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- My Engström
My Engström
Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsaViceprefekt
Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsaOm My Engström
My Engström är docent i omvårdnad och hennes forskningsområden fokuserar primärt på vården kring personer (vuxna och ungdomar) som genomgår kirurgisk behandling för svår obesitas. Samt återhämtning och anpassning efter olika typer av kirurgiska ingrepp, transplantation samt för äldre personer som drabbats av ett fysiskt trauma. Sedan juli 2024 har My uppdraget som viceprefekt och studierektor för forskarutbildningen vid institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa.
Avhandling 2013: Patient's perspective on obesity surgery - expectations, experiences and self-reported outcomes.
My undervisar och examinerar på grund, avancerad och forskarnivå och är programansvarig för Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen i kirurgisk vård sedan 2018. Tillsammans med Sofia Almerud Österberg är hon sedan 2025 redaktör för boken: Hälsa och ohälsa i Studentlitteraturs bokverk: Omvårdnadens grunder.
Klinisk verksamhet
My är sjuksköterska med specialistutbildning inom kirurgisk vård och har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av att arbeta på kirurgen Sahlgrenska. My har framför allt varit verksam inom den kirurgiska akutsjukvården där hon även arbetar kliniskt idag. Under många år arbetade hon som forskningssjuksköterska och forskningskoordinator på verksamheten. Detta arbete gjordes tillsammans med interna, externa och nationella och internationella samarbetspartner från kliniken, akademin och näringslivet.
Samverkan med Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset
Hennes tjänst som universitetslektor och docent är förenad med befattning som specialistsjuksköterska (20%) vid verksamhet Kirurgi, SU/Sahlgrenska. År 2017 blev hon utnämnd till Översjuksköterska och 2019 som universitetsjukhusöversjuksköterska. Under perioden 2019-2024 arbetade hon till 20% som projektledare för FoUUI direktör Caterina Finizia och var då ansvarig och drev flera områden i FoUUI-enhetens ledningsgrupp och funktionsgrupp
Palliative care consultation in the last week of life and associated factors: a cross-sectional general population
Susanna Böling, Hanna Gyllensten, My Engström, Emma Lundberg, Johan Berlin, Joakim Öhlén
Palliative care and social practice - 2024 -
Postradiation trismus in head and neck cancer survivors: a qualitative study of effects on life, rehabilitation, used coping strategies and support from the healthcare
Susan Aghajanzadeh, Therese Karlsson, Lisa Tuomi, My Engström, Caterina Finizia
Reply to letter to the editor: Trismus, health-related quality of life, and trismus-related symptoms up to 5-years post-radiotherapy for head and neck cancer treated between
Therese Karlsson, Lisa Tuomi, Susan Aghajanzadeh, My Engström, Caterina Finizia
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer - 2024 -
Recovering from physical trauma in late life, a struggle to recapture autonomy: A grounded theory
Hanna Järbrink, Anna Forsberg, Hanna Falk Erhag, Jörgen Lundälv, Kristofer Bjerså, My Engström
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2024 -
Influence of an enhanced recovery programme on clinical outcomes and health-related quality of life after pancreaticoduodenectomy ad modum Whipple - an explorative and comparative single-centre
Thomas K. Andersson, My Engström, Johanna Wennerblom, Hanna Gyllensten, Kristofer Bjerså
BMC SURGERY - 2024 -
'My goal was to become normal'-A qualitative investigation of coping with stigma, body image and self-esteem long-term after bariatric
Linda Jiretorn, My Engström, Cecilia Laursen, Ximena Ramos Salas, Kajsa Järvholm
Introduction of a Novel Patient Safety Advisory: Evaluation of Perceived Information With a Modified QPP Questionnaire-A Case-Control
Bojan Tubić, Margareta Bånnsgård, Susanne Gustavsson, My Engström, Johanna Moreno, Caterina Finizia
Ten-Year Outcomes Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs Duodenal Switch for High Body Mass Index: A Randomized Clinical
Odd Bjorn Kjeldaas Salte, Torsten Olbers, Hilde Risstad, Morten Wang Fagerland, Torgeir Thorson Sovik, Ingvild Kristine Blom-Hogestol, Jon A. Kristinsson, My Engström, Tom Mala
Trauma in older adults: Family members´experiences of becoming a
Hanna Järbrink, Kristofer Bjerså, Hanna Falk Erhag, Jörgen Lundälv, My Engström
RCN (Royal College of Nursing) International Nursing Research Conference, 10-12 September 2024. Northumria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. - 2024 -
Being Normal yet Different: A Qualitative Study on the Dualistic Experience of Living With Unilateral Cleft Lip and
Anna Paganini, My Engström, Hans Mark, Martin Persson
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal - 2024 -
Att vårdas och återhämta sig efter ett fysiskt trauma - från den äldre personens perspektiv. Oral presentation. Presentation vid Kirurgveckan 2023 i Örebro, 21-25 augusti, Conventum,
Hanna Järbrink, Anna Forsberg, Hanna Falk Erhag, Jörgen Lundälv, Kristofer Bjerså, My Engström
Oral presentation. Presentation vid Kirurgveckan 2023 i Örebro, 21-25 augusti, Conventum, Örebro. - 2023 -
Metabolic and bariatric surgery versus intensive non-surgical treatment for adolescents with severe obesity (AMOS2): a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial in
K. Jarvholm, A. Janson, M. Peltonen, M. Neovius, Eva Gronowitz, My Engström, Anna Laurenius, A. J. Beamish, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lovisa Sjögren, T. Olbers
Lancet Child & Adolescent Health - 2023 -
Work conditions influencing professional development of specialist nurses in surgical care explored using the Job Demand-Resources theory: A qualitative
J. Jakobsson, E. Jangland, My Engström, M. Malmstrom, J. Drott
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2023 -
Communicating Patient Safety Information Through Video and Oral Formats—A
Margareta Bånnsgård, Nouri Arazoo, Caterina Finizia, My Engström, Johanna Moreno, Ulrika Roos, Bojan Tubić
Journal of patient safety - 2023 -
Patients' experience of patient safety information and participation in care during a hospital
Bojan Tubić, Caterina Finizia, A. Z. Kamil, P. Larsson, My Engström
Nursing Open - 2023 -
Non-alcohol substance use disorder after bariatric surgery in the prospective, controlled Swedish Obese Subjects
Per-Arne Svensson, Markku Peltonen, Johanna C. Andersson-Assarsson, Sofie Ahlin, Petra Brembeck, My Engström, Peter Jacobson, Magdalena Taube, Kajsa Sjöholm, Lena M S Carlsson
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) - 2023 -
Trismus, health-related quality of life, and trismus-related symptoms up to 5 years post-radiotherapy for head and neck cancer treated between 2007 and
Susan Aghajanzadeh, Therese Karlsson, Lisa Tuomi, My Engström, Caterina Finizia
Supportive Care in Cancer - 2023 -
Facial pain, health-related quality of life and trismus-related symptoms up to 5 years post-radiotherapy for head and neck
Susan Aghajanzadeh, Therese Karlsson, Lisa Tuomi, My Engström, Caterina Finizia
Supportive Care in Cancer - 2023 -
Factors related to a successful professional development for specialist nurses in surgical care: a cross-sectional
J. Drott, My Engström, E. Jangland, V. Fomichov, M. Malmstrom, J. Jakobsson
BMC Nursing - 2023 -
Faktorer av betydelse för palliative consult sista veckan i
Susanna Böling, Hanna Gyllensten, My Engström, Johan Berlin, Joakim Öhlén
7:e Nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, 5-7 september 2022, Göteborg - 2022 -
A prospective 5-year study of trismus prevalence and fluctuation in irradiated head and neck cancer
Susan Aghajanzadeh, Therese Karlsson, My Engström, Lisa Tuomi, Caterina Finizia
Acta Oto-Laryngologica - 2022 -
Perceptions of Experiences of Recovery After Pancreaticoduodenectomy-A Phenomenographic Interview
Thomas K. Andersson, My Engström, Kristofer Bjerså
Cancer Nursing - 2022 -
Comparing effects of obesity treatment with very low energy diet and bariatric surgery after 2 years: a prospective cohort
Gudrun Höskuldsdóttir, My Engström, Araz Rawshani, Frida Lenér, Ville Wallenius, Lars Fändriks, Karin Mossberg, Björn Eliasson
Bmj Open - 2022 -
Surgical technique in constructing the jejunojejunostomy and the risk of small bowel obstruction after Roux-en-Y gastric
Suzanne Hedberg, A. Thorell, My Engström, E. Stenberg, Torsten Olbers
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases - 2022 -
Strategiska satsningar skapar attraktiva
Paulin Andrell, My Engström, Dragana Skiljic, Caterina Finizia
Läkartidningen - 2022 -
Faktorer av betydelse för palliativ konsult sista veckan i
Susanna Böling, Hanna Gyllensten, My Engström, Johan Berlin, Joakim Öhlén
7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg 6-7 september 2022 - 2022 -
Glycemic Control and Metabolic Adaptation in Response to High-Fat versus High-Carbohydrate Diets-Data from a Randomized Cross-Over Study in Healthy
Ville Wallenius, Erik Elebring, Anna Casselbrant, Anna Laurenius, Carel W le Roux, Neil G Docherty, Christina Biörserud, Niclas Björnfot, My Engström, Hanns-Ulrich Marschall, Lars Fändriks
Nutrients - 2021 -
High prevalence of neurodevelopmental problems in adolescents eligible for bariatric surgery for severe
Anna Björk, Jovanna Dahlgren, Eva Gronowitz, Fanny Henriksson Wessely, Annika Janson, My Engström, Lovisa Sjögren, Torsten Olbers, Kajsa Järvholm
Acta paediatrica - 2021 -
The BAriatic surgery SUbstitution and nutrition (BASUN) population: a data-driven exploration of predictors for
Gudrun Höskuldsdóttir, My Engström, Araz Rawshani, Ville Wallenius, Frida Lenér, Lars Fändriks, Karin Mossberg, Björn Eliasson
Bmc Endocrine Disorders - 2021 -
The Jejunojejunostomy: an Achilles Heel of the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Suzanne Hedberg, Yao Xiao, Adam Klasson, Almantas Maleckas, M. Wiren, A. Thorell, Anna Laurenius, My Engström, Torsten Olbers
Obesity Surgery - 2021 -
Patients' views of long-term results of bariatric surgery for super-obesity: sustained effects, but continuing
Kajsa Järvholm, T. Olbers, My Engström
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases - 2021 -
Recovery and Quality of Life After Trauma: A 6-Month Follow-Up
S. Nasirian, My Engström, A. Forsberg, Monika Fagevik Olsén
Journal of Trauma Nursing - 2020 -
A randomized controlled trial comparing intensive non-surgical treatment with bariatric surgery in adolescents aged 13–16 years (AMOS2): Rationale, study design, and patient
A. Janson, K. Järvholm, Eva Gronowitz, L. Sjögren, S. Klaesson, My Engström, M. Peltonen, K. Ekbom, Jovanna Dahlgren, Torsten Olbers
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications - 2020 -
Patients' Perceptions of Experiences of Recovering From Acute Pancreatitis An Interview
K. Boije, A. Drocic, My Engström, Kristofer Bjerså
Gastroenterology Nursing - 2019 -
Patient experiences with isolated limb perfusion for malignant melanoma – A qualitative
M. Ekenberg, H. Wesslau, Roger Olofsson Bagge, My Engström
European Journal of Oncology Nursing - 2019 -
Patients' Experiences of Their Recovery Process After Minor Physical
S. Nasirian, Monika Fagevik Olsén, My Engström
Journal of Trauma Nursing - 2018 -
Patients' experience of acute unplanned surgical
M. Dillström, K. Bjerså, My Engström
Journal of Surgical Research - 2017 -
Self-Reported Eating Disorder Symptoms Before and After Gastric Bypass and Duodenal Switch for Super Obesity—a 5-Year Follow-Up
Marianne Morseth, Susanna Hanvold, O Ro, H Risstad, Tommal Mala, Jurate Saltyte Benth, My Engström, Torsten Olbers, Sigrun Henjum
Obesity Surgery - 2016 -
Equivalent Increases in Circulating GLP-1 Following Jejunal Delivery of Intact and Hydrolysed Casein: Relevance to Satiety Induction Following Bariatric
Carel W le Roux, My Engström, Niclas Björnfot, Lars Fändriks, Neil G Docherty
Obesity surgery - 2016 -
Early dumping syndrome is not a complication but a desirable feature of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Anna Laurenius, My Engström
Clinical Obesity - 2016 -
Trauma Nurses' Experience of Workplace Violence and Threats: Short- and Long-Term Consequences in a Swedish
Karin Avander, Anna Heikki, Kristofer Bjerså, My Engström
Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses - 2016 -
Perception of Control Over Eating After Bariatric Surgery for Super-Obesity—a 2-Year Follow-Up
My Engström, Anna Forsberg, Søvik Torgeir, Torsten Olbers, Hans Lönroth, Jan Karlsson
Obesity Surgery - 2015 -
Five-Year Outcomes After Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch in Patients With Body Mass Index of 50 to 60: A Randomized Clinical
Hilde Risstad, Torgeir T Søvik, My Engström, Erlend T Aasheim, Morten W Fagerland, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Jon A Kristinsson, Carel W le Roux, Thomas Bøhmer, Kåre I Birkeland, Tom Mala, Torsten Olbers
JAMA surgery - 2015 -
Gastrointestinal function and eating behavior after gastric bypass and duodenal
Torgeir T Søvik, Jan Karlsson, Erlend T Aasheim, Morten W Fagerland, Sofia Björkman, My Engström, Jon Kristinsson, Torsten Olbers, Tom Mala
Surgery for obesity and related diseases - 2013 -
Weight loss, cardiovascular risk factors, and quality of life after gastric bypass and duodenal
Torgeir T Søvik, Erlend T Aasheim, Osama Taha, My Engström, Morten W Fagerland, Sofia Björkman, Jon Kristinsson, Kare I Birkeland, Tom Mala, Torsten Olbers
Annals of internal medicine - 2011 -
The meaning of awaiting bariatric surgery due to morbid
My Engström, Malin Wiklund, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Hans Lönroth, Anna Forsberg
The open nursing journal - 2011 -
Wishing for deburdening through a sustainable control after bariatric
My Engström, Anna Forsberg
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being - 2011 -
Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic gastric bypass versus laparoscopic duodenal switch for
T T Søvik, O Taha, E T Aasheim, My Engström, J Kristinsson, S Björkman, C F Schou, Hans Lönroth, T Mala, Torsten Olbers
The British journal of surgery - 2010 -
Vitamin status after bariatric surgery: a randomized study of gastric bypass and duodenal
Aasheim, Björkman, Søvik, My Engström, Hanvold, Mala, Torsten Olbers, Bøhmer
The American journal of clinical nutrition - 2009