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- Roland Barthel
Roland Barthel
Fakultetskansliet för naturvetenskap och teknikOm Roland Barthel
Min forskning fokuserar huvudsakligen på klimatförändringarnas effekt på vattenresurser och vattenförsörjning, särskilt när det gäller grundvatten. I mina nuvarande forskningsprojekt tar jag upp frågor som torka, vattenbrist och extrema väderhändelser i Sverige och andra delar av Europa. Trots att jag har en bakgrund inom naturvetenskap, med inriktning på geologi och hydrologi, har mitt intresse alltmer flyttats mot samhällsaspekter, engagemang med externa aktörer och samarbete med kollegor från olika discipliner. Naturvetenskapen tillhandahåller värdefull kunskap och verktyg, men för att implementera lösningar effektivt krävs integration av ekonomiska, politiska och sociala faktorer. Min forskning strävar efter att sammanföra förståelsen för fysiska system med insikter om hur individer och beslutsfattare hanterar olika tillstånd och förändringar i dessa system. Ett framträdande exempel på detta är privata brunnar, som utgör en viktig del av Sveriges dricksvattenförsörjning, men som mestadels är oreglerade och ofta förbisedda av både myndigheter och forskare.
Som ett sidospår i min forskning undersöker jag förutsättningarna för tvärvetenskaplig forskning som brobyggare mellan natur- och samhällsvetenskap.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2004-6199
Min undervisning är inriktad på hydrologi och hydrogeologi, två ämnen som inte fanns vid Göteborgs universitet innan jag började 2012. Jag har utvecklat två innovativa kurser: Tillämpad hydrologi (GVG460) på mastersnivå och Hydrologi och Hydrogeologi (GV0340/GV2002) på grundnivå. Dessutom bidrar jag med min expertis inom hydrologi och hydrogeologi till flera andra kurser, bland annat grundkursen i geovetenskap. Det råder en stor efterfrågan på specialister inom grundvatten och vattenresurser på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, särskilt inom områden som vattenförsörjning, miljöföroreningar och stora infrastrukturprojekt som Västlänken.
Jag är ansvarig för examensarbeteskurserna i geovetenskaper på mastersnivå, leder seminariekurserna för mastersstudenter och är ordförande för programkommittén i geovetenskaper. Jag har blivit hedrad med nominering till studentkårens pedagogiska pris tre gånger i rad, och vunnit priset 2014 och 2016.
För närvarande deltar jag i ett EU-projekt (Erasmus+) som syftar till att utveckla digitala modulära undervisningsverktyg i samarbete med TU Dresden, universitetet i Graz och universitetet i Barcelona."
Kurser: GVG460, GV2002, GV1410, GE2120, GE5000, GVG430, GVR011, ES1300, GV0415, GV0430, GV0460, GV0401, GV0502, avancerat projektarbete
Uppdrag (Göteborgs Universitet)
Institutionen för Geovetenskaper:
Prefekt, 2018–2022
Programkommitté för geovetenskaper (kandidat och masters), ordförande, 2022-
Institutionsråd, ledamot, 2015–2018
Strategikommitté, geovetenskaper, ordförande, 2015-2016
Strategikommitte´, geovetenskaper, ledamot, 2014-2015
Programkommitté för forskarutbildning (PKFU), ledamot, 2013-2023
Programkommitté för forskning (PROF), ledamot 2013-2015
Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Docenturnämnden, ledamot, 2015-2018
Groundwater modelling for decision-support in practice: Insights from
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Roland Barthel, Emil Haraldsson
Ambio - 2024 -
Drought propagation in high-latitude catchments: Insights from a 60-Year Analysis Using Standardized
Claudia Teutschbein, Thomas Grabs, Markus Giese, Andrijana Todorović, Roland Barthel
EGUsphere (NHESSD) - 2024 -
Data-driven estimation of groundwater level time-series at unmonitored sites using comparative regional
Ezra Haaf, Markus Giese, Thomas Reimann, Roland Barthel
Water Resources Research - 2023 -
Exploring groundwater drought responsiveness in lowland post‑glacial
Michelle Nygren, Roland Barthel, Diana M. Allen, Markus Giese
Hydrogeology Journal - 2022 -
Systematic visual analysis of groundwater hydrographs: potential benefits and
Roland Barthel, E. Haaf, Michelle Nygren, Markus Giese
Hydrogeology Journal - 2022 -
Current understanding of groundwater recharge and groundwater drought in Sweden compared to countries with similar geology and
Roland Barthel, Moa Stangefelt, Markus Giese, Michelle Nygren, Kristina Seftigen, Deliang Chen
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography - 2021 -
Review: Saltwater intrusion in fractured crystalline
Markus Giese, Roland Barthel
Hydrogeology Journal - 2021 -
Recent trends in hydroclimate and groundwater levels in a region with seasonal frost
Michelle Nygren, Markus Giese, Roland Barthel
Journal of Hydrology - 2021 -
Similarity-based approaches in hydrogeology: proposal of a new concept for data-scarce groundwater resource characterization and
Roland Barthel, Ezra Haaf, Markus Giese, Michelle Nygren, Benedikt Heudorfer, Kerstin Stahl
Hydrogeology Journal - 2021 -
Hydroclimate changes over Sweden in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries: a millennium
Deliang Chen, Peng Zhang, Kristina Seftigen, Tinghai Ou, Markus Giese, Roland Barthel
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography - 2021 -
Comparative hydrogeology – reference analysis of groundwater dynamics from neighbouring observation
Markus Giese, Ezra Haaf, Benedikt Heudorfer, Roland Barthel
Hydrological Sciences Journal - 2020 -
Physiographic and climatic controls on regional groundwater
Ezra Haaf, Markus Giese, Benedikt Heudorfer, Kerstin Stahl, Roland Barthel
Water Resources Research - 2020 -
Changes in seasonality of groundwater level fluctuations in a temperate-cold climate transition
Michelle Nygren, Markus Giese, Björn Klöve, Ezra Haaf, Pekka M. Rossi, Roland Barthel
Journal of Hydrology X - 2020 -
Index-Based Characterization and Quantification of Groundwater
B. Heudorfer, Ezra Haaf, K. Stahl, Roland Barthel
Water Resources Research - 2019 -
An inter-comparison of similarity-based methods for organisation and classification of groundwater
Ezra Haaf, Roland Barthel
Journal of Hydrology - 2018 -
Editor’s Message: How much interdisciplinary collaboration between the natural and social sciences is there in groundwater
Roland Barthel
Hydrogeology Journal - 2017 -
Linking scientific disciplines: Hydrology and social
R. Seidl, Roland Barthel
Journal of Hydrology - 2017 -
Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Natural and Social Sciences - Status and Trends Exemplified in Groundwater
Roland Barthel, R. Seidl
Plos One - 2017 -
A review of contamination of surface-, ground-, and drinking water in Sweden by perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Stefan Banzhaf, Marko Filipovic, Jeffrey Lewis, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Roland Barthel
Ambio - 2017 -
Interdisciplinary and participatory approaches: the key to effective groundwater
Roland Barthel, Stephen Foster, Karen G. Villholth
Hydrogeology Journal - 2017 -
Estimating the Change in Groundwater Quality Resulting from Changes to Land Use and Groundwater
Roland Barthel, FredyAlexanderPeña Reyes
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Multiscale evaluation of the Standardized Precipitation Index as a groundwater drought
Rohini Kumar, Jude L. Musuuza, Anne F. Van Loon, Adriaan J. Teuling, Roland Barthel, Jurriaan Ten Broek, Juliane Mai, Luis Samaniego, Sabine Attinger
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - 2016 -
DeepActor Models in
Andreas Ernst, Silke Kuhn, Roland Barthel, Stefan Janisch, Tatjana Krimly, Mario Sax, Markus Zimmer
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Total Extraction and Total Water Supply per
Roland Barthel, Darla Nickel
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Hydrogeology – A Consistent Basin-Wide Representation of the Major Aquifers in the Upper Danube
Roland Barthel, Jürgen Braun, Vlad Rojanschi, Jens Wolf
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Changes to the Quantitative Status of Groundwater and the Water
Roland Barthel, Ralf Ziller, Anita Leinberger, Thomas Hörhan
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Modelling the Effects of Global Change on Drinking Water Supply: The DeepWaterSupply Decision
Roland Barthel, Darla Nickel
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Data on Quantity and Quality of
Thorben Römer, Jan van Heyden, Roland Barthel
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction at the Regional-scale – A Review with Focus on Regional Integrated
Roland Barthel, Stefan Banzhaf
Water Resources Management - 2016 -
Global change impacts on the Upper Danube Catchment (Central Europe): a study of participatory
Roland Barthel, Roman Seidl, Darla Nickel, Hannah Büttner
Regional Environmental Change - 2016 -
Groundwater Contour Maps for the Alluvial Aquifers of the Upper Danube
Roland Barthel, Vlad Rojanschi, Jens Wolf
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Extraction of Water for Public Drinking Water
Roland Barthel, Alejandro Meleg, Darla Nickel, Alexandar Trifkovic
Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts - 2016 -
Hydrogeologiska undersökningar gällande lakvattenbildning vid Brudaremossens
Maria Granberg, Johanna Merisalu, Sebastian Pokorny, Stefan Banzhaf, Roland Barthel
Grundvattendagarna, Göteborg, 13-14 oktober 2015 - 2015 -
PFASs in groundwater - a risk for Swedish drinking
Stefan Banzhaf, Jeffrey Lewis, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Roland Barthel
Grundvattendagarna, Göteborg, 13-14 oktober 2015 - 2015 -
PFAS – A threat for groundwater and drinking water supply in
Jeffrey Lewis, Stefan Banzhaf, Malva Ahlkrona, Berit Arnheimer, Roland Barthel, Martin Bergvall, Niklas Blomquist, Gunnar Jacks, Cecilia Jansson, Patrik Lissel, Lars Marklund, Bo Olofsson, Kenneth M. Persson, Jan Sjöström, Charlotte Sparrenbom
EGU General Assembly 2015 - 2015 -
Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations to evaluate groundwater influences on GHG emissions at the national research site
Stefan Banzhaf, Leif Klemedtsson, Erik Sturkell, Elin Nyström, Roland Barthel
EGU General Assembly 2015 - 2015 -
Marrying Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Assessment for the needs of Water Resource
B. Croke, R. Blakers, S. El Sawah, B. Fu, J. Guillaume, R.A. Kelly, M.J. Patrick, A. Ross, J. Ticehurst, Roland Barthel, A. Jakeman
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences - 2014 -
Groundwater- Surface Water Interaction at the Regional
Roland Barthel, Stefan Banzhaf
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-11942, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014 - 2014 -
Integration of groundwater and surface water research: an interdisciplinary
Roland Barthel
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - 2014 -
A call for more fundamental science in regional
Roland Barthel
Hydrogeology Journal - 2014 -
Hydrogeological classification as a tool to support regional scale groundwater assessment and
Roland Barthel, L. Samaniego, R. Kumar, Deliang Chen, A. Bardossy
Grundvattendagarna 2013 Lund, 16–17 oktober. SGU, Rapporter och meddelanden - 2013 -
Global change impacts on groundwater and water supply – an integrated modelling study from southern
Roland Barthel, T.G. Reichenau, M. Muerth, C. Heinzeller, K. Schneider, R. Hennicker, W. Mauser, T. Krimly, M. Elbers, A. Soboll, J. Wackerbauer, S. Janisch, S. Dabbert, J. Schmude, A. Ernst
SGU, Rapporter och meddelanden - 2013 -
Some considerations on the attractiveness of participatory processes for researchers from natural
Roland Barthel
Geophysical Research Abstracts - 2013 -
Integrated, process-based, spatially explicit modeling of the effects of water resources
Roland Barthel, T. G. Reichenau, T. Krimly, S. Dabbert, K. Schneider, W. Mauser
LuWQ2013, Land Use and Water Quality: Reducing Effects of Agriculture - 2013 -
Integrated modeling of global change impacts on agriculture and groundwater
Roland Barthel, Tim G. Reichenau, Tatjana Krimly, Stephan Dabbert, Karl Schneider, Wolfram Mauser
Water resources management - 2012 -
Global change impacts on groundwater in Southern Germany-Part 2: Socioeconomic
Roland Barthel, T. Krimly, M. Elbers, A. Soboll, J. Wackerbauer, R. Hennicker, S. Janisch, T. G. Reichenau, S. Dabbert, J. Schmude, A. Ernst, W. Mauser
Grundwasser - 2011 -
Global change impacts on groundwater in Southern Germany-Part 1: Natural
Roland Barthel, T. G. Reichenau, M. Muerth, C. Heinzeller, K. Schneider, R. Hennicker, W. Mauser
Grundwasser - 2011 -
An indicator approach to assessing and predicting the quantitative state of groundwater bodies on the regional scale with a special focus on the impacts of climate
Roland Barthel
Hydrogeology Journal - 2011 -
What can we learn from long-term groundwater data to improve climate change impact
S. Stoll, H. J. Hendricks Franssen, Roland Barthel, W. Kinzelbach
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - 2011 -
Combination of soil-water balance models and water-table fluctuation methods for evaluation and improvement of groundwater recharge
Z. Jie, J. van Heyden, D. Bendel, Roland Barthel
Hydrogeology Journal - 2011 -
Integrated regional modelling and scenario development to evaluate future water demand under global change
A. Soboll, M. Elbers, Roland Barthel, J. Schmude, A. Ernst, R. Ziller
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - 2011 -
Using the Multiactor-Approach in Glowa-Danube to Simulate Decisions for the Water Supply Sector Under Conditions of Global Climate
Roland Barthel, S. Janisch, D. Nickel, A. Trifkovic, T. Hörhan
Water Resources Management - 2010 -
Using the multiactor-approach in GLOWA-danube to simulate decisions for the water supply sector under conditions of global climate
Roland Barthel, S. Janisch, D. Nickel, A. Trifkovic, T. Hörhan
Water Resources Management - 2010 -
Untersuchungen zur zeitlichen Entwicklung der Grundwasserqualität im Einzugsgebiet der Oberen
T. Römer, Roland Barthel, J. van Heyden, A. Bárdossy
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2009 -
Untersuchung der längerfristigen Wechselwirkung zwischen Klima und Grundwasserständen auf der regionalen
J. van Heyden, Roland Barthel, T. Römer, A. Bárdossy
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2009 -
Aspects of choosing appropriate concepts for modelling groundwater resources in regional integrated water resources management - Examples from the Neckar (Germany) and Ouémé catchment
Roland Barthel, J. Jagelke, J. Götzinger, T. Gaiser, A. Printz
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth - 2008 -
An integrated modelling framework for simulating regional-scale actor responses to global change in the water
Roland Barthel, S. Janisch, N. Schwarz, A. Trifkovic, D. Nickel, C. Schulz, W. Mauser
Environmental Modelling & Software - 2008 -
The Impacts of Climate Change on the Groundwater System of the Upper Danube Catchment Derived from Piezometric Head and Groundwater Quality Time Series
Roland Barthel, J. van Heyden, T. Römer
XXXVI IAH congress, IAH 2008 (26. Oktober - 1. November 2008, Toyama, Japan) - 2008 -
The role of groundwater recharge and baseflow in integrated
J. Götzinger, Roland Barthel, J. Jagelke, A. Bárdossy
IAHS-AISH Publication - 2008 -
Integrative Bewertung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den mengenmäßigen Zustand regionaler
Roland Barthel
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2007 -
Großskalige Grundwasserströmungsmodelle als Bestandteil integrierter Flussgebiets-managementsysteme am Beispiel Neckar und Obere
Roland Barthel, J. Wolf, J. Jagelke, V. Rojanschi, W. Mauser, T. Gaiser, J. Braun
Hydrogeologie und Umwelt Heft - 2007 -
Common problematic aspects of coupling hydrological models with groundwater flow models on the river catchment
Roland Barthel
Advances in Geosciences - 2006 -
Preface: Integration of hydrological models on different spatial and temporal
Roland Barthel, J. Götzinger, G. Hartmann, J. Jagelke, V. Rojanschi, J. Wolf
Advances in Geosciences - 2006 -
Storage cascade vs. MODFLOW for the modelling of groundwater flow in the context of the calibration of a hydrological model in the Ammer
V. Rojanschi, J. Wolf, Roland Barthel
Advances in Geosciences - 2006 -
Linking the physical and the socio-economic compartments of an integrated water and land use management model on a river basin scale using an object-oriented water supply
Roland Barthel, D. Nickel, A. Meleg, A. Trifkovic, J. Braun
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth - 2005 -
The water supply situation of the alpine region and its representation in the Integrated River Basin Management Model
Roland Barthel, D. Nickel, J. Wolf, V. Rojanschi, A. Trifkovic, J. Braun
Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung - 2005 -
Erfahrungen bei der Grundwasserströmungsmodellierung im Rahmen eines integrierten Modells zur
J. Jagelke, Roland Barthel
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2005 -
Large-scale water resources management within the framework of GLOWA-Danube - The water supply
D. Nickel, Roland Barthel, J. Braun
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth - 2005 -
Large-scale water resources management within the framework of GLOWA-Danube. Part A: The groundwater
Roland Barthel, V. Rojanschi, J. Wolf, J. Braun
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth - 2005 -
Groundwater flow modelling on the regional scale in the upper Danube catchment. Study on the applicability of hydrograph separation methods to parameterise the groundwater model in the alpine
V. Rojanschi, Roland Barthel, J. Wolf, J. Braun
Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung - 2005 -
Conceptualization and implementation of a regional groundwater model for the Neckar catchment in the framework of an integrated regional
J. Jagelke, Roland Barthel
Advances in Geosciences - 2005 -
Using multi-objective optimisation to integrate alpine regions in groundwater flow
V. Rojanschi, J. Wolf, Roland Barthel, J. Braun
Advances in Geosciences - 2005 -
Integrative Hydrologic Modelling Techniques for Sustainable Water Management Regarding Global Environmental Change in the Upper Danube River
W. Mauser, Roland Barthel
Research Basins and Hydrological Planning - 2004 -
Integrative Hydrologic Modelling Techniques for Sustainable Water Management Regarding Global Environmental Change in the Upper Danube River
W. Mauser, Roland Barthel
Research Basins and Hydrological Planning - 2004 -
Konzeption eines regionalen Grundwassermodells für das Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau im Rahmen des Forschungs-Projektes
Roland Barthel, J. Braun
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2003 -
Grundwassermodellierung im Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau: Fortschritte und Probleme im Bereich des Teilprojekts „GLOWA-Danube
Roland Barthel, V. Rojanschi, J. Wolf, J. Braun
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2003 -
Ein agenten-basiertes Wasserversorgungsmodell für das Obere
D. Nickel, C. Schmid, Roland Barthel, J. Braun
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2003 -
Erstellung eines mesoskaligen Grundwasserströmungs- und Transportmodells für das Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau im Rahmen der Forschungskooperation
Roland Barthel, J. Braun, V. Rojanschi, C. Schmid, J. Wolf
Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - 2002 -
GIS-based analysis of geohazards and potential georesources using 3-D models of geological
G. Kus, Roland Barthel
GIS-gestutzte analyse von georisiken und -potentialen unter verwendung geologischer 3D-untergrundmodelle - 2000