
CARe scientists successful in FORMAS call

The Swedish Research Council FORMAS have granted Anne Farewell, Carl-Fredrik Flach and Joakim Larsson three million SEK each for research on different aspects on antibiotic resistance. Ca 14% of all applications in the call were granted.

Dr Farewell's project deals with the role of pesticides as drivers of antibiotic resistance evolution and transmission to human pathogens.

Dr Flach's project is expected to generate results and methods important for assessing risks regarding ARGs in wastewaters.

Professor Larsson's project addresses the risks for selection of multi-resistant bacteria in sewer systems from hospitals.

Link to FORMAS website with the decision and list of granted projects.  https://formas.se/en/start-page/archive/calls/2021-01-19-annual-open-call-2021---research-projects.html

CARe’s website https://www.gu.se/en/care