg, S. E. Mathiassen, Lars Medbo
International Journal of Operation & Production Management - 2006 -
Work exposure and complaints in a sample of French and Norwegian forest machine operators – A comparative field study within the ErgoWood
T Ostenvik, E Cuchet, K B Veierstedt, T Vik, P Nilsen, J Lamiscarre, M Bigot, Jan Johansson Hanse, C Carlzon, Jörgen Winkel
2005 -
Work exposure and complaints in a sample of French and Norwegian forest machine operators. A comparative field study within the ErgoWood
Tove Ostensvik, Emmanuel Cuchet, Kaj Bo Veiersted, Tore Vik, Petter Nilsen, Joel Lamiscarre, Jan Johansson Hanse, Caisa Carlzon, Jörgen Winkel
2005 -
Ergonomi och effektiva produktionssystem - från reaktiv till proaktiv
Jörgen Winkel, W P Neumann
Arbetslivsinstitutet, Info 2005:05 - 2005 -
Ergonomisk Värdeflödesanalys.
Caroline Jarebrant, B Öjmertz, S E Mathiassen, Jörgen Winkel
2005 -
Ergonomisk Värdeflödesanalys.
Caroline Jarebrant, B Öjmertz, S E Mathiassen, Jörgen Winkel
2005 -
“European ergonomic guidelines for forest machines”. Produced by ErgoWood, a project co-financed by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources –
S Gellerstedt et al, Jörgen Winkel
2005 -
Health and Performance in Mechanised Forest Operations”. A handbook produced by ErgoWood, a project co-financed by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources –
S Gellerstedt et al, Jörgen Winkel
2005 -
Ergonomics and effective production systems - moving from reactive to proactive
Jörgen Winkel, W P Neumann
National Institute for Working Life, Sweden. Info: 2005:07 - 2005 -
Ergonomics and time consumption – a serial-flow system versus traditional craft-type car
M Forsman, K Kazmierczak, Gunnar Palmerud, Caisa Carlzon, W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings: Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES) 37th Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, 10-12 October - 2005 -
Symposium Introduction: Integrating Ergonomics in Production System
W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings: Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES) 37th Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, 10-12 October - 2005 -
Organisational design and the (dis)integration of human factors in production system
W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
10th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility and Hybrid Automation - HAAMAHA 2005, San Diego, USA - 2005 -
An integrated analysis of ergonomics and time consumption in Swedish 'craft-type' car
K. Kazmierczak, S. E. Mathiassen, Mikael Forsman, Jörgen Winkel
Applied Ergonomics - 2005 -
Incidence of shoulder and neck pain in a working population - effect modification between mechanical and psychosocial exposures at work? Results from a one-year follow-up study of the Malmö Shoulder Neck Study
P-O Östergren, B S Hansson, I Balogh, J Ektor-Andersen, A Isacsson, P Orbæk, Jörgen Winkel, S-O Isacsson
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health - 2005 -
Validity of self-assessed occurrence and duration of occupational tasks.
J Unge, G-Å Hansson, K Ohlsson, C Nordander, A Axmon, Jörgen Winkel, S Skerfving
Ergonomics - 2005 -
Formation of work organisation indices as predictors of job satisfaction among forest machine
Jan Johansson Hanse, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings of the 37th annual congress of the Nordic Ergonomics Society - 2005 -
Ergonomic Value Stream Mapping – an integrated rationalization tool considering ergonomics and
S E Mathiassen, Caroline Jarebrant, B Öjmertz, Jörgen Winkel
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders. ETH Zurich, Switzerland - 2004 -
Ergonomic Value Stream Mapping - an ergonomic complement to a rationalization
Caroline Jarebrant, S E Mathiassen, B Öjmertz, Jörgen Winkel
Proceedings from Nordic Ergonomics. Society 36th Annual Conference - 2004 -
Lätt att falla i
Jörgen Winkel
Arbetarskydd - 2004 -
Workshop: Making ergonomic intervention research
W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders. ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Abstract Book - 2004 -
Predicting mechanical exposures in future car disassembly
K Kazmierczak, Jörgen Winkel, S E Mathiassen, M Forsman
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders. ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Abstract Book - 2004 -
Integrating health costs within production
M Oxenburgh, W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders. ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Abstract Book - 2004 -
Postures and movements in line-based and parallel motor assembly
G Palmerud, M Forsman, S E Mathiassen, W P Neumann, Jörgen Winkel
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders. ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Abstract Book - 2004 -
Ergonomics in car disassembly industry on the edge of major
K Kazmierczak, Jörgen Winkel, S E Mathiassen, R H Westgaard, M Forsman
International IMS Forum 2004. Global Challenges in Manufacturing - 2004 -
Self-assessed and direct measured physical activities - influence of musculoskeletal
I Balogh, P Ørbæk, K Ohlsson, C Nordander, Unge Byström, Jörgen Winkel, G-Å Hansson
Applied Ergonomics - 2004 -
Car disassembly and ergonomics in Sweden: Current situation and future perspectives in light of new environmental
K Kazmierczak, Jörgen Winkel, R H Westgaard
International Journal of Production Research - 2004 -
Time as a key issue for enhanced cooperation between engineering and
R Wells, S-E Mathiassen, Lars Medbo, Jörgen Winkel
Fourth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS), September 30-October 04 - 2001 -
A Swedish industrial research program 'Co-operative for Optimization of industrial production systems regarding Productivity and Ergonomics'
Jörgen Winkel, Marita Christmansson, Henrik Cyren, Tomas Engström, Mikael Forsman, Gert-Åke Hansson, Jan Johansson Hanse
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 1999 -
A Swedish industrial research program ‘Co-operative for optimization of industrial production systems regarding productivity and ergonomics’
Jörgen Winkel, Tomas Engström, Mikael Forsman, Gert-Åke Hansson, Jan Johansson Hanse, Roland Kadefors
Proceedings of The 13th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA´97) - 1997