
Christina Lindqvist


Institutionen för språk och litteraturer
Renströmsgatan 6
41256 Göteborg
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

Om Christina Lindqvist


Jag undervisar främst i grammatik, vokabulär, språkvetenskap och språkdidaktik på både grundnivå och avancerad nivå. Jag är kursansvarig för avancerad nivå.


Jag handleder och examinerar uppsatser i franska med språkvetenskaplig inriktning på grund- och avancerad nivå. Jag handleder också två doktorander i engelska med inriktning mot lärande och en doktorand i franska.


Min forskning rör andraspråksinlärning: ordinlärning, olika aspekter av ordförrådet hos svenska inlärare av franska som andra-/tredjespråk, lexikal rikedom, transfer/tvärspråkliga influenser, tredjespråksinlärning.

Jag är områdesansvarig för forskningsområdet Språk och lärande, samt samordnare för Franska forskarseminariet.

Publikationer före 2016


  • Lindqvist, C. (2003). Le rôle des langues sources dans l’interlangue française. Étude des lexèmes d’origine translinguistique chez des apprenants suédophones. Licenciatavhandling. Stockholms universitet: Institutionen för franska och italienska.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2006). L’influence translinguistique dans l’interlangue française. Étude de la production orale d’apprenants plurilingues. Doktorsavhandling. Stockholms universitet: Institutionen för franska, italienska och klassiska språk.

Peer-review granskade artiklar

  • Bardel, C., Gudmundson, A. & Lindqvist, C. (2012). Aspects of lexical sophistication in advanced learners’ oral production. Vocabulary acquisition and use in L2 French and Italian. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34: 269-290.
  • Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (2011). Developing a lexical profiler for spoken French and Italian L2. The role of frequency, cognates and thematic vocabulary. In Roberts, L., Pallotti, G. & Bettoni, C. Eurosla Yearbook 11, 75-93. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (2007). The role of proficiency and psychotypology in lexical cross-linguistic influence. A study of a multilingual learner of Italian L3. In M. Chini, P. Desideri, M. E. Favilla & G. Pallotti (eds). Atti del VI Congresso di Studi dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Napoli, 9-10 febbraio 2006, 123-145. Perugia: Guerra Editore.
  • Falk, Y., Lindqvist, C., & Bardel, C. (2014). What is the role of the L1 metalinguistic knowledge in L3 learning? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1366728913000552, Published online: 21 November 2013
  • Forsberg Lundell, F., Bartning, I., Engel, H., Gudmundson, A., Hancock, V. & Lindqvist, C. (2013). Beyond advanced stages in high-level spoken L2 French. Journal of French Language Studies 24 (2). Available on CJO 2013 doi:10.1017/S0959269513000057
  • Forsberg Lundell, F. & Lindqvist, C. (2012). Vocabulary development in advanced L2 French – do formulaic sequences and lexical richness develop at the same rate? Languages, Interaction and Acquisition 3 (1): 73-92.
  • Forsberg Lundell, F. & Lindqvist, C. (2014). Vocabulary development in advanced L2 French – do formulaic sequences and lexical richness develop at the same rate? In Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (eds.), pp. 75-94. The acquisition of French as a second language: new developmental perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Forsberg Lundell, F. & Lindqvist, C. (2014). Lexical aspects of very advanced L2 French. Canadian Modern Language Review 70 (1): 28-49.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2009). The use of the L1 and the L2 in French L3. Examining cross-linguistic lexemes in multilingual learners’ oral production. International Journal of Multilingualism 6 (3): 281-297.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2010). La richesse lexicale dans la production orale de l’apprenant avancé de français. La revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes/The Canadian Modern Language Review 66 (3): 393-420.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2010). Inter- and intralingual lexical influences in advanced learners’ French L3 oral production. Special issue of the International Review of Applied Linguistics in language teaching 48 (2-3): 131-157. Approaches to third language acquisition. 30 sidor.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2012). Advanced learners’ word choices in French L3 oral production. In Cabrelli Amaro, J., Flynn, S. & Rothman, J. (eds.) Third language acquisition in adulthood. (pp. 255-280). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2015). Do learners transfer from the language they perceive as most closely related to the L3? The role of psychotypology for lexical and grammatical cross-linguistic influence in French L3. In G. De Angelis, U. Jessner, & M. Kresic (eds). Multilingualism: Crosslinguistic influence in language learning. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Lindqvist, C., Bardel, C. & Gudmundson, A. (2011). Lexical richness in the advanced learner’s oral production of French and Italian L2. International Review of Applied Linguistics in language teaching 49 (3): 221-240.
  • Lindqvist, C. & Falk, Y. (2014). When Germans begin to learn Swedish. Which is the transfer source for function words, content words and syntax? In Roberts, L., Vedder, I. & Hulstijn, J. (eds) Eurosla Yearbook 14. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 225-239.
  • Lindqvist, C., Gudmundson, A. & Bardel, C. (2013). A new approach to the measuring of vocabulary in L2 oral production. In Bardel, C., Lindqvist, C. & Laufer, B. (eds.). L2 vocabulary acquisition, knowledge and use. New perspectives on assessment and corpus analysis. (pp. 109-126). Eurosla Monograph Series 2. http://eurosla.org/monographs/EM02/EM02home.php

Andra vetenskapliga artiklar

  • Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (2012). Introduction. The acquisition of French as a second language: new developmental perspectives. Special issue in honour of Inge Bartning. Languages, Interaction and Acquisition 3 (1): 1-6.
  • Bardel, C., Lindqvist, C. & Laufer, B. (2013). Foreword. In Bardel, C., Lindqvist, C. & Laufer, B. (eds.). L2 vocabulary acquisition, knowledge and use. New perspectives on assessment and corpus analysis (pp. 5-10). Eurosla Monographs 2. Open access: http://eurosla.org/monographs/EM02/EM02home.php.
  • Lindqvist, C. (2015). Est-il possible d’atteindre un nivau natif de compétence lexicale en langue seconde ? Le cas du français chez les locuteurs suédophones. In Prescod, P. & Robert, J-M. La langue seconde de l’école à l’université : état des lieux. Cahiers d’ateliers sociolinguistiques 10, 229-249. Paris : Harmattan.
  • Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (2010). Introduction. Special issue of the International Review of Applied Linguistics in language teaching 48 (2-3). Approaches to third language acquisition.
  • Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (2014). Introduction. In Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (eds.), pp. 1-6. The acquisition of French as a second language: new developmental perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


  • Bardel, C., Falk, Y. & Lindqvist, C. (2013). Multilingualism in Sweden. In Singleton, D., Fishman, J., Aronin, L. & Ó Laoire, M. (eds.). Current Multilingualism. A new linguistic dispensation (pp. 247-269). Boston/Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
  • Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (2013). Exploring the impact of the proficiency and typology factors: two cases of multilingual learners’ L3 learning. In Pawlak, M. & Aronin, L. Essential topics in applied linguistics and multilingualism. Studies in honor of David Singleton. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. p. 253-266


  • Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (eds.) (2010). Approaches to third language acquisition. Special issue of International Review of Applied Linguistics in language teaching 48 (2-3).
  • Bardel, C., Lindqvist, C. & Laufer, B. (eds.) (2013). L2 vocabulary acquisition, knowledge and use. New perspectives on assessment and corpus analysis. Eurosla Monograph Series 2. http://eurosla.org/monographs/EM02/EM02home.php
  • Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (eds.) (2012). The acquisition of French as a second language: new developmental perspectives. Special issue. Languages, Interaction and Acquisition 3 (1).
  • Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (eds.) (2014). The acquisition of French as a second language: new developmental perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Roberts, L., Lindqvist, C., Bardel, C. & Abrahamsson, N. (eds.) (2012). Eurosla Yearbook 12. John Benjamins.