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- Sten-Åke Wängberg
Sten-Åke Wängberg
Professor emeritus
Institutionen för marina vetenskaperOm Sten-Åke Wängberg
Övrigt Koordinator för det naturvetenskapliga miljövetarprogrammet
Undervisningsområde Växtfysiologi, Marin biologi, Miljö
Forskningsområde/aktuella projekt Marin mikrobiell ekologi, framför allt hur olika miljöstörningar påverkar sammansättningen och funktionen hos mikroalgsamhällen. Forskningen är koncentrerad kring effekter av ultraviolett strålning men har även omfattat effekter av toxiska ämnen. I forskningen utnyttjas experimentella system som möjliggör studier av långsiktiga förändringar tillsammans med mätningar av akuta effekter på funktionella parametrar. Genom detta skapas kunskap om vilken betydelse de akuta effekterna har för långsiktiga, ekologiska, konsekvenser. De funktionella parametrar som främst används är fotosyntes och bakteriell produktion. Strukturellt beskrivs samhällen eller populationer som cellantal, arter, och kemisk sammansättning (pigment, fettsyror, kol, kväve, fosfor etc) för att identifiera förändringar mellan samhällen och ge uppfattning om mikoorganismers födövärde för högre trofinivåer. Forskningen bedrivs både med kulturer på laboratoriet och i fält på västkusten och i polara områden.
Marine microbial ecology, especially, how changes in environmental factors affect structure and function of microalgal communities. The research is focused on the effects of ultraviolet radiation but includes also the effects of toxic compounds. Experimental system used includes techniques to describe long-term changes as well as acute effects on functional parameters. Together this gives information about the significance of the acute effects for the long-term, ecological, changes. The functional parameters used are, primarily, photosynthesis and bacterial production. Structurally communities and populations are characterized as cell numbers, species and chemical composition (pigments, fatty acids, carbon nitrogen, phosphorus etc.) to identify differences between communities and give information of the value of the microorganisms as food for higher trophic levels. The research is performed with cultures in the laboratory and in the field, on the Swedish west coast and in polar areas.
Personlig hemsida/personal homepage http://www2.dpes.gu.se/staff/stewan/
Environmental plastics in the context of UV radiation, climate change, and the Montreal
Marcel A. K. Jansen, Anthony L. Andrady, Paul W. Barnes, Rosa Busquets, Laura E. Revell, Janet F. Bornman, Pieter J. Aucamp, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Anastazia T. Banaszak, Germar H. Bernhard, Laura S. Bruckman, Donat-P. Haeder, Mark L. Hanson, Anu M. Heikkila, Samuel Hylander, Robyn M. Lucas, Roy Mackenzie, Sasha Madronich, Patrick J. Neale, Rachel E. Neale, Catherine M. Olsen, Rachele Ossola, Krishna K. Pandey, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Sharon A. Robinson, T. Matthew Robson, Kevin C. Rose, Keith R. Solomon, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Barbara Sulzberger, Timothy J. Wallington, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Christopher C. White, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp, Liping Zhu
Plastics in the environment in the context of UV radiation, climate change and the Montreal Protocol: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update
Marcel A. K. Jansen, Anthony L. Andrady, Janet F. Bornman, Pieter J. Aucamp, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Anastazia T. Banaszak, Paul W. Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Laura S. Bruckman, Rosa Busquets, Donat-P. Haeder, Mark L. Hanson, Anu M. Heikkila, Samuel Hylander, Robyn M. Lucas, Roy Mackenzie, Sasha Madronich, Patrick J. Neale, Rachel E. Neale, Catherine M. Olsen, Rachele Ossola, Krishna K. Pandey, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Laura E. Revell, Sharon A. Robinson, T. Matthew Robson, Kevin C. Rose, Keith R. Solomon, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Barbara Sulzberger, Timothy J. Wallington, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Christopher C. White, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp, Liping Zhu
The response of aquatic ecosystems to the interactive effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and climate
P. J. Neale, C. E. Williamson, A. T. Banaszak, D. P. Haeder, S. Hylander, R. Ossola, K. C. Rose, Sten-Åke Wängberg, R. Zepp
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences - 2023 -
Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update
P. W. Barnes, T. M. Robson, P. J. Neale, C. E. Williamson, R. G. Zepp, S. Madronich, S. R. Wilson, A. L. Andrady, A. M. Heikkilä, G. H. Bernhard, A. F. Bais, R. E. Neale, J. F. Bornman, M. A. K. Jansen, A. R. Klekociuk, J. Martinez-Abaigar, S. A. Robinson, Q. W. Wang, A. T. Banaszak, D. P. Häder, S. Hylander, K. C. Rose, Sten-Åke Wängberg, B. Foereid, W. C. Hou, R. Ossola, N. D. Paul, J. E. Ukpebor, M. P. S. Andersen, J. Longstreth, T. Schikowski, K. R. Solomon, B. Sulzberger, L. S. Bruckman, K. K. Pandey, C. C. White, L. Zhu, M. Zhu, P. J. Aucamp, J. B. Liley, R. L. McKenzie, M. Berwick, S. N. Byrne, L. M. Hollestein, R. M. Lucas, C. M. Olsen, L. E. Rhodes, S. Yazar, A. R. Young
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences - 2022 -
Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update
R. E. Neale, P. W. Barnes, T. M. Robson, P. J. Neale, C. E. Williamson, R. G. Zepp, S. R. Wilson, S. Madronich, A. L. Andrady, A. M. Heikkila, G. H. Bernhard, A. F. Bais, P. J. Aucamp, A. T. Banaszak, J. F. Bornman, L. S. Bruckman, S. N. Byrne, B. Foereid, D. P. Hader, L. M. Hollestein, W. C. Hou, S. Hylander, M. A. K. Jansen, A. R. Klekociuk, J. B. Liley, J. Longstreth, R. M. Lucas, J. Martinez-Abaigar, K. McNeill, C. M. Olsen, K. K. Pandey, L. E. Rhodes, S. A. Robinson, K. C. Rose, T. Schikowski, K. R. Solomon, B. Sulzberger, J. E. Ukpebor, Q. W. Wang, Sten-Åke Wängberg, C. C. White, S. Yazar, A. R. Young, P. J. Young, L. Zhu, M. Zhu
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences - 2021 -
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world's large
Jean Philippe Jenny, Orlane Anneville, Fabien Arnaud, Yoann Baulaz, Damien Bouffard, Isabelle Domaizon, Serghei A. Bocaniov, Nathalie Chèvre, Maria Dittrich, Jean Marcel Dorioz, Erin S. Dunlop, Gaël Dur, Jean Guillard, Thibault Guinaldo, Stéphan Jacquet, Aurélien Jamoneau, Zobia Jawed, Erik Jeppesen, Gail Krantzberg, John Lenters, Barbara Leoni, Michel Meybeck, Veronica Nava, Tiina Nõges, Peeter Nõges, Martina Patelli, Victoria Pebbles, Marie Elodie Perga, Serena Rasconi, Carl R. Ruetz, Lars Rudstam, Nico Salmaso, Sharma Sapna, Dietmar Straile, Olga Tammeorg, Michael R. Twiss, Donald G. Uzarski, Anne Mari Ventelä, Warwick F. Vincent, Steven W. Wilhelm, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer
Journal of Great Lakes Research - 2020 -
Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update
G. H. Bernhard, R. E. Neale, P. W. Barnes, P. J. Neale, R. G. Zepp, S. R. Wilson, A. L. Andrady, A. F. Bais, R. L. McKenzie, P. J. Aucamp, P. J. Young, J. B. Liley, R. M. Lucas, S. Yazar, L. E. Rhodes, S. N. Byrne, L. M. Hollestein, C. M. Olsen, A. R. Young, T. M. Robson, J. F. Bornman, M. A.K. Jansen, S. A. Robinson, C. L. Ballaré, C. E. Williamson, K. C. Rose, A. T. Banaszak, D. P. Häder, S. Hylander, Sten-Åke Wängberg, A. T. Austin, W. C. Hou, N. D. Paul, S. Madronich, B. Sulzberger, K. R. Solomon, H. Li, T. Schikowski, J. Longstreth, K. K. Pandey, A. M. Heikkilä, C. C. White
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences - 2020 -
Ozone depletion, ultraviolet radiation, climate change and prospects for a sustainable
Paul W. Barnes, Craig E. Williamson, Robyn M. Lucas, Sharon A. Robinson, Sasha Madronich, Nigel D. Paul, Janet F. Bornman, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Barbara Sulzberger, Stephen R. Wilson, Anthony L. Andrady, Richard L. McKenzie, Patrick J. Neale, Amy T. Austin, Germar H. Bernhard, Keith R. Solomon, Rachel E. Neale, Paul J. Young, Mary Norval, Lesley E. Rhodes, Samuel Hylander, Kevin C. Rose, Janice Longstreth, Pieter J. Aucamp, Carlos L. Ballaré, Rose M. Cory, Stephan D. Flint, Frank R. de Gruijl, Donat P. Häder, Anu M. Heikkilä, Marcel A.K. Jansen, Krishna K. Pandey, T. Matthew Robson, Craig A. Sinclair, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Seyhan Yazar, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp
Nature Sustainability - 2019 -
The interactive effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and climate change on aquatic
Craig E. Williamson, Patrick J. Neale, Samuel Hylander, Kevin C. Rose, Félix L. Figueroa, Sharon A. Robinson, Donat P. Häder, Robert C. Worrest, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences - 2019 -
Environmental effects of ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update
A. F. Bais, R. M. Lucas, J. F. Bornman, C. E. Williamson, B. Sulzberger, A. T. Austin, S. R. Wilson, A. L. Andrady, G. Bernhard, R. L. McKenzie, P. J. Aucamp, S. Madronich, R. E. Neale, S. Yazar, A. R. Young, F. R. de Gruijl, M. Norval, Y. Takizawa, P. W. Barnes, T. M. Robson, S. A. Robinson, C. L. Ballare, S. D. Flint, P. J. Neale, S. Hylander, K. C. Rose, Sten-Åke Wängberg, D. P. Hader, R. C. Worrest, R. G. Zepp, N. D. Paul, R. M. Cory, K. R. Solomon, J. Longstreth, K. K. Pandey, H. H. Redhwi, A. Torikaiaj, A. M. Heikkila
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences - 2018 -
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report,
Anthony Andrady, Pieter J. Aucamp, Amy T. Austin, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Carlos L. Ballaré, Paul W. Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Lars Olof Björn, Janet F. Bornman, David J. Erickson, Frank R. De Gruijl, Donat P. Häder, Mohammad Ilyas, Janice Longstreth, Robyn M. Lucas, Sasha Madronich, Richard L. McKenzie, Rachel Neale, Mary Norval, Krishna K. Pandey, Nigel Paul, Halim Hamid Redhwi, Sharon A. Robinson, Kevin Rose, Min Shao, Rajeshwar P. Sinha, Keith R. Solomon, Barbara Sulzberger, Yukio Takizawa, Ayako Torikai, Kleareti Tourpali, Craig E. Williamson, Stephen R. Wilson, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Robert C. Worrest, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences - 2017 -
Vänern och dess fantastiska
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Göran Broström, Lars Arneborg, Mark D. Johnson
Skaraborgsnatur 2017 - 2017 -
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: progress report,
A Andrady, AT Aucamp, AT Austin, AF Bain, CL Ballare, PW Barnes, GH Bernhard, LO Björn, JF Bornman, DJ Erickson, FR de Gruijl, DP Häder, M Ilyas, J Longstreth, RM Lucas, S Madronich, RL McKenzie, R Neal, M Norval, KK Pandey, N Paul, HH Redhwi, SA Robinson, K Rose, M Shao, RP Sinha, KR Solomon, B Sulzberger, A Torikai, K Tourpali, CE Williamson, SR Wilson, Sten-Åke Wängberg, RC Worrest, AR Young, RG Zepp
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences - 2016 -
Nationell angelägenhet eller bortglömd
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Bjarne Olsson, Marita Bengtsson, Marcus Drotz
Värmlands Folkblad - 2016 -
Vänern - Nationell angelägenhet eller bortglömd
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Bjarne Olsson, Marita Bengtsson, Marcus Drotz
Mariestads Tidningen - 2016 -
Effects of UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with other environmental
D. P. Hader, C. E. Williamson, Sten-Åke Wängberg, M. Rautio, K. C. Rose, K. S. Gao, E. W. Helbling, R. P. Sinha, R. Worrest
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences - 2015 -
Ecosystem health of Lake Vanern: Past, present and future
Göran Dave, M. Munawar, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management - 2015 -
M. Munawar, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Göran Dave
Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management - 2014 -
Lake Vänern: A historical
M.K. Drotz, Sten-Åke Wängberg, E. Jakobsson, Eva Gustavsson, L.G. Nilsson
Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management - 2014 -
Influence of trace metal release from volcanic ash on growth of Thalassiosira pseudonana and Emiliania
L. J. Hoffmann, Eike Breitbarth, M. V. Ardelan, S. Duggen, N. Olgun, Martin Hassellöv, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Marine Chemistry - 2012 -
Forskning och kunskapsproducenter runt Vänern. Kunskapsunderlag inom
Marcus Drotz, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Björn Ohlsson, Leif Lithander, Pernilla Schedin
2012 -
Grazer-induced chain length plasticity reduces grazing risk in a marine
Johanna Bergkvist, Peter Thor, H. H. Jakobsen, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Erik Selander
Limnology and Oceanography - 2012 -
Diatom Derived Polyunsaturated Aldehydes Do Not Structure the Planktonic Microbial Community in a Mesocosm
C. Paul, A. Reunamo, E. Lindehoff, Johanna Bergkvist, M. A. Mausz, H. Larsson, H. Richter, Sten-Åke Wängberg, P. Leskinen, U. Bamstedt, G. Pohnert
Marine Drugs - 2012 -
Diatom produced polyunsaturatd aldehydes – significance and ecological
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Johanna Bergkvist
Abstraktsamling från 11th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology in Piran, Slovenia, from August 30 to September 4 - 2009 -
Rebecca L Taylor, Katarina Abrahamsson, Anna Godhe, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Journal of Phycology - 2009 -
The production of polyunsaturated aldehydes by diatoms – a defence against viral
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Johanna Bergkvist, Rebecca L Taylor
Abstraktsamling från GRC conferance on Marine microbes, Lucca July 13-18 - 2008 -
UV-B effects on microplankton communities in
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Kristin I. M. Andreasson, Kim Gustavson, Thomas Reinthaler, Peter Henriksen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2008 -
Effects of UV-B radiation on interactions within the microbial community in an arctic
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Kristin I. M. Andreasson, Kim Gustavson, Peter Henriksen
Abstraktsamling från EMBS meeting in Kiel Aug. 27-31 - 2007 -
Reduction in growth rate in Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillarlophyceae) and Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae) induced by UV-B
Kristin I. M. Andreasson, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology - 2007 -
Effects of changes in ambient PAR and UV radiation on the nutritional quality of an Arctic diatom (Thalassiosira antaretica var.
E. Leu, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Angela Wulff, S. Falk-Petersen, J. B. Orbaek, D. O. Hessen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2006 -
Biological weighting functions as a tool for evaluating two ways to measure UVB radiation inhibition on
Kristin I. M. Andreasson, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology - 2006 -
Inhibition of primary production by UV-B radiation in an arctic bay - model
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Kristin I. M. Andreasson, Kristine Garde, Kim Gustavson, Peter Henriksen, Thomas Reinthaler
Aquatic Sciences - 2006 -
How sensitive are estimates of inhibition of photosynthesis by UV-B radiation in arctiv phytoplankton for different biological and environmental
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Kristin I. M. Andreasson, Kristine Garde, Kim Gustavson, Peter Henriksen, Thomas Reinthaler
Abstraktsamling från ASLO summer meeting 19-24 juni Santiago de Compostella Spain - 2005 -
Cannabis sativa: volatile compounds from pollen and entire male and female plants of two variants, Northern Lights and Hawaian
Miriam Rothschild, Gunnar Bergström, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society - 2005 -
Air-sea exchange of halocarbons: the influence of diurnal and regional variations and distribution of
Katarina Abrahamsson, Anders Lorén, Angela Wulff, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Photosynthetic and bacterial activity in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard:Dependence on ambient PAR and UV-B radiation. in Christian Wiencke (ed): The coastal ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Synopsis of biological research performed at the Koldewey Station since years
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Kim Gustavson
Reports on Polar and Marine Research - 2004 -
Attenuation of biologically effective UV doses under overcast skies: a case study from the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern
Deliang Chen, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Angela Wulff, Katarina Borne
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Impact of ultraviolet-B radiation on the development of phytoplankton communities in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean - results from on-deck model ecosystem
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Angela Wulff
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Optical studies in the Southern
K. E. Rasmus, W. Granéli, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Spatial and vertical distribution of phytoplankton pigments in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern
Angela Wulff, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Impact of UV-B radiation on microalgae and bacteria: a mesocosm study with computer modulated UV-B radiation
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Angela Wulff, C. Nilsson, U Stagell
Aquatic Microbial Ecology - 2001 -
Effects of UVB radiation on a marine microphytobenthic community growing on a sand-substratum under different nutrient
Angela Wulff, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Kristina Sundbäck, C. Nilsson, G. J. C. Underwood
Limnology and Oceanography - 2000 -
UV radiation effects on microbenthos - a four month field
Angela Wulff, C. Nilsson, Kristina Sundbäck, Sten-Åke Wängberg, S Odmark
Aquatic Microbial Ecology - 1999 -
Research cruise of the Scandinavian South African Antarctic expedition, December 1997 to February
P. W. Froneman, E. A. Pakhomov, D. Turner, K. Abrahamson, B. Karlsson, Anna Godhe, S. Bertilsson, W. Graneli, P. Carlsson, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Angela Wulff, P. Croot, K. Andersson, M. Balarin, M. Wedborg, T. Persson, K. Rasmus, M. Ozturk, R. David
South African Journal of Science - 1998 -
Effects of UVB radiation in a microbenthic community of a marine shallow-water sandy
S Odmark, Angela Wulff, Sten-Åke Wängberg, C. Nilsson, Kristina Sundbäck
Marine Biology - 1998 -
Does the present ultraviolet radiation influence a marine microbenthic community? A long-term field
Angela Wulff, C. Nilsson, S Odmark, Kristina Sundbäck, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Phycologia - 1997 -
Effects of UV-B radiation on synthesis of mucosporine-like amino acids and growth in Heterocapsa
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Agneta Persson, Bengt Karlson
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology - 1997 -
Effects of enhanced UVB radiation on a marine benthic diatom
Kristina Sundbäck, S Odmark, Angela Wulff, C. Nilsson, Sten-Åke Wängberg
Marine Biology - 1997 -
Undersökning av algtoxiciteten hos avloppsvatten från Stenungsundsområdet - STORK. Rapport till Statens Naturvårdsverk, STORK-projektet. (In
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Sverker Molander
1990 -
Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) - a new ecotoxicological tool. In: Cairns J Jr. & Pratt JR (eds) Functional testing of Aquatic Biota for Estimating Hazards of Chemicals, ASTM STP
Hans Blanck, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Sverker Molander
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 219-230. (Cited 138 times to 2011-03) - 1988 -
Avloppsvatten från Berol Kemi AB, Stenungsund - en studie av perifytonsamhällen från Askeröfjorden och Stigfjorden. Rapport till MUST (Miljöutredningen för Stenungsund), Statens Naturvårdsverk, Rapport SNV PM 3118. (In Swedish with English
Sverker Molander, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Hans Blanck
1986 -
Inverkan av tio industriella avloppsvatten på tillväxt av tretton limniska mikroalger. Report to the KIU-project, Statens Naturvårdsverk. (In
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Sverker Molander, Hans Blanck
1985 -
Toxicitet hos åtta industriavloppsvatten från Stenungsundsområdet för 18 marina alger. In Granmo Å, (ed.) Översiktsplan samt biologiska tester av industriavloppsvatten från Stenungsund, Statens Naturvårdsverk, Rapport SNV PM 1845. (In Swedish with English
Sten-Åke Wängberg, Sverker Molander, Hans Blanck